Windows On Mac :: Freezes - Black Screen When Request Restart From XP Side Of Boocamped Machine
Apr 8, 2008
Does anyone else consistently experience a black screen and 'nothing' when they request a restart from XP side of a boocamped machine, but not the OSX side?
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Feb 3, 2012
Desktop restart shows flickering black/white screen, then black. Could not restart.
iPad 2, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Dec 5, 2010
I've had this iMac about a year now, and i have had this problem for a while but thought i'de leave it for abit and see if it heals its self. As sometimes the line is more visible than other times and sometimes it's not even there!
I have 2 pictures which i snapped with my iPhone, so i will link you too them.
The line is not majorly visible, but it is just annoying considering i payed �1000 for this iMac.
Picture1: Line overlapping my iTunes.
Picture2: Line on boot up.
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Sep 11, 2010
I have only recently started noticing this, it is mostly visible on the white screen at boot up but just faintly noticed it now against my background.
It is a fading black line going down the left hand side of the screen, it starts at the top kind of fades in the middle then comes out again.
I honestly have no idea what this is, i will try catch a picture on my phone soon and post it up.
UPDATE: Sometimes the line is clear, sometimes it is faint and even sometimes it isn't even there!
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Jun 12, 2009
every 10 minutes something popped up and froze saying that i have to restart my mac book. iz there a virus?? what shud i do so it wont pop up for me to restart every 10 minutes again?
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Jan 2, 2010
I got my IMac 3 years ago just recently started running slower in the past couple months, nothing too bad though. However just yesterday it became unbearable to use. 10 min to start up, once it was on took forever to open up any files etc. So I did some research online and I decided my best option was to reinstall the OS with my startup disk. I did that and erased all my harddrive (nothing important on it.) After doing that it ran great like brand new. Today I turn it on, it continues to work great for a few hours then it freezes in me. I held down the power button to restart. Turned back on and it was stuck on the white apple startup screen. After 15 min I decided to power it off and let it rest a while. After resting it still won't start up.
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Jun 26, 2010
Yesterday I was working away at it when suddenly the screen freaked out, there was blocks of color everywhere and the mouse was acting strange (jerky, up was down, down was up etc etc) I had to hold down power to repair it. When it started loading it froze the little circle in the middle stopped spinning and I had to restart it. Then the same thing happened again froze. So I started it in safe mode then restarted again. This time everything was back to normal. But today again I was just using the computer when everything went all glitchy again and same thing, this time when I went in safe mode the screen darkened and a box in the middle said something was wrong and to restart my computer.
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Sep 8, 2010
While surfing the internet the screen goes dark and wont let me do anything but turn off. (see picture)
Anyone else had this issue? not the first time this has happened!
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Apr 11, 2012
When ask to update software and click 'update all' and asked to restart laptop, the screen freezes and I had to force shutdown.
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Jan 21, 2011
G5 Power Mac, 4 gb RAM, OS 10.6. Machine freezes up if: I run a video (1st, 2nd one), use Safari for a few minutes, use Firefox for 1/2 hour, longer if I only have 1 tab open at a time. Occasionally, I get the black screen of death instead, with the #s running about the screen (white font), out of The Matrix. I've run Disk Utilities - RAM checks out okay, cleared out cache, switched to a new HD (old one had been there since I got the Mac, several years ago), these have alleviated but not eliminated the problem. A tech friend suggested thermal grease on the CPU, or replacing the CPU, but don't know if the latter's possible. Oh, and some part is missing that results in the fan running all of the time, like being on a runway.
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Jun 20, 2009
Recently my Mac Pro has been going to a black screen when idle for a while and I need to power off using the power button and restart. It's not set to ever go to sleep but if I use the sleep function under the Apple, it functions as it should, waking when I touch a key (although I don't let it sit for a while before I wake it). When it is in the black screen mode, it still is performing Time Machine backups.
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Sep 11, 2010
I have a MacBook C2D 2GHz, 4gigs of ram from mid 2007. It has snow leo v. 10.6.4.
I cant remember when the problem appeared but maybe 6 months ago.
Every time the mac is rebootet or shutdown the screen goes black the sleep light stays on but I can hear the chime and cd drive make shot start up sound.
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Aug 25, 2014
Since the last itunes update (May be a co incidence) , my 27" Mac keeps crashing with a white screen and flickering It then wont restart most times, even when using boot up options such as option, Cmd P+R. even removing power!waiting and restarting etc on most restarts wont work its a white screen.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 6, 2014
My mac wont on (goes to black screen) after a gray bar that usually shows after restart has been loaded. What should I do?I already tried the safe mode and it's not working ...
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.1
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May 9, 2012
the computer when it get the grey screen show a meesage the "push the restart button" to reboot want to shut down and restart the computer
iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Feb 8, 2009
Everytime I turn it on I get a black box asking to shut down or restart the mac. I have managed to get it to turn on to powersave and managed to update the software. Thought it might help but just made it worse - it won't boot up at all now past an apple symbol with a little swirly thingy underneath (I apologise now for my lack of intelligence when it comes to computers/knowledge/names of things!) The first time I managed to boot the computer up it came up with the grey screen and a little folder flashing between a face and a question mark which I assume meant it couldn't find anything but that appears to have gone away now. I bought this computer new from Apple about 2 - 3 years ago and no disks were provided with it.
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Mar 30, 2012
My 2009 MBP would have problems shutting down or restarting. On a shutdown, it would appear to off, black screen and no lights, but if you tried pressing the power button nothing happened. I had to hold the power button to turn it completely, then press it again to startup.Restarts had the same behaviour, it would get to a black screen and I would have to hold the power button and then press it again to startup.I ended up taking this MBP back for another problem, and they replaced it with a 2011 MBP (since I had recurring logic board that failed a few times).Anyway, I swapped the SSD from my old mac into the new one, and I have the exact same behaviour!!Seems to be some corrupt settings or something. So I booted from a Mac installation disc, wiped my hard drive and reinstalled the OS, then I restored from Time Machine, and unticked the option to restore settings.I want to also add, that my backlit keyboard isn't working either.I tried resetting the SMC, but the power light on my charger didn't cycle orange/green, so I'm not sure if it worked. I tried multiple time, following Apple instructions.I also reset the PRAM, which did work.
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 16GB RAM, OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS 240
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Dec 3, 2014
I just having problem with starting my Macboook. First, at start screen (gray background with the apple logo) appears pink/red horizontal lines over all the screen. Then, when i'm using my computer, screen goes black for no reason and i need to force restart to turn on the Mac.I can't believe this is happening to a "HIGH QUALITY" expensive computer. This seems happening to 2011 Macbook Pros...
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 18, 2010
About a week ago I had my iBook G4 freeze and display a message that said I need to shut down by either holding the power button for a few seconds or by pressing the restart button (white letters on black screen in 4 languages). I did, it rebooted and ran again. I started to get this on a more frequent basis until this morning the machine would reboot, start to run, would lock up again and then repeat the cycle.
It did not seem to correlate to what I was doing - mostly I Net and E Mail - and was not impacted by running on battery or AC. I tried to run Onyx to "clean" up the software but the program would start to run and then the system would freeze. The Restart Request Screen was not accompanied by any other indications of a problem.
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Dec 2, 2014
I accidentally connected my wife's MacBook Air to my docking station at work today. Nothing seemed to happen so I undocked it and the computer displayed a black screen and I could see and move the cursor using the trackpad. I then tried shutting down by holding the power button for 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 min, etc. Nothing worked and it's stuck on the black screen so I can't use Yosemite's menu to shut down or restart. When I leave the computer idle for around a minute, the cursor disappears but it will reappear after pressing keys on the keyboard.
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 21, 2012
Every few weeks my iMac will suddenly freeze, the screen going black or white or pink etc. The only way I can get the computer back is to hold down the power button to force a shutdown. Then after a restart everything is OK for a few more weeks. Usually it occurs when I am on the internet. I click on something and suddenly the computer is frozen. I am on OS X 10.6.8 and usually use Safari. Ironically when I opened this forum 5 minutes ago there was a similar sounding problem at the top of the list!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCE 4 + FCS 3 . . . Little Knowledge, Many Opinions.
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Jan 18, 2010
After windows is installed a Blue screen appears with cursor on screen but it freezes completely.I can fix this by restarting my mac , then once windows restarts i insert the Mac OS disc , select the disc within my computer but the following message appears "Package requires new version of installer"
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Jul 23, 2010
Is there a way to organize your finder windows automatically like Windows does? By this I mean, tile the windows and/or side by side? I know I can do it manually, but I just would rather have the functionality available.
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Nov 13, 2008
is there a way to make mac windows align side by side, like the funcion in windows where you can select some windows and align them side by side.
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May 27, 2012
The screen of my Macbook Pro (which has probably been left on more often and for longer than it should have been) is dead: cold, black. But the machine itself seems to be on. The power light in the front is on, and it is showing that it is fully charged. Is it possible that screen has died?
MacBook Pro
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Oct 11, 2009
This only happens when I choose to boot into windows. The screen sort of hangs for about 20 seconds in a black screen with an underscore at the top left corner before even starting to boot into windows. I know its normal for this to happen for like 5 seconds tops, but this is happening for about 20 seconds and its dreadful trying to boot into Windows 7 because it takes so long. When windows is done starting up i don't even get any messages saying startup failed or something like that. This is so annoying that I even reinstalled everything but the same thing happened.
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Mar 17, 2009
I was trying to install Windows XP Pro, but for some reason the it wasn't showing another HDD to install Windows on. So I quit the install, and restarted my computer. Now all that happens is the normal grey screen appears (with no Apple logo), then it goes to a black screen and has the blinking cursor (Kinda like DOS).
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Apr 7, 2007
I have a 1.83 MBP, with 1.5 gigs of RAM (stock 512 + additional crucial 1gb) 80 gig HD. Pretty standard.My issue is that once in a while when I restart my machine, bootup is really slow and then I get a weird screen glitch. Often I won't get a full re-boot but will get a half appearing dock and no desktop icons. Sometimes it will have lots of grainy lines across it. Sometimes I will get the beach ball for extended times and it will just freeze there. Basically I keep restarting it, and eventually it goes away and boots up normal.
The thing is I can't really replicate the problem. It just happens at random. Sometimes it happens after I have a system crash, and I need to restart, and sometimes it happens just after a system update restart.Like I said, it doesn't happen that often, but when it does it kind of freaks me out. I've had the logic board replaced in the past to eliminate the "whinning" (which, thankfully is now gone) and I wonder if this is another logic board problem. Other than that the computer has been great. And upon the complementary Applecare expiring pretty soon, I wonder if I should take it in for a repair or just not worry about it. It's kind of hard to take it in if I can't really show them the problem.
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Jan 14, 2010
I was just watching a video on Youtube and then all of a sudden my entire machine freezes, and it logged out me out completely to the main login screen? There was that tiny loading rotate logo in the screen also. What could have caused this?
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Oct 30, 2009
How do I make it so that they stay put! I looked in the finder preference and the view options.
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