OS X :: Mac Address - Connecting Xbox To Wireless?
Sep 8, 2010
I just bought wireless for my room, but it obviously just uses my Mac address and therefore I cannot get wireless on any of my other devices. Is there a way I can get my Xbox to connect to the wireless? Can I make my computer become a router and give it a MAC address for anything connected to it?
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Jan 15, 2010
I've searched for hours upon hours trying to find solutions to my problem. I recently purchased the xbox 360 wireless adaptor hoping it would pick up the internet sharing I have coming from my imac, which is connected to a modem via ethernet cable. I send out the internet on my imac as I have 2 windows laptops and my iphone which all connect with no problems what so ever.
The xbox wireless adaptor will see my imacs network but just won't join. There are a few people around my neighborhood that have unsecured networks which the xbox wireless adaptor picks up and connects to no problem. I now want to try the apple usb to ethernet converter with my imac to see if I can connect the xbox 360's RJ-45 into either the apple to ethernet converter or the imacs ethernet port while still receiving the internet from my modem.
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Dec 9, 2010
I am trying to connect my xbox360 to the internet by sharing from my ethernet connection. I have the latest model xbox with built in wireless. Also my internet connection is pppoe because i am in Okinawa, Japan. It is NTT/OCN.
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Feb 9, 2009
Just wondering if there's a free method of connecting the 360 to the mac over the network. I've found a couple of shareware programs which look good, stream video, itunes and iphoto, but all I'm really after is the ability to watch movies. Is this possible 'out of the box' or do I need to slap down the cash?
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Jun 30, 2009
I have found tons of things online on how to connect a XBOX 360 controller to my mac - anyone know how to go in semi reverse - Connect my Mac to my 360? I want to be able to type from my computer - so the typing appears on my 360. I normally play with my computer right next to me - so this would be convenient.
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Jul 17, 2009
i recently purchased one of the new macbook pros (13") i want to connect an xbox to my laptop, due to the high quality screen. i did some searching, and would it be possible to connect the xbox to the laptop using a mac miniport to vga cable, connected to an hd xbox 360 hd vga cable. would it work or not, or do i do it some other way?
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Aug 30, 2009
I've been searching around for some time to try and figure out how to hook up my 360 (and it's HDMI output) to my mac pro (quad, 7Gb ram) and 30" cinema display. Apple lists this on their site: [URL] but it's designed as a video capture card, so I'm not sure if it's appropriate for using simply to play the 360 on. Are there any other pci express cards or units which will allow me to take the output from the 360, input it through my Mac Pro and display it on my cinema display without lag, wonky setups, or hijacking anything?
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Sep 7, 2009
I know this has been asked a hundred times; can you hook up your 360 to cinema display but all the threads are from years ago and people keep saying there will be converters and such soon.
Mac Pro, 30" ACD, Apple LED 24" display, and 360 and I have a uMBP.
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Mar 22, 2010
Hi, I want to connect my PS3/X360 to my iMac 27 inch. There is one problem, standard adapter from HDMI -> miniDisplay or adapters in connection: HDMI -> DVI -> miniDisplay does not deal with this.
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Dec 8, 2009
I have an Airport Extreme connected to cable modem. I also have an Airport Express for some reason. My 360 is in another room.. and while I have a long enough ethernet cable to hardwire it to the router, that's pretty inconvenient and doesn't really look that good. So my question is... how would the connection quality be if I connect it to the airport express? Is it like hardwiring it?
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Feb 21, 2006
I have a 23" Apple Cinema Display (the older model in the clear plastic casing) with a Dual 2ghz G5. I'm not to technically inclined yet as I just got into computers and decided to give macs a try. I just got a xbox 360 and was hoping to connect it to my cinema display. Just wondering if this is possible. From what I understand my G5 has and DVI out which is why I had to get a DVI to ADC adapter for it to work with my display. Microsoft sells a VGA adapter but I'm guessing that will not work with my display. Also if it is possible what type of device would I need to use the monitor with the xbox and the G5 together? (I know I can't use them at the same time but alternate so I don't have to keep unplugging and hooking up cables every time I go between machines).
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Nov 14, 2010
I just purchased an Airport Extreme and it works wonders with our computers and phones, but when I tried setting up my XBOX 360 to XBox live I keep getting an error saying that I need to enable my UPNP to use all features of XBOX live. Anyone know how I can enable this on the Airport utility?
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Jan 4, 2010
I apologize in advance if this has been answered before (I couldn't find an answer using search). I have an Airport Extreme wireless network in my home that works great. I just got an xbox 360 with the latest wireless adapter ("N" type) and when I try to set up the xbox to work wirelessly, the setup "fails" - xbox either can't "see" my home wireless network or else can't attach to it. Any suggestions how I can fix this problem?
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Jun 22, 2010
Here's my idea on a setup when I move into my garage. Xbox 360 connected to iMac 27" with a Kanex XD HDMI to Mini DisplayPort adaptor. A FreeView box also connected via HDMI though the Kanex XD adaptor using a HDMI switch. Or instead of the FreeView box I might get an EyeTV TV Tuner so I can use the new app to watch live tv on my iPhone.
Here's my other idea...
Mac Mini connected to my 42" Samsung HD monitor via HDMI
Xbox 360 also connected to the monitor with HDMI
A FreeView box also connected via HDMI to the monitor with a HDMI switch to change between the three.
I suppose it depends on screen size at the end of the day.
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Dec 15, 2008
I have an Airport Extreme network with an XBox 360 hooked up to it via ethernet. I would like to be able to use the XBox 360 as a media extender using the Windows Media Center running in Vista on my MacBook Pro. Vista Ultimate is running under VMware's Fusion and not as a bootcamp partition (not sure if this matters, but thought I'd mention it just in case). The MacBook Pro is using Wi-Fi (N) to connect to the Airport Extreme.
I followed the directions on the [URL] page, and all four things below that are required to be checked (given permission to run) or running as directed, yet I still get the message stating the Xbox could not be found. UPNP is indeed running.
What am I missing? Do I have to open ports on the Airport Extreme, even if the computer and xbox are on the same network? Do I have to open anything on the MacBook Pro on the Mac OS side?
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May 1, 2009
I usually have no problems hooking my Xbox up to XBL wirelessly to the interent, but I recently moved and now it wont connect to XBL. It shows the SSID but when put the passphrase in it begins to connect and then it says there is a problem. it says it is "connected" but there is no IP. All the setting as are put to Automatic.
I have tried shutting the router off and my Xbox and I even tried connecting an ethernet cable to my MBP and Xbox. I got an IP when I did this but it still didnt connect. so that's one problem. Another problem is that I dont know how to share my MBP with my Xbox...Like I said, I have the wireless adapter thing but maybe I have been going about all of this wrong.
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Jan 23, 2009
I have an Xbox 360 wireless controller and I wanted to know if it is possible to use it on a mac? I have the play and Charge cable, which is basically a cable that connects to my controller to my Xbox 360 via USB. Do u think if I use this cable plus some software, will I be able to play games such as Team Fortess 2 and COD 4. Also does it matter if I use Boot Camp or Just regular Mac? Also what software can I use for this to work, so all buttons work. Update: Also the controller doesn't use bluetooth, IF the cable doesn't work I have to buy a wireless adapter. Second Update: Ok so I have to either buy a wired controller or buy a wireless adapter. What software can I use?
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Jun 9, 2008
Does anyone know of a driver for the wireless gaming receiver that allows the xbox 360 wireless headset to work. I have a driver for the wireless controller, I am looking for one for the headset.
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Jun 19, 2009
Anybody know if the Apple wireless keyboard works with the XBOX 360? Been searching the web (google+mroogle) and haven't found anything except for "if it needs a driver it probably doesn't work". And if you have a wireless keyboard working with the 360 would you mind to post it here? Not much material on the interweb.
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Mar 23, 2010
I'm thinking about buying this controller. Linky. And I'm curious to know if it will work in OS X.
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Jan 31, 2009
I have read a few forums and walkthroughs where a lot of people, often everyone, eventually had sucess in connecting their XBox 360 to their mac and accessing Live. I have tried everything I can find to make this work. Here is what I have done:
I am running Leopard and using a Linksys Router. I began with the following:
On the iMac:
Ethernet Connection (manual)
Subnet: 255.255.255
Last, I tried using making the primary and secondary DNS addresses the same. Every time I have the same problem.... it fails when testing the DNS.
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May 23, 2009
setting up my xbox 360 with a xbox-live connection. I am planning on relaying my base station's internet connection to my express. Then connecting my express to my xbox via ethernet. if someone could inform me on the settings, for the xbox, extreme base station, and express.
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Sep 1, 2009
First, let me explain my network setup:
We have our modem >> wireless linksyss router >> rest of house. We have 4 laptops, 3 tivos, and then our phones/ipods (all wireless). We have my xbox 360 (wired) So here are my questions:
1) Once I move out could the time capsule be used as a wireless router? And if so would it work well enough?
2) Once I move out would xbox live work fine through the TC?
3) Could I access the content of the TC with my 360? (I really want to do this if possible)
4) If I had the 1TB TC and the backups didn't take up all the 1TB (obviously wouldn't) can I use the rest of the drive as a media server? Like to store my movies and all that?
5) Lastly, if I was going to use the TC with my current setup at my house could I use it like this:
modem >> wireless router >> TC
(>> = wired connection)
Would that be the best way to set it up? Would that also provide the quickest speeds?
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May 7, 2009
I searched the forums but i couldn't find a specific answer to this question... I'm a kinda/non-tech savy girl who loves tech stuff but needs help sometimes
So I am interested in getting an airport express so I can capture the wireless from my netgear router and then connect my xbox 360 to the ethernet port to use the internet... I would also like to connect my desktop PC to the ethernet port to use the internet because I use my Macbook Pro for internet use. Since my desktop doesn't have a wireless card I won't have to buy an adapter for it if i use the airport express. I also want to use the airport express to connect to my AV receiver.
Basically in my room I have a desktop PC, xbox 360, AV receiver, and a tv. The reason I ask about the requirement to have an airport extreme base station was because it seemed like most of the posts on this topic said you need to enable "Allow this network to be extended" and i don't think my netgear router has this option, but i dont see why it would need it...
In my mind I would expect the airport express to be able to connect to my wireless network after i enter in the password, and then be able to connect my xbox or pc to the ethernet port...
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Sep 15, 2010
I'm trying to use my AE (Airport Extreme) Base Station to give my xbox 360 wireless. Has anyone done this? My setup is as Follows: Netgear WGR614 v7 Router connected to my Cable Modem AE Base station connected wirelessly to the Netgears Network Xbox 360 connected via ethernet to AE. It's not working though. My AE gets an IP automatically from the Netgear fine, but the xbox won't connect. I have my AE on "Join Wireless Network" mode and it's LED is solid green but it still doesn't give the xbox any internet.
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Jan 7, 2009
I have a Mac PowerBook G4, a Sony PSP 2004 and a wireless internet access SpeedTouchF3629 and I can�t access internet with my PSP. I already got to the webpage of PSP registration and made all the steps they asked me to do. When I make the download of the software PSNDownloaderSetup.exe, it is not identified by my PowerBookG4 as a executable program. I tried before I downloaded this software with the PSP in the Network settings, I made all the steps to the installation and it always said: "There has been a connection error. It has not been possible to establish a connection to the access point. Check the security settings for the network and try it again". So I think, or maybe I am wrong!, that if I can make this software work, maybe I can access internet wireless with my PSP?
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Mar 27, 2012
My Imac will not connect to the internet. I ran the network diagnostics and checked the network in system preferences and still it won't work. I already fixed the IP adress problem but still... It's showing, in network diagnostics, that internet and server are red. I already rebooted the server but the problem persists. I'm a mac user and have been for almost a decade and this has never happened.
iMac, iOS 5.1
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Nov 20, 2005
so my University uses the lovely Cisco VPN Client. Easy to get it working, not a big deal, but it annoys me that I need to start it manually every time I switch wifi networks and such. Is there a way to automate this? I want to connect to the VPN whenever the Airport logs into one of the University's wifi networks. The Cisco client also supports command-line mode, so I could write a script for that. But the big question is: is there a "connected to wifi network" event I can hook into using AppleScript or something.
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Dec 8, 2007
I have an eMac 1Ghz with 10.3.9 on it and I just bought a new Lexmark Wi-Fi Printer. I have no Extreme card, just a Netgear Wired/Wireless router that's obviously connected to my eMac via CAT5 cable. I set up the printer for wireless, hoping my eMac would use the router as a card-substitute type deal. Well it doesn't. Cannot connect as if it were not there.
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Aug 12, 2008
I have an Airport card in my eMac. My eMac sees it OK. I have an iMac connected to a wireless router. My eMac sees the router, but when I type in the password to connect I get a cannot establish connection error. THERE IS AN ERROR JOINING THE AIRPORT NETWORK " xxxxxxxxxxxxxx " (xxxxxxx being the name of my router. Just realised that even though the eMac sees the router it is getting no signal, all lines in airport icon in Menu Bar are grey and not black as when there is a signal of some strength.
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