OS X Mavericks :: New IMac Is Stuck On Grey Apple Screen After Restart From Migration Assistant
Sep 10, 2014
New iMac is stuck on grey apple screen after startup. It is a 3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i5 running OS 10.9.4. The problem occurred after a migration from my older 2009 iMac which is running Snow Leopard 10.6.6. When the restart occurred from Migration Assistant, the new computer will not boot up to the login screen. Disk utility did not solve problem.
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 30, 2014
I'm attempting to use the migration assistant to migrate from one MacBook Air to another. It has been stuck on "less than 1 minute remaining" for over 18 hours now. If I look at the network, there is a large amount of traffic between the two machines, all of it TCPv6 going from the migration destination to the migration source machine, port 1024.
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Jun 20, 2014
My hard drive crashed therefore I needed to transfer my data and files from my backup via migration assistant. I believe t did something wrong and cause me every time I reboot the machine, a window pop up asking me to input my iCould password. I understand it only asks me once, but is there anyway to solve this
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May 1, 2012
Macbook Pro was purchased in mid-late 2009 and is running on OS X 10.6. Today is suddenly stopped responding and so I turned it off. When I turned it back on it opend to the grey screen with the Apple logo and the loading icon and that is where it stayed. I have been searching for the answer on different forums but have yet to find a solution. My hard drive is appearing in the Disk Utility but not in the box when I try to reinstall OS X.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Dec 5, 2007
This machine has been running fine. I installed ilife8 - had eyeTV running. It was slow, hanging, unhappy so I rebooted. It took a long time but eventually restarted - got the chime and after a few seconds the white screen/grey apple. No spinning wheel - no nothing. After a few minutes the CPU fans slowly go to full scream. Have to hold power switch to shut down. Won't go into single user mode, won't boot CD (can't even get the CD out of the machine, but the dvd never spins up). I've pulled all the memory except the original apple mem. I've tried my Kinston mem. There is nothing else in the machine that isn't pure apple.
G5 dual 2.5 up to date Tiger
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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May 9, 2012
recently a friend of mine offered to update my 2009 MacBook to Mac osx Lion. when I received the computer back from him, it required a rather large update that has put my MacBook in a terrible state.
upon rebooting from the update, it froze at the grey Apple loading screen, and of course I thought nothing of it and gave it a little restart. Since then I cannot get it past the grey screen or the login window. it seems as though I cannot type in my password or click 'sleep' or any option the window gives me. I've been working on this issue all day, and I've tried countless things from the apple support community, with no avail.
I've tried clearing the cache, I've tried safe mode, I've tried the command+option+control+enter trick on the login page, I'm even trying to boot from the install disc my friend gave me...and it's just refusing to move past the grey screen.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 2, 2014
I have an early 2011 15'' Macbook Pro.
I recently purchased a 250GB Samsung 840 EVO SSD and used Migration Assistant to transfer my HDD data to it. After installing
the SSD into my computer, I booted up and have been stuck on the following screen for about a couple of hours:
I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'm afraid that if I hold the power button down for a shut down and restart, this process will start all over.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Feb 9, 2012
Upon initial restart after installation, the grey screen with the Apple icon comes up and gets stuck there. I have tried to power down and get to disk utility to try repairing permisions but it always goes to the log on screen not the recovery mode. All user ID's get a pop up that says 'you are unableto log in to the user account'x' at this time. Logging in to the account failed because an error occurred. The spinning wheel spinns by the PW the whole time the error box is up but goes away when you click OK. It also knows if you put in an incorrect PW or not Have mac mini server 10.7 and an airport extreme the net was really slow at first on other nodes so I had to move to the guest net I cannot logon to the aitport cause it is single sinon enabled Worked yesterday not today after sleeping I can log onto my Wiki page with users though?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2), server
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Dec 7, 2014
MBP, 10.10.1, 16 GB Ram, 756 GB Flash, 1 GB Video, 2.8->3.4 Turbo
MBP, 10.10.1, 16 GB Ram, 1 TB Flash, 2 GB Video, 2.8->4.0 MHz
stuck at transferring application folders
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013)
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Aug 19, 2009
24" imac. leopard system. the system was frozen (which was the first time in two years) a couple of days ago, so i turned the power off to reboot the system. then it's stuck at the grey screen. to make it worse, i have a dvd inserted in the drive. please tell me what seems to be the problem and how to solve it.
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Sep 8, 2014
I've got a problematic iMac running mavericks. I tried to do a disk repair in Recovery Mode which didn't work (said it needed a disk repair but could not repair and that I should backup everything). So then I tried to quit out of recovery and restart by choosing the Mac OS HD...it won't restart...it just keeps giving me the Recovery options front page. What should I do?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Mar 19, 2012
I shut down my imac and when I went to restart it, I can't get it to get past the grey screen.I can't even get to the apple screen.I have unplugged everything and nothing works.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 11, 2014
My main 3tb iMAC is in the shop getting a new fusion drive as it died. I have to use one of my other iMacs temporarily. This other iMac as a 1tb HD but its mostly empty. I have a Time Machine backup on my NAS drive of my main iMac. I want to copy some of my backup files from the NAS to the 1tb iMAC. But I am having issues trying to copy files.
Basically I launch Migration Assistant, it goes through the steps and I pick the user I want to migrate. It start the process then says that the users files are too large for this iMac and so I have the option to go back and pick specific folders to copy. I unclick enough folders so it fits on the 1tb iMAC, I click next and then the Migration Assistant just exits and I am returned to the login screen.
I see the problem on two different iMacs - the 2014 one with 1tb and an older 2011 iMac with 2tb. No error, it just exits.
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Jan 10, 2011
I have a Macbook Pro 13 from the summer of 2009. After Christmas I decided to upgrade my hard drive and memory. This is what I got. [URL] For about a week everything seemed to work perfectly. I then began to have problems almost every day (finder crashing, etc). I reinstalled OSX probably 5 times using my previous account until finally did a clean wipe and reinstalled OSX again. It now seems to be working for the most part, but booting takes about two minutes. It gets stuck on the grey screen with the Apple logo with the turning gear for a couple of minutes before it boots. Normally it wouldn't bother me too much, but after the problems I was having before, I really wanted to make sure that there was no problem with my new hard drive or memory. After doing the usual suggestions for slow boot time (resetting PRAM, disconnecting external devices, repairing disk permissions, etc.) nothing changed. I booted into verbose mode and it seems to hang up for awhile before listing
disk0s2 i/o error
It does this twice before booting, hanging up for about a minute before giving the error. I am not sure if i should return it under warranty because I am not sure its broken. Like I said, it seems perfectly fine right now with the exception of the boot time. Using the Apple Hardware Check, even the extended check, didn't give any errors. The SMART status for the hard drive is verified. Is this clearly a hard drive issue, or could it be something else? Has anyone else had a similar problem?
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Aug 29, 2014
M friend migrating from an old MacBook (with Snow Leopard) to a new one (with Mavericks). The old MacBook is connected to the new one with a firewire cable and is in Target Mode. We can see the disk and folders fine on the old MacBook, but when we try to use Migration Assistant it crashes while computing the size of the user accounts on the old mac (i.e. before we can even start migration). Disk Utility says there's nothing wrong with the old mac's disk.
I checked the crash reports from migration assistant on the new mac, and it turns out that it crashes in the same way every time, and the backtrace looks like the following. My guess is that there might be a file with a strange/wrong name somewhere on that old mac.
Thread 8 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.root.default-priority
0 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff860f547f CFStringGetCharactersPtr + 15
1 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff860f5767 CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation + 55
2 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff860fe8f6 _CFIterateDirectory + 54
[Code] .....
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 30, 2014
I spent 4 days trying to get OS X Migration Assistant to successfully migrate between two desktop machines, both running Mavericks 10.9.3.
The two machines were connected by an ethernet cable, and all migrations would fail after 16-24 hours, with the progress bar stalling out at "Less than one minute remaining".
Before every failed transfer, Migration Assistant would inaccurately show "157 KB selected" for transfer if the "Computer & Network Settings" option was checked, or "0 KB selected" for transfer if only the "Applications" or "Documents & Data" options were checked.
I finally realized that the migrations were failing because I was opening and clicking through Migration Assistant on both the source and target machines at around the same time.
The eventual solution was to open Migration Assistant on the source machine first, and click through as far as I could until the source machine was actively looking for other machines on the network.
As long as I waited until then to open Migration Assistant on the target machine, it would correctly calculate the size of the files to be transferred and the migration would succeed.
So, the order in which you open Migration Assistant seems to make a big difference: source first, then target.
My problem is solved, but only after several days of hassle, so I wanted to post this in case other people had a similar issue.
(I tried many suggested fixes that did not work, included reinstalling OS X on the target machine, running disk repair and fixing permissions on both source and target, changing file sharing on the source machine to include the whole drive, trying to migrate Applications and Documents & Data separately, turning off wifi before the transfer, etc.)
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Jun 6, 2014
I have a Macbook Pro Retina which cam with Mountain Lion installed, and I want to upgrade to Mavericks. However, I have a need to run some apps in Mountain Lion, as official support for those apps will not go past 10.8.5 (Avid's Pro Tools 10) and I need to be able to open archived projects.
I also wish to clean install both operating systems fresh, and do a stripped ML partition, with bare bones essentials, on the smallest partion possible. Mavericks will be the main system, and ML won't host user data, only the legacy apps. I am fine with erasing my 500GB SSD.
My current process is to install ML from the recovery partition, and use disk utility to partition before I do, then install Mavericks from a bootable USB (already made).
So my questions are these:
For ML:
1. What size partition is the minimum necessary to install ML, plus the apps and run without hitch? The legacy apps will take maybe 4GB.I want this as small as possible.
2. When I do a fresh install of ML, what apps can safely be deleted without affecting the system?
For Mavericks:
When migrating my old user account to Mavericks, I don't wish to migrate the apps, just the user settings and the data. I will make an entire backup of the user directory on a separate drive before I start this process, as well as a Time Machine backup. I then plan to migrate the account settings and data, but manually reinstall the extra apps. The reason for this is I have a lot of third party apps, and some are trials I decided to uninstall, and they all leave junk behind.
3. If I import the user account settings and data only, what cruft or orphaned files should I be aware of?
4. Are there options to cherry pick the settings that are migrated?
5. If I manually copy, for example, the mail folder, iCal or messages folder in my user library, and place it into the appropriate user folder in the new account in a worst case scenario, will there be any drama I should be aware of?
Lastly, a question of Apple ID's/iCloud:
6. Before doing this process, should I deauthorise my iTunes account, or will that be fine when migrated anyway?
7. What will happen with my iPhone when I sync to a fresh install on mavericks, will it attempt to wipe my iPhone, or is that part of the user data that is migrated?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Jun 1, 2014
I installed Mavericks and it restarted and now it is stuck on the apple screen. I've tried to reinstall and it gets to the same point. I should've have back up my Hd but did not do this. Is there any way to access my drive and save the files?
MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 16, 2010
Hoping someone can help - my imac (approx 15-18 months old , intel) won't start.
Last night on shutting down DPP (canon Digital image software) was hanging and system asked me if I wanted to force quit it...sadly I had switched off my bluetooth mouse and , as usually once mouse turned off switching it back on it never re connects - why did I buy the bletooth mouse and keyboard ?, so I could not confirm yes force quit - is there no way of selecting with keyboard like there is in windows ?
So I switched off at power switch. Tried to re switch on - grey screen came up, apple logo, the little timer circle but after a while timer circle stopped and nothing further happened.
have tried several more times and now don't even get timer.
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Jun 28, 2014
iMac os x Mavericks 10.9.3. I tried to boot up yesterday morning after completely shutting dwn the night before. Stays on grey screen with Apple logo. I tried safe mode, no luck, will not boot up in safe mode. I tried backing up to external hard drive from utilities, but it stopped and said something like couldn't perform function... I never used or set up Time Machine.
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Dec 6, 2010
I just bought a new MacBook Pro because my other computer pretty much died, in that the screen can no longer be seen. The guy at the store told me it was probably a bad cable running from the computer to the monitor. Anyways, I am trying to get stuff off of my old computer with migration assistant. Right now, I cannot even see if my old computer is logged in, connected to the internet, or anything. In trying to using the network migration assistant, it prompts me to right in a set of numbers to connect with my old computer. How can I do that when I cannot see the screen? Would it work if I bought a cable to connect the two, therefore not requiring me to put in a password or numbers in my old computer?
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Oct 30, 2008
I had been using my iMac all night, when all of a sudden the bouncing beach ball appeared and everything became unresponsive, apart from the mouse cursor itself. It might be worth noting that a few hours prior to this, I plugged in an external hard drive to burn off a DVD. This external hard drive has two partitions, the first being a restored image of Leopard; and the second, my out of date backup ("yes, I know").
I subsequently restarted my machine, enjoyed the chime, pondered the excessively long start up and looked bemused at the Leopard Setup wizard. I realised that the restored Leopard partition had booted up instead of the internal disc. So, I unplugged the external drive, pressed reset on the iMac and was immediately greeted first by the reassuring chime, then by the Apple logo and a lingering grey screen and finally by a flashing dark folder icon with a question mark in the centre for eternity.
I tried rebooting a few more times. Same. I've been frantically Googling but only found the PRAM reset and a very frightening iMac disassembly guide. I've tried plugging the external drive back it, but it refuses to boot Leopard from that now. What can I do? I feel so helpless on a Mac, on a PC I'd at least be able to open the sucker up before panicking! I've been working on a client's flash web dev project for months, and not made a back up in about half that time. The website is supposed to be going live tomorrow! Luckily I have the site uploaded, but the entire source code is potentially lost, so in the long term this is a major catastrophe!
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May 10, 2012
I have 2 iMacs (intel).
On one (10.5.8) the screen died but the computer itself is fine. I have it connected through another computer so I can continue working (pain in the butt). My boss bought me a new one (10.7.4). I need to migrate all my old software and files to the new one but Migration assistant tells me I need to open migration assistant on the old one. Obviously I can't see to do that since my screen died.
Is there another way I can migrate without having to open it on the old computer?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 10.5.8
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Dec 2, 2014
I haven't had too many issues with MAVERICKS but have been hesitant to install Yosemite onto my Late 2009 i7 2009 27" iMac. Five days ago, when my iMac woke from sleep, I noticed an "erratic" image across the sign-in screen. I did a hard shut down and when I re-booted, the screen froze at the apple icon. I used Time Machine to restore my system which worked successfully This morning, when I woke my iMac, same dreaded frozen apple icon but three attempts to do a system restore with Time Machine failed.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 27" i7
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Sep 11, 2008
The Mini Has Some Great Software On it, Could i Use Migration Assistant To Transfer The Programs To My iMac Without Losing My Data On My iMac? Or is There Any Other Way?
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May 9, 2010
What I can tell you is that a month ago, all appeared fine, and I was using Logic, then when I went to open MAIL I got a crash and ever since then, nothing has worked.
I have had Western Digital send me not one but two new hard drives as the first was DOA.
I tried Disk Warrior, Drive Genius 3 as well as Tech Tool 5 and not one can help. In fact, the closest I got was when I ran a /bsin/fkck -fy (or something like that), and it said minor problem, and fixed the issue or so I thought, got a blue screen for about 5 seconds, then it went to GREY again.
I have tried disconnecting all the peripherals, mouse, keyboard (external for a macbook pro) and same thing. I then tried SAFE boot, same thing.Verbose, yup same thing.
So now I do a fresh install and MIGRATION hangs at less than one minute left forever,I then did a new install then ran MA.
I made sure to use a different name then the one I wanted to import, updated from 10.5 to 10.5.8, then performed a migration assistant and kept getting a NEW HANGING where I would then get a message, something is wrong with your network, and the HD space never got smaller.
Continue or Cancel, those were my options.
There doesn't seem to be a way around this and I know it's something small like a silly display thing (example) as I have a 24: HDMI 1080P attached, but detached it when trying to boot.
Does anyone have an anwser for the GREY screen or the hanging migration both at the FRESH INSTALL LEVEL to the no MIGRATION, create dummy admin account, then it hanged at NETWORK ERROR.
Advice and better yet, a solution would be wonderful.
Like I said, all was fine until I launched mail and then that is when the problems started.
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Sep 3, 2010
I have a new imac and had parallels windows 7 preinstalled. If I use Migration Assistant with time machine to move all my stuff from old macbook to new imac, will the preintalled parallels be erased.
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Jan 17, 2010
have used migration assistant to transfer music and photo files from my mbp to imac - used network not firewire - all seamed to work - said it was complete - now cannot seam to find the files on the imac - was i a bit too hopeful that they would just pop in to iphoto and itunes? could someone let me know where they will be?
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Feb 11, 2010
Eagerly awaiting my ship date for a new iMac (having been burned by two models with screen problems at the end of last year... another story). But I face three choices when it arrives to replace my trusty MB.
1. Use Migration Assistant to bring over apps, files, my library or everything.
2. Restore from my most recent Time Machine backup.
3. Manually re-install my apps and simply move across my files and folders.
Does anyone know whether there's any benefit to the "cleaner" option 3? Is there any difference between 1 and 2? I feel instinctively that my prinstine Snow Leopard-powered iMac would be better off for the minimalist option, but if there are no concrete advantages, I'll let Time Machine take the strain.
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Mar 25, 2012
Set up my 21.5" iMac last night, set up a new user "Rory" - then downloaded Migration Assistant on my PC to transfer files, music, pics, docs and my iMac has created "Rory1" since I've discovered I should've transfered docs across BEFORE I set up an initial user!
The only thing I'd set up on my original "Rory" mac account was downloading Flash Player and installing my email to 'Mail' - so I've hardly done a lot of configs.
Can I just delete the original "Rory" profile and use the "Rory1" profile that the Mac set up? ( I realise the Mac has done this because my old Windows PC user name was obviously called "Rory" as well).
Or, is it easier to try and get the files (transfered from the PC under 'Rory1') to the original Mac profile of "Rory".
It's only 12 hours since I first went to set the my Mac up so as I said, I'm hardly in that much of a pickle yet - am I?!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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