Applications :: How To Get Into Safari Preferences To Change It To 32bit Working
Oct 3, 2009Try as I might how do I get into Safari prefs to change it to 32bit working ?
View 15 RepliesTry as I might how do I get into Safari prefs to change it to 32bit working ?
View 15 RepliesSince I installed Firefox 12, I can't change my default browser preferences in Safari. Safari defaults to Firefox 12 no matter what browser I select. Anyone else having this problem? Mac OS 10.7.3, Safari 5.1.5 & Firefox 12.
iMac i7, Mac minis, Mac OS X (10.6.6), Varied Macs
how do i change my preferences for my homepage on safari? i looked it up on google but i can't find the setting icon on safari!
MacBook Pro with Retina display
How can I change my safari preferences to save a file rather than it downloading
Mac Pro
In my Safari preferences I have it set to open in my home page. But whenever I open safari it seems to go to the last website I visited. How do I get it to open in my home page.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Intel iMac 4GB RAM 500GB Hard Disk
A few days ago my email was hacked into which sent a spam email to all my contacts. I changed my password to that account, warned everyone in my contacts, and haven't had a problem with email since. However, I tried to do the 'delete all cookies' again and when I go to safari/preferences/privacy...there is nothing on that screen under that tab. Not even a question mark. I changed my history items to be removed every day from every week but don't think that would be the issue.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've been using Safari 5 since it was released. For some reason today I'm unable to open the Extensions Preferences without Safari crashing. I've tried reinstalling the browser but to no avail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to find the title mentioned file on my Vista machine for a while now, and no luck. I've read numerous articles describing how it is located at
C:/Users/*Username*/AppData/Roaming/Apple Computer/Safari
But I have everything except the Preferences plist. Ultimately I just want to adjust the settings as you would with terminal to make Safari 4 use its blue inline progress bar, I think this is a bug (which I have reported).
Secondly, would anyone happen to know how to make the User Agent a permanent change to Firefox 3, as this is the only way to be able to access Live Mail, as Safari 4 seems not to want to play ball with it. The temporary fix so I have found is to set the User Agent as Firefox 3 (Even the IE8 didn't work??).
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
I'm not sure which forum this belongs in, but given that its really a vmware question, I'm thinking that applications is the best fit.
Anyways, if I decide to take the plunge and get windows 7, it will be for the express purpose of running within vmware. I have zero interest in running it in bootcamp (I use fedora and boot into that) so basically which version of win7 would provide the best performance. The 32bit or 64bit flavor
Because Adobe hasn't the Ballz to release a 64-bit version of Flash Player to all platforms, any application that runs in 64-bit and utilizes Flash will have to use the WebKitPluginHost to cater to Adobe's.32-bitness. This means Dashboard now consumes MUCH more resources than in Leopard. I made a Pandora Webclip back in 2007 and it has been FLAWLESS over the years, until Snow Leopard. My only hangup is, Dashboard only opens in 32-bit mode during the first uptime that I have checked "Open in 32-bit Mode". After a restart, it opens in 64-bit mode, EVEN while the same option is checked.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs this possible? Firefox can do it with right click -> language or something along those lines, surely Safari can load a different dictionary as well.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to change the dark gray color of the tool bar? Those with vision problems - even a little - have a hard time with black letters on dark gray background.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'd like to change the Safari default favicon: I already looked through the Resources folder and used F-Script to see if I could find anything, but I was not succesfull. Is there any way to customize this icon?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just upgraded to snow leopard and found a problem with my Safari browser - I cannot change my homepage to [URL] or any other page, the preferences always revert my homepage to the apple homepage.
When I installed 10.6, I did a "clean install" then copied over my bookmarks and history files from my backup drive. I then ran software update to update everything to the latest versions.
Just downloaded Safari for windows. I am such a Mac fan that I have even betrayed firefox but serioulsy. Safari is lighting fast. Anyways, Question: how do I change the refresh rate of RSS bookmarks in safari? I want like 5 mins instead of 30 for which they give the option. Also, can I have multiple user profiles in safari like I did in firefox?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn Safari. The search function that is in the toolbar on the top right is always searching Google. Is there a way to change to a different search engine?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm not talking about the System Preferences app itself, I'm talking about the settings within the app. So for instance, the security settings, and the mouse settings, energy saver, etc.
Where can I find the settings files on my Mac so I can back them up?
I downloaded this: [URL] to add the "tweaks" menu. After I downloaded it I had some trouble getting it to work. I originally just dragged the contents of the folder (not the folder itself) into where it is supposed to go and that didnt do anything. So then I redownloaded it and dragged the folder itself into it, that didnt do anything. then I got rid of the orignal Menu.nib file and it caused Safari to not even start. After retrying a bunch of times I eventually got it to work. Once I got it to work I clicked on the "view webless ct" tweak (or whatever it said) just to see what it was, and viola, Safari wouldnt load. Everytime I try to open Safari now, I got an error message saying safari needs to quit.
I even reinstalled safari, didnt work. THEN I threw the installation .dmg file in the trash, as well ass safari it self into the trash and emptied it. Then I used firefox and redownloaded Safari 4 from After downloading and installing safari 4 again, restarting the computer, it STILL shows the error message. How can I get safari back to work? I really dont like Firefox.
A co-worker (who isn't English speaking) would like to change Safari so that when he enters a site name into the address bar (for example "ford") that Safari doesn't automatically add ".com" to the address. Instead he wants the browser to use ".ch" (Switzerland) as the default autocomplete in the address line. Anyone know how we can change that (maybe in Terminal)..?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis has been bugging me for months, so I'm hoping someone out there can answer this query. Our county changed our house number several months ago. I use auto-fill on Web page forms very frequently. Of course, every time I auto-fill my address info, my original house number comes up, and I have to edit it to the new number. I've searched around, but I have not been able to locate where the data for filling in the forms are kept, or any procedure available for changing what data Safari uses to auto-fill. Does anyone know how to accomplish this feat?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to change the default program that opens PDF files in safari from preview to Adobe acrobat reader. I'm trying to do this because I prepare taxes and preview doesn't seem to fill in fields properly on forms such as
In Adobe reader->Preferences->internet Display PDF in browser using Adobe Reader (9.3.1) is checked and beyond this I'm not sure what to do to change from preview to reader.
Is it possible to change the display preferences (e.g., Fit to Screen, Fill Screen, Center) for the log-in desktop picture? If so, how can this be changed?
View 3 Replies View Relatedis it me or doesnt works? I click everything, my profile the search button and no action. I dont have any other browser so i cant check. Can someone please check it out, or see if its for everyone.
P.s. I have Safari V. 3.1.
I've been using Safari 4 on my Leopard machine since it has come out and it's been working great until about 10 minutes ago. I logged into to my gmail account and was greeted by a beautiful white screen I then booted up Firefox and everything worked....Anyone else having issues with Gmail?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI had trouble installing the Safari 4 beta a while back but ever since it had been working I have not been able to view java apps, I get the error: "java is not installed or unavailable".
View 1 Replies View RelatedAutofill in Safari 4 isn't working for me since switching to Snow Leopard. I've checked the autofill settings and access permission to my Address Book.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having issues with Safari Adblock. Running Safari 4.04, Adblock 0.4.0 RC3 in Snow Leopard. Also, running Safari in 32 bit mode. I have been using Safari with Adblock in Snow Leopard since it was released without issue. All of a sudden it just stopped working. Preferences say it is enabled. Restarted Safari, restarted Adblock, restarted the entire PC, checked for updates, and reinstalled Adblock. None of these things worked.
View 3 Replies View Relatedsince I updated to Safari 5, the right-click does not work anymore. Not in textareas, not on selected Text or anywhere on a page. It is working when I right-click the Bookmarks on Bookmarks-Bar above the tabs.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSafari has changed fonts on me; some, but not all, fonts on websites are now presented in some clunky cartoonish font. This is mostly fonts at smaller sizes. I've checked my preferences and the fonts specced there are the usual, Times & Courier. The only new thing is that I recently installed Pith Helmet. There seems to be no mention of any kind of font issues witrh PH, and an uninstall of it has made no difference.
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