Intel Mac :: Magic Mouse : It Just Randomly Freezes, Cutting Off All Ability To Navigate The Desktop
Mar 22, 2012
It just randomly freezes, cutting off all ability to navigate the desktop.Re-booting the system resolves the problem, but leaves me with a lot of lost work.SOMETIMES taking out and putting back in the batteries resolves the problems, but not often.The kayboard continues to work, so it doesn't seem to be a bluetooth issue.Â
My Magic Mouse has suddenly stopped allowing the swipe to navigate feature despite being enabled. I can't believe that it's broken after only a couple of weeks of ownership, yet on the other hand I've never owned an expensive mouse that hasn't been trouble.
Anyway, all of the other features seem to be working and the mouse hasn't had a 'hard life' at all. Does anyone have any possible fixes for this or advice?
New to macs. My magic mouse is different from what I am used to. My issue is the tracking speed. When I move the mouse slowly the cursor on screen moves slowly. If I make a quick motion with the mouse the cursor goes and moves much faster and farther while covering the same amount of area on the mouse pad as when I was going slow. Its hard to explain but its the one experience about the mac I do not like. My wifes iMac has a Logitech RX1500 and it works perfect. Moves exactly the same as my old PC razer mouse used to. Does the Magic Mouse have the ability for slow and fast tracking depending on how fast or slow I move the mouse? Can I turn this feature off? Its making bejeweled 3 annoying as well as World of Warcraft.
bluetooth on my 2013 MBP. I have a magic mouse and it randomly stops responding. At first I thought it was a problem with the mouse itself. I changed the batteries,To solve the problem and to get the mouse to work again, I have to actually restart my computer. Â
Then I realized that when my magic mouse acts up, if I open the Bluetooth preferences, in the spot where the name of my computer should be is this weird message that says "do not localize, name not available" So I've finally realized that the problems I'm having aren't with the mouse but actually the Bluetooth in the computer, either it's a hardware issue with the Bluetooth hardware or the driver is defective. Again, when I restart, I'm able to use my magic mouse again. And when Bluetooth is acting up, when I do try to open Bluetooth preferences, I get the beach ball and everything starts to hang. Â
I'm attaching pictures of what the Bluetooth preferences screen shows under normal operation with the name of my MBP and showing the mouse is connected and a picture of what the Bluetooth preferences window shows when it's acting up. Is the Bluetooth defective?
When I try to "navigate by keyboard", the function usually does not work.
I have looked in the Keyboard Preferences and all the boxes are checked for keyboard navigation. For example "Move focus to the menu bar."What other magic is needed to make this work?
I stream my iTunes library wirelessly to an Airport Express in the other room. A few months ago I had problems with it cutting out all the time. The music would just stop streaming and then a few minutes later would kick back in. The green light stayed on. I chalked up the problem to an old wireless router that was really starting to act up, so I upgraded to a Time Capsule with Airport for a seamless Apple network. Now I've got my iMac hooked up to my Time Capsule and the Airport Express in my wireless network and it is starting to cut out again.
My iMac randomly freezes and crashes on me. Most of the freezes occur when scrolling with my trackpad on websites with Google Chrome. I get the pinwheel and have to use the power button to turn off and on the iMac. I haven't noticed any particular connection to Flash websites or video related sites. It just seems kind of random. I've also been careful to have absolutely nothing else running and it still does not prevent it. Â
Also, from time to time the iMac will crash and go to a solid color screen. Either Blue-Gray, White or Black. It seems to be random colors. When this happens, I have to use the power button to cycle it off and back on again.Â
Some info about my iMac: Model Identifier: iMac7,1 Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 2 GHz Mac OSX 10.6.8Â
What could be causing this or how can I diagnose the problem? I can give more info if needed.
I'm having huge issues with my 20-inch early 2008 iMac running 10.7.3. I upgraded my RAM (to 4Gb) 8 months ago and everything was running nice and easy until I upgraded to Lion. Either one of these things happen:Â My screen goes entirely grey or blue with white faded thin vertical stripes at random timesMac freezes working with any Adobe applications (mouse cursor still works but I can't click anything until I turn off and on)Mac freezes for a while and after a 30-second delay clicking and pressing buttons frantically everything goes back to normalÂ
The strangest thing is that when I play Sims 3 for example (a beast of RAM and video drainer) nothing happens. I tried almost everything from repairing permissions to re-install my memory modules. I couldn't run the hardware test.Â
Note: I live in Brazil so sending my machine to a Genius Bar is completely off the question.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 20 inch (early 2008), Core 2 Duo
Only a laserprinter is connected. Sometimes I can work for a few weeks without problem, but then the computer freezes. The computer sounds 3 monotone chimes in a row and repeats this, keyboard an mouse become inactive till I do a hard shutdown.Took the computer 2 times to the Apple store, they tested for a week but apparently nothing happened then.
I have got a new magic mouse but it does not scroll, the scrolling feature does not show in mouse preferences, it only shows tracking speed and double-click speed. In Bluetooth preferences it says the mouse is connected and paired, but in Keyboard & Mouse Bluetooth preferences the keyboard name is there and it shows the battery level, but shows no name or battery level for the mouse.
Magic mouse broken because battery of apple melted. I attempt to use charge battery but not success and thrown battery into the garbage. Then, I went to iSERVE in Thailand. They told me that magic mouse must have battery and apple can't claim. I want to know. It is real for this case
I bought 2 days ago my new imac and today when I try to use it I discovered that the scroll function of the magic mouse is contrary. Scroll with finger up and the scroll goes down, scroll with finger down and the scroll page goes up.
I play a game called Minecraft on the Windows Side of my iMac. I know your going to say, "Why don't you just play on the Mac side?" Well my answer is I livestream using a broadcasting software which is called xSplit, which is Windows only Anyways, the problem is that when I play minecraft with my magic mouse, the slightest movement switches weapons/tools and this is really annoying. How do I disable scrolling on the Windows 7 side of my iMac?
After about a week I finally managed to reinstall Mac OSX Snow Leopard...I took a RAM stick out at random and it worked...good thing there weren't any Genius bar appointments which suited me. Anyway, now I need to connect a keyboard I've already got my USB keyboard in it (The same size one as the wireless one...but this one's wired) I've unplugged it, plugged it back in. I've dug out my wireless keyboard and nothing's happened (Yes, the green light blinks.I put my iMac to sleep, I turned it off, it still isn't working...Â
I could try and find a wired mouse/keyboard somewhere...but I can't believe my wired Apple keyboard isn't working with it I'm surprised Apple think this wireless stuff is a good thing...I'm more surprised my wired keyboard won't connect.It's an iMac 11,2 (I think - Whatever the late 2010 one was) and I'm running Snow Leopard.Â
Also - When's it safe to put the RAM back in? Or is it actually faulty and I need to get a replacement? How can I check?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2010 21.5", 3.06GHz, 8GB RAM, 500GB
If i search a file in finder and then i want to see what folder and go to that folder how do you do that? In windows you can click the drop down button that shows the entire directory path but there doesnt seem to be any similar function in the finder window. You can click the back button to go back up the tree if you got there by navigating down but if you went directly to the file form a search there doesnt seem to be any way to go up the path.
It can scroll up and down, but it doesn't work for the 2-finger swipe to navigate left or right? Can anyone help me with this please? I have 40% battery left, dunno if it's the battery thing.
buying one of these to replace my mouse.There's no store where i live so i can't go into the store and try both I'v never tried the apple trackpad on their laptops either.I used a lot of windows laptops before and what i can say.They were so bad that i always had a little mouse in my back I rly don't know what to expect for the apple track pad.Can it replace completely the mouse and is it comfortable to work with ? Or should i go with the mouse ?
I'm looking to get either a Magic Mouse or the Magic trackpad to use with my iMac. Do they both work with Windows? My wife uses Windows Vista on bootcamp for work. Also, I do play some games, nothing heavy duty.Any other thoughts or suggestions would be helpful, especially concerning the magic trackpad as my experience with it is approximately 10 minutes at my local Apple store.
For those who have purchased the new iMac or are thinking of purchasing, definitely go with a Magic Trackpad. The Magic Mouse is a little better for dragging and dropping, but the Trackpad is so much more enjoyable to use for everything elseApple should really figure out a way to make this a packaging option
I just did a restart. I have done them several times before with no problem. This time I lost the swipe function on my mouse. Everything else works. If I right click and click "back", that works. My battery is ok. My IMAC is only 60 days old.
Information: 27" IMAC i7 Mac OS X (10.6.2) 8 GB RAM
I've got an imac with Snow Leopard on it. It has started to freeze up quite a bit, maybe once every two days. There are four profiles on the computer and it happens to them all.I have reparied permissions in each profile and run the Hardware test both standard and extended and it returned zero problems. I've reset the PRAM and NVRAM. When it freezes up the only thing that still works is the mouse. It moves the pointer but clicking doesn't do anything. Trying to force quit applications doesn't do anything. I tried unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back in, thinking maybe it wasn't really freezing but just a bad keyboard but that didn't do anything--and neither does rightclicking on anything.
I just purchased a Apple Wireless Keyboard for my MacBook Pro. And I was wondering if I should get a Magic Mouse or Magic trackpad. I love to use my computer from my tv while I sit on the couch and I like to use it from a distance from my tv. Please help by reply and tell me.
Has anyone had a problem with their Intel iMac mouse freezing after it wakes up from being asleep. Check my sig for specs. In particular, we have a wireless mighty mouse and everytime you wake the computer from sleep, the mouse won't work. That includes taking out the batteries and putting them back in. Keyboard still works. Is the bluetooth going bad? Could it be the mouse? We're going to schedule an appointment with the Geniuses here in Memphis so maybe they can figure something out.