Applications :: How Do I Get A Specific "blue Light" Open Application Dock Design?
May 30, 2010
i saw on a video of some guys dock. and instead of the stock blue light under the applications that are open, he had an actual blue glowing circle under it....looked really cool. anyone know where or how i can customize this feature on the dock?
recently bought a macbook pro and slowly getting the hang of it. spaces is really great but i often forget to make the best of it because i'm too quick to open the applications before switching to the right space. so, as the title says, is there a way to make sure programs always use a specified space when starting up? i know you can always move the programs afterwards but not unless you use the mouse and even after moving they still consider the startup space thier "main" space (for error messages and the like). also, i'd like to use my mouse as little as possible
You know how there is a blue dot underneath an application's icon in the dock representing that the application is running? Is there a way to change this to another color? I don't see any option for it, so I think it's unlikely that it can be changed but if it can I'd appreciate being told how to change it.
The problem began when I was attempting to force quit an app that had frozen last night. The Force Quit box wouldn't pop up and I got the rainbow pinwheel within Firefox. After the Force Quit box still wouldn't appear, I was able to shut down other apps and even able to restart the computer. Upon restart, once I tried to click an app on the dock, i'd see the icon bounce once or twice then just completely freeze. I'm able to move around the cursor arrow, but can't click anything.
This morning, I was able to open the Terminal (it never popped up in the dock for some reason) and did the 'killall Dock' command. At this point, my system started running real slow and I couldn't seem to double click anything. I had to cmnd + click 'Open' to get to the Activity Monitor. That opened, but then it froze and gave me the window pinwheel. I tried to force quit it, but it wouldn't quit. I had to hold down the power button to turn it off. When I tried rebooting, I couldn't even get to the Terminal anymore since now it would pop up in the dock when I opened it.
I am running Vmware Fusion with XP Professional. I finished downloading the Solidworks Student Design Kit (which took 5 hours ) and was installing it. During installation it stated there was an error and restarted. Now there is an icon that says "Solidworks Design Kit" but when I click it, nothing happens.
To the point... I use TimeOut to remind me to get up and move, while I am on my computer. It is a handy app that will make the screen go blank for how ever long I set my breaks to last.
The thing is... I don't need the application icon to sit in my Dock taking up space telling me the application is open. I know it is open since it tells me to get up and stretch every 20 minutes by blanking my screen.
So, is there any way to take the application's icon off the Dock while still leaving it open?
For some reason my mac always resets my 'open with' preferences if I restart my computer.
So for instance, even if I go through the usual route of selecting a program as the default player (select file/get info/open with/change all), as soon as I restart my mac it will always revert back to the default players and not the newly selected one.
Is there a work around? A setting in OSX which im missing? Or perhaps a third party app which can handle this?
I am trying to access a website [URL] and in Safari I receive "Safari can't find the server" error message. In mozilla I am able to goto the home page but if I click on any of the links I receive "server not found" error message. I have not run into this problem with any other sites and was wondering why this is happening.
I a new to mac. I am trying to open a ".config" file but I get this error message: "There is no default application specified to open the document xxxx". Normally, on a Windows, I would just force open it with notepad as it conly contain text. How do I do the same with a Mac?
I've seen a video on youtube awhile back about opening all the dock apps at once. But now I'm having trouble finding it. Does anyone know how to open them all at once?
I was wondering if anyone knew of a dock theme or hack that I could install relatively painlessly on 10.6.4 that makes the Dock, when placed at the bottom, look like it does when placed on either side of the screen. I've been looking all over the place but all I've found are themes for Candybar and co. that make the reflective bottom area some weird different color or texture. I would like to see a theme that makes the Dock more 2D-ish and at least similar to what you see on the sides of the screen when placed there.
I was wondering I have been playing World of Warcraft for a long time now, and I was just beginning to play around with the graphics settings, and Im on that border line where if I have my graphics set to full my FPS isn't quite there and so I was wondering if there was something I could do, or something that sped up the foreground application or chosen application or something, know what I mean? As this would hopefully just bump up my speed a tad. So that it focused it processing power on the application in use.
Also, while typing the above I just thought, when Snow Leopard comes, the OS itself will be a lot speedier, as well as applications like Safari, and the other Apple apps including in OS X, but will it significantly speed up normal other apps as well?
Is there a way to have a program open at login (I know, I know, select "open at login") but then NOT appear in the dock when it's open? I'd like to have my Garmin software always open but hate the cluttered space of having it open. I can always close it with Cmd+tab. I'm running Leopard 10.5.6.
I use a Voip application called Sipgate, and when I open Sipgate there is a Menubar icon and an icon in the dock. I would like to have this app open all the time but not show up in the dock, only in my menubar.
Is there a good app launcher that stays entirely in the top right system bar area, and does not need to be open in the dock to work? I'm very finicky about what's in my dock, and don't like having background utilities showing up in it.
I bought a macbook Pro 17" this August. This afternoon I found I can't open the applications in the dock. When I click an application icon, it doesn't start up, but instead the Application Window with a list of all my applications jumped out. But if I click the application icon in the Application Window, it will start up.
I am willing to start up the applications directly from the dock. Could anybody help me on it?
Another problem with my laptop is, everytime I left click a link in Safari, the link will open in a new tab of the same window. This problem came the same time as the last one.
I want to separate the application folders of both myself and my girlfriend using the same Mac. She doesn't need to see my system tweaking tools and DVD conversion software, and likewise, I don't need to see her BlackBerry Desktop software and Facebook album tools. Currently, all apps reside in HD/Applications, as is default. My question is: is it safe to simply copy all applications into HD/User/USERNAME/Applications, or is this going to cause problems will existing file structures?
I have an older Mac Pro with 16 GBs of RAM and I'm trying to get Lightroom 3 to stop running ridicualously slow. I've checked the activity monitor and with just a browser & LR3 running I have just over 10 GBs of Free memory. LR3 is using 1.72 GBs. Back in the day you could allocate RAM to a program like photoshop so it wasn't such a dog. Is there anyway to do this in MAC OS X?
Recently, software update stopped responding after I hit the "Install" button, so I had to force quit. Now, none of my applications will open- they just bounce in the dock for a while and stay there, without the dot appearing- including disk utility and system preferences (I thought it might be a repair permissions problem after poking around forums). I do not have install discs with me and plan on going to the apple store tomorrow.
Finder still works, and I emptied the trash, but now clicking on the trash gives me the message that it "cannot be opened while trash is being emptied," which leads me to believe something is frozen. So, my question is: it is safe to turn off or try restarting the computer? Last time I had a problem similar to this and restarted, I got the flashing folder icon that signaled my hard drive was dead, so I am worried about letting it go to sleep or shutting down.
About a week ago I noticed that my open application icons weren't showing up in the dock. The only icons that will are the ones permanently docked there. I don't recall any software installations or setting changes I made, but its very possible I unknowingly changed something.
I downloaded an app called Cyberduck, and put it in my Applications folder, as you normally would. But when I open it, it immediately closes again.What's weird is if I put the file in any other folder (Desktop, Downloads, etc) and open it, it opens fine, stays open, and works great.If I put it back in my Applications folder, problem returns.This has happened with a few versions of Cyberduck, in a few different 10.6.x versions of OS X, and both on my old iMac and new MBP.I've never seen this with any other program. Any ideas?
I have been sent an important file with the above suffix, and I don't know how to open it. I specified Microsoft Word when asked as that seemed the most logical contender, but I can't open it in any of the formats that offers. At least, I can open the file, but it comes out as a garbled mass of symbols. Please could someone tell me how to change the default for opening it and what to change it to?
When shutting down, we get a familiar light blue screen before the computer turns off. I'm getting this flashing at me while operating my MBP. It seems to happen twice, every so often. The screen will turn blue and become empty simultaneously for about a half second - then the screen I'm expecting to see comes back for about half a second - and then the light blue screen comes back again for about a half a second, and then everything goes back to normal.What the heck is this?
I must say, I'm having a little bit of a difficult time with my switch to Apple from Microsoft last November. I've already had to replace the logic board, it appears as if my network card is no longer working (I can only connect via WiFi) - and now I'm having this odd light-blue screen flashing... My video card?
how I could change my settings so that when I double-click a file, it opens in a new "(default)" application. I have noticed that I can right-click -> open with -> other... -> and click "always open with" but it has never worked once. Where can I manipulate this setting?
I've poured over these boards in hopes to finding a solution as to why my dashboard won't open. It literally stopped working mid day, one day when I went to return to get a number off of my sticky note in my dashboard. I have tried posting the different lists from my preferences page, however, am unable to get the docments to actually drag to my desktop. I'm not sure if there are any other solutions, but was hoping to find a quick fix as opposed to traveling 2 hours to the nearest genius bar. Any help would be awesome!!
Can't open mail account even though it's still in the dock and in the applications. Also finder went missing from the top left menu. Do I have a virus?