MacBook Pro :: Screen Comes Out With White Fuzzy Lines Going Across The Screen?
May 9, 2012
My mac screen is frozen with white fuzzy lines going across the screen. I shut it off and turn it back on but it still remains white fish lines on the start up screen. I've tried revolting it, it works sometimes but now its stuck at the starting screen. I have been at this for 2 hours to try and fix it but nothing has changed about the screen.
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Aug 27, 2010
Since yesterday, my screen has been acting really wierd. Every few hours, the screen goes all fuzzy with a bunch of white lines on it, and it becomes completely unusable. It only happens for a few seconds each time (fortunately, it's fine right now), but it's kinda got me worried because I need to keep this computer for 2 more years before getting a new one, and I can't afford to fix it. I can't stop using it because I need it for school, so if it breaks, I'm completely screwed.
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Nov 28, 2006
My brother's ibook (14", 1.33 Ghz, 1.25 GB RAM, 10.3.9) recently developed a problem: when he would open it, the screen would show fuzzy lines for a few seconds before "stabilizing." He tried to live with it, but it got progressively worse. Now, the lines never disappear, and the screen flickers as well.
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May 15, 2010
The screen started by having the occasional 'white out' where it would be in use and a white screen would fade in for a few seconds then usually return to normal.
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May 8, 2012
Running normally and if I adjust the screen angle it goes white with lines.Just started happening. 10.5.8 about 4 years old
Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 27, 2014
i was working on my macbook pro and suddenly the screen went white with lines through it. i tried a reboot and after the Apple icon shows screen goes white and does nothing.
i was on wireless so wen back and connected through wire and left over night in case it was heat
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Jul 19, 2010
I've had my MBP for about 2 weeks and yesterday a white vertical line about an inch long appeared on the right edge of the screen.
It went away after a restart, so I thought nothing of it, but now another one has appeared. Picture:
They mostly appear only on the desktop, but occasionally crop up when I'm running apps.
Is this something I can fix or is it a video adapter issue? I have searched and come up with some similar motherboard issues but they are mostly older macs.
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May 31, 2012
i have a MacBook Pro..I had my track pad replaced recently..I am not sure if it has anything to do with my screen, however, the screen is randomly turning gray and white with lines and fading out..What does this mean
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 17, 2014
I recently got my laptop back after the logic board was replaced and now black lines with white text keep appearing on the screen. When this happens I cannot do anything except hold the power button in to reset.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Dec 9, 2010
Just received the new 13" macbook air yesterday and today have noticed some very thin horizontal banding lines across the bottom portion of the screen.
Has anyone else noticed this, or check to see if your one has this problem.
It is quite subtle but it makes the icons on the dock look as if they have a card like effect through them.
Easiest to check if you make your screen wallpaper the dark grey colour.
On this the top part of the screen seems consistent, but at the bottom part there is very thin white horizontal lines. I tried updating the software, but it seems to be the same - looks like a faulty display may have to send back,wondering if it could be fixed with a software update.
The strange thing is black and dark colours do not produce the effect it only shows up on greys or medium contrast colours like blue.
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Apr 1, 2009
I have an IMac and first the screen went green not long after I got the power supply changed and now lines are appearing
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Jun 12, 2012
I've had my iMac for over 2 years now. Last Thursday, I left it on for more than 3 hours and it started having black and white verticals lines appearing on the bottom and top part of my desktop and the cursor. Yesterday, when I checked it again, it was still there! What can I do to fix it, WITHOUT going to a Apple store?
iMac, iOS 3.0.1, URGENT!
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Mar 5, 2012
Simply using my Imac for watching tv on the web, Hulu, and left to help my wife get groceries in the house. My wife checked her email and closed Safari.
I came back in roughly 10 minutes from when she shut down Safari to see a black screen with white pinstriping, and the mac being totally unresponsive. Shut down and rebooted, sent off the report to Apple, and am now here with seemingly no problems.
Needless to say, as a photographer this computer is just about as important as my camera. Should I be worried? discovered the thread to this issue, which appears to be quite extensive.
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 13, 2007
I put my PowerBook to sleep and left home with it about an hour ago. I just opened it and it woke up but the screen was black. I turned it off and back on. The white screen with the apple and progress wheel came on for a normal period of time, but then the screen went all white and there were several uneven horizontal lines across the middle and froze there. I forced a restart and the same thing happened but this time I got the semi transparent window that says need to restart. I did that and I got the same screen without the message.
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Jul 22, 2008
So for the first time in over a year since I purchased it, my iMac crashed twice.The first time was this morning, i went to do something and the screen went black, and my secondary display got black and white lines. I had to restart. And the boot screen with the apple logo hung around for a while.
Then, later on the screen went whacky after trying to wake it from sleep (not full sleep just display sleep) and had a bunch of moving lines and then I couldn't see anything. So luckily I got a picture. After restart, it seems fine.I'll call apple care in the morning, but thought i'd try my luck here.
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Mar 25, 2009
The other day the screen started blinking randomly. It'll flicker for a few seconds and then go white with vertical grey lines for a few seconds. Then it will go back to normal. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to it. Sometimes it will go through that process for five minutes and then stop. Other times I can be working on it for hours and nothing will blink or act screwed up.
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May 7, 2010
After a resume the screen went weird like this fuzzy t.v
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Nov 30, 2014
grey screen no apple followed by blue screen with vertical lines. Graphics and logic board replaced <6 months ago. What to do? I held down shift, it gets HOT HOT and makes noises. (for safety mode) followed by a blank grey screen and blue screen. Then tried the other way (I think it's command alt delete? I don't remember) and it turned from grey (no apple symbol) to blue blank. Then third time, grey followed by blue with vertical lines, not blocky clear lines that you can see if you are close to it.
MacBook Pro, OS Lion
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Jun 1, 2009
So my 20" 2.4 Imac crashed on me twice tonight. A box popped up telling me to hold down the restart button for several seconds to restat. The second time I did this it just sits with a white screen and give three loud beeps over and over. Is there a fix for this? Is it my ram? I'm at a loss.
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Feb 15, 2010
My step mom has an iMac. The first gen intel one and the other day out of nowhere there was a white screen with a folder on it and now when you go to start up the iMac the screen just stays white.. What would be the cause of this and what should I do to fix it .. thank you
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Mar 22, 2010
there are two things that the macbook is doing to me. one is that sometimes when i move the screen up or down (the hinge is rather stiff) a white (thin) line flashes across the screen. but recently, while randomly browsing through the internet, the screen almost... i guess faded to a gray screen, but like gradually, and not like a kernel error, like the display just faded away. happened twice in a row, did a battery pull and now wont do it again.
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Apr 29, 2012
My iMac screen has developed multicoloured horizontal lines in random spots across the screen..Is there a fix for this?
Imac intel, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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May 24, 2009
First of all I'm new here so just wanted to say 'Hi', its been great to see all the discussions on these forums and they help a lot with buying tips and troubleshooting so thanks.
Problem #1 I purchased a refurb 24" 2.8GHz imac early May and have been using it since then and so far other than the "normal" gradient issue and a brownish tinge around the edges of the screen it has been good.
Lately I've been using Aperture a lot and first started to notice that in some pictures especially ones with quite a bit of highlights like clouds that there are small hatch like patches in all the pics. I know it isn't the pictures but the imac screen itself as you can see it on the desktop as well. It only seems to be centralized in the upper left hand section of the screen and they seem to be lite purple/blue in color. And like I said its only in patches in certain spots on the screen. Don't know if I'm being over anal about this or is this a problem?
Problem #2 I switched to a solid blue background to check the above problem and notice that there is screen burn in of the top and bottom header in the outline of my firefox window on the blue screen. Between switching windows often and applications very frequently and not leaving the computer at all... what the heck? Not normal for imac screens is it? Heat issue causing burn in? Hasn't been an issue with any other LCD I've ever used.
By the way the imac came in a new white box and was wrapped like new in perfect condition but I popped it open without ever starting it once to make a hard drive swap and the thing was definitely a bit dusty inside so in now way was it just used for a couple weeks before being given back to apple.
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Jan 28, 2010
My screen just started to occasionally have a flicker of a white line show up...It doesn't happen that often, should i worry? Is it worth taking it into apple? (Under warranty still) Since its not consistent i wont necessarily be able to show them what its doing..
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Jan 7, 2008
There are fuzzy vertical bars on my ibook g3 LCD screen? Is there anyway to fix this problem without replacing the logic board?
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Feb 2, 2010
I own a MacPro1,1 that has a Geforce 7300 GT running on it. That video card comes with one Dual-Link DVI port, and anonther that is Single-Link. I just bought a Dell 30" 3008WFP monitor that has a max resolution of 2560x1900.
When I first connected, it worked great. I was getting the max res; life was good. Then I started getting this random green fuzzy screen that would come and go at whim. I couldn't reproduce it, and worse was I have not figured out a way to get rid of it. Early on, just unplugging and replugging in the cable worked. Then that stopped working. Rebooting stopped working. Once i was able to get the green to go away by powering down the display and powering it back up. Yes, totally random.
Here are some more facts:
1. Setting a lower resolution doesn't rid me of the green fuzz effect.
2. If i connect to the same monitor using the single-link DVI port, everything works great, but only reaches 1920X1600 (as expected).
3. Connecting to different monitor using the Dual-Link DVI port works fine, albeit that the other monitor has a lesser max resolution.
4. I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.3 and I have all my software updates in place.
5. I've attached a screenshot of what this looks like.
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Aug 2, 2006
I purchased Snapz Pro X to record screen capture footage for a project I am doing. After recording the .mov files I imported them into FCP and edited together a sequence along with music and titling. Unfortunately in the output video the footage looks compressed and fuzzy. I have the project resolution set to an HD setting, but I'm still getting a fuzzy looking screen shot. What is the proper way to import screen captures into FCP and how do I export them without loosing resolution.
Mac OS X (10.4)
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Mar 15, 2010
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick, that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
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May 4, 2005
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick,that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
Anyone seen anything like this before. I can actually see part of it right on the white of the page I am typing in this thread.
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Mar 27, 2009
i had the macbook Core 2 Duo for About 8 months and it was working great.
yesterday i left a file download in firefox for 5 hours then went back to check on it , it was working FINE, Then i got Back after 2 minutes and the screen is suddenly white and not showing anything i shut down the laptop and restarted , there was a chime and just white screen...i connected the laptop to an external monitor AND EVERYTHING IS WORKING on the external screen but the laptop screen is white!
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