Final Cut Pro :: Working With Screen Capture Footage - Looks Compressed And Fuzzy
Aug 2, 2006
I purchased Snapz Pro X to record screen capture footage for a project I am doing. After recording the .mov files I imported them into FCP and edited together a sequence along with music and titling. Unfortunately in the output video the footage looks compressed and fuzzy. I have the project resolution set to an HD setting, but I'm still getting a fuzzy looking screen shot. What is the proper way to import screen captures into FCP and how do I export them without loosing resolution.
editing with FCPX. I imported the footage through Image Capture like I did when using iMovie. I then imported the footage from my desktop into FCP. When it's just showing the thumbnails, it looks bright, like it did on camera. But when I scrub through it, or play the video, it appears very dark. Almost like it's with a filter. I tried to mess around with the buttons near the view screen, but they didn't do anything. Is this a settings problem or a FCP problem, and how do I fix it?
Basically i started a new project on final cut, just as always my import settings remained the same as i always use. My playback screen in the window and full screen plays back footage that does not fit the screen, i also exported a sample and the same thing happened where the video does not fit the screen.
In Quicktime Pro 7 I can capture either 640x480 or uncompressed. The uncompressed gives me to large files, while the 640x480 is to bad. My camera is HD 1080 and my capture need to be the same. But it have to record compressed like .mp4 or H264 or something.
The best way should be if I could capture for the vimeo-format without exporting after capturing. Is there I plug-in or something for Quicktime that allows me to choose the capture settings more than the default settings?
I own a MacPro1,1 that has a Geforce 7300 GT running on it. That video card comes with one Dual-Link DVI port, and anonther that is Single-Link. I just bought a Dell 30" 3008WFP monitor that has a max resolution of 2560x1900.
When I first connected, it worked great. I was getting the max res; life was good. Then I started getting this random green fuzzy screen that would come and go at whim. I couldn't reproduce it, and worse was I have not figured out a way to get rid of it. Early on, just unplugging and replugging in the cable worked. Then that stopped working. Rebooting stopped working. Once i was able to get the green to go away by powering down the display and powering it back up. Yes, totally random.
Here are some more facts:
1. Setting a lower resolution doesn't rid me of the green fuzz effect.
2. If i connect to the same monitor using the single-link DVI port, everything works great, but only reaches 1920X1600 (as expected).
3. Connecting to different monitor using the Dual-Link DVI port works fine, albeit that the other monitor has a lesser max resolution.
4. I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.3 and I have all my software updates in place.
5. I've attached a screenshot of what this looks like.
I was asked to video screen capture a program on a pc laptop for a tutorial, and to mix it in with my footage that was shot 1440-1080, 30f with my Canon XHA1. Does anyone know the best program I can use to video screen capture the pc, that is professional, and not expensive? Or any methods of preparing it for FCP?
Information: 17 MacBook Pro 2.6 Ghz 4 GB Mac OS X (10.6.2) 3x2 tb WD Studio Edition, Canon XHA1, Canon 7D
I would like to capture my iPhone screen in action for purposes of demonstrating its usage to others (e.g. How do I create and send a text?). I want to be able to use this in a FinalCut video.
I recorded some gameplay footage using Yosemite's Quicktime Movie Recording feature. The audio is there when I play the quicktime, but when I drop it into Final Cut Pro 7, it wants to render the audio. I render it, but the audio is gone. Any way to have it convert the audio?
I´m completely new to the world of plug ins etc and has shot for the first time with a Sony PMW EX1. I now need to convert the footage to import it to FCPX. (I normally shoot with a DSLR so no trouble with import)
I have downloaded the PDZK-LT2 - Camera Import Plug-In Version 1.0 for Final Cut Pro X from Sony and opened the zip filed, moved what I got (file, dmg, zip and pdf) to the Application Support File in the Library. If this isn´t what I´m supposed to do - what and where?
Should FCPX recognise it when I want to import the footage and choose the plug in instead of the normal importer, or do I need to run it through the new plug in first, then import the new files to FC?? I can´t find any beginners info on this and it´s a bit lonely here trying trial and error with a tired head. I assumed it would just show up when I try to import it.
I'm using Final Cut Pro 10.1.3 and all my footage is on my external drive. Can I use this footage from the HD WITHOUT IMPORTING to my iMac HD? If so, how?
I got a Sony HDV HC9 today and I'm trying to upload some footage into Final Cut Pro. Now every so often it's coming up with "DV device cannot be initialized". I have no clue why this is. Is it something to do with the iLink being on or off? I have the import settings as 1080i50i so that shouldn't be a problem. I think i'm just doing something silly without knowing but it's driving me mad.
i was trying to get a screen capture of an issue with itunes when previewing tv shows/movies..etc but it appears you can no longer take screen caps of iTunes movies/tv shows (well ones you didnt import yourself).... or is there a work around?
I need to edit together some video footage. I was going to digitize the footage on a PC (using adobe premiere) then edit it with Final Cut Express. I haven't purchased Final Cut Express yet, I'll only purchase it if I know it will work with footage digitized from a PC, does anyone here know if it's possible to use or import windows footage in to FCE? It will be saved as DV Avi files (I guess).
I just bought final cut express about a week ago, and haven't used it yet.. There's a youtuber: [URL] Who does insane editing . He uses Sony Vegas. Is it possible to do this kinda thing in Final Cut Express? Also, in Final cut you have to Render every time you import or change something. It takes me hours trying to edit something. Do you have to render with sony vegas?
Ive had s few problems with my final cut. Im working off my laptop with a monitor. My immediate issue is that I have been editing fine this morning and then all of a sudden I could hear the audio for my clips but I can't see the footage in the viewer or the canvas. I can double clip on each clip individually and see what the footage is however. I've shut my computer down a few times and its not fixing itself. Also a lot lately when I sit down to do some editing the footage flickers on one clip and wont proceed to the next clips footage but I can still hear the sound.
Im working off my laptop with a monitor. My immediate issue is that I have been editing fine this morning and then all of a sudden I could hear the audio for my clips but I can't see the footage in the viewer or the canvas. I can double clip on each clip individually and see what the footage is however. I've shut my computer down a few times and its not fixing itself. Also a lot lately when I sit down to do some editing the footage flickers on one clip and wont proceed to the next clips footage but I can still hear the sound.
I upgraded operating system to Mavericks, since then all footage I export from FCP as a QT movie has artifacts. I'm using FC 6.0.6. I have the settings optimized for download in the settings options ad data rate at 3000. I have been exporting like this for years with footage looking same as in FCP timeline. Mavericks doesn't work with older programs..I only downloaded the thing so I could run Da Vinci Light, it screwed up my mail system too.
My mac screen is frozen with white fuzzy lines going across the screen. I shut it off and turn it back on but it still remains white fish lines on the start up screen. I've tried revolting it, it works sometimes but now its stuck at the starting screen. I have been at this for 2 hours to try and fix it but nothing has changed about the screen.
Just updated to 10.1.2 and now the letterbox effect is not visible if i view in full screen but is working in normal interface viewer.
Instead if I keep a png cinema-scope 2:35:1 on top of all the layers... in normal viewer its fine. but if i view in full screen (viewer) the cinemascope does not work on the top and only on the bottom it is visible in unusual size...
Since yesterday, my screen has been acting really wierd. Every few hours, the screen goes all fuzzy with a bunch of white lines on it, and it becomes completely unusable. It only happens for a few seconds each time (fortunately, it's fine right now), but it's kinda got me worried because I need to keep this computer for 2 more years before getting a new one, and I can't afford to fix it. I can't stop using it because I need it for school, so if it breaks, I'm completely screwed.
My brother's ibook (14", 1.33 Ghz, 1.25 GB RAM, 10.3.9) recently developed a problem: when he would open it, the screen would show fuzzy lines for a few seconds before "stabilizing." He tried to live with it, but it got progressively worse. Now, the lines never disappear, and the screen flickers as well.
Im trying to Capture videos from a sony dvd camcorder. im using a canopus advanced DV converter (ADVC-110 is the model #). quicktime version 10.0 is installed on this computer.
iMac 6.1 using OS X 10.6.2so this is what happens. i will attempt to capture a video from the camcorder to final cut express hd and during the capture, the video will momentarily freeze on the computer, however the playback on the camcorder continues. the result is that the video freezes while the audio continues to capture (and during playback as well). any ideas on what the problem could be?
i dont use this computer for any software/music downloading or anything like that so viruses are pretty much out of the question. if theres any other information you may need let me know.
I want to capture about 30 hours of DV tapes from my camcorder using Final Cut Express on my new iMac and was hoping to find the optimum configuration for doing so.
I'm using the Firewire port to connect to the camcorder. So then the question is: which hard disk to use for the capture scratch? Since the iMac has only one Firewire port, and that's used for the camcorder, the only choices are the internal Serial ATA 7200 rpm drive and an external drive connected via USB 2.0.
I wanted to avoid using the internal drive because it's the system drive and especially to avoid the significant internal heat build-up, but when I connect a 7200 rpm Seagate FreeAgent disk via USB, I'm consistently getting dropped frames.
So I've resorted to using the internal drive for now, and when I'm done, I may copy/move them off to the external drive, but I still would prefer to capture directly to the external drive (without the dropped frames though).
These tapes and cameras are unsupported in FCP X 10.1.3.
How can I capture (import) the video tape segments onto my Mac OS X version 10.9.4 so that I can edit the video in FCP? Are there special procedures or products that are needed?