MacBook Air :: Visual Comparison/overlay Of 11 Vs 13 For Screen Real Estate?
Oct 27, 2010
Something that might be helpful for people wondering about the 11/13 or in general would be a visual comparison of how much screen real estate each provides.
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Jun 10, 2010
I'm going to college this fall and I'm buying a MBP. I have been debating whether or not to purchase the base 13" or the base 15". I'm leaning towards base 15" but would the extra screen real estate make a difference for school or would I be better off saving $500 or putting that money towards an SSD, etc. There are a ton of topics on "which MBP" but I haven't found an answer specifically tackling this scenario of screen real estate.
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Aug 25, 2010
I'm curious, is anyone planning on/have a dual 27" Display setup.Would that be too much real estate to work with?
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Jul 7, 2010
One of my relatives just bought a mac pro with 4 30" cinema displays. He is new to the mac and he is using me as his tutor! He asked me how he could make it so that he could organize all of his safari windows neatly on the display (automatically -- without manually dragging each one to it's corner on the respective display) so that he could have a bunch of safari windows open at the same time without overlapping each other. He came from Windows 7 and is used to the feature where you can drag a window to one side of the screen and have the window sized to the left half of the screen accordingly. He doesn't want exactly this, because that would waste a lot of the available real estate he has, but he needs something so that he doesn't have to drag 10 windows all across the landscape every time he opens safari.
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May 9, 2008
suddenly, my MBP (2.6ghz, 15") illuminated keyboard has stopped working. out of the blue. same conditions in the room as when it's worked before - so it's not an ambient lighting problem. the functionality is all turned on, and pressing the dim/brighten keys on the keyboard, while producing visual feedback on the screen (like the volume indicator), produces no illumination on the keyboard. im plugged in, fully charged... can't figure it out!!!
to be honest, i never really use the keyboard illumination, but now that its actually not working, its really bothering
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May 5, 2012
how to overlay an image with text?
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Jun 14, 2010
I was using my mac the other day and the screen went to static real quick then gave some code to shut down. SO I did HUGE mistake I am guessing. I have only 1 user with a password. When I enter my user password it goes to a blue screen for a minute then comes back and ask for my password again. Before I crashed it was asking for permission to use fonts from my external hard drive ??? not sure why.But I figured I would just reinstall my os x and be ok... not really worried about my info on the computer everything is backed up. However when i restarted and held down the c key while it started with the os disc inserted... I came back 9 hours later and it was still the white screen with the spinning sun thingie.... like it was still loading
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Mar 2, 2012
can i run visual basic macros on a new apple macbook pro
MacBook Pro
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Dec 20, 2007
I'm creating several movies that will play before a church service begins. Usually we just buy countdown videos, but this time I thought I'd get creative and make some. There is always a countdown timer that starts at 5:00 and counts down to 0. This way people know when the service is going to start, from 5 minutes out. I have been searching and searching and cannot find any way to overlay a countdown timer in iMovie HD or iMovie '08 (I have both).
Can someone suggest something? I don't want just a countdown movie, it has to be only in the corner or something. I want to use some footage of driving to church, make it fast forward so it finishes in exactly 5 minutes, and have a countdown timer display overtop of that in a corner. I've tried using the Slick 5 Gallery for iMovie, but they just have countdown movies, not overlay. Also, the Labels & Overlays from stupendous software has a timer, but it only counts up.
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Jun 5, 2010
I think my 20" G5 iMac ( the model before the integrated iSight) may have what amounts to a terminal graphic card problem. It was working perfectly until suddenly an odd red pattern made up of what looks oddly like thousands of tiny i-ching symbols overlayed over the actual desktop. I have tried rebooting from the CD which suggests it isn't a software issue, and since I understand the graphics card is part of the logic board, it's probably not worth replacing it financially.
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Feb 28, 2012
The color of the application switching overlay changed to a black instead of the standard white. I don't know how this happened. Also the color of the on-screen overlays for changing the display luminosity, keyboard backlight and volume changed to black. How to set it back to the standard white?
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Mar 4, 2009
I run a small Web Development business. I use Microsoft tools: Visual Studio and SQL Server (mostly), so the logical choice is to stay on Windows. But I'm not a logical guy. I actually was on the Mac bus not long ago... went through an iMac and then the 13" Macbook. I loved them to pieces, really.After a while, I grew a bit tired of the really small form factor and having to launch a noticeably slower virtual machine to use Windows (I used VMware at the time). I went back to Windows pretty much for business reasons. Now I'm getting the itch to go back to Apple. Why? Their design, look, and feel is a big reason. I also did more exploring when I was on Mac; researching stuff in my field away from the MS world that did open my eyes to new ways of handling development with my business. In a perfect world I would get the 24" iMac but since I run my own business I should stay mobile. Therefore I'm looking at the low-end Macbook Pro. Here are a couple of questions I have:1.) How is Windows in Bootcamp? If I were to go back, I think I would go that route to have as much speed as possible. Especially since the low-end starts with 2 gig ram (grrr)
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Jul 3, 2010
I got a program called "gfxCardStatus" that allows me to see which graphics card is being used and allows me to manually switch between them. I don't do anything graphically intensive in OS X (I only play games in bootcamp) but the nvidia card is being used most of the time and it makes my mbp hot and kills the time i can use the battery. I switched my MBP to only use the intel card in os x and have seen no performance or visual difference, but I was wondering if this is a bad idea?
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Jun 5, 2014
I notice that web browsers Safari and Google Chrome on my MacBook are infected by adwares "nav-links" and "visual match". However, I cannot find any installed extensions on my notebook. How can I completely remove these annoying adwares?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Apr 6, 2008
I started up my iBook today and it took me all the way through sign-in to my desktop before giving me a grey overlay with a little box saying that I need to restart. So I did and then it took me to my desktop again before scrolling code across the screen in a very messy, un-mac-like way. I tried getting into safe boot (restarting and pressing shift from after the tone until the apple and wheel show up) and it just ran the apple and wheel grey start-up screen for a while before kicking back into a normal restart and giving me the earlier results. So I went and got myself into single-user mode and ran the fsck -yf command. It told me this: Checking Catalog file Invalid extent entry (4, 190) Volume check failed Is there any way to fix this, to save my computer? I don't know anything about code or computers. My general mode of operation has been "I bought a /mac/. I shouldn't ever have to look at code."
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Jun 1, 2014
Using latest safari, i get a grey overlay with info in the lower right hand corner that cannot be accessed
imac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Oct 21, 2010
How do these 2 versions compare in terms of graphics and real-world usage?
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Feb 3, 2008
MacBook Air, 1.8ghz, SSD drive.
Geekbench 32bit, score 2132
No apps, running, although NOT after a fresh reboot.
Detail attached. (It's a RTF file inside the zip file).
In comparison, MacBook Pro 17" Santa Rosa 2.4ghz Core 2 Duo, 4gb ram. is 3172.
Good news though, MBA scored higher than PowerMac Dual-Core G5 2.5ghz.
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Nov 15, 2010
Is it normal for SSDs to use the same or more power as a HD?
An OWC Mercury Exreme Pro 40GB SSD uses 2.2W-2.5W when active.
A WD SiliconEdge Blue 64GB SSD uses 2W when reading and 3.5W when writing.
An OCZ VERTEX 2 40GB SSD uses 2W when in operation.
A WD Scorpio Blue (5400rpm, 2.5") 250GB HD uses 2.5W when writing/reading.
A WD Scorpio Black (7200rpm, 2.5") 250GB HD uses 2.5W when writing/reading.
A Hitachi Travelstar 5K750 (5400rpm, 2.5") 500GB HD uses 1.4W when writing/reading.
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May 8, 2012
I am replacing a MacBook Pro HD with a Seagate Momentus 500gb HD. The Apple one is reconized but semi corrupted, the Seagate one isn't even reconized. The onl difference between the two that I notice is the side slot on the far right of the Seasgate. Do I need a differenct type of replacement HD or could it be the HD cord? the one on the left is the Seagate
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 10, 2009
I had returned the unibody Macbook I bought last December primarily due to the low quality screen. I'm wondering if anyone has comparison photos between the two (especially at different viewing angles), as I'm seriously considering purchasing the 13" again.
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Jul 28, 2009
I have a first gen unibody mBP (2.53 GHz) with 9600 M GT graphics card.
My wife is buying a lenovo w500 laptop with ATI Mobility FireGL V5700 graphics card.
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Aug 23, 2010
Obviously, the Momentus XT will be faster because of its Hybrid structure with the 4gb SSD cache, but how much faster in reality compared to the 1TB drive. I'm coming from the stock 250GB HDD in the 13in MBP (Mid 2009) and am looking to upgrade. Just don't know which to get as I would like speed and more space.
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Oct 6, 2010
I know there's been plenty of discussion about how hot the new MBP's are running or not (I've been through all the threads, and really appreciated Scott666's posts abt his i7 MBP) but I still havent seen any exact head to head temperature comparison between the 15" i5 2.4/2.53ghz and the 15" i7 2.66ghz, with both running the same programs/being stressed equally while the readings are taken.
I know it's a hassle, but it's a huge investment for me and i'd ideally like the i7 as I edit video but can't always have access to a desk to prevent crispy fried legs I keep hearing sweeping statements like 'the i5 should run cooler' but no real comparison has been done...
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Oct 29, 2010
What is the battery life like running on windows 7? I'm going to primarily use the an air under windows but will it really lower the battery life? Can't seem to find this info in any of the reviews so far.
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Feb 5, 2010
I already looked all through google but I can't find any good, level, non skewed pics of a sideshot of the thickness of a 13inch uMBP and a macbook air.Does anyone have one by chance they would like to share?
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May 21, 2010
Is there a chart or something like that where I can compare my battery health to? These are my specs, and I was just wondering if they are "normal."
MBP 13" Mid - 2009
Battery Loadcycles - 80
Age - 8 Months
Current Battery Capacity - 85%
I tried calibrating my battery twice in that past two days to see if the capacity will jump, but it has not.
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May 8, 2010
Currently owing the top of the line i7, and after reading a lot about the antiglare and its high resolution I went to the Apple store (twice) to check and compare both screens. I spent around 2.5 h trying to make my mind, looking at different angles, playing movies, launching applications, etc. I was almost giving up in trying to find a solution for this when an apple store rep. talked to me. His suggestion was to look at the same picture on both computers at full screen. He said that for photos and prints, the antiglare image will be closer to what you get in the prints (with out any extra monitor calibration off course). When I started looking at the pictures very closely and with detail, I could see that the clarity and quality of the same picture was better and "crispier" on the antiglare than on the stock glossy resolution. That was my turn point and made my decision on the antiglare high res. There are other reasons why I wanted the antiglare, like the reflections I am getting in my home; but really the point was made once I looked at the clarity of the pictures in the high res screen compared with the standard res.
One point I noticed in the high res screen was that the only application where I could say the fonts were really small and maybe uncomfortable for me was on iWork applications. The icons for the format bar were really small. But in Office, everything seem OK for my eyes (I need glasses for long distance sight). I can say that by looking at both machines at home, the glossy colors look more vivid, and that the viewing angles are better than the antiglare which looks a little bit like washed off to me. But still, prefer not to have reflections and the crispier pictures.................
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Mar 8, 2009
I have some gigantic Mp3 files that
i would like to downsize for my iPhone.
Would Visual Hub do the job, even though it is for Video ?
All i want is a mP3 file DownSizer.
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Jun 14, 2012
I have windows and I just downloaded Quicktime Pro and there is audio but no video.
quicktime pro
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