Intel Mac :: Controlling Attachments In Mail?

Jul 2, 2012

How do I have more control over attachments in mail? The software always places the attachment in the mail text but does not give my Windows, Outlook users the attachment listed at the top of the message when they open it. They are concerned that they can not zoom into the jpeg image attachment. How can I make this possible for the poor Windows users?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Software :: Hidden Attachments - Mail Application On The Mac To Recognize That There Are Attachments In The Email

Jan 11, 2009

I'm using MacOSX and Mac Mail. The cub scouts send a weekly newsletter via Scouttrack. When I view this on the Mac, I cannot see any attachments; it's like they are not there at all. When I view it from Outlook on a PC, it doesn't show the little paper clip, but when I open the email, then I can see that the attachments are there.

Is there any way to get the mail application on the Mac to recognize that there are attachments in the email??

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Intel Mac :: Mail Message With Attachments?

Apr 8, 2012

I use iMacs for work. I often send email messages with attachments using Mail.  Often, when sending email messages to Windows users (they are out there still), they will reply that they cannot open "the second attachment."  The message seems to "pick up" a second apparent attachment, which is generally just a few K in size, and is not part of the original message or attachment.  Unfortunately, though, it tricks the recipient into thinking that there are two attachments and the second one is meaningful  So then they respond and I have to assure them that the second attachment is irrelevant and can be ignored.   

Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Mail Programme Is Not Adding Attachments Correctly

May 8, 2012

1. Just changed the modem, so that isn't the problem. Mail now wont' send emails - just malfunctioned. Is anyone getting this happening? Has done it for twice - I've looked at settings - just says it is now offline.

2. Mail programme is not adding attachments correctly. Had 2 people say documents weren't attached that should have been.

Is this just a glitch on my machine or is there something else going on?

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IMac (Intel) :: Mail Won't Send / Receive Emails With Attachments?

Jun 26, 2014

As of yesterday my Mac will no longer send or receive emails that have attachments on them. It doesn't matter the size or format of the attachment, nothing happens. It shows as Sent but it doesn't get to the recipient and I can't receive either. 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Attachments Not Showing As Attachments In Mail?

May 11, 2012

Why are my attachments not showing up as attachments when recieved. They are sent from Mail as windows "friendly" - but never the less always show up inlaid in the mail. The recipient then have to ctrl clik on the documents, save them on the harddrive before being able to fx print.

IMac Intel, Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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Applications :: Controlling SMTP Timeout Value

May 21, 2009

Is it possible to control the value of the SMTP time out setting? Occasionally when I send an email, attempts to use an SMTP server that is available only via a VPN connection (such as the SMTP behind the corporate firewall at work). When it can't reach such a server, it takes about 5-10 minutes until it finally brings up a dialog to let me switch to a reachable SMTP host. I would like to change that 5-10 minute value to something more reasonable like 30 seconds.

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ICloud On Mac :: Controlling Sender / Recipient Name That Appears On Mail Messages

Dec 11, 2014

My husband and I both use our one alias iCloud mail accounts. Both the alias and the main account were created in my name (not his) and yet his name appears as the sender and recipient on messages sent and received through the alias. I've rechecked settings in iCloud and his name is not anywhere. Why is this happening and how can I change it so that my name rather than his appears on messages?

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail Attachments Break Mail For Windows Client?

Jun 15, 2012

since upgrading to Lion an embedded attachment in a e-mail, jpeg or pdf will cause a recieving outlook to stop displaying the e-mail content before the atachement-icon, no mail content after the icon is displayed anymore. Mail itself shows propper content of the e-mail. 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Attachments On Mac - Mail 3.6

Dec 13, 2010

I use an iMac with Mac Mail 3.6 (OSX 10.5.8) For some reason when i now attache a file to my mac emails - jpg, tiff, picture etc - it reduces it to approx 50-k (typically from 5mb) I havent changed anything or done anything Due to my occupation this is unacceptable - I need to attach files at their original size.

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Laptops :: Opening Attachments In E Mail?

Mar 24, 2010

when I receive attachments in e mail I am sometimes unable to open them in Safari Mail I am running Snow Leopard on a MacBook Pro. All the e maols are from Windows Computers.

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OS X :: Apple Mail Won't Load Attachments?

Apr 27, 2007

Something wierd happened a few days ago. All of a sudden, whenever I try to add an attachment to a message, either by dragging a file or by using the attach button, Mail pinwheels and I have to force Quit it.

How do I reinstall it? I have all the disks and everything...but can I reinstall just one program? Will it still keep all my settings and all that?

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OS X :: Using Automator Applescript To Get Mail Attachments?

Jun 24, 2009

i would like to use either automator or applescript to get attachments from certain emails i get in mail that have the subject line that contains "Database Backup" then according to the first part of the subject to save the attachment into a folder with that name.

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OS X :: How To Change The Way Mail Displays Attachments

Jul 8, 2009

Is there a way to change the way Mail displays attachments? I hate how when attaching certain file types, such as PDF, instead of just showing multiple attachments in a nice little list, it shows you the whole freaking preview of the attachment and you lose track of what file (or type) it even is in the process.

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OS X :: Image In Mac Mail Show Up As Attachments?

Aug 12, 2009

How come when I send an email to people and include an image file, screen shots, etc and paste them in the body of the messate, it not only shows up on the other end as attachments, but so do the images in my signature, etc.

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OS X :: Cannot Add Attachments To Emails In Yahoo Mail Since SL

Sep 8, 2009

Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I cannot add an attachment to email using Yahoo mail. Every time I select the file, Yahoo mail begins scanning and it then crashes the browser - happens with any browser and any file.

Searching around suggests there are similar problems for some users but not as pervasive.

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OS X :: AOL Mail Attachments Need Downloading To Open

Sep 23, 2009

Why do attachments rec'd on my mac (10.4.11) through aol have to be downloaded before being opened? Then you have to open a zip file or open a variety of folders before you get to the item sent. Other computers allow you to just click on the attachment and the file opens immediately.

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OS X :: Send Photos As Attachments In Mail?

Jan 19, 2010

Until have till now just used fileflow to send pictures, cause when attaching them to mail - it just seems to stick into the mail- and hard to get out for pc users - And if they manage - the filesize seems to have been scaled down.

pdf - ai - psd etc works perfect as attachments. but jpg - no !

also when i try to show the icon - i get claims from my recipients...

Does anyone have a smart advice for me to get full scale jpgs as full readable attachements, no matter who recieves it ?

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Applications :: Caches Attachments Again?

Feb 27, 2010

I have a problem with

I configured my Gmail using IMAP on And i downloaded ALL my mails and attachments, meaning it cached all attachments and emails. It used up 4 GB of my data. I am on a capped bandwidth of 5 GB per month. I thought everything was perfect and suddenly last week....I checked my cap again, and i used 3 gb in 2 days. I checked and it was downloading my mails again and caching attachments all over again.

Why is this happening, i am scared to use again, because u never know when it will start caching all my attachments again and i will use up my 4gb in 2 days.

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Applications :: Mac Mail - Small Attachments?

Jun 17, 2010

When I save a screen shot and email it... it comes out on the other end as a small image (thumbnail?). There has got to be something I'm missing in the setup or preferences... but why aren't my attachments full size?

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OS X :: Mail 4.3 - Spotlight Searching Within Attachments?

Aug 9, 2010

I just switched to Mail from Entourage and am setup to Exchange. I just noticed when I search within Mail or through OSX Spotlight it doesn't appear to search within the Attachment in the emails. Is this how it is designed? If so, do I have any options?

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Software :: Sending Attachments In .Mail?

Mar 20, 2009

I am running 10.4.11 with the mail program that is installed which is 2.1.3.

My daughter in college has a MacBook Pro Intel running 10.5.x and uses the college mail program (site).

Every attachment that I send her that as a jpg, she says downloads to her desk top as a .acs ( I believe) which she can't open to view. If she goes to a windows computer with the same college e-mail site she can view them.

Question: what can be done to send/receive these so they can be viewed as jps's on her computer? Would send them as windows friendly attachments help?

I'm guessing that the e-mail site is probably set up for more windows friendly than Mac friendly.

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Software :: Mac Mail Attachments Gibberish

Sep 23, 2009

One of my employees email attachments keep coming through as gibberish, specifically jpeg's, some excel files, etc. She is using Mac Mail. I do not use mac mail and the exact same attachment come through fine for me. Is there some setting in Mac Mail that needs to be changed to correct this?

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Software :: How To Delete JPG Attachments To Mail

Aug 25, 2010

I have just searched through all the jpeg pictures on the computer (more than 10,000of them) and noticed there were photos that had been attached to emails. These emails had been deleted but the photos still remain in various folders in library/mail/account/ bin or similar. There are hundreds of these folders and sub folders all containing pictures from mail that was deleted. They are from both GMail and .Mac mail. Does anyone know how to ensure these images are deleted when the mail message they are contained in is deleted. I am using Apple Mail, Entourage and Thunderbird but the problem seems to be confined to the way Apple Mail organises mail folders.

iMac 27" i7, OSX 10.6.4
13" Macbook Pro, OSX 10.6.4

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Some Pdf Attachments Missing In Mail 5.2

Mar 28, 2012

I fail to receive pdf attachments intermittently using Mail 5.2 running OS X 10.7.3 (Lion). When the attachments do not arrive, I see no paperclip in the attachments column. On a recent occasion, a colleague sent me three consecutive emails, each with 1-2 pdf files attached. The middle one (containing one pdf), shows no attachment in Mail. However, I know the attachment is there, because if I open it on my iPhone, I see the attachment. What's more, if I forward the email to myself from the iPhone, I can now see the attachment again. This has happened several times in the past as well.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Mail Excel Pdf Attachments?

Apr 20, 2012

Mail does not send Excel attachment as an icon but an open sheet. how do I send an excel attachment where only the icon shows?

Mac Pro, Mac OS
X (10.5.7)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Open Pdf Attachments From Mail

Apr 29, 2012

When I'm in Mail and try to open or save to my computer and then open a pdf in Preview, I get an error message -"The file “Proposal to Seattle City Light - Wolverine Study 6Mar2012.pdf” could not be opened.  It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize." This happens with all pdfs in Mail.  However, if I go to email account on the Internet and download the pdf it opens no problem. This is a new problem, though I can't say if it started happening as soon as I upgraded to Lion or if it happened sometime after (definitely not before).  

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't See Or Open PDF Attachments In Mac Mail?

May 24, 2012

Since switching from Entourage to mac mail - having issues with incoming mail PDF attachments. The attachment isn't available in the email so have to go to webmail and open attachments. This is happening with my macbook pro and ipad2.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Find Attachments Mail

Jun 19, 2012

The new Mail with Lion doesn't display received attachments any more. I just got an important attachment and can't find it. The paperclip icon is visible in the list. In Mail Prefs the Desktop is selected for attachments, but it's not there. It doesn't show up in the body of the email message as it used to in 10.6. Why is that? Is there a folder where Mail attachments go?

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OS X Mavericks :: (10.9.5) Mail Not Sending Attachments

Dec 3, 2014

Using Apple Mail on OS X 10.9.  

My workplace is an Apple environment. Shortly after some of the iMacs were upgraded to 10.9 we've had some trouble with Mail. The main issue is Mail is not sending the attached image or file. On one of the iMacs that sends a lot of email with attachments, I removed the email account and added it back. After doing this this account is able to send attachments (how long this fix will last I don't know), however, a particular email we tried to send did not send the attached files.  

After hearing about this issue I sent several test emails from this iMac and had mixed results. Sending just the attachments would work. Sending the attachments and text would only send the text. I have tried dragging the images from the Desktop into the message. I have used the attachment button and made sure Windows Friendly Attachments was checked. 

I hand-typed a paragraph of the original email and sent it with the attachments and that email worked. I think it could be something with copy and pasting the text or some kind of formatting in the text. I copied the original message and pasted it in both Text Edit and Microsoft Word (and used Edit>Clear Formatting) and from there into a new Mail Message, attached the two files and it didn't send again. 

One attachment is a .jpg another is a .pdf. The total size of both is 104kb (well within our sending limit). The body of the message is 3-4 paragraphs, maybe 100-200 words total. I don't think it is a size issue.  

This could possibly be two issues, or just one: Mail just not sending attachments (even though it seems to have been corrected after removing the email account and adding it back), an issue with formatting that is somehow keeping Mail from sending attachments, or a mixture of both. 

On a side note, I added the same email account to another computer using 10.7.5 and added the correct imap and smtp info and the same issues and results happen with this specific email. (Other than this one email issue in 10.7.5 the only complaints about emails not sending attachments is coming from 10.9 users) 

I'm at a loss right now of what to try next. Since some of the iMacs have upgraded to 10.9, Apple Mail has been giving us some issues. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Apple Mail 7.3

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