Applications :: Routing Applications Through Specific Connections
Apr 8, 2010
'lo i use a iMac mid '09 @ work we have access to multiple connections Ethernet and Airport. Sadly the Ethernet is fire-walled and doesn't allow specific connections through; lucky though the airport is not.
The thing that is most frustrating is our system critical app HAS to run through the Ethernet to function under the fire-walled connection; but being on mac it's a friggin task to switch between the two because you have to go into network and set the service order each time to flip between them. I really need away that i can assign a specific application to use a specific connection (airport) that is active and connected while keeping the service order the same as to not mess with the system critical App that has to run through the enet. Is there any process or outside app that i could use to force other apps to use the airport connection while still leaving the Crit app using the enet?
I've been able to set the service order over to airport launch the app i want to use it and then switch back over to enet for the crit app but it seemed to work fine but that's a lot of Jank to pull each time i want to use an outside app. also i didn't really do it for any length of time so i don't know if that process would even hold up over time or flip back over to the opposite connection when it needed a fresh link
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Jun 27, 2012
Does anyone know if it is possible to tell my mac book air to never connect to a certain wifi connection on OS X 7.4?
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Feb 22, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro running OS 10.6. There is a website I used to visit to read e-books for free. Then one day (nothing changed hardware or software-wise), I could no longer access that site from my computer. My friend came over - with his PC - and was able to access it from my network. Today, I just accessed the site from my wife's iMac G5 (same network), but I still cannot access it on my computer using ANY browser (Safari and Firefox). I cannot access the site from anyone's network either --- making me think my MBP is doing something weird. I keep getting:
"The server denies connections. The server might be too busy or might be disabled. Try again a bit later."
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Nov 17, 2010
The most recent iTunes update 10.1 has caused a prompt box every time I open iTunes that requires me to "allow" incoming connections. I have added iTunes in the firewall settings as always allow but still it comes up over and over. I do not have this problem on my two other macs that I updated the same day. All are running 10.6.5 and have identical iTunes libraries but for some reason my iMac will not stop prompting me over this. Is there a fix that I am not aware of?
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Sep 30, 2009
I get this Accept or Deny message every time I open iTunes. I realize I have Firewall enabled, but is there anyway to set itunes to accept automatically?
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Apr 2, 2010
Since upgrading to iTunes 9.1 I'm being asked every time I open it if I want to allow incoming connections. Each time I respond yes, enter my admin name and password and everything is fine. The next time I open it it asks again. I've tried going to my Security preferences, deleting iTunes from the firewall rules and then adding it again, but this has no effect.
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May 27, 2010
Because I have Firewall enabled, everytime that I launch iTunes, I get a popup asking me: "Do you want the application "" to accept incoming network connections?" I click on "Allow." But unlike other applications where this process is only asked once, the first time you launch an app, I'm asked this every time.
I've talked with AppleCare about this, and the representative told me it may be because I've disabled "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library," because I prefer to organize my music folders my own way. She offered 2 work arounds:
1) Enable file sharing of my Music folder. It didn't work. The prompt still occurs every launch.
2) Reinstall iTunes. However, admittedly, she said this may not necessarily resolve the issue as it could simply be because I'm not using iTunes' file location by enabling "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library."
Does anyone have any idea how to resolve this? Also, if I reinstall iTunes, will I have to re-add my Library to iTunes or are the relevant database/album covers files & folders retained?--it took a few hours for a collection of my size to be added.
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Jan 9, 2011
Is there a way that I can hide the "Microsoft User Data" and "RDC Connections" folders that Microsoft 2011 creates. I've tried adding a "." in front of the folder, but it returns an error message that says that folders and files starting with a dot/period are reserved for system files. I then tried using a program called Ghost Sphere which did the job for hiding the folder, but then Microsoft couldn't access the file and just created another...putting me back where I started. So I searched the web for solutions but I couldn't find anything reliable. So my question is, are there any programs or methods that will let me hide a file in the finder but still let it be accessible to the program that created it?
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Dec 22, 2009
How can i run specific applications on 32 bit mode?
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Jan 28, 2009
i noticed that my internet, while working just fine in firefox, refuses to work in mail or ichat. Also, i have only found one page that refuses to load (the most important of course) which is [URL]. Has anyone had this problem before?
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May 18, 2009
I tried putting together an iMovie project last night, but the main VOB files that I got the movie clips from were huge. The DVD I'm working with has chapters that last five minutes. I have MacTheRipper and I've tried Handbrake, but from what I can see, I can only go as small as ripping chapters from the DVD. I don't want something that large piling up on my computer when I'm only using tiny clips. (Perhaps even I did my iMovie project wrong? I got a terrible surprise this morning when, after deleting the large movie files, my iMovie project no longer worked.) Is there a program that lets me rip from - say 7:13 to 8:05? Just that clip - not a chapter or the whole thing?
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Jul 28, 2009
I have my firewall set to "allow specific services and applications."
I noticed today that DashboardClient, System Preferences, and a program called "ScreenSaverEngine." Are all set to allow..
Typically i'd just want itunes so I can use simplify media, and safari/firefox because i think it has to be enabled.
What are the parameters for allowing a program incoming access in general - i seem to get asked it now that I have this option checked and wanted to make sure? I find it odd that i have some system utilities on my list set to allow - is it just me?
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Dec 31, 2009
I've used migration assistance before to transfer things in bulk, like everything from my old macbook to my new macbook... but I was wondering if I can transfer small, specific apps like my itunes library and my iphoto collection from my macbook to my new imac. does migration assistance give you an option like that when you use the ethernet chord?
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Jan 1, 2005
When I'm in printing and want to print a specific page after viewing in Preview, is there a way to select from within Preview that certain page, or range of pages to print?
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Feb 2, 2009
I need to find a way to get a specific color from a website to this app. There must be a way to accomplish this.
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Apr 3, 2009
Anyone know how to get the Google search field at the top right of Safari to use [URL]?
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May 28, 2009
There are many video converters on mac but I 've not found something to suit my needs.
Videomonkey(buggy?), roadmovie, mpeg streamclip etc.
Sometimes we do not want just a beautiful interface but also get the job done the way we want it.
So this is what I want:
- specify the exact video format I want my video to be converted. Not just a selection 'for ipod, for apple tv' and so on. So what? Am I supposed to make several conversions in order to see what each so labeled options mean in reality? I try to export to .mp4 and this should be a straightforward process.
- most important: limit output filesize. Specify the desirable filesize and converter should output a file that has this filesize. If anyone has seen convertxtodvd in windows, he should understand what I mean.
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Mar 24, 2012
How do you assign specific applications to spaces in OS X Lion?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 19, 2009
For some reason my mac always resets my 'open with' preferences if I restart my computer.
So for instance, even if I go through the usual route of selecting a program as the default player (select file/get info/open with/change all), as soon as I restart my mac it will always revert back to the default players and not the newly selected one.
Is there a work around? A setting in OSX which im missing? Or perhaps a third party app which can handle this?
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May 26, 2009
I need to block outgoing traffic on specific ports. Is there anything default in OS X to do this? If not, what application could I use? I'd prefer to use the OS, if it has an ability to do this.
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Mar 19, 2010
I am trying to access a website [URL] and in Safari I receive "Safari can't find the server" error message. In mozilla I am able to goto the home page but if I click on any of the links I receive "server not found" error message. I have not run into this problem with any other sites and was wondering why this is happening.
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Sep 20, 2010
When I select any song from this one, specific album in my library, iTunes will hesitate for a second, and the Quicktime-esque player window will automatically appear too. This happens only with this one album, and it's very frustrating. I will attach a screenshot of the problem. And also, if I go to close this player window, the song stops.
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Feb 9, 2009
I'm trying to create a simple rule that will allow me to copy any messages I flag as a To Do Item to a folder called, "To Do."
So far I have this: If "Status is FLAGGED," then "Copy Message to TO DO." This doesn't seem to work though.
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Apr 1, 2009
I am trying to figure a way to notify me when I forget to enter data in specific cells, that need to be filled in. I included a screen shot. What I want it to show is basically fill in the whole row in red or another color. When I forgot to input data. Is there a formula?
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Jan 29, 2010
Could you please tell me if it is possible to disable junk filtering for specific accounts in I have two Gmail accounts and several other email accounts and Google recommends disabling your client's spam filter when you use their service.
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Mar 20, 2010
I have a few pictures I took with my digital camera and I want to print them and put them in a frame that is 11.5cm * 7.7cm. So, I need to adjust their size to print them that size.
I don't have a colour printer, so I'm printing off a library computer in colour, so I can't print them directly off my mac. I'm going to need to transfer them on a usb and open them in windows on a library computer. The pictures are in .JPG format since I uploaded them.
-So I went to Preview (program) and Tools > Adjust size.
-I typed in 7.7cm for width and it gave me a locked length of 11.1cm as that would probably keep the pictures proportionate. I'm alright with that.
But then, when I look at my picture, it's much smaller that the actual dimensions of 7.7cm. Then when I zoom in, it is pixelated. That'd odd because I'm actually reducing the dimensions of my picture.
How do I adjust their size so they print to 11.1 cm 7.7 cm?
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Nov 10, 2009
I have a page "Welcome" next to other pages ("About Me"...).
Since yesterday when I open iWeb and click on the "Welcome" name to select the page (to modify or just look at it), iWeb immediatelly quits. The same happens when I follow a link to "Welcome" from another page.
I can access all other pages with no problems.
I tried deleting iWeb's preferences file, restoring an older copy of my domain.site2 file, overwriting iWeb with another copy of iWeb (same version), nothing changed.
This concerns iWeb 3.0 (build 301) on Mac OS X 10.6.2 (Darwin 10.2).
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Jun 23, 2010
I've uninstalled appdelete as I now use cleanapp. Anyway, I have uninstalled it but the contextual menu is still present. I have tried looking at the services and libraries but cannot locate the specific item needed to be deleted to remove the appdelete contextual menu item.
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May 30, 2010
i saw on a video of some guys dock. and instead of the stock blue light under the applications that are open, he had an actual blue glowing circle under it....looked really cool. anyone know where or how i can customize this feature on the dock?
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Feb 14, 2012
usually I'm using Internet with WLAN-connection. Sometimes I want to connect my mac additionally with the LAN on work. As soon as I plug in the ethernet, there is a new item in the routing table, so I have two default-gateways - one to the WLAN-router and one to the standard-gateway of my work's LAN.
So for example I cannot take new mails from my private pop-account and for using internet I have to register a proxy-server. That's circuitous!
My idea is to create a plist-file in launchDaemons-directory, that deletes the default-gateway-item to my work's standard-gateway and adds a net-route to this only for my work's network.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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