IMac :: Unable To Open IMac Memory Cover - The Screw Won't Turn.
Oct 25, 2009
I don't know what the deal is. I'm trying to install 2 sticks of 2GB into my 7,1 iMac, and the screw just won't turn. I'm using a standard Phillips head, and nothin' doin'. The screw is now starting to strip, so I guess I'm going to have to take this into the friggin' Apple Store just to have them open the thing.
I sent my imac 24" to get it fixed unfortunately they sent it back without the memory ram slot cover. I've been trying to find a spare one to buy but i had not luck. Can anyone tell me where to get this part.
I have recently upgraded from a 24" iMac to a 27". The screen is great, but after a few hours of work (this is my work machine), my eyes really begin to bother me.Has anyone out there tried using their iMac without the front glass sheet over the LCD? What does the LCD look like?I don't have any children around, so I'm not worried about the screen being scratched or damaged -- but if course I would eventually need to clean it just to remove the dust build up.
I'm using an iMac OS X 10.2.8. When I plug in my Sony Cybershot (4.1 Mega Pixels) digital camera, the iMac will not read the ScanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo (512 MB). If I remove the memory card it will read the internal memory of the camera. When I first bought the memory stick it worked just fine but now I get these two error messages.
"A disk attempting to mount as Unkown has failed verification or has failed to mount. use Disk Utilities to check the disk and correct any errors"
My parents recently bought an iMac. Yesterday my mom was playing a game when the computer froze. Neither force quit or holding the power button was doing anything so in her frustration she unplugged the system. Today, after plugging in the system again, it won't turn on.
I press the power button on the side of the wireless keyboard and the green light on the keyboard turns on for about 3 sec and then starts flashing. No fans start up and the screen does nothing.
Information: iMac and Macbook Pro Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I just bought my Intel-based iMac last night and it took forever to turn on out of the box. I guess I made a mistake by doing a "soft" power down last night, because this morning it will NOT turn on. I've tried using the power button and waiting. I've tried unplugging and plugging it back in, and then using the power button, and waiting. Nothing works. I've been a PC user for 20 years and just bought this, my first Mac, last night. I think I've made a huge mistake! How the heck do you turn these things on????
one of the screws on the ram cover of my new 2010 imac won't come out. the others did real easy but this one won't budge, i think the it's stripped. i finally just ripped out part of the ram cover so that one screw (very left) is broke off from the rest of the cover since the other screws came out fine..
I have a 20" intel-based dual core Mac which i have had for about since early 2006, i haven't had any big issues with it until a few days ago when it suddenly shut itself down and refused to power back up. I ran through the checklist that Apple Support provides, including resetting the SMC by unplugging everything and waiting 15 seconds or so but none of it worked. Eventually I just left the power cord unplugged overnight and in the morning I plugged it back in.
After having the power cord plugged in for a few hours and the machine turned off, i tried pressing the power button again and to my amazement it powered back on! Immediately i ran the TechTool Deluxe software that came with my extended protection plan (now expired) and everything was fine. Later that night however, I had left my computer on for a few hours before returning to it and realizing it had shut itself off again. Now I am back to where I started, going through the checklist provided by Apple and am really starting to get concerned. Does anyone know of anything else I can do, short of taking it in to an Apple store? Or is something needed to be replaced?
Information: IMAC-Intel (Early 2006) Mac OS X (10.4.11)
My girlfriend changed the user's name and the problems started (iMac wouldn't remeber system settings and denied access to some files and catalogs). When I wanted to fix the problem I probably made a mistake and changed the access settings of some files (finally even hard disk's settings). After this action my iMac doesn't start (the screen is white with the apple logo and nothing happens). Is there anybody who knows what to do now?
my iMac won't turn on. The day before yesterday happened the same thing, but after a few tries with the power button, it eventually turned on - and all ok yesterday. Both the day before yesterday and today, the general power was turned off for some minutes, but the iMac wasn't running. So now, I've tried to reset the SMC, removing everything attached, but nothing.
At least I can clearly hear the tic tic tic button, probably of the timer, because I set up a schedule to let it turn on at a certain hour. What can I do? It's a white iMac, never had a problem.
I have been assigned the task of installing new memory modules into the iMacs at work. When I got to my supervisor's iMac, I discovered someone had been in to service the memory compartment at least once before. Only this person must have used a screwdriver that was too big to begin with and then cranked the central screw on the cover plate and stripped the head of the screw in the process. So now I cannot get this screw loosened. I obviously don't want to bend or damage anything. What would be a viable solution besides taking it in to a service tech?
I tried everything. All of the screwdrivers in my house, with no force and with full force. The damned screw wont move at all. I've had this iMac since 2008 and I just feel like adding more RAM, as the 1GB is kind of well, small.
I accidentally quit finder instead of Safari this morning and now Finder will not open. I still have it in the dock but nothing will work. I also do not have the toolbar at the top either. I can still open the other icons on the dock and use them so I can get on Safari, Ical, etc. I thought I did this once before but I can't remember what I did to rectify the situation.
When i click on the iphoto icon in the dock it will not open for me to view or add any photos. The machine is an imac G4 OSX 10.2.8 with the original 125 ghz processor & 256mb memory. I have never had this problem before. It was purchased in 2003.
iMac OS X version 10.9.4 showing Numbers '09 version 2.3. I installed Numbers version 3.2.2 on August 28, 2014. But Numbers will not permit me to open any documents in iCloud Numbers by a pop-up indicating I need the newer version of Numbers 3.2.2!!!!! When I go to AppStore to do so, it shows I installed it in August and will not permit me to get it.
I also have an iPod with the latest version
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5), MacBook OS x (10.7.4); iPad NEW
i just got this Imac G3(second Hand) when i turn it on it makes theseound and starts loading ( just like normal) but then it says: disk: 0x8 (UNDEFINED) and then it is more like a command promt rather than a user interface
Just purchased a 27 IMac and was wondering if anyone makes a slide on type cover dust cover. Would rather use something else than a towel when its off.
I just got a new 20" 2.4 GHz with the 3 year extended AppleCare.On my last Mighty Mouse, the scroll ball stopped rolling after about a year.If the one that comes with my new Mac breaks, will I be able to claim that under AppleCare and get a new one?
Using a newly purchased Sony DCR-SR47 Handycam, I am attempting to import the still images from the Memory Stick Pro Duo (preferably into iPhoto). Using the Sony instructions provided here [URL]... when I open the file all I see are MEMSTICK.IND and MSTK_PRO.IND. Unfortunately when I attempt to open files with the .ind extension it comes up as an unrecognizable format. The images are viewable on the camcorder but I can't seem to open the file.
picked up a unibody last Saturday night, and opened the battery cover tonight. The latch was opened with little resistance, but now won't close. The latch edge sits about 1/8" up, and I can't find anything which would seem to prevent it from closing.
Anyone else had a troublesome battery latch, and how did you resolve it?
My iMac is really hot! That is, when I run my hand across the outside of the machine, it is warm all over, and the entire upper portion of the back is what I would call "hot" to the touch. That is, I can place my hand there for a while, but it is uncomfortable. Is this normal? I suppose there is a specification for case temps. In a more analytic vein, iStat Nano shows component temps as follows:
I'm sure this should be simple but I can't figure it out.
I have my iMac connected to my TV and am using Plex to watch stuff on the TV.
What I'd like to do is turn my imac screen off without turning off the second monitor output (i.e. tv) as the imac screen is a bit bright/distracting (even on lowest brightness) when watching in the dark.
I have an 40 GB SSD installed on my 2010 iMac 27" with a 2TB HDD hosting the users folder. I was running Transmission and encoding a DVD when I was told that I am out of Virtual Memory and must restart.
My question is: will using the SSD for Virtual Memory affect its performance down the line (as they should not be written to too much.) If so, how can I change my virtual memory storage location? *Xupport didn't work.
While browsing around I've stumbled over a few references to things like "tri-channel memory" and such. From what I understand (not that good with these things) some computer architectures / CPUs are optimized for using 3 memory modules, and some for using pairs (2 or 4).
I just read some benchmark tests of the i7 with different memory configurations, and the 12Gb was is most cases on par or better than all the others when it came to performance, even better than the 16Gb one. Is the new iMac (i7) best suited to use 3 memory modules?