Hardware :: Using IMac As A Wireless Router For XBox Live?
Jan 31, 2009
I have read a few forums and walkthroughs where a lot of people, often everyone, eventually had sucess in connecting their XBox 360 to their mac and accessing Live. I have tried everything I can find to make this work. Here is what I have done:
I am running Leopard and using a Linksys Router. I began with the following:
On the iMac:
Ethernet Connection (manual)
Subnet: 255.255.255
Last, I tried using making the primary and secondary DNS addresses the same. Every time I have the same problem.... it fails when testing the DNS.
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Sep 1, 2009
First, let me explain my network setup:
We have our modem >> wireless linksyss router >> rest of house. We have 4 laptops, 3 tivos, and then our phones/ipods (all wireless). We have my xbox 360 (wired) So here are my questions:
1) Once I move out could the time capsule be used as a wireless router? And if so would it work well enough?
2) Once I move out would xbox live work fine through the TC?
3) Could I access the content of the TC with my 360? (I really want to do this if possible)
4) If I had the 1TB TC and the backups didn't take up all the 1TB (obviously wouldn't) can I use the rest of the drive as a media server? Like to store my movies and all that?
5) Lastly, if I was going to use the TC with my current setup at my house could I use it like this:
modem >> wireless router >> TC
(>> = wired connection)
Would that be the best way to set it up? Would that also provide the quickest speeds?
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Nov 10, 2009
Having a bit of trouble getting Modern Warfare 2 running on Xbox live. My setup is: BT Home Hub 2.0 wirelessly supplying my iMac with connection. I then have a ethernet cable running from the iMac feeding the internet connection to power Xbox Live. Previously this has worked flawlessly until. I try and play Modern Warfare 2. Currently when in the game screen it tells me that my 'NAT type is STRICT'. This isn't the case on my PS3 which is wireless where my NAT type is OPEN.
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Nov 19, 2010
What is the best router to have for my iMac 27", 3.06 gig? I currently have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, but it has been acting up lately, dropping my connection, requiring disconnect/re-connect.
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Sep 7, 2010
I am a NYU college student and have my macbook pro (running snow leopard os) connected to the internet via ethernet connection. My mac is sharing internet through it's ethernet connection and my ipod, blackberry, and friend's computers can connect via it's connection. However, the same does not go for my xbox 360. I keep getting a message saying "unable to connect to xbox live because my router can't assign an ip address" I have tried unplugging my internet for 30 seconds but it still doesn't work...neither does a direct ethernet connection.
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a Linksys Wireless Router and a Linksys Modem, the router is 6 years old or so 802.11b, how much faster would the Internet be if I had a combined Linksys wireless router/modem versus the 802.11b that I have now?
Would I see a huge difference? I am running my Macbook off it and an olde Toshiba laptop.
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Jan 15, 2010
I've searched for hours upon hours trying to find solutions to my problem. I recently purchased the xbox 360 wireless adaptor hoping it would pick up the internet sharing I have coming from my imac, which is connected to a modem via ethernet cable. I send out the internet on my imac as I have 2 windows laptops and my iphone which all connect with no problems what so ever.
The xbox wireless adaptor will see my imacs network but just won't join. There are a few people around my neighborhood that have unsecured networks which the xbox wireless adaptor picks up and connects to no problem. I now want to try the apple usb to ethernet converter with my imac to see if I can connect the xbox 360's RJ-45 into either the apple to ethernet converter or the imacs ethernet port while still receiving the internet from my modem.
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Jul 29, 2009
I want to fully convert to the apple eco-system but can't afford the new airport extreme right now. Model number of the used airport is EbM8799LL/A
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Mar 17, 2007
For the sake of the whole mac community , brave me picked up a Xbox Live Vision Cam from a local ToysRUs (299HKD, around 39 US bucks or 45 maple dollars), to see if it really works with 10.4.9 without a hack/driver~~ the whole thing apparently comes with the cam itself (ofcoz), a useless Xbox Live headset & some sort of Xbox Live trial gaming membership card
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Jan 26, 2009
So i've been using the xbox webcam for skype chatting while connected to my 3-year-old ibook G4 running OS 10.4.9 and all is right with the world... But I'd like to be able to use it with my (much faster) desktop G4 running OS 10.5.6, but no dice. the 'puter won't even recognize it. I browed around to see if it's just not compatible with Leopard but some folks out there seem to think it is.
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Nov 14, 2010
I just purchased an Airport Extreme and it works wonders with our computers and phones, but when I tried setting up my XBOX 360 to XBox live I keep getting an error saying that I need to enable my UPNP to use all features of XBOX live. Anyone know how I can enable this on the Airport utility?
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Jun 11, 2008
I have a macbook (10.5.1), and I am trying to share my internet through Airport -> Macbook -> Ethernet Cable -> Xbox 360 to get onto Xbox Live.
-What do I manually put as my IP?
-Subnet Mask is or is it
-What do I put as my gateway?
Now, every time that my IP has confirmed, the DNS fails. How do I configure this properly?
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Jul 8, 2009
I have an Airport Extreme and a Macbook Pro, I'm trying to open my NAT for online play with Xbox LIVE.
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Feb 2, 2010
I'm home from college for the term, and I'm trying to get Xbox Live working on my brother's 360, but he managed to lose the wireless adapter. Instead of dropping the $100 for a new one, I'm trying to adapt the Time Capsule I already own to the purpose. My house already has a private wifi network, but the router is downstairs and the 360 is upstairs so I can't just run an ethernet cable to it.
What I want to do is set up the Time Capsule in the same room as the 360, connect it to the existing wireless network, then run an ethernet cable from the Time Capsule to the 360 so the 360 can connect to live. I tried joining the existing network, but that sets the TC up as a client and doesn't allow anything connected to it via ethernet to access the internet. Airport Utility won't let me set up the TC as an extension of the existing network unless it's connected via ethernet to the original access point, and like I said earlier, running ethernet cable isn't an option.
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Aug 12, 2008
I had a DLink DIR-655 Wireless N router and my wireless was running very fast, 9.7MB using [URL] with no lag looking up sites. I had to upgrade the router since I was hosting a site and the router wasn't working properly for that.
So, I bought a Linksys WRT610N Dual Band router. I have the iMac running on the 5GHz band and it runs around the same speed.
HOWEVER, when I open Safari or Firefox, in the status bar, it says "looking up google.ca..." or whatever site I'm browsing for and can take up to 5-10 seconds before it starts to display the site. When it is on the site, browsing around is fast as long as it doesn't change domains.
ANOTHER HITCH, I have VMWare's Fusion installed on the iMac and Vista installed there and there is no lag to browsing a site. When I type in the site, it immediately goes to the site and I am able to browse fine.
Any thoughts on this?
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Jul 2, 2008
I recently had Fios installed and they provide a router/modem Actiontec M1424. I have it set up so I am still able to get wifi off my airport express since it provides faster wifi speeds. I am having a problem with xbox live.
I keep getting NAT moderate instead of open. I opened ports 3074 and 88 in airport utility but no luck. Is it because it is going through two routers?
Anyone have a similar setup and have an open nat? The reason I choose not to use the actiontec is because on live the connection is terrible but I have an open nat.
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Sep 19, 2010
Currently, in order to get the most distance out of my wireless router, I have my wireless router in the living room. This is because my ps3 is in one room and my Imac is in another. my router is more or less in the middle of my ps3 and imac both of which i connect wirelessly to the internet. Since ive done this my signal upstairs is poor. So, can I use my Imac to boost the signal upstairs. My wireless router was plugged into my Imac beforehand and the signal upstairs was fine. but since ive had to move the router for my ps3 its further away from upstairs and the signal has dropped. short of moving the router back.
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Dec 14, 2010
I have my PS3, iMac, MBP, and TV connected fine to my wireless network. I tried connecting my PSP to my network, and I get an error, saying something along the lines that the network isnt compatible. Anyone know what type of security setting I need to have, that would be comaptible with my psp?
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Sep 22, 2009
I have been scouring google for hours to this solution and cannot find a solution.
I have an Airport Express acting as the router, connected to the ethernet jack in my dorm.
Now, my NAT is OPEN.
But I cannot connect to my friends online.
DOES ANYONE have a working configuration????
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Dec 17, 2010
I recently purchased an iMac desktop and installed it in my home office. It worked fine, except that the airport was connecting erratically to the wireless router, which is located about 5-7 meters away in a different room. I tried re-positioning the iMac to have better 'reception' but the problem persists. I can see the number of airport connectivity 'bars' changing every second and then going off fully. Very frustrating.
Could there be a problem with the iMac antenna? A colleague told me that if there's a wireless phone in the house near the router that can cause problems. Another told me that the router (a basic D-link 802.11g, 5 yrs old) needs to be replaced.
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Jun 17, 2007
i really want a new iMac but can't afford it right now. so i was thinking of getting an older iMac to replace the pc we have now. if i do do this can i use the wireless router that i have now with an iMac G3 or G4?
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Jun 20, 2012
I can connect to my router via wireless connection, but I cannot open any webpage.
Anyone has an idea what the problem might be?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4)
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Jun 16, 2010
I have a Netgear Wireless G Router and was wondering if this is sufficiant or is there something out now that is faster/better. Mainly used for my macbook and wife pc laptop and 2 IPhones.
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Jan 5, 2011
I have just got my 1Tb time capsule and there are a lot of confusing descriptions of how to connect it.
At the moment I have just selected "join existing wireless network" which is a ADSL 2.4ghz G Router that came with my internet package (Thompson TG585 v7).
Does this mean that all traffic goes via the ADSL Router and that I will not be using the 5ghz band when I back up so that all the data will follow a path like this and have slow data rates? :
MAC --2.4ghz--> ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> TC
or will I be communicating directly with the TC at 5ghz for backups and data transfer and 2.4ghz with the ADSL router for internet like this? :
MAC --5ghz--> TC
ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> MAC
If this is not a good setup, what setup would allow me to get the full speed to the time capsule and be connected to the internet.
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Mar 7, 2010
I have an airport extreme base station (wireless n draft). problem is, my room is all the way in the back and i get poor reception. Can i just buy another standard $40 wireless G router and "extend" my wireless network? if so, how easy would this be to accomplish? would it be as simple as hooking up the $40 router with my airport extreme using via ethernet cable so that it extends it? update: I am looking at this router...would this accomplish my purpose? [URL:....]
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Sep 12, 2010
I have one of those USB dongles... i was curious if there are any wireless "G" or "N" routers that will work with it.
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Sep 8, 2010
I just bought wireless for my room, but it obviously just uses my Mac address and therefore I cannot get wireless on any of my other devices. Is there a way I can get my Xbox to connect to the wireless? Can I make my computer become a router and give it a MAC address for anything connected to it?
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Jan 23, 2009
I have an Xbox 360 wireless controller and I wanted to know if it is possible to use it on a mac? I have the play and Charge cable, which is basically a cable that connects to my controller to my Xbox 360 via USB. Do u think if I use this cable plus some software, will I be able to play games such as Team Fortess 2 and COD 4. Also does it matter if I use Boot Camp or Just regular Mac? Also what software can I use for this to work, so all buttons work. Update: Also the controller doesn't use bluetooth, IF the cable doesn't work I have to buy a wireless adapter. Second Update: Ok so I have to either buy a wired controller or buy a wireless adapter. What software can I use?
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Jun 9, 2008
Does anyone know of a driver for the wireless gaming receiver that allows the xbox 360 wireless headset to work. I have a driver for the wireless controller, I am looking for one for the headset.
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Jun 19, 2009
Anybody know if the Apple wireless keyboard works with the XBOX 360? Been searching the web (google+mroogle) and haven't found anything except for "if it needs a driver it probably doesn't work". And if you have a wireless keyboard working with the 360 would you mind to post it here? Not much material on the interweb.
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