MacBook Pro :: Select Applications (Terminal / Preferences) Freeze On Mouse Hover
Aug 20, 2014
When I hover my mouse over an application (such as Terminal) it freezes with the message 'process Termainl [pid] caught causing excessive wakeups...'Â
Some applications (such as Google Chrome) work fine. Others (iTerm, Terminal, Hipchat) are susceptible. If the application exhibits the behaviour - without fail, simply hovering the mouse over the application window, without clicking or giving it explicit focus, will cause it to freeze.Â
Prior to this, my battery had swollen and the suspicion was that it was pressing against the trackpad resulting in a constant stream of interrupts. I took the battery out and am typing this without the battery - the issue persists.Â
I also tried disconnecting the trackpad. Same issue, even when using an external mouse to navigate.
If I hover my mouse over a link in Safari, it will start opening multiple tabs of that link without me clicking it until I hover off it. It also opens programs if I hover over it for about a second. This started happening this morning. It was fine last night. I didn't download any updates in that time, and didn't change any system preferences. I tried restarting my system. This happens with both my wireless mouse and the trackpad, so I figured it's a software issue. Could it be a virus? What Mac program checks for/ gets rid of viruses?
I just got the MacBook Pro three days ago. Before, m system preferences were working fine, now when I open it all i get it the spinning wheel. How can I stop this? Force Quit hasn't seemed to help.
I'm using a Logitech MX 518 mouse. It was working fine with the exception of the two side buttons; they weren't set up the way I liked and the mouse control panel did not let me change them. I installed some Logitech drivers (lcc213) that were supposed to support the mouse; upon reinstalling the mouse was not recognized by the Logitech software. The scroll wheel became very sluggish (maybe scrolling one line, and seemingly no acceleration). I removed the Logitech software and restarted, but now my mouse is stuck that way - moving the scroll speed in the Mouse preferences all the way to the left or all the way to the right makes no difference.
Is there any way to reset the mouse drivers or whatever might be messed up, short of a reinstall?
I even tried to use USB Overdrive and that likewise has no effect on the scroll speed.
had problems with the trackpad - when I tap to select an item the mouse pointer "bounces" off the item I'm trying to select. It happens randomly - not every time. I migrated all my data and settings from my old Mac Pro (2011 model, also running Mavericks) via Time Machine - could that have an impact? Not using any non-Apple power supplies or other devices.
My macbook pro has the most annoying problem. Sometimes, in a totally random fashion, my bluetooth mighty mouse and apple keyboard just freeze. Bluetooth shows them as connected but they do not respond. Sometimes redoing the ?set up a Bluetooth device? option works but other times the computer refuses to see the devices and only a restart, followed by the setup assistant will fix the problem. Am I the only one with this problem or is it common? Hardware or software? Any fixes?
btw, I think it started doing this since 10.5.7 so I would say it is software...
Whoever reads this, do me a favor, please. Find a web page with a link that produces a tooltip when you hover over it. Click that link. Wait for the resulting page to load, then hit the "back" button. Move your pointer off of the link you originally clicked, and just wait a moment. Does a tooltip for that link you clicked appear, just as though you were still hovering over it? It does for me. It has in every single version of Safari I've ever used, from version whateverthehellhaveyou in Jaguar, to Safari 3 in Tiger, Safari 4 in Leopard and Snow Leopard, to Safari 5 in Snow Leopard on not one, not two, but 4 different Macintoshes: a G3 iBook, a white non-unibody Macbook, another white non-unibody Macbook, and an aluminum unibody MacBook.
Just wondering if this happens to everyone, or if this is something special between Safari and me.
i have figured out that i have changed my disk permissions, and my computer won't start up. when i boot from the cd, i can get a termial. but i have bash-3.2#, and i can't figure out how to get it so i can use a normal command. the preferences are greyed out.
Anybody see this before? I opened up and the window is completely blank. There is nothing in it whatsoever. Looks as if bash never started. The title bar simply says "Terminal — login — 80x24". I can type whatever I want in the Terminal window like it's a text document and nothing happens. If I restart the computer, this seems to fix the problem, but it seems to only be a temporary fix as the issue happens again soon after.
I have just installed a new Mac Pro. Everything works except I get occasional mouse pointer freezes. They last for about 1 second each time and seem to occur randomly, on average with 1-2 min intervals.
The only things I have installed on top of OS X so far driver wise is MouseWorks to power my Kensington trackball. I use my older large full-keyed white Pro keyboard and only use the smaller wireless one remotely. I have tried deactivating Bluetooth but the mouse freezes still persist.
For some reason I cannot click or double-click using any mouse device. I tried connecting a brand-new Apple Bluetooth mouse to my Mac desktop (new, running Lion 10.7) and it would not connect. So I took out my old USB apple mouse, and although it will move e cursor around the screen, it will not click anything. So I tried a Wacom Bamboo tablet and it won't click either. It will only do the equivalent of right-click, revealing menus and so forth. The Bamboo tablet is brand new but I can't go through the setup if I can't click anything. I tried restarting several times, and also restarting with Cmd-Option-P-R to reset the PRAM, and still nothing has changed.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Wacom bamboo, magic mouse
the application "terminal" is not allowed "terminal is not on the approved list of applications. contact the person who set up you accout for more info
In theory, that sounds nice - just point and it clocks itself - but it's not great. Links inadvertently activated, pages opened while I'm still reading the last one. It's a hassle. I went toTrackPad preferences and slowed the tracking speed, but it still does it. I'm using Mavericks. Is there a way to turn this feature off?Â
Does anyone know the terminal command for toggling on/off the System Prefs for Keyboard & Mouse? I'd use it for an Automator workflow or Quickeys shortcut. The specific setting is "Use all F1, F2, etc keys as standard function keys." I and many other Cinema 4D users find ourselves needing to turn this on and off all day long, because the app uses that F8 key that the new Aluminum keyboards have coopted, but using it means losing our speaker volume / mute settings. This is in Tiger btw.
Using Safari, when I select "never" under preferences, I still recieve many cookies. I understand that if I am signed in to yahoo for example, the cookie will be replaced. However, if I am not signed in, but just connected to the net, I still get these cookies.
I've been getting of my oversensitive Mighty Mouse.. the side buttons are way too easy to click so I find my windows constantly rearranging for Expose when I'm doing anything from dragging an icon to scrolling.
Is there an app that can change the preferences for mouse behaviors, such as needing to DOUBLE click the side buttons to activate its function?
I typically use a very basic Microsoft wireless mouse (this one), but recently I plugged in a wired Apple mouse (this one, I believe).
I then decided to go back to my Microsoft mouse and now all the buttons are messed up. Left and Right work fine but now the Wheel button opens my Dashboard and the left Side button sends me into All Windows mode.
I used to have both of them programmed to 1) open links I clicked on in new tabs and 2) select and open links in new tabs in Firefox with Snap Links Plus.
I'm assuming the Apple mouse switched some things around but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get back to my original settings. I check the preferences in Firefox, Snap Links Plus and on my system but I can't find anywhere to reprogram my mouse.
I don't remember how I originally did it but I think it just sort of programmed that way automatically.
Recently a some my of applications such as firefox, i tunes, skype, i cal, have been having problems. When i open them up they instantly stop responding and freeze when they try connect online. i then have to force quit the applications.
I'm a annoying issue with itunes. When watching podcast or videos. Every now and then there will be a 2-3 second freeze of video and audio. I've been having this issue since i bought the MBP. Has anyone seen this issue?
I have a Macbook Pro Late 2008 Pro:2.53 GHz Ram:4 GB Serial:W88416BH1GA
I'm not talking about the System Preferences app itself, I'm talking about the settings within the app. So for instance, the security settings, and the mouse settings, energy saver, etc.
Where can I find the settings files on my Mac so I can back them up?
The scroll on my Mighty Mouse will not scroll down, only up.This the second Mighty Mouse I've owned and the last one had this problem too.Is this a common fault? The settings in System Preferences are fine.
So i haven't had one single problem with my Imac for 1.5 years until Yesterday I recently recieved a SD card that i purchased off ebay and stuck it into the side which I was expecting to popup but didn't This may or may not be the reason why my Imac is acting wierd but basically I cannot Left click at ALL, right click works, the internet worksÂ
The taskbar at the bottom with the icons do not have the title shown when I hover down the bottom either. I have a 2010 Imac with 12gb ram that i upgraded to. Â
Is there any steps that i can follow to ensure my imac runs normally, i have alot of data on computer that i need and i cannot find my boot cd anyhwereÂ
Was wondering if there is some way to disable the auto-open cursor hover feature? (Not sure what else to call it). It's driving me nuts.It's most disfunctional with Safari--for example when I'm trying to find a specific webpage in the Histor-- if I don't keep moving the cursor constantly, whatever URL the cursor happens to be over will just open and load.Then I have to start over again. This seems to happen sometimes on the desktop as well.
I have tried repairing permissions, rebooting, verify disk and onyx. I do not have many apps installed, no login items, 5 items on desktop, 107gb left on my hd, no antivirus, and nothing processor or memory intensive running. Also, when I try to delete custom prefpanes system preferences freezes with the spinning wheel. Some apps (mainly keynote) often freeze unexpectedly causing me to lose all my work.