IMac (Intel) :: Cannot Minimize Email Window
Dec 4, 2014Suddenly my emails are taking up the whole screen so I have no editing options.. I cannot minimize without the options.. When I have emails up I have no dock icons.
View 1 RepliesSuddenly my emails are taking up the whole screen so I have no editing options.. I cannot minimize without the options.. When I have emails up I have no dock icons.
View 1 RepliesJust got an iMac.
Is there anyway to move the Close, Maximize and Minimize buttons to the right of every window?
Can that annoying right-bottom tip corner used to sizing windows be replaced with stretch arrows like in Windows?
Is there a key command to minimize every window that is open? I used to use Win+M on Windows to do this, but I really miss being able to do this since I switched to OS X.
View 9 Replies View RelatedEvery once in a while all applications that are open will stutter when I minimize or maximize them. I can't really explain it other then the fact that the animation in not smooth. When I restart the computer everything goes back to normal and is smooth. I notice this happening after I install or update a program. This usually occurs right after I see the color wheel spinning.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I was toying around with this app I learned about recently called Secrets. It's an add-on for your System Preferences. For those who don't know what it is, it easily changes preferences in many Apple apps like iTunes, Finder, etc that Apple didn't make public for change and without you directly using Terminal commands to make the changes. Definitely check it out if you're interested in tweeking your system a bit.
Anyway, so while playing with it, changed some wanted things, and some things which I wasn't sure what they were but decided to change it anyway and see what happened.
I did something to my dock where when you minimize a window open, it'll go down normally into the dock, but instead shows the top left corner of that window rather than showing the whole window. It looks like this when I minimize...
[Sample of my dock near the trash bin with Preview, Quicktime, and Firefox docked.]
I want to change it back to the default option where it minimizes and shows the whole window rather than just the top corner. This is bugging me! I can't figure out what I did and went through all the options in Secrets.
Anyone know the Terminal command to change it back to the default or any other alternative to change it back to normal?
[If anyone asks what icons those are in my dock, it's the Litho 2.0 series from Icon Factory.]
Is it possible to tweak the minimize to the dock to auto hide the window instead?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI love how in OSX you can go to a Window in the dock and click hide:
Instead of the window minimizing and taking up even more room on the dock, it just hides in the already existing icon (in this case the active window hides in the safari icon). When I click minimize on the actual window this happens:
Now Safari is taking up two spaces on my dock. Is there any way to make it so every time, no matter what the window is, if you click minimize or even exit, it hides the window as opposed to minimizing it and wasting a dock space?
Check this out. Minimize iTunes using the green button to get the mini-player. Then plug in your iPhone. iTunes 8.1.1 no longer expands and pops to the front of your screen! That's really cool! I noticed this in 8.1.1, but it could have been introduced in 8.1, I don't know.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes such thing exist? I hate it how every time I double click the title bar it goes into the Dock -- bad habit from Windows...
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
when i try to close, minimize or maximize a window on any app. on my macbook it ends u pdoing the next thing it is close to...!:[ why?an example is when i try to minimize (click on the yellow buble) it ends up closing the app. when i try to close it it minimize it@ first i thoguth it was a bug
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But how do I customise the 'open file' window. Every time I open a file I have to increase the size of the window, change the view and then look for my files.... is there a way to set the default view to what I would wish it to be?
I have enclosed a screen shot of the default open file window.... I would like a bigger window...... and be able to see 'list view' as opposed to icons each time.
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They receive well enough but just cannot send anything.
I have changed NO settings whatsoever on either device.
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It is running Mavericks OS with Outlook 2011 v14. The issue is we can put different email addresses in but the one we want to use will not work.
-For example: We put put in and it works. We can put in and it works. send receive no problem.
-We change it to and it says it sent but never gets delivered. She can receive just fine. EXACT same settings and same server for all the emails. Also tried and same issue
-We have deleted all of the email settings and started over / no luck
-We have compared outlook to another identical machine /no differences we can find
-We put on 2 different windows machines at our office using outlook and it works fine so I do not see how it can be server related.
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2.93GHz Intel Core i7, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Memory 8GB also Mac OS X now (10.7)