Applications :: Safari 5 - Right-click Not Working?

Jun 15, 2010

since I updated to Safari 5, the right-click does not work anymore. Not in textareas, not on selected Text or anywhere on a page. It is working when I right-click the Bookmarks on Bookmarks-Bar above the tabs.

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Safari :: Click And Copy Not Working In 5.1.4?

Mar 13, 2012

10.7.3, Macbook Pro, 8 gigs ram.   

After updating last night I now find that on most sites I am unable to click and copy text.  Not all sites, it works on Wiki but for example on this page I am unable to copy "Communities" from the top of the page. Nor can I click and copy from this post as I compose. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Mighty Mouse Not Working Fine / Right Click Acts As Left Click

Feb 12, 2007

I just bought a mighty mouse, happy as I was, plugged it in and started my ibook running OS X 10.3.9.I know the mighty mouse shouldn't have full functionality (as the software delivered with it is >10.4.2).The problem is that the right click doesn't work right. When I try to right click it sometimes takes the right click, sometimes takes it as a left click (which is extremely annoying in firefox or finder).

I have SteerMouse (I'm a windows/linux user too) installed but when I de�nstalled it the problem remained.
When I plugged the mighty mouse in my pc (at that time running windows) right click just worked.When using a cheap mouse (from pleomax) the right click on the ibook (with Steermouse installed) works all the time.

I find this al really confusing. Seems like it can't be the hardware because it works on windows, but it can't be the software because another mouse does work.

I noticed that when right clicking at the total right side near the "expose-button" (not a position my fingers lay naturally) right click works all the time. I don't hope this is normal?

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Applications :: Can I Preview A URL On Safari Before I Click It

Sep 21, 2009

Can I preview a URL on Safari before I click it? (for example, see the URL of a picture without having to right click it. I would like to see the URL by simply putting my mouse over the pic)

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OS X :: Triple-click Versus Double-click/how To Make This Change To Leopard/Safari?

Mar 13, 2009

My workflow entails repetitive tasks that would be so much easier if I could set Leopard's (Safari's) default double-click functionality to select ALL text within the Google search box instead of having to use a triple-click. Does anyone know how to make this change to Leopard/Safari?

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Applications :: When I Click Links In My Mail They Open In Safari?

Oct 6, 2010

Using mail is great. My default web browser is Firefox. But when I click links in my mail they open in safari. Is there a way to make it open in a new firefox window or tab if firefox is already running?

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Applications :: How To Make Safari Open Each Link I Click In A New Tab

Nov 7, 2010

When I perform a Google search and click on any of the links that show up, Safari will always open that very link in the same window. How to make Safari open each link I click in a new tab?

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Applications :: Safari - No Contextual Menu With Right Click On Link

Feb 13, 2010

When going to a linked page in Safari I usually want to open it in a new tab or a new window and occasionally to do other things with it. So I'm used to right-clicking on links to bring up a contextual menu offering me:

Open Link in New Window
Open Link in New Tab
Download Linked File
Download Linked File As...
Add Link to Bookmarks...

Copy Link: I noticed the loss of this menu when my wife wanted me to look at web pages she had found related to a possible holiday. Using Safari in her account on our iMac, I found no menu appeared when I right-clicked on a link. I checked she had the "secondary button" set up OK in the mouse preferences and I also found right-clicking worked OK elsewhere. I then tried other ways of making the menu appear on a link (CTRL-clicking or holding down the left, primary button); neither worked!................

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Applications :: Safari 5 Control-click Doesn't Work In Content Area?

Jun 10, 2010

Control-click has stopped working for me in Safari 5's content area.

It works fine when clicking on Safari's toolbars and it also works fine in every other app including Finder.

A complete reinstall of Safari 5 didn't solve the problem.

I tried deleting every preference file and cache file I could find but that didn't help. And fixing various permissions and other things in Onyx had no effect.

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Applications :: Unable To Open Safari Window / Safari Not Working Fine

Jul 2, 2010

I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.

So today I ran and update. And it messed up.

Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.

I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.

I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!

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Applications :: Safari 4 Not Working - UGH

Feb 26, 2009

I downloaded this: [URL] to add the "tweaks" menu. After I downloaded it I had some trouble getting it to work. I originally just dragged the contents of the folder (not the folder itself) into where it is supposed to go and that didnt do anything. So then I redownloaded it and dragged the folder itself into it, that didnt do anything. then I got rid of the orignal Menu.nib file and it caused Safari to not even start. After retrying a bunch of times I eventually got it to work. Once I got it to work I clicked on the "view webless ct" tweak (or whatever it said) just to see what it was, and viola, Safari wouldnt load. Everytime I try to open Safari now, I got an error message saying safari needs to quit.

I even reinstalled safari, didnt work. THEN I threw the installation .dmg file in the trash, as well ass safari it self into the trash and emptied it. Then I used firefox and redownloaded Safari 4 from After downloading and installing safari 4 again, restarting the computer, it STILL shows the error message. How can I get safari back to work? I really dont like Firefox.

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Applications :: Safari/ Facebook Isn't Working?

Mar 20, 2008

is it me or doesnt works? I click everything, my profile the search button and no action. I dont have any other browser so i cant check. Can someone please check it out, or see if its for everyone.

P.s. I have Safari V. 3.1.

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Applications :: Safari 4 Not Working With Gmail?

Mar 6, 2009

I've been using Safari 4 on my Leopard machine since it has come out and it's been working great until about 10 minutes ago. I logged into to my gmail account and was greeted by a beautiful white screen I then booted up Firefox and everything worked....Anyone else having issues with Gmail?

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Applications :: Java Not Working In Safari 4

May 17, 2009

I had trouble installing the Safari 4 beta a while back but ever since it had been working I have not been able to view java apps, I get the error: "java is not installed or unavailable".

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Applications :: Autofill Not Working On Safari

Oct 29, 2009

Autofill in Safari 4 isn't working for me since switching to Snow Leopard. I've checked the autofill settings and access permission to my Address Book.

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Applications :: Safari Adblock Not Working

Jan 14, 2010

I am having issues with Safari Adblock. Running Safari 4.04, Adblock 0.4.0 RC3 in Snow Leopard. Also, running Safari in 32 bit mode. I have been using Safari with Adblock in Snow Leopard since it was released without issue. All of a sudden it just stopped working. Preferences say it is enabled. Restarted Safari, restarted Adblock, restarted the entire PC, checked for updates, and reinstalled Adblock. None of these things worked.

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Applications :: Safari - Basic Links Not Working?

Jan 1, 2011

Some semi-Flash-based links do not work in Safari(I'm using 5.0.3) causing me to switch to...pretty much any other browser like Chrome when needed. For example, when playing Whirled by Three Rings, when trying to navigate the non-Flash menus, equipping/"Wearing" avatars or pets and furniture and stuff do not work.

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Applications :: Safari Extensions Enabled But Not Working

Jun 29, 2010

I am having an odd problem. I have safari extension enabled, and I even have a few installed. Today though, when I went to double click on and install a new extension, instead of installing it re-downloads the extension. The extension is definitely .safariextz.

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OS X :: Double Click Not Working

Feb 3, 2010

Double clicking on both my mouse and track pad has suddenly stopped working properly. It only recognizes the double-click like half the time. Also, when you triple-click, it doesn't select all text within a sentence. Does anyone know what's wrong? I use BetterTouchTool. I tried restarting it - didn't change anything. I turned it off - didn't change anything. So I know that isn't the problem.

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Applications :: How To Get Into Safari Preferences To Change It To 32bit Working

Oct 3, 2009

Try as I might how do I get into Safari prefs to change it to 32bit working ?

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Applications :: Safari 5 Not Working At All - No Browser Window Open

Jun 9, 2010

I'm on OS 10.5.8. I just updated safari and java. Now when I open safari, I cannot get a browser window to even open. Not by trying to open a new window or going into my history and opening the Apple page. This is really frustrating since I hate Firefox (Way slower than safari has ever been for me) and now I can't even use Safari.

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Applications :: Safari Web Address Autocomplete Not Working Properly

Jun 30, 2010

So...I guess this changed in Safari 5. When you start typing a web address in the address bar it pulls from not only your history and bookmarks of websites, but now their titles.So now when I start to type "appl..." Instead of auto-completing to.Is there a way to disable this and not have my address bar complete by site titles and only actual address names?

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Click Not Working

Dec 14, 2010

The mouse wont move, the trackpad clicking doesn't work. Gestures work, but even tap to click doesnt work. The animation on the dock doesn't work either.

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MacBook :: Right Click On Trackpad Not Working In XP?

Oct 20, 2008

Just got the new 2.0 macbook and installed windows xp in boot camp, I configured the multi touch trackpad to do a secondary click with both two finger tap and lower right corner click. Everything works fine in leopard, but in windows the right click is not working, but it does work if I use a usb mouse.

Anyone have this problem or know a solution to fix this?

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OS X :: Get The Red Under Lines But Right Click Has Stopped Working?

Feb 10, 2010

when i first got this mac if i was typing a word doc or email any miss-spelt words were underlined in red. I simply went back and right clicked and was offered the correction.

Still get the red under lines but right click has stopped working.

What have i touched.

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MacBook Pro :: Tap To Click Not Working Properly?

Mar 21, 2012

After re-installing Lion I've had this very annoying issue with tap-to-click on the trackpad of my MBP. While it seems to work most of the time, I often have to move the cursor away from the button or click on a window as if to make it active in orer for the click to work. A similar problem is occuring in MS Word when I'm going through the spell check process - I have to sometimes click "ignore" multiple times or click somewhere else in that window for the click to register.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Track Pad Click Not Working

May 23, 2012

I have a early 2011 13" Mac book Pro and yesterday out of the blue the bottom left click has stopped working 

I have checked if secondary click was on and it was. My bottom right click works perfectly fine. 

The trackpad makes the sound it is clicking but nothing happens on the screen. If i press really really hard on the bottom left corner it will register I have clicked, but it's not very practically. 

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Right Click Is Not Working?

Sep 7, 2014

I've been using MacBook Pro for over a year now and everything was just fine, but now, right click isn't working anymore. It is working on some sites actually, but not on every site (for example: [URL]) I just can't click the right click button on this site for example?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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Applications :: Saving Emails From Stopped Working With Safari 4?

Feb 28, 2009

Does this work for anyone since upgrading to Safari 4: Try to save any email document from as formatted text to your Desktop. No file ever appears for me... Is this a general bug or a quirk with my system ?

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Applications :: Safari Not Working Fine - Opening Tabs Uselessly

Nov 27, 2009

When I try to open a new tab it leaves the new tab blank and changes the tab I'm already working on...doesn't do this all the time, but enough to make it irritating. Basically it makes additional tabs uselesss

Also, if I am working successfully in 2 or more tabs for a while it will freeze on the last URL I used on the newest tab and not allow me to go to any new pages on any of the tabs...the only solution to this seems to be quitting Safari and restarting..PITA

I really like Safari, but it's been doing this to me for a few weeks now. Gonna go back to Firefox for the time being and hope that a future update fixes it.

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