Applications :: Unable To Open Safari Window / Safari Not Working Fine
Jul 2, 2010
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
I'm on OS 10.5.8. I just updated safari and java. Now when I open safari, I cannot get a browser window to even open. Not by trying to open a new window or going into my history and opening the Apple page. This is really frustrating since I hate Firefox (Way slower than safari has ever been for me) and now I can't even use Safari.
Ever since upgrading to Lion, when I log into LogMeIn each computer I log into opens a new window. I have set the Safari prefs to open new windows as tabs, and it works for everything except LogMeIn. They claim it's a Lion issue. It also does this on Firefox.
When I try to open a new tab it leaves the new tab blank and changes the tab I'm already working on...doesn't do this all the time, but enough to make it irritating. Basically it makes additional tabs uselesss
Also, if I am working successfully in 2 or more tabs for a while it will freeze on the last URL I used on the newest tab and not allow me to go to any new pages on any of the tabs...the only solution to this seems to be quitting Safari and restarting..PITA
I really like Safari, but it's been doing this to me for a few weeks now. Gonna go back to Firefox for the time being and hope that a future update fixes it.
I don't know what my wife did to her 13" white MacBook, but Firefox is slow as molasses. Safari is working perfectly, but all of her bookmarks are in Firefox. I made sure she was on the correct network, than added opendns settings to DNS. I downloaded and installed the most recent Firefox and repaired permissions on the drive. I rebooted - same problem. Random beachballs causing the app to be useless. Safari works perfectly, so it's not an Internet issue. I haven't tried other apps to be sure but right now it seems confined to Firefox.
What is the problem between Safari 5.1.7 and hotmail? I can't quit safari while the hotmail window is open. I can close Safari from all other websites.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.2), Same OS on my iMac and MacBookPro
I have safari set to open up when I boot up my computer using the login items for my user account.
But when I start up my computer, instead of opening up a window, it starts up safari in the dock, but never actually opens a window. When I click on the icon in the dock the page will open up. Its acting as if I hid(CMD+H) the page. I know safari is open and it loaded the homepage, but the window wont actually open.
I've tried it on two different computers, Macbook pro, mac pro with same issue on both.
I would like to know if anyone is having trouble with Safari 5.0.6 on 10.5.8. I have a habit of walking away from my Mac with the browser still open. 9/10 when I return I get spinning pinwheels, no response period, or scripting errors. Thinking maybe my system was bogged down, I did a fresh install of the OS. That did not fix the problem. Then I made sure 10% of my 2TB drive was free and that also did not fix it.
Now I realize I can use other browsers but I prefer Safari. I was wondering if this is an isolated issue or something everyone else is experiencing since Apple no longer provides core updates to Power PCs. If its the latter then I finally got my first taste of Apple has no problem leaving you behind, starting with your Internet viewing experience.
I got this iBook about 6 months ago for free from my sister. I love it, but recently, I have had the worst time with Mac. I wanted to install Xcode for my Mac, and I installed it. The only problem is that it said it couldn't run due to some bogus error... Later that night, I was just browsing the internet and my browser (Safari) crashed. I went to open it again and it just kept crashing. Then, when I went to switch to Firefox, it also crashed. I tried to go into my HDD or Applications folder and it crashed.
Everything would crash as soon as I tried to open. I tried rebooting. I was stuck at they grey screen with an apple and spinning wheel for half an hour, then gave up. I took out my system restore disks and checked the hardware first. Everything was intact. Then I tried Disk Utility from the System Restore disk and all it said was that it couldn't repair the volume. So I remembered that you could reinstall the operating system without reinstalling user settings. I ran it. It was the worst mistake I could make. It turns out that I got 10.3.3 System Restore disks and a separate 10.4 disk. When I tried reinstalling the Tiger disk, it just kept shooting it back out at me. I couldn't even open the internet as all of my applications were written for Tiger. I asked a friend to do some research for me and she found that the disk included was 'part of a hardware bundle' and was not bootable or even readable by the computer. I ask you, if it's not bootable or readable, why even incude it?! So now I'm trying to find a decent deal on a bootable disk on eBay. If anybody knows anything that might help, it would be aprreciated.
I haven't been able to get Safari to load any page for hours now. My internet works fine because I can get email and load Firefox but Safari is my primary browser. I have restarted Safari, my wifi and the MacBook but still will not work.
I have had my mighty mouse for a couple months and it has worked great on my macbook. Just recently the middle button won't open up the dashboard and the two side buttons go through spaces instead of exposing all windows. In system proferences under mouse and spaces both are set for the middle button to open the dashboard and the side buttons to expose all windows but they don't do that. It could be an easy fix but I don't know what else to try?
When I open Safari no page opens - I am the administrator. The pull down commands are at the top, but most of them are in gray and don't work, even the quit command. Safari appears to work fine when I log in as a different user. I have done a disk repair and verify and have had no luck. I also downloaded OnyX and did a system clean - still no change. One of the other Apple groups said to empty my cache and last few internet plug ins. None of this has worked. I would like to continue using Safari as I am very comfortable with it.
I have tried google, but I'm now resorting to macrumors.
Basically the I updated to 10.6.5 and updated to the latest Java. The problem I now have is with some statistics software called SPSS, it can't render graphs anymore because of the java update.
I've been struggling trying to fix the problem and I can't get it to work.
If I revert back in time machine will it change the system files back so that my software will work again??
Would it be better to do a clean erase and restore from time machine, do I need to use my SL disk for this?
I'd set up Safari for my son under his own profile and it was working great with Parental Controls. When I went in one day to update his allowed sites, Safari launched but wouldn't open a window. I could access preferences, reset, etc., but it wouldn't open a new window and when I tried to open a tab, it loaded at the bottom of the screen for a split second and then crashed. I've deleted all the safari files, re-installed, downgraded - the downgrade worked but the Parental Controls didnt work. Now what? None of the other Parental Control apps I've tried work as well as Safari's.  Date/Time: 2012-04-29 13:32:29.593 -0700OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
Report Version: 4Â Command: SafariPath:/Applications/ Parent:Â WindowServer [353]Â Version:Â Â Â 4.1.3 (4533.19.4) Build Version:Â 1
I have tried to download videos from Youtube, Putlocker and Facebook, trough the activity window, but every time, i try to download the relevant video, it opens up in a new tab with only the video and isn´t downloading it, like it usually do in the downloading window.Â
This really bugs me, because all the sites Youtube, putlocker (except for facebook) i tried before and at that time it worked. (Mac OS X version 10.7.3)
I have set safari 5.0 to open when i turn my mac on which it does (kind of). The bar at the top says Safari but to get the main window open i have to go to File>New Window.
Until recently, whenever I clicked a URL in a mail message (inside Thunderbird), the URL would open in a new Safari tab. Now it opens in a new Safari window.Â
I presume it's Safari that's controlling this. What preferences setting? Platform: Safari 5.1.4 under OS X 10.7.3
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4GHz Corei7, 16GB, SSD + 2T HD
I think the users have been asking this question for more than two years. Is there a way to open links in the same tab automatically? Its annoying when I am using apple products and have to click three times for a task that is easily made with a single click in other products (chrome, firefox....).
I just reformatted my system and installed all software again. My config is: Lion 10.7.3, Safari 5.1.5.
In the past, when I opened Safari, even a single window opened in a Tab, now when I open just one window (i.e. only one Tab), it doesnt open in a Tab, , only when I do a Command + T to add another Tab, does the first window convert into a Tab. The resulting problem is that if I want to drag one window to another (where the first one has only one Tab), I cant do that, since it doesnt appear as a Tab, which means there is nothing to select and drag to another window. Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Intel Core i7, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD
I have an MBA 2011 with 10.7.4 and Safari 5.1.7. I am very shortsighted and have struggled with the poor contrast levels between tabs and the rest of the Safari UI. My solution has been to switch off tabs, use windows instead. and configure my right option key as an App Expose shortcut. This works very nicely, but the only fly in the ointment is that when I click on a link I wish to open in a new window, it defaults to always opening in a new ACTIVE window, when I'd usually prefer it to open in the background as per tabs.Â
I have checked and unchecked the option in the 'tabs' preference pane with no luck- do I need to re login to make this stick? CMD-Click works to a point, but it's not reliable, and I find it finicky, even though I've routed it to a touchpad gesture through BetterTouchTool. Is there any other way to force safari to open new windows in the background - perhaps by adding a new item to the context menu? I'd really like to resolve this as I'd love to make the switch from Chrome to Safari, especially with ML coming very soon. Â
Info: MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Many extensions on cannot be installed.However, extensions that I installed before, no problem, such as AdBlock, Bing, Echofon. Others, will not install, it will be stuck at installing. And Safari may lose response after a while. I initially noticed that if I try to install YouTube5 which I downloaded myself, Safari will immediately lose response.
Tried solutions:
- Reset Safari - Run OnyX - Repair disk permissions - Deleting all the extensions; extensions I installed before will install, others won't - Deleting Clicktoflash and Glims
Since downloading version 5.1.7, when I click on the red button to close a window, it closes instantly -- even when the window contains numerous open tabs. The prior version always gave me a "Do you really want to close this window? You have X open tabs." message, which I'd like to restore. I looked in Preferences to no avail.
The only thing that keeps me from using Safari is the way that target="_blank" links open in new windows, and there is no option to open them in new tabs.
Yes, I'm well aware of Command-click, right-click, etc. Those are not a good solution. It's the surprise new windows that bother me.
I'd like these surprise links to open as tabs rather than windows. However, I'd also like specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows to open the way they were designed to: As pop-up windows.
I've used Saft in the past. It does a nice job with the first half of the problem, but does not accommodate the specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows.
Yeah, this thread has come up several times before. Just wondering if anything has changed since the last one, or if Saft is still the best game in town.