Applications :: New Feature In ITunes 8.1.1 (Window Stay Minimize)
Apr 10, 2009
Check this out. Minimize iTunes using the green button to get the mini-player. Then plug in your iPhone. iTunes 8.1.1 no longer expands and pops to the front of your screen! That's really cool! I noticed this in 8.1.1, but it could have been introduced in 8.1, I don't know.
I notice that whenever I am running an app from a disk image I notice that the minimize feature on the dock lags, and the only way to fix it is to either log out and log in again or turn off and turn on again. Does anybody have a suggestion how to fix this?
Is there a key command to minimize every window that is open? I used to use Win+M on Windows to do this, but I really miss being able to do this since I switched to OS X.
Every once in a while all applications that are open will stutter when I minimize or maximize them. I can't really explain it other then the fact that the animation in not smooth. When I restart the computer everything goes back to normal and is smooth. I notice this happening after I install or update a program. This usually occurs right after I see the color wheel spinning.
So I was toying around with this app I learned about recently called Secrets. It's an add-on for your System Preferences. For those who don't know what it is, it easily changes preferences in many Apple apps like iTunes, Finder, etc that Apple didn't make public for change and without you directly using Terminal commands to make the changes. Definitely check it out if you're interested in tweeking your system a bit.
Anyway, so while playing with it, changed some wanted things, and some things which I wasn't sure what they were but decided to change it anyway and see what happened.
I did something to my dock where when you minimize a window open, it'll go down normally into the dock, but instead shows the top left corner of that window rather than showing the whole window. It looks like this when I minimize...
[Sample of my dock near the trash bin with Preview, Quicktime, and Firefox docked.]
I want to change it back to the default option where it minimizes and shows the whole window rather than just the top corner. This is bugging me! I can't figure out what I did and went through all the options in Secrets.
Anyone know the Terminal command to change it back to the default or any other alternative to change it back to normal?
[If anyone asks what icons those are in my dock, it's the Litho 2.0 series from Icon Factory.]
Suddenly my emails are taking up the whole screen so I have no editing options.. I cannot minimize without the options.. When I have emails up I have no dock icons.
I love how in OSX you can go to a Window in the dock and click hide:
Instead of the window minimizing and taking up even more room on the dock, it just hides in the already existing icon (in this case the active window hides in the safari icon). When I click minimize on the actual window this happens:
Now Safari is taking up two spaces on my dock. Is there any way to make it so every time, no matter what the window is, if you click minimize or even exit, it hides the window as opposed to minimizing it and wasting a dock space?
When I send an image from my phone to my Mac via bluetooth I get the Incoming File Transfer Window popping up.I'd really like to stop it, hide it or make it invisible. Can't work out how to do it though - can't seem to get at it via applescript, can't find a 3rd party app, Terminal tweak or a workaround.
Is there any way of making a window stay in the back no matter what, as if it was stuck to the background? I want to do this with my adium since there is no use to have the contact window anywhere but the background, and it would have been kind of cool if it stuck to the background somehow xD. I'm running Mac OS 10.6.1
Didn't see this posted anywhere though I searched around a bit. Looks like iTunes 8.2 lets you see your UDID, IMEI, Build #, ICCID etc., by clicking on the Serial Number/Phone Number/Software Version fields. Don't remember being able to do this in earlier iTunes versions.
Why would you even want it? I never get to listen to entire songs anymore. Is there any way to turn off the feature. I understand why some people would want to save where they left off, from their song, but they should have an option to turn it off.
I was searching YouTube for Snow Leopard stuff (I was really bored) and I came across this video showing a new animation supposedly from Mac OS X Snow Leopard?
Does anyone know if it's real or just complete BS?
I'm guessing it's BS because I haven't heard anyone else talk about it but I'm not 100%
I recently upgraded to Mavericks. I have Startup Items set to launch Activity Monitor and have the Hide checkbox checked, but the window keeps appear at login.
All of the other apps set in a similar manner work just fine (i.e., they start and their windows say hidden) ... Why Hide does not mean "Hide" for this one app?
I just noticed something in iTunes 8. In the Advanced drop down menu, you can now create iPod or iPhone and Apple TV versions of the videos you have in iTunes. However, the only video I can import are already iPod ready.
I haven't noticed this before, but when I went to sync a movie to my iPod, the "syncable" movie are bold and the "unsyncable" ones are greyed out. This saves me some confusion with all the movies I have encoded for AppleTV vs iPod. Running 3.0 beta 2 on iTouch 2G, iTunes 8.1.1
I've finally got hold of a 27" iMac that works, so now comes the process of transferring over all my media. I want to use my iMac as a media hub of sorts, and so have been transferring all of my music from my MacBook using the import feature on iTunes 9's Home Sharing. I just want to know if Apple places any restrictions on the files so, for instance, if I de-authorise my Macbook and/or delete the media files from it, will the music still be accessible as normal from the iMac (since it's been coped over and is stored locally), or will it create some kind of link to the original files and shout at me if they disappear? Or would I be safer using a traditional method of transferring the data?
What was the first version of iTunes that can plat AAC radio streams? I use a very old G4 500 MHz powermac to listen to iTunes streaming internet radio, but more and more stations are switching to AAC streams, which the old 10.3 compatible version of iTunes doesn't support and won't play them. The current version of itunes' minimum system requirements is a 1 Ghz G4, so I can't use the current version of iTunes. If I upgrade this machine to OS 10.4, will I be able to install a version of iTunes that plays AAC radio streams?
I've never even turned on the genius feature in iTunes, because I was put off by the link to the store. I have no intention whatsoever of buying anything from the iTunes store, though I do have an account cause I had to buy something else online. Here's my strong suspicion about Genius - that it's really there just to sell you crappy tracks from iTunes. And I have no use for that noise.
But, I like to keep an open mind. What if I'm wrong, and what if it's actually a cool feature? I remember not being sure about the shuffle function, since I like to listen to albums, so for the longest time I didn't use it. But one day I gave it a go, and what do you know. I liked it, for the most part! Here's one additional complication - I got like 50,000 songs in my library and I listen to all kinds of genres. Tell me about Genius - how do you use it?
when i try to close, minimize or maximize a window on any app. on my macbook it ends u pdoing the next thing it is close to...!:[ why?an example is when i try to minimize (click on the yellow buble) it ends up closing the app. when i try to close it it minimize it@ first i thoguth it was a bug
I think I found a bug in iTunes, because I can find no other explanation. Every once in a while (like once every three weeks) my iTunes window goes down. By this I mean everytime i click a different playlist, view, category, iTunes store, the window moves down a bit leaving this gap at the top. It randomly comes and goes, and its not really a big deal, but it does get really annoying. Is anyone else getting this? and no, im not just moving the window down
iTunes 10 is playing my .mp4 music, of whcih I rip from FLAC to .mp4 using Media Monkey, and now play in a window, blacking out my screen as if it were a movie. This didn't occur in any iTunes version before this (the songs played fine in iTunes as if it were an mp3 or aac files) and has been my setup for YEARS.
I think iTunes mail is the worst. When you hover the mouse over a picture in a mail message, a box pops up with "[URL]". This blocks out the content below this window. Is there a way to turn this off.
Is there a way to reset the position of iTunes video windows? I usually use an external 23" monitor with my MBP and sometimes I move the video I'm watching on iTunes out of the MBP screen (on the external monitor). But, when I use the MBP without external monitor and I try to play iTunes video, the video is out of the screen, basically I can't see it and I can't find a way to move it into the screen (I can see it using expose').
I've just tried to mess around with some stuff in iTunes so i can sync my iPhone on both of my Macs. I did it all as instructed but when I opened the window was huge, and I can't make it any smaller. It's like a copy of my iTunes on my 24" iMac.
I tried deleting everything iTunes related and reinstalling but still the same.
Anyone got any solutions as to how to have a COMPLETELY clean version of itunes, or how to make the window smaller?