Safari :: Can't Change Default Browser Preferences In It
Apr 26, 2012
Since I installed Firefox 12, I can't change my default browser preferences in Safari. Safari defaults to Firefox 12 no matter what browser I select. Anyone else having this problem? Mac OS 10.7.3, Safari 5.1.5 & Firefox 12.
iMac i7, Mac minis, Mac OS X (10.6.6), Varied Macs
Just got my lovely new imac - it uploaded all my settings from my old mac and on that computer i had firefox as my default browser and it has retained that setting, and I want to change it back to safari and I can't figure out how. I know it must be simple, but.
Ive always used FireFox but recently changed to Safari. When Im using Adium and I click a Link some one sends me it is opening in FF, how do I change my "default browser" in Adium to Safari?
I wonder if it has anything to do with enabling FileVault. Anyway, Everytime I logout, the default web browser keeps reverting to Safari, and the default Mail client reverts to Mail. I use Camino, Firefox and Thunderbird.
A few days ago, I noticed that after every computer restart, my default browser would reset from Firefox to Safari, and my default video player from VLC to Quicktime. I suspect the problem may have to do with my installation of Logitech Control Center around the time this all started. I did some reading and found that LCC doesn't always play well with other software, so I uninstalled it. As far as I can determine, there are no traces of it on my system anymore. However, the problem persists -- every time I change the default browser to Firefox (either in Safari or via Friefox checking whether it is the default), a system restart will set it back to Safari. I've updated Firefox to the latest version, but the default setting stills changes.
No matter how many times I reset my default browser back to Safari, it always changes back to Firefox. This happens if Firefox is opened, or if I restart my computer. Either way, it's very annoying and highly inconvinent.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 13-inch 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I have just recently installed Lion on my iMac. Even though I have Firefox listed as my default browser in both Firefox and in Safari, any links in Apple mail default to Safari rather than to Firefox and any URL's I save in Firefox default to the Safari icon. While I understand that Safari is an Apple product that is tied to their OS's, I want to continue to use Firefox as my default browser.
I was doing a search tonight and noticed that it bounced over to Google. I have Bing as my default search engine in my Safari preferences. As a test, I changed my default to Yahoo and the same thing happened. I closed out Safari and started it up again. When I entered some search criteria in the field, it showed the words "--Bing Search" just like before, but Google then took over. How can I fix this?
I'd like to change the Safari default favicon: I already looked through the Resources folder and used F-Script to see if I could find anything, but I was not succesfull. Is there any way to customize this icon?
How does one change the default spelling dictionary for Safari on Windows? For the Mac, it changes in response to the default locale, but on Windows, it just sets to American English and you cannot change it anywhere I can see. All my locale information in Windows is set to UK English.In fact on some websites, like this one, the spelling checker seems to be disabled! I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, BTW, running Safari 5.1.7?
A co-worker (who isn't English speaking) would like to change Safari so that when he enters a site name into the address bar (for example "ford") that Safari doesn't automatically add ".com" to the address. Instead he wants the browser to use ".ch" (Switzerland) as the default autocomplete in the address line. Anyone know how we can change that (maybe in Terminal)..?
I'm trying to change the default program that opens PDF files in safari from preview to Adobe acrobat reader. I'm trying to do this because I prepare taxes and preview doesn't seem to fill in fields properly on forms such as
In Adobe reader->Preferences->internet Display PDF in browser using Adobe Reader (9.3.1) is checked and beyond this I'm not sure what to do to change from preview to reader.
A few days ago my email was hacked into which sent a spam email to all my contacts. I changed my password to that account, warned everyone in my contacts, and haven't had a problem with email since. However, I tried to do the 'delete all cookies' again and when I go to safari/preferences/privacy...there is nothing on that screen under that tab. Not even a question mark. I changed my history items to be removed every day from every week but don't think that would be the issue.Â
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My internet starts slowing or quits, when I go into Networks in Prefs, it has changed to a different network (usually a neighbor that shows up). I reset the network and use the lock. But I have to do this several times a day?
I've observed that since its launch, Google's Chrome browser seems have quickly reached Safari's overall quality and become equal, if not possibly even better, than Safari.
So it's made me think� could Apple simplify things by making a deal with Google to simply adopt Chrome as their default browser on Macs and iDevices?
The browsers are equal at their core - both running on the engine Apple essentially brought into being (Webkit.) And Apple could work with Google to implement their custom features (Top sites, cover flow) into Chrome.
But ultimately it seems to me it's a bit of a wasted resource to have both companies developing what are almost identical products. And it seems that Google treat their browser as more of a priority � so would it be better to just leave the browser side of things to Google?
How do I make Firefox the default browser? I.e. when there's a link in an e-mail I'm reading on mail and I click on it, I want the link to be opened by Firefox, not Safari.
All the suggestions seem to assume that Firefox >tools contains a deselect function. It doesn't. I can find nothing in my MacBook Pro to indicate that I can deselect the browser. I have selected Safari as my default browser in the Safari Systems Preference page, but every time I open my system Firefox appears. I know I can uninstall Firefox but I don't want to lose my address book or bookmarks.
the preferences barely have any options to do anything? i wanna make the size of the letters bigger and have it as a default but i cant figure out how to do it. when i click zoom in it makes it bigger but as soon as i go to a different page it switches back to normal. anyone know if it can be done? im also trying to organize bookmarks and have a google toolbar at the top right of the browser like safari has. i dont even see a popup blocker. what gives? are these things possible to do with this browser?
I've looked all over; the only thing support can tell me is "it depends on what brand you buy." Anyways, I have a color laser printer. Works great, but most of the time I'm just printing materials off the internet and some documents for work. Therefore I do not need it to be printing in full blown color. Especially not for sites where the author decided to use dark purple or blue text (or some other color from which I can't tell from a glance that it's not black). Right now the only way to do this to manually go into the printing preferences each time to choose B&W only. Likewise, I also have to go and check the Duplex box manually. All this is very tedious when you have do it every time. Can anyone provide some insight into making this easier? Maybe how to set the default preferences so they can be used each time?
When I try to play a video in the web browser, the video won't load. It stays blank and sound plays ok.After posting this here, I was told to erase my quicktime preferences file. It works and the problem is solved - but only temporarily. Minutes later, it happens again. I'm sick of erasing this file all the time. What can I do?!
I would like to know whether it is possible to change the smart folders preferences in what to search by default. What I mean is in the "window" spotlight, when you search on it, by default is searches on "This mac" and on "Content", my question is whether this is changeable. I hope you understand what I was talking about, if not please ask.