My macbook pro has the most annoying problem. Sometimes, in a totally random fashion, my bluetooth mighty mouse and apple keyboard just freeze. Bluetooth shows them as connected but they do not respond. Sometimes redoing the ?set up a Bluetooth device? option works but other times the computer refuses to see the devices and only a restart, followed by the setup assistant will fix the problem. Am I the only one with this problem or is it common? Hardware or software? Any fixes?
btw, I think it started doing this since 10.5.7 so I would say it is software...
When I hover my mouse over an application (such as Terminal) it freezes with the message 'process Termainl [pid] caught causing excessive wakeups...'
Some applications (such as Google Chrome) work fine. Others (iTerm, Terminal, Hipchat) are susceptible. If the application exhibits the behaviour - without fail, simply hovering the mouse over the application window, without clicking or giving it explicit focus, will cause it to freeze.
Prior to this, my battery had swollen and the suspicion was that it was pressing against the trackpad resulting in a constant stream of interrupts. I took the battery out and am typing this without the battery - the issue persists.
I also tried disconnecting the trackpad. Same issue, even when using an external mouse to navigate.
So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.
He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.
I have just installed a new Mac Pro. Everything works except I get occasional mouse pointer freezes. They last for about 1 second each time and seem to occur randomly, on average with 1-2 min intervals.
The only things I have installed on top of OS X so far driver wise is MouseWorks to power my Kensington trackball. I use my older large full-keyed white Pro keyboard and only use the smaller wireless one remotely. I have tried deactivating Bluetooth but the mouse freezes still persist.
Ever since I installed Snow Leopard, once start-up is complete, I am not able to use the keyboard or track pad button for about 3-4 minutes. They are frozen - the cursor/arrow move according to trackpad/mouse movements, but anything kind of button/key input is not registered.
I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for good mouse pads/anything similar to a mouse pads function. I would prefer something that fits well with the Magic Mouse and Alu Keyboard.
Some coffee fell into my macbook on the lateral side (where the charger is). Now I cannot use the keyboard nor a mouse. It s like pressing constantly the right botton: I am only allowed to copy, paste and so on, but not to write. Keyboard apart, the laptop seems to work perfectly!
I have a PC and a MBP and want to connect the MBP to my desktop monitor, mouse and keyboard. I know I need the mini displayport adapter for the monitor. What do I need that will let me use my usb keyboard and mouse on my PC and Mac without having to unplug them every time I want to switch?
I have 15", 1.8 GHz Macbook Pro with 2GHz RAM. The keyboard and mouse pad freezes from time to time. No button on the computer works except the power button. I always have to press and hold the power button to reboot the computer.The computer seems to be running normal. Just the keyboard and mouse pad don't work.I brought the computer to Mac guys @ apple for couple of times and the computer acts normal when he guys is testing.
Recently I bought a new mouse, I was overexcited and plugged it in, and there was a pop up saying there was a new keyboard but I clicked "Contine" this mouse doesn't work at all now, I thought it doesn't support mac at all! I searched about it on the net, they said that when they got that same pop up, they click "x" at the top left corner, you now, exits the pop up and got to use the mouse immediately. I tried it at my dad's laptop, got the same pop up but instead of clicking continue, I clicked "X" The mouse Works. So now I think this mouse is recognized as a keyboard on mine.
Moisture built up inside closed laptop. Screen came up when opened. Keyboard unresponsive... And computer is "searching" for keyboard or bluetooth device. After 5 or so minutes screen went blank. Don't know if it's in sleep mode or just out.
The last few days my keyboard and mouse have stopped functioning at random times on my macbook. I am running snow leopard. I have to shut the lid to put it to sleep and wake it up to get it to respond.
all of a sudden tonight my keyboard is missing out letters when i type and when i go back and hit the key again it wont work but if i wait a minute or 2 it works but it happens with all the keys not just one in particular and sometimes now they seem to stick so if i press the letter "a" it will come out as aaaaaaaaa
my trackpad is staring to go where it wants to even when i'm not touching it and also when i use 2 fingers to zoom i have to lift my 2 fingers off the trackpad twicee sooo that it actually works
I wanted a new wireless keyboard and mouse for my MBP, and was wondering if any ol' wireless thing will work with it - you know the gig, receiver which plus into USB, with the kb and mouse connecting to it. Cause i cant be bothered to pay like 50 quid for a wireless apple keyboard, i was wondering if any of these cheap ones you see (liek this, for example now i know the function buttons may not work, but i dont care. Can anyone tell me if something liek this would work, or would it have to be mac made? Like say 'mac compatible' or whatever... but i thought they might not put mac compatible on a keyboard like that cause not all the functions on it will work.
I've found many different explanations to why bluetooth on my Macbook would 'overheat' and then disconnect from all devices, only to show 'Bluetooth Not Responding'.
I was wondering if anyone has found a fix to this problem. I'm current on all updates running Snow Leopard. Normally, the bluetooth keyboard and mouse works for up to 5 minutes or so, but then loses its connection until it 'cools down' and then this process just repeats. The laptop is currently on a cooling fan and rarely needs the internal fan to even kick on so not sure what else to do.
can you guys please recommend me a good external mouse and keyboard that I should get to complete my MBP + External Monitor for my dorm room. p.s. if you recommend the apple keyboard, please tell me which one of the 3 is the best (bluetooth, wired with keypad, wired w/o keypad, and why,
My macbook is frozen. Keyboard and mouse not responding. No spinning beachball. Just frozen. Pressing the power button and combinations of cmd+cntrl+esc and cmd+opt+pwr yield no results.
When I try to select this option in system preferences, my system just hangs indefinitely. I was considering getting the four finger gestures up and running, but I had only thought about it and did not actually start doing anything to the computer. Maybe they are reading my mind and punishing me? It has been like this for a couple of days through multiple reboots.
I recently installed the firmware update for my MacBook and when I restarted the keyboard and mouse were both unresponsive. Even my USB wireless mouse wouldn't work. I am probably going to take it into an Apple Store tomorrow. Oh, and also I booted Windows and my trackpad and keyboard are working fine (How I'm writing this now). Being the retard I am I guess I might have held the power button down. I tried taking the battery out and holding the power key for 10 secs - no use. I tried turning the MacBook on and holding down select+command+P+R (constant boot) - no use.
Okay i got it all set up but when i close the lid of the macbook it gos to sleep i only want it to turn off the macbooks screen so i can use my ext stuff i got?
Ok, I'm going to try and break your brain...So what you think might work on this setup:Shared keyboard/mouse with:
1. Macbook - needs to connect to hdmi/dvi monitor 1 and monitor 2 as separate screen (separate browsing, etc.). In effect, macbook would be open with monitor 1 and monitor 2 useable as additional desktop space.
2. PC - needs to able to use monitor 1 as well. When PC is running Mac does not need to use either monitor 1 or 2. PC is sort of secondary to all this so I'm willing to be a bit more "manual" with PC monitor connection if necessary.
I am currently using an iogear device to share keyboard/mouse, though I'm flexible in losing it if needed.
I have a problem with my macbook. I was writing on neoffice and suddenly, maybe after a manipulation, my keyboard did not answer anymore. And the mouse is blocked. Each time a click, a window appears as if I clicked with the button shift. I restarted my computer without success. I also went to System Preference - Keyboard and Mouse.
I have a macbook unibody model which I recently installed windows 7 on via bootcamp. For some reason ever since then when I log onto OSX the time is changed, and I checked the settings on it, and set it manually, automatically but for some reason it still manages to change itself, even if I lock it from being able to make changes.
If I was to hook my MacBook Pro 13inch 4GB RAM, 250 HD to a monitor and use the Magic Mouse and Apple wireless keyboard would it slow the performance of my laptop?