IMac :: Screen Went To Static Real Quick Then Gave Some Code To Shut Down?
Jun 14, 2010
I was using my mac the other day and the screen went to static real quick then gave some code to shut down. SO I did HUGE mistake I am guessing. I have only 1 user with a password. When I enter my user password it goes to a blue screen for a minute then comes back and ask for my password again. Before I crashed it was asking for permission to use fonts from my external hard drive ??? not sure why.But I figured I would just reinstall my os x and be ok... not really worried about my info on the computer everything is backed up. However when i restarted and held down the c key while it started with the os disc inserted... I came back 9 hours later and it was still the white screen with the spinning sun thingie.... like it was still loading
Very occasionally the screen on my iMac (early 08 24") goes blank and it makes an incredibly loud static sound that's independent of the volume control setting. The power then needs disconnecting to restart the machine. Haven't been able to tie it to any specific program. Apple Care asked I leave it on logged in on a new user account (at the time I originally thought it only happened in sleep mode, but have since discovered this is not the case).
It's happened maybe 3 or 4 times in the same number of months. I've only found one similar case on the net, with someone suggesting it was Safari 4 beta, which I've found not to be the case with mine. It's on extended warranty. I think there's something seriously wrong with it (it's already had the hard drive and power supply replaced).
So I've had this computer for a while and about a year or two ago, it started giving me problems. I would hear a loud short come from the screen and then I would see a quick line appear. It started getting worse as the month went on til the whole thing shorted out on me. Now all it does is turn on and shut right off with a loud and pretty frightful shorting sound and won't try to kick back on til an hour or two later (manually anyways). I did some research online and found out that my flyback transformer on my analog board shorted out due to heat constrictions inside the machine. And when that part shortes out, it take sthe video board along with it, since those two board are conjoined together, and in turn takes the whole system out. The wierd part is when I unplug the video cord and turn it on, their are no problems, only that My screen is still off, so it's like flying a plane with no instruments. I heard there is a way to replace the inside parts of the iMac and place a LCD screen in there but I'm not sure how that works out and if it will work anyways. Plus I just read that removing the CRT can be very dangerous. Grrr. I Need some advice. I'm a college student and don't have much $$$. If I did, I would have gotten a new MacBook. I wanna bring this mac back to life cause i miss it. Is there anyway I can do that? What would I need to do?
My macbook pro overheated last night while in sleep mode. I starting it this morning it just kept a black screen and would do nothing else. Tried holding down power button for 10 secs and now it wont turn on at all. I pulled the battery out and unplugged the from the charger. Put it back in the computer got warm without even being on. Don't know what to do. Do not have apple care, mac was bought through school and is 4 years old. Is there anything that can be done to save it?
I know this has been discussed before, but I cannot stand that there is no option to shut off the screen. I know the Shift-ctrl-eject (not sure if I got this right, I'm at work now) works to turn off the screen, but I'm facing another issue.
At night, I frequently record shows on Eye-TV and export them to iPhone, so I can watch them during the morning commute. When the show begins, iMac's screen wakes up. When the export to iTunes begins, the screen wakes up. I tried few utilities where the brightness dims 100%, but it's not the same as turning it completely off.
Has anyone found a solution where you can turn off the display completely? Since my iMac is in my bedroom, this is a huge problem for me. I miss my Mac Mini....
In bootcamp I got all the way to the part where I have to enter in my windows activation code during the windows installation. I just realized however that the code I have is wrong, and I can only get it from the guy I bought the copy from tomorrow. My question is, can I just shut down my laptop and start from the partition with no problems once I have the code?
How to keep the Brightness meter icon from appearing on your screen?Â
Model Name: iMac Model Identifier: iMac12,2 Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 3.1 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 4 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 6 MB Memory: 16 GB Boot ROM Version: IM121.0047.B1F SMC Version (system): 1.72f2 iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Last week my macbook froze and when I force restart the screen started up like the picture attached, It started normally one time but then froze and it's been like this for about five days, what could be the cause of this? Could it be a virus/software or is it a hardware issue? All my systems and stuff ar up to date as well.Â
Also, another issue I've been having with my iphone I couldn't sync any music to the device and I couldn't delete any of the songs from my phone via my mac could that have something to do with it?
When starting up my MacBook Pro normally, I get a flashing blue screen followd by static. I can hear the volume clicking as I change it and change the brightness of the keyboard, but nothing else responds. I have tried:resetting PRAM booting from Snow Leopard disc (didn't work)booting into safe mode and repairing permissions, disksending computer into Apple (hard drive was replaced)reinstalling Snow Leopard from safe mode (bricked computer; had to send to Apple)
I bought a new HDMI adaptor for my 17" Macbook Pro. I'm plugging into a full HD compatible TV, into an HDMI port.The result is a consistant switch between the actual correct display, and colored static. The rate of the switch is dependent on the frequency of the refresh rate, but there's no way to get it anywhere near comfortable to use. I have tried changing resolutions on both sides to no avail. Here is a video of the screen periodically flickering between display and static url...Also have tried other HDMI ports and cables, all of which are known to be in working condition. Tried restarting the tv and computer. Running out of ideas and hair.Troubled Mac User
I'm going to college this fall and I'm buying a MBP. I have been debating whether or not to purchase the base 13" or the base 15". I'm leaning towards base 15" but would the extra screen real estate make a difference for school or would I be better off saving $500 or putting that money towards an SSD, etc. There are a ton of topics on "which MBP" but I haven't found an answer specifically tackling this scenario of screen real estate.
I have a 15" Macbook Pro that I purchased 5 years ago. It is getting old, but I replaced both the ram and the harddrive about half a year ago. I have been having problems with the screen freezing for a while now. At first someone told me that my harddrive was probably causing the issue because it had been corrupted. I replaced it. The problem did not go away. Then I was told the problems I was having is software corruption, so I wiped the harddrive and reinstalled snow leopard OS. This did help for a while, but recently the problem has returned. My computer screen froze 3 times in an hour and I have static lines running horizontally across my screen. I have a screenshot example.
I bought a brand new Dell U2713H monitor (resolution is 2560px wide) so I had to get a dual link adaptor. I plug it into my Macbook pro 17-inch, Late 2011 and it works beautifully for about 10 minutes and suddenly the screen turns to static and i get a dvi symbol on top left. i then turn off and on the monitor and i get another 10 minutes. I was sure it was a faulty dual link cable - but i am trying the monitor on a macbook air and it is working perfectly.
perhaps the AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB card is not good enough? but i was told by apple support before i bought the monitor it is fine as long as i use the dual link cable.
Something that might be helpful for people wondering about the 11/13 or in general would be a visual comparison of how much screen real estate each provides.
I've heard that there's a virus being spread via fake Adobe updates. I'm getting a notice to install Adobe Reader version 9.5.1. How do I know wether this is legit?
Im going to throw out a scenario and see if anyone sees flaw in my logic.I first will mention that I will stick with console gaming and wont play games on the imac, although I thought in 07 there was a youtube video of someone playing crysis on a 2600GT imac (im not sure what the real graphics card was or if thats even a real one). I will be editing photos using aperture or some other photo editor, running Vuze nonstop, 12 tab browsing, and also probably watching a movie. My G5 ALS imac did that with about 3 tab browsing pretty easy. Also it wasnt editing photos. ANYWAYS. Amazon has the i5 for 1972.98 and applecare for 135.99 for a total of 2108.97
Just wondering if it's worth getting a machine with 8Gb of RAM over the standard 4Gb for things like video editing, aperture etc. Can most of today's apps even use 8 gigs of memory? I assume the biggest advantage would be for running a virtual windows machine within OSX and things like that.
So This morning I booted up my MBP 15" and was just about to open an email when the screen become completely pixelated and unusable. I bought the computer in Jan 2007, and it's been my primary machine since then. I took it into the shop here and the service guy said the computer wasn't worth fixing. 3.5 years old and not worth fixing? Is it really not worth fixing, or is this guy trying to make a sale? Could this have been caused by using an external monitor for most of the time I had it? I usually plugged it into my 24" Samsung and used the laptop display as the secondary monitor.
I play PC games and I LOVE mac os.... I have a macbook pro right now which I am selling. The reason I ask about Kanex is because if the new iMacs dont come with a great graphics card, I am thinking of buying the lower end imac and connecting my pc to it for the gaming aspect and using the imac for everything else I do.. "Logic, photoshop bla bla" I just dont want to be stuck at 720p and I cant find any real confirmation if I output my radeon 4870 with HDMI if I can choose a crazy res the imac screen support over the Kanex adapter. I am hoping to god the new iMacs come with a 58XX series card but ya know how that goes.. All I play is Team Fort 2 which should be out for mac soon.
when I first got my computer, and I went through the inital setup procedure, the computer asked for my email. I've since got a new email and was wondering how do I change the email I first gave to my new email?The same question could be applied to other details, such as address or phone number, etc.
My iBook of six years gave up the ghost last week It's so old, I can't see any point in getting it fixed. Just wondering if it's worth selling some of the parts on eBay or the like? Airport Extreme card, battery, adapter etc.
I clicked on verify disk and it gave me an error about disk cannot not be verified because volume is too big... This is on an older style MBP with a 160gb hard drive.. How do I get around this because I can't click on repair disk.
I just installed OS X 10.6 and now when i try to turn on my computer, i get this grey screen with computer code on it and the black box that says to restart my computer. I tried safe boot along with all the other steps on the page for the grey screen but nothing works.
My computer started having problems some two weeks ago.First it was very slow then it blocked during the use of Photoshop.At that stage I used Apple jack to test and solve the problem and it worked.But two days later the problem came again as a verry slow start-up.I checked the disk and there was no problem signaled.I tried to boot the computer on the installation disk in order to execute the Hardware test...The test gave the folowing error code: 4HDD/11/40000004:SATA(0,0)Â
my friend owns a MacBook Pro and he has been having troubles with his new computer. He loves it all in all, but finds it frustrating that he can't turn the screen off without putting the computer to sleep. He says it's cause he wants his Adium away message to stay up for his friends, but can't find a way to do so, everyone I've asked has no clue.
Has Apple made a way to do this? Or is it this, as of now, cannot be done?
i have a macbook with osx and when i go to turn it off, all the icons disappear and i am left with just my desktop picture and that small little loading black thing. I don't what to do, i have tried waiting a long time but it never turns off, i usually end up having to hold the shut down button which feels dangerous to my comp.
What should i do... is it a virus or something else?
oh, and sometimes some of my programs wont shut down even after force quit.
My battery is at 36% and all of a sudden, my screen went black for about two seconds, then came back on for a second, then repeated by came back on and remained on.
I have sold a Pismo on eBay. I showed pictures from all angles with the date superimposed including the working screen. The buyer received it the day after it was collected from my house and it seems that the packaging was fine when it got there. The buyer took it out of the box, turned it on and was happy to see that the Pismo fired up as you would expect. He said that it still had 98% power left in the battery. (I'm just adding everything I can think of in case it makes a difference)
The then shut the laptop down by moving the mouse pointer across to the little apple at top left of screen and choosing "Shut down" followed by clicking the "Are you sure" screen. He then closed the lid and took the laptop upstairs where there is access to the internet via a wired router and ethernet cable. There is no wireless access in the house.
So when he got upstairs, he opened the lid and pressed the power button. He then waited .... and waited ..... and waited but the screen stayed blank. The only way to tell that the laptop was turned on was that the Capslock light reacted to the key being pressed.
I have asked him to write me an e-mail listing everything he has tried to make it work. I'm not much use with Macs and all I could tell him was to try inserting the restore DVD, shutting down by holding down the power button for a few seconds and then holding down the "C" key at start-up.