Applications :: Tablet Hotkeys Keep Resetting In Photoshop?
Sep 15, 2010
I'm running a Macbook 10.6.4. My tablet is the Wacom Intuos 3. Lastly, I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS3.
As the title says, CS3 doesn't seem to like my tablet's hotkeys. Sometimes I'll find that all of my hotkeys have been reset while other times, it's always just one specific keystroke that I set. That would be the Step Backward key (command+option+Z).
Back when I used Photoshop Elements, I had my undo hotkey on my tablet set to just Undo (command+Z). As we all might know, the functions are different in Elements and CS. So when I earlier said that sometimes I'll find my undo hotkey reset, it actually always reverts back to being command+Z.
I've also tried making application specific hotkey functions but CS3 will always just disappear in the Wacom tablet settings under preferences.
EDiT: Oh, and I thought that I might add that sometimes I get lucky and my hotkey functions remain the way I set them. But that definitely happens way less than not. : Also, lately... when the functions get all crazy, my redo key's function will change to the keystroke for Step Backward.
I'm looking for an app of some kind that lets me control iTunes playback (play, pause, skip a song) from outside of iTunes. I've tried SizzlingKeys, which works great, but it doesn't work at all in games, which is the reason I downloaded it in the first place.
So Im not sure if anyone on here will have any knowledge on this but its worth a try anyway. I use a graphics tablet instead of a mouse, but it means I have no scroll wheel. Wondering if there is a mod that anyone knows off which will allow me to do something like hold down the button assigned as "middle button" and scroll along the page like how you would on an iphone to scroll up and down, rather than having to constantly use the scroll bar.
The only problem I'm having so far is converting videos for my Nokia N810 (Internet Tablet). I used handbrake to rip my personal dvd's and tried using Internet Tablet Video Converter to convert the AVI files for viewing on my N810. When the final file is transfer, all I can see on my tablet is a blank screen, no audio, the file doesn't seem to play at all. Does anyone have the correct handbrake settings for my issue?
I have a macbook fairly recent model, and I decided to do a fresh install of Leopard (10.5) but now all my top keys (F1-F12) are all out of order, I know i can assign secondary functions to them, but their main functions don't work properly, for example my mute, lower volume and raise volume keys are assigned to widgets, and expose.
I get this once every couple of weeks while performing basic tasks, normally when I'm in a web browser, but the dockbar will freeze, I can't click it or anything, and my hotkeys to switch between programs stop working. I can use all the hotkeys within an app but this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Anyone else been experiencing this problem?
I have my iTunes music on an external drive. I set the location of the iTunes Music Folder to the location on the external drive in Preferences. But next time I open iTunes, it's reset back to the location on the built-in HD where iTunes places the folder by default. External HD is sometimes disconnected (though not when I'm resetting it). Maybe if iTunes can't find the drive it reverts back? Powerbook G4, OSX 10.4.11, iTunes 7.7.1.
iTunes 8.1 just keeps bugging out on me. I set my iTunes Music Folder Location to a folder on my Time Capsule, but when i exit out and relaunch iTunes, the folder location is reset back to the default iTunes Music folder on my system drive! Why does this keep happening? Anyone else having this problem? I don't want to have to point my location back to the Time Capsule each time I load up iTunes.
A thing to note is however, is that my library file (and other misc itunes files) still remains in the iTunes folder on the system drive. Would that have anything to do with this?
Is there a way to reset the position of iTunes video windows? I usually use an external 23" monitor with my MBP and sometimes I move the video I'm watching on iTunes out of the MBP screen (on the external monitor). But, when I use the MBP without external monitor and I try to play iTunes video, the video is out of the screen, basically I can't see it and I can't find a way to move it into the screen (I can see it using expose').
Saw this interesting new Dell Lattitude XT2 tablet on engadget. Yeah get your laughs out of the way first and stop reading if you hate Dell or Windows.
This isn't the Mac Tablet we've been waiting for, but what got my attention was the two finger multitouch swipe to scroll and the 11.5 hour battery life. Video of it for various use scenarios is here.
I can imagine just putting it into tablet mode, rotating the screen 90 degrees vertically, and then browsing around using just one finger click, two finger scroll, and two finger pinch like a big iPhone.
Does anyone think that by Apple upgrading the Uni Macbooks to the Pro line, they have just created the space for the tablet to slot into? Before the WWDC keynote, people were wondering where Apple could place a tablet in their line-up but now maybe they've created a slot! Wat u think?? Theres rumors of Steve coming back at the end of the month with a media event. Could it be the tablet? Maybe not, but I definitely think that the tablet will be coming now cause of wat happened today!
This pic generated quite bit of discussion in a Chinese Mac fans forum. Real or not, I will leave this upon everyone. Note: not quite sure if this is right session to post, but I can't post it to news session.
I've had a pen tablet for some time but never really used it and now I need to sign some docs here and there. How do I do so with Word or is there another way?
I run a MacBook (White) 2.16 Ghz 2007 model, which is running x64 Snow Leopard. When I open Photoshop CS5, the splash screen shows it is x64. So I wait for it to load, and based on Apple Developer news and articles, you can't have a 64-bit Carbon framework application. I knew that with Carbon framework applications, you can't drag a window around by its titlebar when it's not responding, or frozen. With the 64-bit enabled Cocoa framework you can. When it was loading, I tried dragging the titlebar, and it wouldn't work, so I thought maybe it isn't 64-bit after all. I inspected the program with Xray, and it told me it was Carbon. I was confused. Is Adobe having the Mac users on or is just my computer playing up?
I bought a Bamboo tablet hoping that it would make drawing plays easier since I am not very literate with most programs. What programs for Mac will allow me to draw O's, X's and arrows and names?
can you recommend a tablet that can be used in place of a mouse, for general use in OSX apps but is also capable in PS. I tried a Graphire a few years back and hated it, but probably admit to not persevering with it long enough. Can tablets completely replace mice?
Beginning Photography school and we are using Photoshop CS3. I currently have a PC laptop, which will not handle photoshop. I am looking to get a Mac Mini and was wondering if Photoshop CS3 will bog it down too much or will I be ok. Which Mac Mini would you recommend?
I deleted PS cs3 and wanted to reinstall it but when I go to install it it tells me to use a different installer. It also says that photoshop is intalled which it isnt. I have all the other applications like illustrator and stuff. How do I completely get rid of photoshop? I also dont have the original installer because im traveling.
So I have CS4, and it's been wonderful on my new 24" iMac. After the latest 10.5.6 update, it started giving me this message every time I open Photoshop:
Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver, and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancements. Check the video card manufacturer's website for latest software.
GPU enhancements can be enabled in the Performance panel of Preferences.
This never happened before 10.5.6. A coincidence? Or did something change? Why does it keep giving me this message?
does anyone know how to use the function key actions within photoshop? I really would like to think i'm simply missing something rather than apple did something silly like overriding applications choice for f keys.
I hadn't got round to installing Photoshop on my Mac and I misplaced my discs while moving house. If I download a trial version and use my licence key, am I getting the full product? What is a safe site to download a Photoshop demo? My license key is for CS3.
Trying to draw something with your MacBook's trackpad can be a hassle, but this user-friendly app makes it as simple as can be. Called Inklet, it "uses the multitouch trackpad interface to sense where and when you're touching the pad, and then translates that into drawing marks just like a Wacom pen tablet." Inklet requires Snow Leopard to work, so if you're running anything pre-10.6, you're out of luck. The software is $24.95, and their website has been brought to its knees by recent press, so you can download it from Apple's site if you can't reach it the official way. [URL].
I deleted all the Wacom Tablet files but noticed while using activity monitor that the Wacom Tablet driver is still operating permanently and using RAM. How do I delete the driver?
Info:MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am having a problem with Photoshop Elements 8. The software will not open on my iMac for it says that I am missing applications or something around that ballpark. Once I come home from my gf's house I will be able to give you guys/girls the exact message I get when trying to open PSE8. I do not know if the PSE8 is compatible with my current iMac due to its model/year/specs etc. I purchased my iMac around the year of late 2006 early 2007. Should PSE8 be compatible with my iMac or not?
I believe it should, but yet I do not know the reason why it will not open. I recently purchased the Bamboo Pen & Touch for my gf and it came with the PSE8 software. I Installed the PSE8 on her iMac (Which she purchased the Black Friday that passed.) But before installing the PSE8 on the iMac, the Bamboo installer was installed first. Maybe I need to install the Bamboo installer before installing the PSE8 software that was included with the Tablet product?
I have PhotoShop on my Mac at the moment, but don't really do much with it - just the basics like cropping, resizing etc. Was thinking of swapping over to Pixelmator instead - it seems much easier to use with plenty of online tutorials.
I would like to uninstall Photoshop Elements 3 as I have CS2 now. I checked Adobe web site; but their site does not say if I can just drag the folder icon for Photoshop Elements to the trash can or not. Do I need to go through the proper uninstallation step for this? Or, can I just drag it to the trash can?
Is anyone running PhotoShop Elements 4.0 on Leopard? I installed Leopard last week only to discover that PhotoShop Elements 2.0 won't even launch anymore. Adobe says Elements 4.0 isn't designed for Leopard. But, I'm now desperate for photo editing software. I've got about 5 years of learning invested in PhotoShop Elements. So, I'd prefer not to have to learn a new package.
I'm going to try out Acorn to see if I can get it to work. I downloaded Pixelmator. It looks sharp! But, the brother who designed it seem to have gone missing and their forums report many and major bugs when running it on Leopard (even though it was supposedly designed for Leopard). I just need basic functionality to save pictures for my website. Just a lasso tool to drop out the backgrounds, change the contrast and brightness and to be able to save to .gifs and jpegs.
I just bought a new Canon LiDE 600F flatbed scanner and have set it up and installed the driver disc. I want to be able to import documents and photos directly from the scanner into Photoshop CS, however when I select "File>Import>CanoScan LiDE 600F...", instead of taking me to the default Photoshop scanner preview window it opens up the crappy "ScanGear" from-the-disc software, which I don't want.