Intel Mac :: 27" Gaming On Windows 7 Overheating And Graphic Freeze?
May 27, 2012
When i play battlefield 3 in WINDOWS 7 on my brand new iMac 27" i 7, after some time the computer gets EXTREMLY hot and graphics start to freeze. Im 100% sure its the graphic card/ processor who gets to warm. It sounds like the fans runs on full power to. (it only happens in windows)
When I play games (war thunder), my macbook pro heats up to 80*C-90*C and stays like this for as long as I keep playing.Is it safe? Or am I risking to burn something up, like processor or graphic card?
-2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo -4Gb 1067 Mhz DDR3 -Nvidia GeForece 9400M 256 MB -OS X Maveriks 10.9.4
I have a 13" mid '09 MacBook Pro. How do I improve it's graphic performance for gaming? I have version 10.7.4. On my buddies system he can go to system prefrences > Energy Saver > Optomize for better graphic performance, but I don't have this option...
when I get my new MBP (when they release them *sigh*), I intend on doing some moderate gaming on it. Things like MW2, Starcraft, Sims 3, Battlefield BC2, and some others I can't think of right now.
My question is, if a game is available for both OSX and Windows, would it be better to get it for OSX, or Windows? I was wondering if I should have like all my games in the windows partition, or have ones that I can get for OSX separate.
Up till last week everything was fine, I could run 'Second Life', photoshop, email, a browser, download stuff, play Itunes AND watch a movie all at once without any trouble.
But recently the computer has gone a bit weird.
It started getting very hot, much slower and turning itself off.
I'm glad Steam for Mac is out, but to be honest it does not work as well as on Windows. My question is, which is better for gaming. Windows XP or Windows 7?
I would mainly play games like: - Source games (Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Garrys Mod, Left 4 Dead etc) - Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Modern Warfare 2
My thought on Windows XP would be that it's lighter therefor possible better gaming performance. My thought on Windows 7 would be that it has up to date drivers, which games would take advantage from, therefor increasing the gaming performance.
My System: 15" MacBook Pro - Late 2008 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB Ram NVidia GeForce 9600M GT
I need some assistance. How much memory would you recommend if I'm only going to play about 4 games on Windows? The games are:
The Witcher - 15gb according to Steam Left 4 Dead - 7.5gb according to Steam Left 4 Dead 2 - 7.5gb according to Steam Oblivion - 4.6gb according to Steam (although I own it on disc)
I only plan on using Windows to play those games since half of those can't be played on OSX and I need Snow Leopard for both Left 4 Dead games. By the way, I have XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 on disc. Which should I install? I'm leaning towards Vista since it looks better. I wish I could install 7 on my current MBP but I can't because it's one of those exclusive Snow Leopard features.
I have the 17" MBP Unibody so I want to start gaming again, and I have thought about Xp, Vista, and 7 and I have decided on windows 7 because its free and allows for DirectX10.
1. Now I am trying to conserve hard drive space but should i get the 16GB 32bit or the 20GB 64bit version of windows 7 and how much space should i allocate for the partition?
2. Games i will be playing: Counter Strike: Source Call of Duty: WaW Maybe Battlefield 2
3. I plan on getting some newer games since I don't have my crappy computer anymore. Any suggestions??
Hey just wanted to ask if it is possible that my late08 mbp which runs under WIN7 home premium is getting too hot while playing? Just played about 15 mins when my screen (aion)ingame froze (but sound + mouse didnt) and a few seconds later i've heard skype shutting down - and a few seconds later everything started to shutdown -> bam bluescreen for about 1 sec -> restart O_o happened now 3 times in an hour..
Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
I have an 8-core 3.2GHz 2008 Mac Pro with 16GB RAM. I've just ordered the EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 graphics card and am hoping to turn my beloved mac into a bit of a sexy PC gaming beast for some evening fun. Already purchased Batman Arkham Asylum, Gears of War and an Xbox 360 controller to get me started
I'll cut to the chase. Microsoft are offering a free upgrade to Windows 7 if you buy Vista at the moment so that's not the issue. The issue is 32bit or 64bit for a gaming box - which is the best version to get for performance and compatibility with gaming on windows?
I'm looking to purchase either the 32bit or 64bit version of Vista (with the free upgrade to the corresponding Windows 7 version).
Which is the best to get? 32bit or 64bit? I've been reading that some games don't work well with 64bit Windows. Lots of conflicting articles and comments.
32bit or 64bit Windows... what's the best for a bootcamp gaming rig?
I have tried to browse through the threads in MacRumors and failed to find an answer that provided the solution for this problem.I have a 2009 Unibody MacBook Pro 15" and when I go in Windows, the fans usually spin at the normal 2500RPM speed, and while I game the fans go up really high, so when I play a game like Need for Speed: Undercover or a MMO, it just freezes. (Probably because the computer is going at a temperature above the operating limits.)
I looked at some solutions that were said in the threads. One example was to set your fans at 3500RPM or 4500RPM (Or at any speed you wish) in Mac first, then restart to Windows to have the same speed.
I tried that and it worked once, but after I put it to sleep mode and resumed it from standby/sleep mode, the speed went back to 2500RPM..Are there any permanent solutions (Driver updates, programs that speed up fans,)?
I currently use an iMac i7 with Windows XP SP3 installed on the Bootcamp partition. I've noticed recently that when I'm on the Windows side for a long period of time the iMac gets quite hot and the fans are raging with a loud roar! Obviously, this does not happen on the Mac OS side. I got quite concerned, so I restarted it in Mac OS to check the iStat. The CPU fan was over 2000rpm and some of the temps just reached over 60 degrees C. So I decided to keep it in Mac for the time being and everything decided to calm down to the 'normal' temperatures. I've searched Mroogle / Google for solutions and it appears people are using smc Fan Control for Windows to increase the fan speeds. I'm not sure if this is the right path to go down where I can override the fan speeds and just put up with the fan noise... but is there another solution? Are there any drivers released to help deal with this issue or is it a windows problem?
Where can i but xp cheaply? And wich version for gaming? i am also under the impression that you can boot the computer into mac or windows, is this true?
when i play dragon age in boot camp with windows 7 it gets insanely hot (200 f sometimes) and the game eventually quits. this is really annoying cause it is such a great game. i even tried it on the lowest possible visuals and this still happens. also when the machine is just sitting and i am not running anything at all it still heats up and stays hot. this does not happen in os x just in windows 7.
when i had vista on boot camp i used to play some very graphic intense games on much higher visuals such as mass effect and fallout 3 and had no problems. it got hot but never unbearable to the point that the game quit.
I'm considering installing Windows on my MacBook Pro just for the purpose of running windows games. My question is, is it safe to do this so that it won't overheat my computer to the point that it kills components in my laptop? I have the early 2008 MBP with an upgraded 7200 RPM hard drive I did myself. I just don't know if the heat from the harddrive and GPU will eventually kill the GPU (I know that the GPU in the early 2008 MBP's have had problems)
I'm new to the forums. I'm using a 17" Macbook Pro, and recently I've thought about running Windows via Bootcamp to play Fallout 3. I have Fallout on X-Box, but I really want to download some mods, plus it would be awesome to play it on the go. So I guess my question is where would I start, and is it worth it.
I installed Windows 7 RC 64bit on my 2.53 Unibody late 2008 Macbook Pro with 4gb or ram, and thought I would try a game or two on it. On the OS X side, it runs Halo UB flawlessly even on the 9400 at highest settings (except AA), but on the Windows 7 side I installed Command and Conquer: Generals, and it slows to a slide show when I add 3 or more computer players. Graphics settings have no apparent effect on performance. The game runs perfect in 1 vs 1 matches on high, and is unplayable in 5 player or higher matches at lowest. The game is from 2003, and the requirements are minuscule:
Hardware Requirements System: PIII 800 or equivalent RAM:128 MB RAM CD-ROM: 8X CD-ROM Video Memory: 32 MB VRAM Hard Drive Space: 1800 MB Mouse: Yes DirectX: DirectX v8.1
Recommended System Requirements System: Pentium 4 1.0 Ghz or equivalent RAM: 256 MB RAM 3D Sound Card: Yes
I've run Windows Update, and downloaded all of them except the language packs and the tests updates. Gaming is not a priority for me, but I still want to know whats going with my computer.
I Would like to install a Windows OS for gaming etc....? What version do you guys recommend? in particular would like to install Flight Sim X with Add-ons, and other various ongoing enhancements. I am curious about downloading Windows 7 RC 64 bit, what do you think? Otherwise will purchase Vista Home Prem 64 bit. Does anyone have experience running Windows 7 and Flight Sim X etc?
I've installed Windows XP with Service Pack 2 a couple days ago - figured out the drivers stuff and finally the OS X disc ran flawlessly, installed most of the drivers for internet, audio and isight, whatever. I thought it's done so I installed GTA: Vice City on my Windows XP - when I tried launching the game, it gave me an error stating 'Couldn't find enough video memory'.
So I went to Start>Run and typed in dxdiag which opens the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. I went to 'Display' and found out that the category under 'Device' is completely blank with DirectDraw Acceleration and Direct3D Acceleration stating 'Not Available'. Am I missing out the graphic driver or something? Anyone here explains it and provide a link where to install these required drivers. By the way, I've tried installing the driver off NVIDIA's site but still it turns out funny. Using iMac 10.5.6 - 2.66 GHz - NVIDIA GeForce 9400M.
With some advice from this forum I've now setup vista on a bootcamp partition and have pointed parallels at this installation which all works well. When I boot into vista I have the proper Radeon driver installed and can play games fine on max settings at the highest resolution, however if I try to run a windows game from Parallels in OSX it defaults to the Parallels video driver and 640x480 resolution. Is there any way of running games at full screen/full settings from osx or will I have to reboot into windows each time?
I have a mac pro that I don't use anymore, and I am really really looking forward to F1 2010 coming out and want to get the PC version. Is it worth converting my 2 x Dual Xeon 5150 Woodcrest 2.66Ghz Mac Pro into a windows only gaming PC? Which is the best graphics card I can get for it that will work off the shelf? I don't need to go back into mac so it doesn't have to work in mac mode. Or would I be better off selling it and getting a windows PC purely for gaming? I'd rather not go through that hassle to be honest as I'm sure the Mac Pro should be able to work well with a decent graphics card?
I'm running Snow Leopard and am wondering what Windows version you all would recommend I run in Bootcamp with the sole purpose of gaming. I have access to any relevant Windows version at pretty low prices through my university and I downloaded the Win7 RC and still have a valid key for that. As far as I'm aware, Bootcamp does not officially support Vista OR Win7, but that may have changed since I last checked. I'm also curious about the 64-bit vs. 32-bit question.
I have been a PC user for 15 years and after using my friends new macpro via remote desktop, I think I really like the workflow a lot better. I do online marketing so efficiency is most important for me. The other really important thing, and the only thing that would prevent me from getting it, would be the fact that I LOVE windows gaming. I have read on the mac site that I can install a copy of windows alongside. First, will windows 7 be able to be installed? Second, my question mainly deals with the hardware of a mac... I'm not sure how the graphics suffer when trying to run windows games on high quality on mac hardware. Can anyone with experience tell me how this would work? If what I'm about to describe will work and is kosher, then I'm going to get an absolute top of the line Mac Pro
-Two 2.93GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon -32GB Memory -4x NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512MB (or would 1x ATI Radeon HD 4870 512MB be better for gaming?)
Totak 13k So you think I could put windows 7 on there and play crysis (or any hot new windows game) on full graphics with that setup?