Windows On Mac :: Activation Code - Shut Down Laptop And Start From Partition

Oct 12, 2010

In bootcamp I got all the way to the part where I have to enter in my windows activation code during the windows installation. I just realized however that the code I have is wrong, and I can only get it from the guy I bought the copy from tomorrow. My question is, can I just shut down my laptop and start from the partition with no problems once I have the code?

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Software :: How To Activate QuickTime Pro Activation Code

Jun 10, 2009

I've had to rebuild my mac. I have a quicktime Pro activation code, but not sure how to activate it. Everything I try directs me to the MAC website to buy it . But I've done that already!

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MacBook Pro :: Restored It, Cannot Find Office 2011 Activation Code?

Apr 25, 2012

I had to restore my MacBook Pro the other day. Microsoft Office 2011 was installed at the Apple Store and now I can't find the registration code. Where is it?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Windows On Mac :: Can Install Mac On A Partition On A Windows 7 Laptop?

Dec 3, 2009

can u you install mac on a partition on a windows 7 laptop? and run both mac and win7?

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Intel Mac :: Open A Game That I Purchased From Game Stop With An Activation Code?

May 6, 2012

How can I open a game that I purchased from Game Stop with an Activation Code?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Reenter Activation MS Office Activation Codes After Restore

Jun 28, 2014

I have a macbook pro with microsoft office installed on it. I use this macbook primarily for testing and end up wiping it clean and restoring a backup onto it. Whenever I restore a time machine backup and then open an office app I am prompted for the activation code. Well I have done this enough times where I have reached the max number of activations so I have to call microsoft and get a number from them. I thought that a restore would restore everything so that it would restore office already activated.

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Windows On Mac :: OS X Cannot Start After Disk Partition And BootCamp

Jun 22, 2009

I just installed bootcamp and the drivers from the apple cd, it went smoothly. It was installed on a new 20GB partition. I use Windows XP,and OS X 10.5.7. Now,after the windows was installed, I restarted my mac, hold option and chose the OS X partition, there was the apple logo then a blue screen,and it stayed that way. Blue screen was changed by a bluish-gray screen every 25 seconds or so,but that was short and it got back to the normal blue screen. That went on for sometime and I had to hold the off button for 5 seconds to turn it off. I tried starting os x from safe mode, it took longer to start, but it still wouldn't work. I used the "Bootable Utilities" disk,and opened Disk Utility,and Disk Warrior,checked the disk,they didn't find any errors.

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp / VMware Windows Activation ?

Nov 20, 2009

I am purchasing my first Mac this week (iMac 27" i7 8gb ram 1 TB ). I am new to the whole Mac experience. I have a few questions I hope someone can give me the correct answers.

I purchased VMware 3.0, but I would also like to use bootcamp (for when I am gaming). Would Windows need a separate installation copy for each? I was concerned about the Windows activation issue. I am not sure if need to activate twice or if Windows 7 will allow it, once for bootcamp and then once for Vmware?

I purchased Windows 7 64 bit upgrade. I am currently running on my PC Windows Vista 64 bit and I have a new OEM copy of XP home 32 bit (unused). I plan on using the already registered copy of Vista to install on my MAC then use the Windows 7 upgrade. Will that work? Will I need to activate Vista before I can use the upgrade?

Can I use an external drive to run windows from VMware (either firewire or USB) or should I invest in the 2 TB upgrade?

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Windows On Mac :: VM 7 Off Bootcamp - Activation?

Nov 5, 2009

I am seeking advice or comments from anyone with any experience with this type of setup. Ideally, I would like to be able to alternate between booting Windows from the bootcamp natively and booting the same Windows via a VM of the bootcamp. But I just may give up this ideal if it proves to be too problematic. I have two main worries/concern about this setup.

1) Possible activation issues when alternating between booting from the bootcamp and booting via a VM of the bootcamp.

2) Potential problems from Windows seeing alternating "hardware" all the time and making changes to the system. For example, the VM might make changes to Windows to optimize it for the VM but when I boot natively from bootcamp those settings would be at a sub-optimum state for, say, 3D-intensive applications or games while running off bootcamp natively.

I have yet to decide which VM software to use but it should probably be either Parallels 5.0 or VMware Fusion 3.0 depending on various factors including how well it caters to my described situation. I will be installing 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate (RETAIL Version) hence the activation worries. Specs of the new system I will install on when I receive it in a few days:

15" 2.8Ghz MacBook Pro
256GB SSD (Factory - Unknown Brand)
Snow Leopard

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Windows On Mac :: Disable 7 Activation - Visualization?

Jan 11, 2011

I have Boot Camp set up so Parallels Desktop can access it. Trouble is, whenever I boot up using Parallels, Windows Activation fails. If I boot up in Boot Camp, and reactive, all is fine. Rather annoying - Windows functions fine (as far as I'm aware) when the activation fails, but it just means that I have to keep closing the popup box that appears. Best way to sort all of this?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Program Activation - Run Autocad On MBP

Mar 1, 2009

I have been running vista64 through bootcamp and fusion so that I can run autocad on my late 08 MBP. The only issue I've had is that everytime I boot into vista I have to reactivate my autocad. It doesn't seem to matter whether I go in through bootcamp or fusion.

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Windows On Mac :: Activation With Parallels - Copy Not Genuine?

Jul 31, 2009

I have a Bootcamp partition I sometimes access via Parallels, the rest of the time I boot into it normally. I keep getting very annoying messages saying I've got to activate Windows and my copy of Windows is not "Genuine" and it's counterfeit which considering I'm currently running the Win 7 RC is really stupid. How can I have a counterfeit copy of a free RC that I downloaded direct from Microsoft. I want to put the final version of Windows 7 on my Mac, but at this point I'm not going to try putting any of my retail copies of Windows on my Mac for fear my key will be permanently deactivated. How do I access my Boot Camp install from Parallels without Windows thinking it's been counterfeited?

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Windows On Mac :: Office 2007 Activation With VMware Fusion?

Mar 11, 2008

I've searched google for hours and not found a workaround for this issue: I have Office 2007 Education and it allows up to 3 activations on 3 separate computers. Currently I have it activated on 2, and I just installed it using bootcamp and activated it successfully. However, I am currently using VMware Fusion and I anticipated being able to load Office without an issue through the virtual machine. Unfortunately, it's now telling me (when loaded in VMware) that I have to activate office 2007 again. Problem is that it has already been activated 3 times, so it's not allowing me. Everything still works fine on bootcamp, but apparently VMware is being treated by office as another physical PC. Has anyone found a successful workaround to this? changing VMware's MAC address to the same as OSX and XP's, but I can't figure out how to do this.

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IMac :: Expose Feature - Chucks All Windows Out On Activation

May 18, 2010

I have a 21.5 inch iMac and after using the expose feature for about 30 mins or so it acts strange. I normally use it through the 3rd 'squeeze' buttons on my mighty mouse but it happens with the expose button on the keyboard too. When I activate expose it chucks all the windows out but then brings them all back straight away where before it used to chuck em out n scatter them until I pressed it again. I tried changing the mouse and keyboard and did a software update too but no luck. The same thing happened in my previous 20inch aluminium iMac?!

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Is Locked With A PIN Code

Jun 1, 2014

My MacBook Pro is locked with a PIN code and someone is asking for money to unlock, I believe this is a scam but can't do anything with my mac.

MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Windows On Mac :: Requested Lookup Key Not Found In Any Activation Context Mean When Open IE?

Nov 30, 2010

I did a clean install via boot camp. Installed Windows XP Pro SP2, then went and moded the file so you can install service pack 3. Passed the software that checks if your copy of Windows is valid. It was so, I was able to install service pack 3. Installed BootCamp 3.0 drives then did the update for the latest version of bootcamp. Installed all the updates for Windows XP (All 93 of them). Now when I open IE and try to go any where other then I keep getting this error message. What the hell does it mean? 'The requested lookup key was not found in any activation context'

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IMac :: Screen Went To Static Real Quick Then Gave Some Code To Shut Down?

Jun 14, 2010

I was using my mac the other day and the screen went to static real quick then gave some code to shut down. SO I did HUGE mistake I am guessing. I have only 1 user with a password. When I enter my user password it goes to a blue screen for a minute then comes back and ask for my password again. Before I crashed it was asking for permission to use fonts from my external hard drive ??? not sure why.But I figured I would just reinstall my os x and be ok... not really worried about my info on the computer everything is backed up. However when i restarted and held down the c key while it started with the os disc inserted... I came back 9 hours later and it was still the white screen with the spinning sun thingie.... like it was still loading

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OS X :: Laptop Screen Not Working After Being Shut Down?

Mar 18, 2009

I have sold a Pismo on eBay. I showed pictures from all angles with the date superimposed including the working screen. The buyer received it the day after it was collected from my house and it seems that the packaging was fine when it got there. The buyer took it out of the box, turned it on and was happy to see that the Pismo fired up as you would expect. He said that it still had 98% power left in the battery. (I'm just adding everything I can think of in case it makes a difference)

The then shut the laptop down by moving the mouse pointer across to the little apple at top left of screen and choosing "Shut down" followed by clicking the "Are you sure" screen. He then closed the lid and took the laptop upstairs where there is access to the internet via a wired router and ethernet cable. There is no wireless access in the house.

So when he got upstairs, he opened the lid and pressed the power button. He then waited .... and waited ..... and waited but the screen stayed blank. The only way to tell that the laptop was turned on was that the Capslock light reacted to the key being pressed.

I have asked him to write me an e-mail listing everything he has tried to make it work. I'm not much use with Macs and all I could tell him was to try inserting the restore DVD, shutting down by holding down the power button for a few seconds and then holding down the "C" key at start-up.

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Just Shut Off And Will Not Turn On Even Plugged In?

Sep 13, 2010

Last night I was watching some videos on my computer and noticed that the fans were spinning, because it was pretty hot. Next thing I know the laptop just shut off. I didn't think to much of it because I just assumed the battery dided and needed to be recharged.

Well now I go to restart my Laptop and it will not turn on even with the laptop plugged in. Any ideas on what could be wrong? Is my laptop dead, what happened?

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Shut Off When Battery Gets Down (5 To 10 Percent)

Nov 23, 2010

I'm having a strange issue with my MBP 1, 1. It's recently picked up a new habit that I find to be rather annoying. When the battery gets down to between 5 and 10%, the laptop will just shut off. No hibernation, no sleep, just a hard shutoff. The battery seems to be in good health; although it does have a high cycle count, I still get around 2 hours of usage out of a charge. I would think that a calibration would solve the problem, but with the hard shutdown, would that even be possible?

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Won't Close And Now Laptop Won't Shut Down

May 31, 2012

So I have a Macbook Pro which is less than 2 months and as of last night Safari wont quit which wont let me shut down the laptop.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Reformatting BC Partition - Error Code 0x00000116

Nov 24, 2009

Despite reading several post saying its not supported by Apple, i decided to give a try on installing Win7 on my MP 1,1 and stumbled through some unexpected problems. First I used BootCamp3 and split one of my HDs into winBC partition/Mac partition, then restarted Windows 7 install. I stumbled into the first problem which was the installer, after reformating the BC partition, displayed an error code, 0x80300024, a hard drive problem error in fact. The solution to this was quite simple, the BCpartition was on drive#4in slot #4, i had to move this drive to slot#2, then the installation runned smoothly. When rebooting and starting Windows for the first time (finishing the installation), I saw the Windows animated logo then the screen went black and hanged and lead to a BSOD. The message is 0x00000116, a graphic problem. I tried booting in safe mode but it says I need to let Windows 7 installation finish before booting safe mode and since i cannot finish it, beacause of that BSOD... So its a no go for now. I ran into instructions 'Instead, restart and press a key to boot from the Windows 7 disc when prompted. Rather than running the installation again, choose the little option at the bottom to Repair your computer. Decline any suggestions that pop up until you see a list of options with Command Prompt at the bottom. Choose that option. At the Command Prompt, type DEL C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DRIVERSATIKMDAG.SYS to delete the default ATI driver, then close the window and reboot. This time, Windows should successfully initialise a more appropriate display driver, allowing you into the desktop.'at [URL:...]These instructions are for the BC problems on the Imac, not the MacPro. However i ran into the same problems, so i tried the same solution. Unfortunately, the Dos command does not work. I feel the installation is close at hand, and very possible, we'll see later for the Bootcamp xtensions, Has anyone stumbled upon the same problem/ or has a remedy?

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MacBook :: Laptop Holds Charge Only In Sleep Mode / Shut Down

Jul 3, 2010

I tried SMC resets and everything. The Macbook takes a charge and charges normally when it is asleep, or off. It will charge to the max (96%). Battery has 349h load cycles. Charges when asleep or off. As soon as I power on the laptop or wake it up, it will stop charging. Battery holds the normal charge I usually get (3ish hours). Tried a few pram and smc zaps. Battery charger is a Hong Kong knockoff. Battery inside is genuine. 2008 Aluminum Macbook. Cleaned magsafe and port with q-tip and still to no avail.

When plugged in, it will run *off the battery* and the charger will show a green light and not trickle charge the battery. It will drain the battery, and then when it is drained it will run off the power. Check the screen shot. I am thinking that the charger is the culprit. Because it holds a charge when I let it charge while it is off. It will charge up just fine, in the two hours or whatever it takes to charge itself up. Battery usage is normal when it is running off the battery.

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MacBook Pro :: How Can I Transfer Videos From Windows Laptop To Mac Laptop?

Jan 10, 2011

also, their all .avi video's. and i'm really confused! also, quicktime isn't letting me play .avi videos for some reason! and vlc won't download for me. and i'll put them on a USB but they wont download on my computer!

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Laptop To A Display Projector And Now When Log Off Or Shut Down The Screen Resolution Reverts To A Stretched View?

Apr 30, 2012

I recently hooked my mac laptop to a display projector, and now when I log off or shut down the screen resolution reverts to a stretched view.  I reset it to 1280x800 in System Preferences-Display, but it keeps changing back.  I'm running OSX 10.5.8

MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: Grey Screen At Start-up And Error Code After Test

Jun 22, 2012

My computer started having problems some two weeks ago.First it was very slow then it blocked during the use of Photoshop.At that stage I used Apple jack to test and solve the problem and it worked.But two days later the problem came again as a verry slow start-up.I checked the disk and there was no problem signaled.I tried to boot the computer on the installation disk in order to execute the Hardware test...The test gave the folowing error code: 4HDD/11/40000004:SATA(0,0) 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)

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Desktops :: What Is Best Start Up And Shut Down Time...

Nov 27, 2009

I am using Mac 0S X Leopard, mac mini and facing the following problem:

1) System is taking too long time(10 - 15 min ) for start up and shut down.
2) It is asking every time to set up the current time as and when the system starts every time.
3) When accesing the system preferences , it gets crashed when using index Spotlight.
4) Finder gets relaunched itself for every 60-90 seconds when accessing folder Applications or Utilities etc..
5) The Spotlight is indexing itself, When i tried to stop the indexing of the spotlight using system preference, it gets crashed.

My system got its logic board replaced by the apple once.

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OS X :: Cursor Keep Sticking - Shut Down And Start Up Again

Aug 29, 2010

the cursor on my imac keeps sticking, and the only way i can free it is to shut down and start up my computer again.

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OS X :: Macbook Slow To Start And Shut Down

Oct 11, 2010

I've had my 13" macbook (running SL) for almost 2 years now (I believe) but recently it has started to act rather oddly. On startup it used to take probably 20 seconds or so while now it can take upwards of 3 minutes just to get to the desktop. I have added a few newer programs on startup but this time is just from the apple screen to the desktop, not counting the time for the startup items.

Also, the more annoying issue, when shutting down my macbook will sit at just the desktop (no icons) for several seconds before going to a blank screen for sometimes several minutes. Sometimes the circular loading thing (the one that is used when starting up) appears and when it does I'm forced to do a manual shutdown (holding the power button) because it refuses to shut down. My battery has also been dying easier and taking longer to charge so could it have something to do with the battery?

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MacBook :: Slow Start Up And Shut Down

Oct 10, 2008

Yesterday my macbook start shutting down and booting up slowly. It used to work so quickly, and now it's taking much longer. The only thing I did was install a printer before it happened. Then when the problem began I uninstalled the printer with the uninstaller that it came with. I thought maybe that was the issue, but uninstalling it didn't seem to make a difference. I checked in the preferences to make sure it is starting up with the hard drive and it is. I'm not sure what else to do. It's not a huge issue, but it is a difference and the fact that it's only about a month old worries me. I do have to add that even though it's slower than it was just 24 hours ago, it's faster than my Dell PC ever was

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