Final Cut Pro :: PC Video Screen Capture For Editing - Program?
May 7, 2009
I was asked to video screen capture a program on a pc laptop for a tutorial, and to mix it in with my footage that was shot 1440-1080, 30f with my Canon XHA1. Does anyone know the best program I can use to video screen capture the pc, that is professional, and not expensive? Or any methods of preparing it for FCP?
17 MacBook Pro 2.6 Ghz 4 GB
Mac OS X (10.6.2)
3x2 tb WD Studio Edition, Canon XHA1, Canon 7D
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Jun 20, 2014
I would like to capture my iPhone screen in action for purposes of demonstrating its usage to others (e.g. How do I create and send a text?). I want to be able to use this in a FinalCut video.
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Jul 21, 2009
I have recently been asked to help set up a "TV studio" for a church. It is basically a project designed to turn the church pulpit into a working TV studio where weekly sermons can be streamed onto the web, or even played on local public access TV channels, for those tech savvy partitioners that can't make it to regular sermons. The budget for equipment is very generous, and the church has expressed a preference for using mac computers for everything from initial sound and video capture, production editing, and streaming to the web and/or local TV stations.
Equipment they already have is the typical stuff you might find in a modern church, eg. 4 mics on and around the pulpit, a fairly new sound board (not sure how many channels, but at least 10 or more), some old mini-dv camcorders, etc. I'm starting from scratch here. This is an equipment and software question, but I'm posting on the software forum because they have already decided on a mac computer. It is just a question of whether an iMac or a Mac Pro tower will be used.
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Nov 11, 2008
I want to capture selections on my screen and add comments. Is there a program out there that will allow me to do that? I don't like the "grab it" program because it saves the captured file in a Tiff format instead of a Jpeg format.
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Mar 8, 2008
Does anyone use a MBP for video editing or do you find it much more easier on a desktop?
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Jun 23, 2014
I currently have a Mac Mini, ssd drive, 2.6ghz quad core i7 with 16gb of ram. Graphics is intel hd4000. Despite it's not having dedicated graphics, would I be able to do some fairly heavy video editing, in Final Cut Pro, with it? I'm still learning, but the computer was an investment and I hope it grows with me. Right now I'm learning with iMovie, but I plan on purchasing FcP in the near future. I am hoping I don't have to worry about purchasing another Mac for at least a couple of years, just because I don't have discrete graphics or iris in this one.
Basically I'm not looking to edit a feature-length presentation, but I'd like to do some music videos, with some cool effects, maybe get into short films or documentaries of 10 to 15 min in length. Nothing too intense, but I'd like to play around with some effects.
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Sep 2, 2010
Im trying to Capture videos from a sony dvd camcorder. im using a canopus advanced DV converter (ADVC-110 is the model #). quicktime version 10.0 is installed on this computer.
iMac 6.1 using OS X 10.6.2so this is what happens. i will attempt to capture a video from the camcorder to final cut express hd and during the capture, the video will momentarily freeze on the computer, however the playback on the camcorder continues. the result is that the video freezes while the audio continues to capture (and during playback as well). any ideas on what the problem could be?
i dont use this computer for any software/music downloading or anything like that so viruses are pretty much out of the question. if theres any other information you may need let me know.
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Sep 16, 2010
I want to capture about 30 hours of DV tapes from my camcorder using Final Cut Express on my new iMac and was hoping to find the optimum configuration for doing so.
I'm using the Firewire port to connect to the camcorder. So then the question is: which hard disk to use for the capture scratch? Since the iMac has only one Firewire port, and that's used for the camcorder, the only choices are the internal Serial ATA 7200 rpm drive and an external drive connected via USB 2.0.
I wanted to avoid using the internal drive because it's the system drive and especially to avoid the significant internal heat build-up, but when I connect a 7200 rpm Seagate FreeAgent disk via USB, I'm consistently getting dropped frames.
So I've resorted to using the internal drive for now, and when I'm done, I may copy/move them off to the external drive, but I still would prefer to capture directly to the external drive (without the dropped frames though).
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Aug 30, 2014
I have: FCP X 10.1.3
Hi 8 tapes and camera
VHS and SVHS tapes and camera
JVC GY-DV5000U camera and mini DV tapes
Firewire cable
Apple Thunderbolt to FireWire Adapter
These tapes and cameras are unsupported in FCP X 10.1.3.
How can I capture (import) the video tape segments onto my Mac OS X version 10.9.4 so that I can edit the video in FCP? Are there special procedures or products that are needed?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 7, 2009
I want to use iMovie, but whenever I import my HD image, it makes the quality worse, and the radial gradient looks horrible. Here is the image I'm trying to use: [URL]
here is what it looks like once imported into iMovie '09: [URL]
Is there a plugin for iMovie to fix this or something? I would you Final Cut, but my computer is slow enough, and adding heavy video-editing applications like that would not be good. Especially since I've had to replace my hard drive twice in the past year.
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Oct 31, 2009
I am planning on converting my old HI8 tapes to DVDs.
I know there are a few options. Can anybody suggest a simple solution?I know there is a software you can install on my Mac. How is it called? Where can I get it?
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Aug 1, 2010
I want to be able to create a video with multiple, angled pictures, preferably with the reflection effect, like in this one (NOT my video, I'm not trying to gain views or anything) - skip to 0:30:
I've seen many videos on YouTube with the exact same effect and I'm wondering which software they're using to create them.
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Apr 9, 2009
I have a bella Pro Series video editing keyboard mapped for final cut. It has Media key and a jog wheel. Anyway, because of the symbols on the keys it is hard to see the letters. I have the aluminum keyboard that came with my mac pro sitting around and I was wondering if it was possible to use both the aluminum keyboard and my editing keyboard at the same time Or will it create conflicts?
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Dec 12, 2014
I'm a drummer and use a few different camera's to record my drumming. I have one camera capable of recording 720p or 1080p, but my other 2 only shoot 480p. I want export the whole video after editing in all the different shots, at 1080p or 720p. My problem is, the camera's that shoot 480p, have a border around them, so can I fill in that border somehow?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 2.2ghz i7 quad-core
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Aug 7, 2009
I want to use iMovie, but whenever I import my HD image, it makes the quality worse, and the radial gradient looks horrible. Here is the image I'm trying to use: [URL]
here is what it looks like once imported into iMovie '09: [URL]
Is there a plugin for iMovie to fix this or something? I would you Final Cut, but my computer is slow enough, and adding heavy video-editing applications like that would not be good. Especially since I've had to replace my hard drive twice in the past year.
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Jul 30, 2010
I just bought final cut express about a week ago, and haven't used it yet.. There's a youtuber: [URL] Who does insane editing . He uses Sony Vegas. Is it possible to do this kinda thing in Final Cut Express? Also, in Final cut you have to Render every time you import or change something. It takes me hours trying to edit something. Do you have to render with sony vegas?
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Dec 8, 2014
I need to transfer video from my iPhone 5s to my Macbook Air so I can edit with Final Cut Express. I tried to connect the phone to the Macbook...Iphoto sees the iPhone as an external device, but I can't transfer the files.
MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010), iOS 8.1.1
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Aug 2, 2006
I purchased Snapz Pro X to record screen capture footage for a project I am doing. After recording the .mov files I imported them into FCP and edited together a sequence along with music and titling. Unfortunately in the output video the footage looks compressed and fuzzy. I have the project resolution set to an HD setting, but I'm still getting a fuzzy looking screen shot. What is the proper way to import screen captures into FCP and how do I export them without loosing resolution.
Mac OS X (10.4)
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Dec 2, 2014
I recorded some gameplay footage using Yosemite's Quicktime Movie Recording feature. The audio is there when I play the quicktime, but when I drop it into Final Cut Pro 7, it wants to render the audio. I render it, but the audio is gone. Any way to have it convert the audio?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 4, 2010
I want to capture what is going on my Mac's screen as a video. For example. I want to turn something on, start an application and demo a few features, and then turn the something off, resulting in a video file of my screen during that period, showing my application demo.
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Aug 1, 2010
I am looking for a good quality/fast free screen capture video recorder software for my iMac that I can record things on my screen.
I require a software that is resizable to your specific dimensions that you require recording of.
For example, if you only wanted to capture and record a section in Pages, you would be able to click and drag how much area you wish to record.
I have tried both "Capture Me" and "Copernicus", but I had issues with both. Copernicus seems to let me click and drag the surface area I wish (then nothing else besides a viewfinder preview window pops up), then when I hit record it might record a second or two and then shut off... or maybe that was on Capture Me, I cannot remember right now...
Does anyone have a good video screen capture software? I really liked the Hypercam on Windows, but that had a water mark that needed to be paid to remove...
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Oct 28, 2007
maybe its because I've been up until 3 in the morning the last couple days playing with Leopard. But I swear somewhere I saw a way to capture a screen as video.
I want to post a demo of the mosaic screen saver on my Livejournal.
And if there isn't anything built in. Anyone know any good, pref free, apps. I say free because I'll probably use this once.
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Sep 18, 2009
Does the new Quicktime capture on screen video with sound? If not is there a way to do it? Other good reliable programs out there that do what I am looking for?
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Sep 18, 2010
i was trying to get a screen capture of an issue with itunes when previewing tv shows/movies..etc but it appears you can no longer take screen caps of iTunes movies/tv shows (well ones you didnt import yourself).... or is there a work around?
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Aug 18, 2010
Does iMac's screen (27") have accurate and reliable colors and other settings (contrast, brightness, gamma etc.) for photo/video editing?
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Apr 28, 2010
screen resolution of the MBP 13" is too small to do video/image editing with tools like the iLife suite, Final Cut Express, Photoshop..? And for using developers' tools like XCode? I would use it in my freetime and not for work.. It would be my first MBP and I'm using a 15" laptop with 1680x1050 resolution, so I would loose a lot of pixels, but I don't want to spend so much on a 15"/17" MBP since I do not think they've yet entered the next level Steve Jobs was talking about.. So I would buy a 13" just because I'd really like to jump in the Mac world , and maybe I'll sell it next year when (I hope) there will be much more innovation (maybe new design
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May 31, 2009
I was wondering if you guys could recommend me a program which would play my own personal videos as a screen saver and would play my soundtrack from my itunes library?
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 10, 2009
Anyone know of a Mac OS X software that will capture streaming video and save in a playable format in Mac OS X? Kind of like Download Helper for Firefox captures FLV, MP4, MP3, etc... and saves it to your hard drive.
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Aug 19, 2004
Any mac apps out their to capture a streaming video? Version Tracker has one, but didn't work at all. I'm trying to capture a mms://~~~.wmv stream
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Jul 17, 2008
I rarely have access to the internet. is there a way for me to download asx audio files or wma files that are embedded in a javascript pop up?
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