IMac :: Windows 7 Installation - Blank Screen After Restart
Nov 20, 2009
Just got the new iMac quad core i7, purchased Windows 7 Home Premium and having trouble getting it to install using Boot Camp it goes through all the steps I partitioned 350 gig then formatted went thorough the install steps, it reboots and finishes the install, then reboots but nothing happens its just a black screen
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Dec 21, 2010
Got this mac friday but haven't really played with it before yesterday. My problem is:
1) Yesterday I went for logging in to facebook, but suddenly the screen went green? Had to close the mac down and start it again.
2) After I had turned it on and was on the desktop the screen (with me doing nothing) went white, and I had to do the same again.
3) This morning when I wanted to turn the mac on, it wouldn't! But few hours later I tried again and there I could turn it on by pressing esc + start button.
Should I call for a replacement? (Already had two - 1 with dead pixel and 1 with creaking).
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Jun 19, 2014
MacBook Pro (snow leopard) 2006 has begun to turn off attached Cinema Display over the last two days. Comes back on on restart. This morning, the MacBook screen also went blank white on restart. Tried to use Snow Leopard CD to restart but it was ejected and folder with ? is only thing that displays. Will not restart. Have replaced hard drive 6 months ago. I need this computer for work.
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Feb 9, 2010
Every time I try to turn on my computer it immediately goes to the grey screen with the different languages that says you have to hold down the power button until it restarts b/c there's some error. Here's the story behind it. I tried to install windows but Bootcamp wouldn't work. It said I had to back up my computer and reinstall the OS as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) (even though it already was!). But I didn't have an external HD that was big enough. I borrowed a friend's external HD and reinstalled from scratch (without putting my old system on yet).
The Windows installation finished, then said there was an error and to restart. It kept saying that and wouldn't restart. Then I tried going back to my Mac OS, and it immediately went to the grey screen with the different languages that says you have to hold down the power button until it restarts b/c there's some error. I even tried reinstalling my old system and it still did this. The disk repair utility said everything on the Mac OS should be fine, though. Eventually I was able to reinstall it clean from the Snow Leopard DVD, but now I can't get my old computer back or windows on it!
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Mar 15, 2008
I just got a refurbished iMac G5 from the university. When I got home I installed all of my applications. I then update them. Like usual, I have to restart the computer when they are done installing to complete the process, so I do. However, when I boot up the computer again I get a Kernal Panic. ("You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.")
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Jan 18, 2010
After windows is installed a Blue screen appears with cursor on screen but it freezes completely.I can fix this by restarting my mac , then once windows restarts i insert the Mac OS disc , select the disc within my computer but the following message appears "Package requires new version of installer"
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Oct 29, 2009
I am trying to set up boot camp on my new mac mini. The primary reason is that 10.6 intel macs don't support my version of mac photoshop (Photoshop 7). I have an XP version of photoshop installed on my old laptop, and want to boot XP on my mac and move it over. However, when I tried to install Boot Camp, and re-started with the windows CD in from Boot Camp, I had a gray screen for a bit, then a blank screen.
I have a brand new Mac Mini, with OS X 10.6, and I set up the boot camp partition successfully. My windows CD is XP with SP2 as apple claims is required.
Additionally, I have an external hard drive with a .bkf file on it from a backup of my old PC laptop that has photoshop in it, but I can't extract that to my BOOTCAMP drive, at least without windows already installed on it.
I tried some other windows CD's, and a windows DVD that are supposed to be bootable borrowed from friends, using the boot camp application, with the CD in, at least XP SP 2, and I still got a blank screen as it re-started, and thus have been unable to install windows.
Is there another way I could install windows? Perhaps from my .BKF file? Is there something I might be doing wrong? I do have an older monitor, a viewsonic 17 inch, and I'm using an apple adapter. Could it be that windows install CD's don't support my graphics card? If so, how am I supposed to install windows? Also, my keyboard doesn't seem to be recognized either. It is a macally ikey extended keyboard, and I can't even get the caps lock light to turn on while it is trying to load of the windows XP disk with boot camp.
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Jul 21, 2008
My problem is taht when i installed windows xp, which im thinking is SP1 cuz its so old, i think i partioned mac os x and now when i try to turn on my MBP all that happens is a white screen. and if i press option key no hardrives or systems show up even Mac OS X please im stuck:/. Also windows xp or mac os x is not loading up so im stuck on a white blank screen
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Jan 6, 2010
I seem to almost complete the upgrade and then it does the final reboot to comlete installation and then I get the blue screen which appears due to a display device issue.. I have 1.1 MP with a 7300gt video card in it
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Jan 21, 2010
Just installed windows 7 on my imac, the only problem is that at the lowest brightness (set via keyboard and boot camp utility) the screen is too far bright!! Is there a way to low brightness via software?
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Dec 6, 2009
Not even a week old!! Computer was asleep for about 2 days, woke it up the same way with a few taps on the keyboard and it just started to beep. Tried to turn it off but nothing. Nothing on the screen, just beeping. Pushed the power button and beeping. Unplugged it and waited 5 minutes and pushed power button and beeping with nothing on screen. Its sunday and it hurts my stomach to think about the lengthy process this will be to get a new one or get it fixed. My wife says to call, but I tell her that if there even isn't anything on the screen then what can they do over the phone. Is it possible the memory went bad. What would cause this? Its plugged in a power strip.
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Jul 3, 2010
I need your opinions; since the 10.6.3 update my iMac has begun to freeze to a blank screen. I think this may be a sign of a dying logic board, however I question this as I don't have the freezing problem with 10.6.2. Picture of blank screen attached.
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Dec 23, 2009
I have recently purchased a new Imac (OSX 10.6.2), and I want to install Windows XP Home edition on it using Boot Camp. I have already installed Windows on another computer, my older Macbook, and my question is this - can I use the same Windows installation disk and activation code for my new computer? I have read that one Windows XP disk is good for just one activation; do I need to uninstall it from my macbook in order to be able to install it on my Imac? Is that even possible?
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Oct 31, 2009
For some reason, a friend of mine is having issues with her new iMac (one generation back). Here is what she emailed me about the situation:
Here�s what happens in greater detail. I quit or force quit all open applications. I press the ON/OFF button until the screen goes black. I wait several minutes and press the same button ON. I get the Apple cord sound and a blank white screen. The Apple icon does not come on; nothing happens. That�s when I close it down again and disconnect it from the back and reconnect it (a few seconds). Then I press the O/F button and the Apple cord sound AND the Apple icon come back, the system revs back up. All all is well � except for the ball coming back...
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Dec 26, 2010
I have a 1st generation macbook pro running snow leopard 10.6. I've been trying to install windows xp, vista, or 7 using bootcamp but for some odd reason i cannot boot into the cd. I put the cd in and made sure the macbook is reading it (which it is because the icon shows up on the desktop) before i hit "start installation". the laptop would restart but it doesnt boot into the cd, it just goes right into the gray screen and stays there while i hear the cd spinning. I've installed windows xp using this method but that was about 4 years ago, for some reason the hard drive died on me so i have to do this whole process over again. I dont recall having this problem either.
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Sep 19, 2010
I am trying to follow the following guide to do a triple boot, but I am stuck in Windows 7 installation
triple boot snow leopard, windows 7, & ubuntu
I have done the following:
1. Did a clean installation of OS X Snow Leopard on hard drive (Not yet partitioned the hard drive)
2. Installed rEFIt
I am not sure what the poster means by making sure it works by pressing the option button. I am assuming it means that I will be able to see the options I can choose when I press option? (I do see options to pick either "Hard Drive" or whatever disc in the DVD)
3. Partitioned 30 GB (or was it 40 GB? x.x I forgot sorry) space in Boot Camp Assistant for Windows installation. Chose the option to install Windows later.
4. Inserted OS X Snow Leopard installation disc and boot from there.
5. Opened up the Disk Utility and partitioned a hard drive (called Hard Drive_2) via the Partition section as instructed by the guide. Formatted in MAc OS Extended (Journaled)
So now, in that area I see "Hard Drive", "Hard Drive_2" and "BOOT CAMP" (so I am assuming that is what the poster meant by "3 partitions".
6. Restarted the computer with Windows installation disc.
Problems occur right here:
Problem 1: I do not see anything called "C something" as the poster said. But I do see something called "Boot Camp"
Problem 2: All the partitions that are available says that "Windows 7 can't be installed". So my question is am I supposed to "delete" a specific partition to install it?
I have pictures of the screen which I will upload later if this isn't clear enough.
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Nov 4, 2009
I did a pram reset but that did nothing (I heard the initial chime and the one after the reset....still the same problem.) I'm a bit worried because I don't hear the hard drive starting up.
Some more info... Intel Imac 17" (late 2006 model), 512 mb of RAM, running 10.4 (I think). I am not familiar troubleshooting macs but I am troubleshooting PCs.
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May 23, 2012
Some weeks ago the screen on my iMac started to go blank. The only way to recover was to re-boot. The problem got worse until the machine became un-usable. I tried everything I knew, including switching off and unplugging to reset the pram as suggested, but eventually took it to the Apple Store where the 'expert' reset the pram the old way holding down the cmd/opt/p/r keys on startup. Problem solved (why do Apple give bad advice to clear the pram?).
Something had corrupted the software that drives the screen. The only program that I could think might have done that was ScreenRecycler which I have now stopped using. However, the problem has started to re-appear, the only new program I have used is Audirvana which being a music program should not affect the screen.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), printer, scanner, ATVs, external hard drives, USB DAC
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Nov 11, 2010
This is perplexing me: I've only had my iMac 21.5" for a week. I posted here about the white screen issue after the 1st s/w update. Now, on every restart I get the same *but only when* my USB ext HDD is plugged in; unplug it & it starts fine, plug HDD in and it mounts, checked external HDD with disk utility - AOK. Never had this problem with my old 20" iMac! It's still in DoA period so is it best to get it swapped out?
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Jul 22, 2008
So for the first time in over a year since I purchased it, my iMac crashed twice.The first time was this morning, i went to do something and the screen went black, and my secondary display got black and white lines. I had to restart. And the boot screen with the apple logo hung around for a while.
Then, later on the screen went whacky after trying to wake it from sleep (not full sleep just display sleep) and had a bunch of moving lines and then I couldn't see anything. So luckily I got a picture. After restart, it seems fine.I'll call apple care in the morning, but thought i'd try my luck here.
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Sep 10, 2014
My screen had black and white vertical lines pop up over the entire screen then went blank and now at a restart the password then loading spinning circle happens then I get a blank white screen.It's a 27 in Intel iMac that is about 2011/12 purchase
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mountain Lion
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Sep 8, 2009
I bought my aluminum imac when it was released in late 2007. I had a 1 gigabyte stick up until now, but I decided to upgrade to 2x2 gigabyte sticks. When I took out the 1 stick and placed the new ones in, my computer would sound like it turned on, but the system really did not boot up. I have tried many configurations to see what the problem with the RAM is, and all I could figure out is that the computer will only boot up if the original 1 gig stick is in one slot. I checked both sticks with this, and they seem to register on my mac when I check the "About This Mac" section. Basically, I get a black screen if I use only a 2 gig stick, or both 2 gig sticks. I can have a maximum of 3 gigs so far, but I really would like all 4 that I paid for. I'm not so sure that it's a problem with the ram, especially because it is recognized by the system, but it can't boot up the system, so I am simply dumbfounded. Anyone have an idea what the problem is? I just recently installed Snow Leopard prior to getting the RAM if that has any importance.
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Mar 21, 2009
I've used Boot Camp to create a 32GB partition and install Windows XP (SP2 home edition) on my alu iMac (2.66 Ghz, 4GB RAM).
I used the FAT format to allow transfer of files between the Mac partition and the Windows one.
After booting Windows, I put in my original Leopard install DVD as directed, and the Boot Camp installer automatically came up.
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May 25, 2010
I only restart about once a week or so and for about the last four to six weeks, I've been having issues restarting my 27" iMac, which is about five months old. What happens is that after I click restart and it logs out, it gets to the blue screen and the status bar in the center of the screen just keeps spinning and spinning (not the beach ball, the other one). I've let it run for 30 minutes before and it never shuts down so I have to hold down the power button and then push it again to start it up.
Problem is, I'm starting to feel the effects of that shortcut now with iTunes randomly pausing more and more times and for longer and longer amounts of time when playing a video. I'm guessing it has something to do with the processes that are normally run during a regular restart not being run since it won't perform a natural restart.
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Apr 29, 2007
This is a problem I've noticed on two Macs I currently own. First I had my 20" iMac with Vista installed, and currently I have a 24" iMac with XP installed. In both cases, when I'm in Windows and need to restart (for whatever reason) and want to go back into Windows instead of OS X, the Option key does not function correctly to bring up the OS select screen, and instead will go straight to OS X, as that is the default OS I have set up to boot into.
So basically, if I restart from OS X, the Option key works fine and I can choose to go into Windows, but restart from Windows and I have no choice in the matter, it makes me go into OS X. Any idea why?
My first thought is that it has to do with the fact that I'm using Apple's bluetooth keyboard (and mouse), but once the computer has actually restarted, why would it matter? Does the computer remember the BIOS from Windows when it restarts, and therefore fails to recognize my bluetooth? For the record I have to turn my keyboard off then on again when entering windows to get it to be recognized and work, but not the mouse, which works fine.
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May 29, 2012
I have just got an old 2004 G5 and thrown a brand new hard drive in it. When i tried to install leopard (which I'm told would be the best operating system to use) it comes up with a blank blue screen!
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Apr 8, 2008
Does anyone else consistently experience a black screen and 'nothing' when they request a restart from XP side of a boocamped machine, but not the OSX side?
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Aug 3, 2008
I'm facing a problem while installing Mac leopard 10.5.2. After I had installed Mac Os successfully, it told me to restart my laptop to complete the installation operation, so I restarted my laptop but a strange problem faced me. The apple logo and loading icon appears but nothing happens after that! I waited for about an hour but nothing new.
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Dec 1, 2005
I just bought a iMac M5521 from a friend and it won't boot. It looks like it's about to start up and then it goes to a gray screen and tells me to press the reset button or hold the power button, and it says that in like 3 diff. languages. What do I do? I'm a PC guy and know nothing about Macs.
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May 20, 2012
I have been trying for weeks to do a software update from 10.6.7 to 10.6.8. Whenever I install the update and restart my computer, I get the apple logo loading screen and then it locks up on the infamous blank gray screen. I have been able to get back to 10.6 with the install CD, and can then update all the way to 10.6.7 I have tried everything listed here:[URL]To no avail . including a clean install When I start up in verbose mode the last line of text I get is the following, after this it's the gray screen:
** Device in slot: SLOT--1 ** RBIOKitController found 0x5ac :0x842 Those last two chunks of numbers change each time I restart.
Here are my specs:
Core 2 duo
ATI Radeon HD 2600 pro
4gb ram
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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