Intel Mac :: Why Does Mouse Randomly Skip Or Freeze

Mar 10, 2012

Why does my mouse randomly skip or freeze?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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Intel Mac :: Magic Mouse : It Just Randomly Freezes, Cutting Off All Ability To Navigate The Desktop

Mar 22, 2012

It just randomly freezes, cutting off all ability to navigate the desktop.Re-booting the system resolves the problem, but leaves me with a lot of lost work.SOMETIMES taking out and putting back in the batteries resolves the problems, but not often.The kayboard continues to work, so it doesn't seem to be a bluetooth issue. 

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Ticking And Freeze Randomly?

Oct 1, 2009

randomly for the first im ever, my brother was on my macbook and all of a sudden the computer froze and it had a ticking noise coming from the inside. it honestly sounded like a ticking time bomb i shut the lid but it didnt go to sleep the screen stayed lit so i shut it down with the button and started it back up.

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MacBook Pro :: Apps On Core I7 Temporarily Freeze (randomly)?

Jul 15, 2010

I recently got a MBP (i7 2.66ghz, 8gbs ram, 7200rpm hard drive) and since I got it apps seem to temporarily (like for 10-15 seconds) freeze (only 1 at any time normally) and i'll get the spinning beach ball thing. Even if I only have say 1 app open (like safari) it'll hang up for 10 or so seconds randomly. It happens say maybe once or twice every hour (but having said that i've used it hours at once with a lot more than one application open and it hasn't done it) on various apps and I don't know why. Is it normal? I wouldn't think 1 app such as safari or itunes running should do that? It's not a problem(?) that bothers me really, I just want to know if something might be wrong? I've only had the notebook for a week so far and it's my first Mac.

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Mac Pro :: Won't Work / Mouse Pointer Screen Freeze

Jun 14, 2008

I have just installed a new Mac Pro. Everything works except I get occasional mouse pointer freezes. They last for about 1 second each time and seem to occur randomly, on average with 1-2 min intervals.

The only things I have installed on top of OS X so far driver wise is MouseWorks to power my Kensington trackball. I use my older large full-keyed white Pro keyboard and only use the smaller wireless one remotely. I have tried deactivating Bluetooth but the mouse freezes still persist.

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse And Keyboard Freeze Periodically On It

Sep 6, 2014

my mouse and keyboard freeze periodically on my macbook pro.  It happens a couple times a day doing things like browsing the web or playing games.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 15" mid 2012 non-retina

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Mighty Mouse And Apple Keyboard Just Freeze?

Jul 17, 2009

My macbook pro has the most annoying problem. Sometimes, in a totally random fashion, my bluetooth mighty mouse and apple keyboard just freeze. Bluetooth shows them as connected but they do not respond. Sometimes redoing the ?set up a Bluetooth device? option works but other times the computer refuses to see the devices and only a restart, followed by the setup assistant will fix the problem. Am I the only one with this problem or is it common? Hardware or software? Any fixes?

btw, I think it started doing this since 10.5.7 so I would say it is software...

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MacBook Pro :: Select Applications (Terminal / Preferences) Freeze On Mouse Hover

Aug 20, 2014

When I hover my mouse over an application (such as Terminal) it freezes with the message 'process Termainl [pid] caught causing excessive wakeups...' 

Some applications (such as Google Chrome) work fine. Others (iTerm, Terminal, Hipchat) are susceptible. If the application exhibits the behaviour - without fail, simply hovering the mouse over the application window, without clicking or giving it explicit focus, will cause it to freeze. 

Prior to this, my battery had swollen and the suspicion was that it was pressing against the trackpad resulting in a constant stream of interrupts. I took the battery out and am typing this without the battery - the issue persists. 

I also tried disconnecting the trackpad. Same issue, even when using an external mouse to navigate.

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Moves Randomly By Itself?

May 24, 2012

Mouse moves randomly even when not touching the computer. Tried bluetooth, IR and even just using native mouse pad.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), any mouse any keypad, even native

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OS X :: Mighty Mouse Randomly Stops Clicking?

Jun 25, 2008

it just stops clicking. It "moves" fine (moves the cursor around), the red light is on, everything seems to be working. I even unplug it and plug it back in. No clicking. Finally, I have to restart the computer (by holding down the power button on the back of the iMac) and then it will work again.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mouse Randomly Moves Around And Clicks

Mar 14, 2012

Ok, so ive had this problem for a few months now and it has led me to the point where my mac was in storage and i havent touched it in a month or two. What happens is no matter what i am doing my mouse will move around the screen clicking randomly and basically doing whatever it wants. i have looked into the problem and other people have similiar issues but not the same. i can be across the room from my mac with the screen on, and the mouse will still move around and click and open countless folders even though no one at all is even near the computer. today when i took the mac out to see if there was a software update available (which there was) the mouse was not moving around or jumping at all througout the entire update. After the update it is now yet again jumpin around and clicking wherever it wants. Also its not just once in a while it is 24/7 it has made my mac unable to be used because you cant really control the mouse for more than a second at a time. my whole screen is now full of untitled folders..


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OS X Mavericks :: Mouse Cursor Randomly Disappears From Screen

Jun 1, 2014

I have bought 2 new 27" iMacs running Mavericks. I've got two problems. When opening, changing and saving JPGs in Photoshop Elements 6, the thumbnail disappears and only a generic JPG icon shows. This happens randomly. I read that PSE6 is OK on Mavericks. I don't see the problem with GIMP or Lightzone, but I would like to be able to use PSE. Second, my mouse cursor randomly disappears from the screen from time to time.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse On Randomly Moves From Center Of Screen To Bottom?

Sep 29, 2009

So I love my 1 1/2 month old 13inch MBP.

The thing is that recently at random times throughout my day when I'm, using my finger will be on the glass trackpad and i'll be doing something like say surfing the web or using w/e application...Well, randomly the mouse on the screen will disappear from its current location, say for example on Firefox's toolbar, immediately to the bottom of the screen. It's never the top of the screen, or the sides since it normally just causes the dock to rise up...

I'm really concerned to see what's going on here. I rarely had this problem with my old Whitebook, though admittedely did happen a few times.

Perhaps a water spill/damage? Though consider to have been very careful with my new Mac. I'm sure the glass trackpad on these new Macbook Pro's has water damage sensors right? Anyway I can see it/observe it myself.

I used to love taking apart my old whitebook but these new MBP's seem impossible; that or i'm just too scared since I do love how the machine was built.

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Randomly Stops Working / Magic Mouse Does Not Respond

Jun 26, 2014

bluetooth on my 2013 MBP. I have a magic mouse and it randomly stops responding. At first I thought it was a problem with the mouse itself. I changed the batteries,To solve the problem and to get the mouse to work again, I have to actually restart my computer.  

Then I realized that when my magic mouse acts up, if I open the Bluetooth preferences, in the spot where the name of my computer should be is this weird message that says "do not localize, name not available" So I've finally realized that the problems I'm having aren't with the mouse but actually the Bluetooth in the computer, either it's a hardware issue with the Bluetooth hardware or the driver is defective. Again, when I restart, I'm able to use my magic mouse again. And when Bluetooth is acting up, when I do try to open Bluetooth preferences, I get the beach ball and everything starts to hang.  

I'm attaching pictures of what the Bluetooth preferences screen shows under normal operation with the name of my MBP and showing the mouse is connected and a picture of what the Bluetooth preferences window shows when it's acting up.  Is the Bluetooth defective?

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MacBook :: Mouse Pad Randomly Selects Items Eg. Links, Text, Pictures And Drags, Opens Or Deletes Them?

May 2, 2012

I believe the mouse pad is hypersensitive, but it also will click on items when nothing is near the laptop. Eg. I'm no where near it and it will play/pause/change the song in itunes.


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Intel Mac :: Screen Freeze After Last Update

Mar 13, 2012

On my late 2011 imac 21.5" I have been getting a consistent problem since the last OS update.  After the screensaver comes on, or, if left to sleep by it's own devices, either my screensaver freezes or the gray screen won't recover from sleep.  If I move the cursor with the trackpad it clears the gray screen where the cursor moves around.  I can usually clear enough that I can hit the login button and log in after pushing the power button.  This is a new phenomenon since the latest OS update. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Late 2011 21.5"

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Intel Mac :: USB Drive Causes Boot Freeze

Mar 31, 2012

I added a new 3T external USB drive and my Mac freezes on bootup if the drive is on.

Info:iMac4,1, Mac OS X (10.6.1)

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Intel Mac :: Firefox Causes Other Applications And OS To Freeze

May 15, 2012

I run into a problem from time to time where Firefox 12 will freeze and then all other programs with becom unresponsive and OS will freeze and I'll need to hard restart the computer. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Mouse Has Stopped Working - Turn On Mouse Keys Through Keyboard?

May 7, 2012

my mouse has stopped working. How do I turn on mouse keys through my keyboard?

iPad, iOS 5.0.1

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Intel Mac :: Applications Freeze When Left Idle?

Feb 27, 2012

Since the recent software update (early Feb I believe) my Mac has begun to freeze, first finder, then safari/chrome, followed by all other applications. 

I have set up Activity Monitor to track what is causing the issue, however when the computer freezes I cannot open Activity Monitor (obviously). 

I have contacted Apple Care with the hope that they could provide some assistance, we deleted all startup files (and the other startup related files in library), ran disk utility and repaired permissions. 

We noticed that spotlight was using a lot of the CPU, and I removed my external time machine harddrive (as it appeared that it was damaged). 

The freezing still occured, so I reinstalled Lion. The computer appeared to be working again... until it began to freeze again. 

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 16g ram, 2tb harddrive.

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Intel Mac :: Applications Freeze Since Last Software Download?

Mar 21, 2012

I did a suggested software download/update a few days ago.

Now I am experiencing application freezes - mouse functions do not work, system does not acknowledge commands, etc.

Might last for a minute or more, then it tries to catch up Even in mail, internet, other apps

iMac 10,1, Mac OS X (10.6.2), None

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Intel Mac :: Why Does It Often Freeze After Turning On From Sleep Mode

Apr 28, 2012

I've been using Pc's for the past 30 odd years so am totally new to Mac. I'm doing my best to adapt to this new different OS and so far have found some things more user friendly but others ? I've more or less given up on those as Mac doesn't seem to do those things. These are probably Windows based and I'm assuming Mac has its own alternatives that I haven't discovered yet. Anyway, my immediate problem is this goddamned frustrating situation when I try to re-activate the comp' after waking it from 'sleep'. Sometimes its fine but others, it comes back on but freezes and the only option I have is to turn it off at the switch and do a re-boot!

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)

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Intel Mac :: 27 Freeze When Time Machine Is Running?

Jun 8, 2012

iMac 27 late 2009 freeze while is working. Nothing works on computer even when a video is playing. I have a 12 GB of RAM and 502 GB free disk space. I checked disk utility and CPU is working fine. I don't know why the iMac is freezing with so much space.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Tends To Freeze Or Lock Up And The Keyboard Shortcuts Do Not Work?

Jun 4, 2012

tends to freeze or lock up and the keyboard shortcuts do not work

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8), HP probs

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Intel Mac :: External Hard Drives Causing To Freeze

Jun 8, 2012

I bought an iMac about 2 weeks ago and when accessing files from external hard drives I will get the spinning beach ball and all of the programs will become unresponsive and the only way to relieve the problem is to power down the computer. We have two 3 TB Seagate HDs connected via USB.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: Only Boots Half Way And Appears To Freeze?

Dec 2, 2014

When rebooting after a crash, computer boot cycle only makes it half-way across the screen.  how do you recover from this?

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Intel Mac :: Causesmy (2006) Running Snow Leopard To Freeze?

May 26, 2012

What cause my imac to freeze? running sno leopard, hard drive changed 6 months ago, happens on safari and iphoto(11)

iMac (20-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8), hard drive replaced 6 months ago.

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Intel Mac :: 27" Gaming On Windows 7 Overheating And Graphic Freeze?

May 27, 2012

When i play battlefield 3 in WINDOWS 7 on my brand new iMac 27" i 7, after some time the computer gets EXTREMLY hot and graphics start to freeze. Im 100% sure its the graphic card/ processor who gets to warm. It sounds like the fans runs on full power to.  (it only happens in windows) 


IMac 27" 3,4 Ghz Intel Core i7
16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 RAM
AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB graphics
Windows 7 (full updated)
OSX Lion (full updated)  

My earlier iMac from 2010 gets so hot that the motherboard and graphic card burned off, and apple gave me a new iMac.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8 GB Ram

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ITunes :: Can't Skip To End Of Song

Apr 6, 2012

I replaced an older lesser quality mp3 with a higher quality version by replacing the original file. I've done this hundreds of times without a problem. I'm using 10.6.1, and when I replaced a song in this manner yesterday, I am unable to click on the end of the timeline of the song. It will only advance to the :35 second mark left in the song. Fast forwarding through the song also stops at the same point. It refuses to advance beyond that :35 left mark except by letting it play normally. I know the new file advances fine in iTunes if I drag it into iTunes and create a duplicate version.Is there some metadata from the old file that is causing iTunes to think the new file ends early because it is a few megs larger? Can this be cleared by a method other than reimporing the song new? I'd like to keep the Date Added, Ratings, and Play count info.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Oregon To Skip Sales Tax

Nov 25, 2010

Does it make me cheap if I send my MBA to Oregon to skip sales tax and then have my Grandparents send it too me? 100 bucks in my pocket. Also no. Places like MacMall aren't an option for me because New York has some unique, very strict law about how businesses have to collect sales tax from online purchases. Did you guys know that technically we're all required to report online purchases and pay sales and use tax on them every year? (Well, not in a few states -- like Oregon, no sales tax, woo) Considering I'd never known this and don't know a single person who does it, I thought it slightly funny.

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