OS X :: Windows Installation Finished With Error - Cannot Restart Mac

Feb 9, 2010

Every time I try to turn on my computer it immediately goes to the grey screen with the different languages that says you have to hold down the power button until it restarts b/c there's some error. Here's the story behind it. I tried to install windows but Bootcamp wouldn't work. It said I had to back up my computer and reinstall the OS as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) (even though it already was!). But I didn't have an external HD that was big enough. I borrowed a friend's external HD and reinstalled from scratch (without putting my old system on yet).

The Windows installation finished, then said there was an error and to restart. It kept saying that and wouldn't restart. Then I tried going back to my Mac OS, and it immediately went to the grey screen with the different languages that says you have to hold down the power button until it restarts b/c there's some error. I even tried reinstalling my old system and it still did this. The disk repair utility said everything on the Mac OS should be fine, though. Eventually I was able to reinstall it clean from the Snow Leopard DVD, but now I can't get my old computer back or windows on it!

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IMac :: Windows 7 Installation - Blank Screen After Restart

Nov 20, 2009

Just got the new iMac quad core i7, purchased Windows 7 Home Premium and having trouble getting it to install using Boot Camp it goes through all the steps I partitioned 350 gig then formatted went thorough the install steps, it reboots and finishes the install, then reboots but nothing happens its just a black screen

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OS X :: Bootcamp Windows XP Installation Error?

Sep 30, 2010

I am having trouble loading window XP pro OEM sp2 using Bootcamp on my macbook OSX 10.5.8 It gets through copying all the files and reboots successfully through to the install window and the setup program for windows (where it displays various marketing info and has dot buttons down the left hand side). It says it will take 39 mins to setup but the counter never changes and I have left it up to an hour and nothing happens although once I did get a disk error message (something about cleaning the CD - can't remember exactly). I am doing full installs and have tried FAT and NTFS. At first I thought it was because it was an OEM but it is a Microsoft OEM and other people online seem to have no problems and do not seem to get as far in the install if it is that. Is this a dud CD or version of windows or am I just doing something wrong?

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Windows On Mac :: Error In XP Installation - OEM Software

Dec 25, 2009

I have an iMac (2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) running OS 10.5.8 purchased June of 2009. I want to install windows and run it on Bootcamp. I have been following the BootCamp installation and setup guide. During step 1 where you partition the disk I chose 32 gb for the windows partition. When I ran the partition I got a disk error message which suggested I run the disk utility. I did this, tried again, and got the same error. I did it again - no luck. Failing this, the installation guide suggested I backup all files and do a clean reinstall of the system software. I did this and the OSX software installation went smoothly. I then ran all the Apple updates. I then re-tried the disk partition and it went fine. I then followed the steps to install windows. The installation guide recommended to make sure that the full system is used, not an upgrade. The version of windows that I decided to purchase from [URL] is called Windows XP Home Edition SP3 for System Builders. Note that this is a new, legitimate version. Here's the link: [URL]

What I received was called Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition OEM software. I didn't notice the OEM designation before the installation and don't fully understand what OEM is. What gave me confidence when I chose this product was that many of reviews were from mac owners who successfully used it for bootcamp and parallels. Also discussions on this forum seem to indicate that OEM should work. Everything seem to be going smoothly in the Windows installation. I chose 32 gb partition and "FAT" (not "NTFS" or "FAT Quick") as the format for the partition. Things went bad when I got to the screen that has bullet points for the various steps of the Windows installation: Collecting Information, Dynamic Update, Preparing Installation, Installing Windows, etc. It went through the initial stages successfully until somewhere within the Installing Windows stage. At that point I got a screen with a message that said: "A problem has been detected and windows has to shut down to prevent damage to your computer." Below that it said: "Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL". I haven't been able to get past this error in the installation. I checked the troubleshooting information in the Bootcamp installation guide and I noticed that it warned against using OEM software.

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Windows On Mac :: How To Interrupt Bootcamp Installation Because Of An Error?

May 2, 2009

I have started a bootcamp installation on new (updated) mbp. During the install, windows-installation makes a critical error and says that the installation cannot continue.

I managed to eject the disk by holding down the mouse button, but my problem is that the mbp starts up in the corrupted windows installation and stops again. I'm in an endless rutine where I cannot boot in Leopard again.

I'v tried to give it the Leopard installation disk but it's beeing ejected. How do I get pass bootcamp and into OS X again.

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Laptops :: Macbook Pro Windows Bootcamp Installation Error

Oct 29, 2009

I have recently downloaded a copy of Windows 7 on my macbook pro in attempt to bootcamp it so i can play more games. everything went well until it booted to windows installation. from there i clicked start installation and it gave me two choices either to Update it or Customise it. I first chose Update but it didnt work. I then tried customise, and found out that my partition wasnt in NTSC(or whatever) format. So i stop my attempt to install it and tried to go back to mac. I could not go back to mac. i dont know how. I'm stuck there with the installation disc in the drive. I cant go forward with the installation and i cant go back. I finally figured how to get the disc out, and i thought that if i install the Mac OS X again it would fix things so i insert a Leopard installation disc. I was Completly wrong, and now i am stuck at a black screen telling me to insert an installation disc with the Leopard disc in side. I cant do anything now .
I need help please, any valid solution will be appriciated.
THanks in advance

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Installation Error - Files Corrupt

Jun 16, 2009

Windows 7 install was at 29% for ages on extracting files so I moved the laptop beside me so I could keep an eye on it. As soon as I set it down I got an error message saying files were corrupt? (I was fairly gentle). (I haven't tried again yet as my macbook is only a day old and I want to mess around with it).

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Windows On Mac :: OE M XP Installation On Boot Camp -- Non System Disc Error?

Sep 6, 2008

I'm having problems with a Boot Camp partition and XP Professional SP2.

I setup a 20GB partition on my drive (I'm using a MacBook Pro, 3GB, 120GB hard drive). It's the only partition other than the one I use for OS X.

I didn't have full-install SP2 discs, only an upgrade. So I went to Fry's and bought a legal, new OEM disc and license for XP Professional SP2, full-install. I ran the installer and all went well...until I rebooted. At that point, Windows wouldn't load giving me a non-system disc error.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp 7 Installation Error - File Missing Or Corrupt 0x80070570

Aug 24, 2009

I am trying to install Win 7 through Boot Camp, everytime it gets to installing at 1% I get an error message. Windows cannot installed required files. Files missing or Corrupt 0x80070570. What I've tried:

- Using 32 Bit instead of 64 Bit Windows
- Burning both at low speeds (Disk Utilities and IMGBurn)
- Tried installing XP then doing an upgrade to Win 7, but only have XP Upgrade and eject key doesn't work during installation when prompted for older version verification.

Anyone experinced or heard of this before?

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OS X :: Can Open A Finished IWeb Website On A Windows Computer

Sep 14, 2010

I dont want to publish a website, just transfer its folder onto a thumb drive and use it as an interactive presentation

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Windows On Mac :: Triple Boot Installation - Stuck At Windows Installation

Sep 19, 2010

I am trying to follow the following guide to do a triple boot, but I am stuck in Windows 7 installation
triple boot snow leopard, windows 7, & ubuntu

I have done the following:
1. Did a clean installation of OS X Snow Leopard on hard drive (Not yet partitioned the hard drive)

2. Installed rEFIt
I am not sure what the poster means by making sure it works by pressing the option button. I am assuming it means that I will be able to see the options I can choose when I press option? (I do see options to pick either "Hard Drive" or whatever disc in the DVD)

3. Partitioned 30 GB (or was it 40 GB? x.x I forgot sorry) space in Boot Camp Assistant for Windows installation. Chose the option to install Windows later.

4. Inserted OS X Snow Leopard installation disc and boot from there.

5. Opened up the Disk Utility and partitioned a hard drive (called Hard Drive_2) via the Partition section as instructed by the guide. Formatted in MAc OS Extended (Journaled)

So now, in that area I see "Hard Drive", "Hard Drive_2" and "BOOT CAMP" (so I am assuming that is what the poster meant by "3 partitions".

6. Restarted the computer with Windows installation disc.

Problems occur right here:
Problem 1: I do not see anything called "C something" as the poster said. But I do see something called "Boot Camp"

Problem 2: All the partitions that are available says that "Windows 7 can't be installed". So my question is am I supposed to "delete" a specific partition to install it?

I have pictures of the screen which I will upload later if this isn't clear enough.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Error - An Error Occurred While Preparing The Installation

Feb 28, 2012

When trying to upgrade from snow leopard to Lion, I get the message "An error occurred while preparing the installation.Try running the application again."I am installing on a raid drive,which is supposedly ok. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 8 Gigs RAM

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Restart - Option Won't Work After Windows Restart?

Apr 29, 2007

This is a problem I've noticed on two Macs I currently own. First I had my 20" iMac with Vista installed, and currently I have a 24" iMac with XP installed. In both cases, when I'm in Windows and need to restart (for whatever reason) and want to go back into Windows instead of OS X, the Option key does not function correctly to bring up the OS select screen, and instead will go straight to OS X, as that is the default OS I have set up to boot into.

So basically, if I restart from OS X, the Option key works fine and I can choose to go into Windows, but restart from Windows and I have no choice in the matter, it makes me go into OS X. Any idea why?

My first thought is that it has to do with the fact that I'm using Apple's bluetooth keyboard (and mouse), but once the computer has actually restarted, why would it matter? Does the computer remember the BIOS from Windows when it restarts, and therefore fails to recognize my bluetooth? For the record I have to turn my keyboard off then on again when entering windows to get it to be recognized and work, but not the mouse, which works fine.

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Software :: Cannot Restart After Mac OS Installation

Aug 3, 2008

I'm facing a problem while installing Mac leopard 10.5.2. After I had installed Mac Os successfully, it told me to restart my laptop to complete the installation operation, so I restarted my laptop but a strange problem faced me. The apple logo and loading icon appears but nothing happens after that! I waited for about an hour but nothing new.

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IMac :: Kernel Panic On Restart After Installation

Mar 15, 2008

I just got a refurbished iMac G5 from the university. When I got home I installed all of my applications. I then update them. Like usual, I have to restart the computer when they are done installing to complete the process, so I do. However, when I boot up the computer again I get a Kernal Panic. ("You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.")

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MacBook Pro :: Will Not Restart After Software Update Installation?

Feb 22, 2012

I installed software update this morning on my macbook pro and the computer will not restart?

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Boot Camp Installation Error?

Aug 22, 2009

Trying to install Windows XP via Boot Camp, I get this error:

I have an external hard drive with enough space to back up my computer, but I don't know what to do after that. Can someone tell me what to back it up with so I can restore it after I format my computer, and how to restore it?

I assume to format the drive I use Disk Utility from my install CD?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Installation Error At Very End Of Process

Feb 9, 2012

I wanted to do a clean install of Lion and change the name of my disc so I booted in Recovery Mode and erased my disc. When I install lion, it goes through everything and I wait the full 2 hours or so for it to download and install but right at the very end it says an error occurred while installing the mac os x and then I get the rainbow pinwheel and am required to shut down my mac by holding the power button. I am currently booted from an external hard drive as this is my only connection to the internet. I really want to get Lion to work on my internal drive. I just partitioned out my internal into 2 partitions (I read something about that?) and I'm going to give the install another go.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Getting Producer Installation Error

Mar 30, 2012

iTunes Producer gives me this installation error:

"The installation failed.

An unknown installation error occurred.

The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance."I'm using a MacBook Pro, OS X 10.6.8, 2.53 GHz Intel processor, 4 GB RAM, with 30 GB of space available on my hard drive. I've already contacted iBookstore Publisher Support

Info:iTunes Producer, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: XCode 4.2 Installation Error

Jun 6, 2012

I have macbook air with 10.6.8 installed on it.I tried multiple times to install xcode 4.2 on it without any sucucess.Could anyone please let me know what could be the issue and how to resolve? It simply says installation failed contact software manufacturer.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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App Store :: Mac Error: Unable To Run Installation

Jul 2, 2012

i recently got 2 updates in MAS and as soon as i tried to update, i got errors for both apps. It's saying unable to run installation: I tried to repair permissions but gettin the same error every time. What is the problem?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Crucial 8GB DDR3, Samsung 830 128GB

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OS X :: Cannot Update Snow Leopard - Error On Installation

May 12, 2010

I'm running into an issue (a new issue) with my mbp. Every time I run the software update, it seems to download all the files just fine. Once it tries to install, it tells me an error has occurred, although it doesn't go into too much detail. I tried repairing the disk permissions, then I tried clearing /Library/Updates/.

The updates I have available are: iMovie Update 8.0.6, iPhoto Update 8.1.2, Mac OS X Update 10.6.3, Brother Printer Software Update 2.3, Airport Base Station Update 5.5.1, iTunes 9.1.1, and Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 3.2.

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MacBook Pro :: Error - "you Must Restart Because Of An Error Screen"

Jun 16, 2012

So I just picked up one of the new retina macbook pro's as I needed an upgrade badly. It's had no problems until today.Stuff started to get laggy like something was hogging the cpu/ram and then i just turned off and went to the grey "you must restart because of an error screen". I ran an apple hardware test and everything came out fine and I reset the SMC and PRAM. Should I just wait it out and just return it if something else goes wrong?

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Kernel Panic Error / After Installation

Nov 4, 2010

After installing 4GB of RAM on my unibody macbook pro, I get a kernel panic error. Am I right that the problem is about CPU? Is that mean that it is dying or broken?

Here what is said:

Interval Since Last Panic Report: 141459 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 2
Anonymous UUID: F96DF9E1-E94C-4FC7-B934-5DFD765093C4

Thu Nov 4 20:34:54 2010
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x9ca5d7): NVRM[0/2:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xd4000000 0x59938000 0x096380c1, D0, P3/4
Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x58d5b938 : 0x21b455 (0x5cf328 0x58d5b96c 0x2238b1 0x0)
0x58d5b988 : 0x9ca5d7 (0xbd6f0c 0xc45f80 0xbe4468 0x0)
0x58d5ba28 : 0xadd179 (0x95b5404 0x95b3004 0x100 0x2)
0x58d5ba78 : 0xad4cae (0x95b3004 0x100 0x58d5bb08 0x2)
0x58d5baa8 : 0x17c181e (0x95b3004 0x100 0x4bcd2cee 0x13b0103)
0x58d5bbe8 : 0xafaf45 (0x95b3004 0x95b1004 0x0 0x0)
0x58d5bc28 : 0x9d3836 (0x95b3004 0x95b1004 0x0 0x0)
0x58d5bc68 : 0x9cfaf5 (0x0 0x9 0x0 0x0)
0x58d5bdc8 : 0x9d1a5d (0x0 0x600d600d 0x702a 0x58d5bdf8)
0x58d5be98 : 0x9685f4 (0xc1d0002e 0xaa910001 0x20802040 0x58d5bee0)
0x58d5bef8 : 0xd132e9 (0x8f4e400 0x58d5bf4c 0x0 0x7)
0x58d5bf58 : 0xd13486 (0x8f43800 0xd19ab4 0x58d5bf78 0x2a1591)
0x58d5bf78 : 0x22fb84 (0x8f43800 0x0 0x0 0x73847d61)
0x58d5bfc8 : 0x29e6cc (0x863ea0 0x0 0x10 0x9a5f0a0)
Kernel Extensions in backtrace (with dependencies):
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.1)@0x937000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(2.1)@0x959000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.6)@0x926000
dependency: com.apple.NVDAResman(6.1.8)@0x966000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.6)@0x926000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(2.1)@0x959000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.1)@0x937000

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.4.0: Fri Apr 23 18:28:53 PDT 2010; root:xnu-1504.7.4~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacBookPro5,1 (Mac-F42D86C8)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 13213256682202
unloaded kexts:
com.apple.driver.AirPortBrcm43224425.16.2 (addr 0xd54000, size 0x1523712) - last unloaded 105226877102
loaded kexts:
com.apple.driver.AppleHWSensor1.9.3d0 - last loaded 24131381015
Model: MacBookPro5,1, BootROM MBP51.007E.B05, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.33f8
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, PCIe, 256 MB
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB
Memory Module: global_name
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 2.3.7f1, 2 service, 12 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS543225L9SA02, 232,89 GB
Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-868
USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8507, 0x24400000
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x0237, 0x04600000
USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x04500000
USB Device: USB Optical Mouse, 0x046d (Logitech Inc.), 0xc046, 0x06200000
USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x06100000
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8213, 0x06110000

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Applications :: .toast File Installation - Library Error?

Aug 3, 2010

When I click on the .toast file I need to install I get the usual window you get when clicking on a .dmg file. When I doubleclick on the install icon I get this message:

Application Launch Failure:

The application "appname Install" could not be lanched because of a shared library error: "<BaseInstaller Carbon>"

Am I missing any carbon library? I've never installed such thing so I guess I lack this kind of library and i don't know the correct one to install or how to.

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Software :: Won't Work With Kernel Panic Error During Installation

Jul 11, 2009

I'm in possession of a mac pro 2x 2.8ghz intel quad core running leopard. I have a main hardrive and a secondary harddrive. I was attempting to reformat the first hd and reinstall leopard. I pop in the cd as I have with many other systems, click the install startup and reboot, after about 4 minutes of waiting I see the black screen drop and it asks me to restart my comp, presumably a kernel panic error. I've done this with two different hd's to rule out it being an hd problem. I've also procured a friend's copy of leopard and the same problem occurs. The system was acquired from a local business that closed recently and sold off it's stuff which is how I came into possession of the system. It has no 3d party hardware that I can see. I find myself wondering if it is a problem with the motherboard and since the system used to be for business purposes perhaps there is some sort of block or lockout on the mobo that's preventing an installation.

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Intel Mac :: Install The Applications DVD But Receive An Installation Error?

May 10, 2012

I did a fresh install of my iMac. Now I want to install the applications DVD but I recieve an installation error.I did a new install but I keep getting the same installation error.

iMac, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Error - Need To Restart Computer

Nov 28, 2010

So ever since about 3-4 months ago, I'll get an error message on my Mac stating that I need to restart my computer. I lose all control and my only option really is to hold the power button down and restart it. I then Googled the issue and found this out. [URL]. No now my question is, do I do a clean install of my OS? Can Can I reinstall and then use time machine to restore my computer? I'm guessing that would give me the same problem as before. Any advice would be great! By the way.. I have a 2010 MacBook Pro i5 so its still really new. This problem happens maybe once every 2 months depending on how hard I'm using it.

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MacBook :: Error Loading Operating System - Bootcamp Installation

Jun 2, 2009

I did not have enough memory and I had already deleted some games in the past to do updates. Well I downloaded Windows XP Home about half a year ago and decided I really did not use it all that much. When I downloaded It i cut the memory in half (1/2 OS X and 1/2 Windows XP) So I went back to my Bootcamp installation papers to see how to properly uninstall Windows. So I did and everything seemed fine the only thing I thought was odd is that it only took like 3 seconds to uninstall so i knew it did not actually uninstall. I did not think much of it cause I could now download the update.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Find Windows 7 Installation Bootcamp

Jul 1, 2010

I seem to be rather confused after reading so many websites which say its possible to install windows 7 upgrade over xp by custom install in bootcamp.

I purchased a windows 7 upgrade which I have downloaded as a ".img" file.

However, bootcamp doesnt recognize my .img disc.

I have tried converting the .img to a .iso, and then burning the .iso as a iso disc, but still no luck. (Im not sure if its because of Active iso software Im using to burn the discs or if im doing something wrong.)

I have a legit version of XP already running via bootcamp.

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