MacBook Pro :: Stripped Screws Holding In Hard Drive
Jul 9, 2010
Anywhere to find replacements? It's the two top screws holding the bracket in place. How am I going to get these things out? I am not sure why they are so tight this time.
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Oct 8, 2009
I tried changing the hard drive on my MBP, only to totally strip the screws on the hard drive bar. Took it to Apple, they are happy to repair it, they said they may have to break the hard drive bar in order to get it out, but no problem. However, my local Apple Store is closed for a refitting until 30/10/09 and they want �48 in order to do the repair. That leaves a slightly bitter taste in my mouth considering it's such a small job. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with 'screw extractors'? They are little screw bits that bite into the screw in order to turn it. They are about �9 for a set so could save me a bit of cash. To be honest, it's not the money that's the problem, I don't want to wait another 3 weeks. I'm not really wanting to drill into the screw or glue a hex key, so the 'screw extractor' is the only option really. Just wondered if anyone can vouch for these little extractors. If not, then I'll suck it up and Apple loose on my machine.
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Dec 3, 2009
well while attempting to replace my hard drive I like many other people I completely stripped out the two screws on the hard drive bracket on my 15" PowerBook G4. They are very small screws, and I thought I had the correct size philips but apparently not. I tried to cut a slot in one of them with a Dremel but that only destroyed the entire head of the screw and sent bits of shavings everywhere. What can I do to get these screws out? Should I drill them out? I just can't think of any other way to get them out when one's stripped and one is worse than stripped. Is it possible to get replacements?
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Jul 20, 2010
So I was taking apart my MBP to reapply thermal paste on the chips and I accidentally stripped one of the screws holding the super drive to the chassis. It is a 3.3mm Phillips screw that is on the bottom right of the super drive if you are facing the screen when it is upright. The screw is heavily stripped as looks nothing like a + now. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to remove it without damaging the rest of my MBP? I have 3 sets of high precision tools and they all are having a hard time with the screws on my MBP. My local Apple store was nice enough to order some new screws for me which i will be getting in a few days.
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Nov 4, 2009
A few weeks back I spilled a glass of wine on my non-unibody, but new, MacBook pro while it was turned on (I know; no good). i let it dry for a few days but still, no life. i decided to open the sucker up to investigate and had successfully taken out the battery and one of the fans before the trouble began. i was using a #000 philips head screwdriver, and most of the screws in the logic board came right out, but some (the same size as the others) wouldn't budge. now i'm not sure if i should just put the thing back together and send it to apple or try to find a different size screwdriver and forge ahead. i know the problem in terms of moisture is on the other side of that logic board (and hard drive, which won't budge either)
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Aug 28, 2009
I took off the back cover of my MBP (early 2009) and the screws will not go all the way down. I think they are stripped. Is there anyway to use a tap and die set to fix the threads? Has anyone had a problem like mine? I had to take the cover off to check my memory (that is a whole other post) but when I put the cover back on the little screws would not go in very far. The just stick out of the case and will not go in any further. I could "make" them go down, but I do not think that would be wise to force the screws into place, because they may not come back out if the laptop ever needs to be worked on again. does removing your back cover on a MBP void your warranty? I just had a genius tell me that becasue I took the back cover off I voided my warranty, but they are going to replace my memory
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Jul 30, 2010
Today I received my Optibay-clone and hard drive, and tried to install it. Unfortunately, I messed it up and don't think I can finish the job now. Using driver bits supplied by ifixit, I managed to ruin the screws in step 10 of this guide: [URL] Tight, tiny screws are the bane of my existence. I don't understand what on earth I was supposed to do to remove these particular screws, when all the other screws in the computer didn't pose a problem at all. See awesome attached pics of mutilated screw, and the 10 or so different Phillips screwdrivers, none of which managed to do the job. So, am I completely screwed, or does someone out there have a magnificent suggestion to aid me in my plight?
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Aug 5, 2009
I'm literally two steps away from installing a new hard drive and I can't get the torx screws out. Is it absolutely vital I take them out and put them in the new hard drive?
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Sep 8, 2010
Today I decided to change the HDD in my MBP. I read the manual prior to that so I was all set. It took me almost an hour to take the metal back off, it was a pain in the ass as I had one of those small japanese screwdrivers set with no proper grip. However when I disassembled everything, to my shocking discovery I came to those type of screes I rarely see. Those 4 screes on the side of the HDD (mounting screws). I could not take them out since I had no tool for that, Im not a native english speaker so I wanted to ask anyone how are those screws called and also the proper took size or name so I can buy it tomorrow.
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Aug 28, 2009
I upgraded my hard drive in my 1st gen unibody MacBook Pro and I have the old drive just laying around. I am thinking of reformatting the drive and using the drive to test stuff out in. where I can purchase four of the hard drive screw/posts? I tried going to the Genius Bar, they referred me to Apple Care, who referred me to an authorized apple dealer... Who want to charge me an hour of labor. I tried to look for them at Fry's but no luck.
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Aug 12, 2008
So i got a new macpro, and i installed 3 drives in the remaining three bays and i wanted to replace the stock/factory drive withi my own, however the screws were badly stripped like the installed had a bad time trying to get it in there properly. im wondering if theres anyplace to pick up some replacement screws for the 2008 MP models. called apple said they dont have those in stock to just ship out.
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Aug 31, 2009
Is there any place that sells these screws? After a few HDD swaps the heads of some of my screws have worn down.
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Jul 7, 2006
I am wondering if anyone knows where I can get the screws that go in the side of the hard drive and the standoffs (screws) for the bottom of the optical drive for a Power Mac G5.
The hard drive needs screws so it will slide into and sit in the case properly.
I bought a Pioneer DVD drive to replace the original Sony SuperDrive. Apparently, there are different sized standoffs for Pioneer and Sony drives. With the Sony standoffs on the Pioneer drive, the tray scrapes the case when it ejects.
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Dec 8, 2009
Where do you get replacement screws for the hard drive sleds? I stripped out a few of mine after replacing some hard drives over the past couple years. Also, is there some special screwdriver you are supposed to use to remove the screws other than a Phillips head screwdriver?
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Sep 11, 2009
I was trying to do a memory upgrade the other day, and tried to take the wrong screw off. I went to try to screw it out, but the screw stripped. How can I get this thing removed and replace it with a new one? Or should I just take it to the local genius bar?
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Dec 16, 2009
I have a mid-2006 Macbook and have never tried to do any tinkering on the inside except for installing some RAM. Whenever I had any trouble in the past, I took the machine into the Apple Store. Now that my Applecare warranty is up, I figured that I can crack it open to do some repairs regarding my fan without voiding my warranty. Alas, it seems that someone on Apple's end stripped a screw / put it in improperly. Now, I cannot get it out. The screw in question is the center screw in this picture (from iFixit, not my Macbook): All other screws in the tear down came out easily except for this one. Dammit. What should I do? It is too late to point fingers at Apple because I have no proof that I wasn't the numbskill who did this. It is just such a small screw... I'd just like to remove it somehow
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Aug 27, 2010
The screws that hold the battery in place (Triwing Ones) One of them is stripped on my MBP. I ordered some new ones and they should be arriving next week. Does anyone have an idea how to get the stripped one out? I have tried pliers but they don't seem to grip the screw to be able to turn it. This is the screw I mean.
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Feb 7, 2012
Recently I up/downgraded from a 2010 17" Macbook Pro to a 2011 15" Macbook Pro. I had previously swapped the old hard drive in the 17" to an SSD using the OWC data doubler kit. Now that I moved on to the 15", I wanted to move my SSD over to the new Macbook Pro.Â
During the process opening the new MacBook and unscrewing a two of the screws around the optical drive, both of the screws became stripped on the module the covers the optical drive. I have to be honest and say that they are pretty badly striped at this point. I've read a handful of articles online with many different possible solutions on removing the stripped screw, but none of which seem to work nor do I want to cause any further or possible permanent damage, I do have AppleCare on the machine, but I wasn't sure if modifications and upgrades such as this where covered.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2009
Got a new MBP last month to replace my white MacBook - loving it as an upgrade but one gripe - if I'm sat using it on my knee I regularly hear the "click" type noise of what I imagine is the protection of the hard drive because it thinks it is being dropped.
I never heard this on my old Mac and while it's not a huge issue it is a bit disconcerting, as though I'm being told off for moving it in a fairly responsible way.
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Jul 27, 2009
I have an aluminum unibody macbook from October 2008. I'm looking to upgrade the 160 GB hard drive inside to a 500 GB one I'm considering from Newegg. Would it be possible to migrate/copy/clone the entire contents of my current hard drive to the 500 GB one? I also have a section of my current hard drive partitioned for Bootcamp. Would this affect my ability to transfer everything over?
If this is possible at all, how can I go about doing so? If there are steps laid out somewhere, I'd appreciate a referral. Sorry if my question is a little elementary, but I did a search on these forums and also google and nothing really came up
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Mar 31, 2012
Recently I bought 2 identical WD Scorpio Blue 1TB hard drives for my macbook pro 13 inch 2010. My aim is to replace the internal hard drive with one of the two I just purchased and use it as my system drive with Lion, Windows and Data partitions. And for the other hard drive I want to use it as a full disk back up for the internal drive (now 1TB hard drive). After I was done with setting up both windows and mac and data transfer, when I booedt into the recovery partition from the internal drive to clone the drive to the external drive, the disk utility gave me this error (Could not validate source - error 254). I also tried using Carbon Copy Cloner but it only could clone partitions, not the entire drive. Yesterday I downloaded a copy of Clonezilla. It worked fine until it had to clone an exFAT partition (my data partition). The exFAT partition appeared as 'RAW' partition in clonezilla. As a result, the whole partition appeared to be full and clonezilla had to copy every single blocks of data in that partition and the estimated time remaining was about 30 hours. So clonezilla is out too. Just want to ask if there is any program/application (bootable or not) which allows can do a full disk clone to an external hard drive.
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Sep 9, 2014
Macbook Pro 17" Early 2011Â
Notes. Failed HDD ASD Test.  A new hard drive was installed in September of 2011 after the previous hard drive failed. Having worked well until now the system seems to give the same problems as it had previously. I am wondering if this is a compatibility issue as others have pointed out. Â
I have been told by the technician my only option is to replace the entire hard drive again for the second time with a new one. However to my understanding a ASD test is very specific and this my not be necessary? Further I am attempting a final backup just in case. I don't have to take it in where I could just back it up myself without the system shutting down.
Mac Pro
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Jul 1, 2009
I was replacing my RAM y'day for my 13inch macpro, opening the back cover was very easy, but when I tried putting it back, two of the small screws won't tighten fully. A small part of the screw (25%) wont screw in completely. I can sense the the screw projection when I feel it with fingers. I tried the same angle as shown in the manual to unscrew and screw. And I took spl care to use the same screws for the same holes. I tried to fix it for 1hr, but the two small screws never fits.
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Oct 28, 2009
The MBP has one expresscard slot. So if you use an eSata adapter (even if it has dual eSATA ports) it would only have one eSATA channel And that would be limited further by the express card slot and more still by the type of card (make, model, etc..). My question is: with Barefeats claiming even the best eSATA card for a MBP being 200MB/s (even if you claim less) using a dual eSATA RAID connection for a stripped array would be limited to 100MB/s per port. Is this correct? Because I'm trying to understand this to see if it's worth building a RAID setup for my MBP when I'm home.
I've asked this numorous times and get helpful advice but not addressng this specific and fundamental fact. I am not interested in FW800 because I want the fastest I can get but want it to make sense. I would also reask my other questions about my situation but this question comes first.
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Sep 19, 2010
I am new to macs. I just bought a used macbook air, and realized 3 screws were missing from the bottom, I called all the local repair shops, no one has screws for it. I would really like to get the screws. Longer ones by the fan I am more concerned about, where could I order them from without getting a while set for like $40? It is out of warranty so apple will not give me the screws.
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Jan 10, 2011
I own a 15 inch late 2008 unibody MacBook Pro. I have recently discovered that one of the screws on the bottom of it is missing. I am not sure where I can buy some new screws for it. Does anyone have any insight into this?
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Sep 11, 2009
I'm replacing my old 120gig hard drive with a new 320gig hard driveWhen Ive got the new hard drive installed can I just put the old hard drive in a enclosure kit/caddy and copy my music/movies/etc across to the new hard drive?Or do I have to copy the data off before I remove the old hard drive?
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Sep 8, 2010
I'm in the process of installing an Optibay in my Macbook Pro and have run into 3 really tight screws. They are the 3.3mm Philips that are used to mount the SuperDrive and Bluetooth board. The one on the Bluetooth came out easy but the other three are really tight. I've used the Philips screw drive that came with the Optibay as well as another screwdriver but none of them budge the screws.
Anyone have any tips or special method of removing those screws?
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Mar 3, 2010
I was just wondering what is the best screw driver set for removing the screws from the late 2009 macbook pro unibody?
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Apr 17, 2010
It seems that i cannot open the bottom cover after getting all the screws off,
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