Software :: Log File In Console - See Loaded Programs?

Jul 23, 2010

It appears as if my wife's Mac was hacked last weekend. I am not a nubie to computers but am not so familiar with security fr a Mac. I am trying to see if the Whole Foods website is the cause of this hack. Below explains what happened. On Sat 7/17/10, at about 11:30am we began getting telephone calls that my wife's TWO separate email accounts (one Yahoo and one Hotmail) had sent out an email that we had made a "surprise" visit to London and had been attacked and robbed etc and the email asked for money. A second email was sent a half an hour later asking for money to be wired to a Western Union reference number. Upon checking my wife's Yahoo account from a different computer than my wife's Macbook, I found the account password had been changed. After notifying Yhaoo that her account had been compromised, I learned that her Hotmail account had also been sending emails as well. The passwords are different for each of the accounts. Rebooting the machine after finding out of these emails took an unusually long time. Clearly something was amiss. As we later found out, the Yahoo account, my wife's primary account, had been setup to forward all her mail to the "bad guy's" drop account to collect her email. Her Hotmail account had not been setup to do this though. The culprit must have been her Mac Mail program on her Macbook-- only this has the capability to retrieve both accounts. No other computer has this capability. The passwords for both accounts were saved on the Macbook. My wife had no security in place-- admin p'word was blank, no firewall etc. This has been changed. What log file in the Console can I look at to see what went on during the time that I think a compromise took place? I have since loaded IAntivirus (free)on her machine.

How can I ensure that nothing has been loaded onto her machine that will give someone a backdoor into our network or her machine. Could a keystroke logger have been loaded as well, maybe a backdoor port? How can I see what programs have been loaded? My wife uses the latest version of Firefox at all times. The newest version downloaded this week, so she was using the prior, most up to date version at the time I think an attack occurred. Ditto for the OS. I have thought about a localized attack-- one that occurs when someone is within physical proximity of the laptop, but we live in a suburb and she rarely takes the laptop out of the house.

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MacBook Pro :: Frequent Crashing When ITunes Loaded - No Errors In Console?

Jun 17, 2012

I have an early 2011 17" MacBook Pro which is freezing up a lot, this only seems to happen with iTunes is loaded. The machine runs perfectly when iTunes isn't running, and it'll run for a little while when it is open, but then eventually all programs will freeze, leaving only the cursor moving. That will then stop moving as well and the entire machine will stay stuck as it is - the only thing that can be done at this point is to power it off. Closing the lid has no effect - the screen stays on and the machine does not sleep.

I've tried various things to fix this based on other threads with similar issues:
- Reset SMC and PRAM
- Reinstalled iTunes
- Disabled automatic graphic card switching
- Installed all latest updates - this seems to have made the problem worse
- Stopped my iPod touch and iPhone from syncing over wifi and made sure they aren't plugged in either
- Ran AHT, no problems reported
- Repaired disk permissions
- Reinstalled Mac OS
- Left the machine in its frozen state to see if it would wake up (it didn't, even after leaving it all night)

Every time this happens, I have a look at the Console to see if any errors were logged during the crash, but it seems there aren't any - the last few lines before reboot are always different and seem to have no real pattern to them.

Early 2011 17" Macbook Pro Intel Core i7 2.3GHz
Mac OS X 10.7.4
iTunes 10.6.3

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4),

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OS X :: Cannot Open A .jar File On Mac - Console For Possible Error Messages

Sep 22, 2010

The Java JAR file "" could not be launched. Check the Console for possible error messages.I need to open a jar file and this is the error i get.

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MacBook :: File Not Found Errors In Console?

Oct 28, 2010

Alright so someone needed the errors for a program, and I noticed there were several other errors for programs that are no longer on my mac. Is there any way to figure out how to make my mac stop looking for these things to rid the errors from Console?

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MacBook Pro :: Remove A File From System.log In Console?

May 14, 2012

i have a problem getting Mac to recognize my music software and external device. I am trying to remove all files before re-install.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Software :: Cannot Open JAR File - Error Message In Console

May 23, 2008

I have a Macbook (10.4). When I try to open a .jar file, I got a message like: can't open. In the Console, the error message is: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file

I googled it and it seem that something is missing from my OS, since the .jar file has been "compiled" with something that I don't have (??). Software update is ok, and on the terminal (don't ask me how I arrived there):
java version "1.5.0_13"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_13-b05-241)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_13-121, mixed mode, sharing)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Console Log Missing From

Mar 17, 2012

In Mac OS 10.6, the had an option to show the "Console Log" which included what looks like the stdout/stderr message of running applications not explicitly sent to syslog. The option showed up as the second option in the system log queries/database queries list on the Log List.In 10.7, the only option is "All Messages" and there does not appear to be a way to view the "console log" as it was in 10.6. Is there a way to turn this on in 10.7? Does the Mac no longer provide a way to see the stdout/stderr messages for running applications (those run as .app and not from terminal)?see attached screen shots (left is 10.6/right is 10.7) with console messages option missing.

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OS X :: Stopping Console Messages/Deleted Apps Creating Console Messages?

Jan 11, 2011

I was using a program which opened my console and then I noticed in my console had messages referring to a couple of programs I removed a long time ago by dragging them to the Trash. It seems to be reporting thousands of messages every minute for one of the programs with the message "User or app not found." recurring.

This must be using resources, is there any way to stop this?

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MacBook :: Unable To Open Programs - Programs Are Not Displaying

Mar 25, 2010

I have a question about using my new samsung tv as a monitor for my macbook. I have all the cables and such and my TV reads the computer. It actually shows the desktop background, mouse, and the toolbar on the tv...
BUT....when i try and open a program such as safari or itunes it does not display the program on the monitor but rather on my macbook screen. It shows the program open on the tv monitor but it shoots off the screen and then opens on the macbook screen.

Also the mouse disappears from the tv monitor screen on the left side only, and when it does it becomes visible back on the macbook screen! Any tips or suggestions on how to get the programs to show up on the monitor instead of the macbook screen?

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Software :: Using Word/mac 2004 Is Not Loaded

Aug 5, 2009

I have a MaxMini with OS X 10.5.7
2 GB ram
98 GB of available HD space
Office:mac 2004 installed

All was fine until yesterday. If I click on a document file or on the word icon the splash sheet is isplayed and all stops there. When I force a quit it shows "Word (not responding)" Excel and PowerPoint are fine.

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OS X :: Movie Not Loaded - Getting Blank White Box

Jul 2, 2009

I'm on a MAC OS X latest everything, updates, flash, java etc., currently using the latest version of Firefox. I'm trying to work a MiniClip game [URL] and all I seem to get is a blank white box (when I right click I get a "Movie not Loaded" thing).

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Safari :: Cannot Open Fully Loaded PDF

May 23, 2012

I recently downloaded adobe reader. Now I deleted but I can't open pdf in safari. It's fully loaded but can't be opened. How can I change safari pdf reader back to preview as default?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Software :: Loaded - Got The Login Screen For Mobile Me?

Jul 10, 2008

Just loaded and I got the login screen for Mobile Me. Everything seemed to be going well but then I got re-drected to the Mobile Me holding page

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OS X :: Internet Very Slow / Incomplete Page Loaded

Sep 1, 2009

MacPro 2008 dual quad core and MacBookPro 2.66 mid 2009 both running OS 10.5.8. The Mac Pro which is hard wired is very very slow and many times will time out before it can load a page or will only load part of the page (lots of little boxes with question marks in them or page loads part of the way and stops)and the wheel just keeps spinning. Sometimes I can hit the x and reload and it will work just fine. Sometimes, this does not help. The MacBook Pro which is wireless behaves the same way.

The Internet Setup: DSL line runs from wall to Surewest (ISP) router, then out to a 5 port Dlink switch. From the switch I run straight into the Mac Pro and to the Airport Express. The Airport Express is about 2.5 years old. It runs b/g while the MacBook Pro has draft N capability. I noticed that since I replaced my older MacBook Pro which was b/g, the new one shows a much stronger signal, which is why I can't understand why its slower.

The Testing: I don't think its my ISP because when I run, I get what I always get, 3mb/s download and I have run that test many, many times over the last few days. The only change has been in the ping. It used to be consistently 16-17 ms and now it varies going as high as 24-26 ms. I have no clue if that is indicative of a problem. Data downloads, including iTunes work just fine. The only other change was that this weekend, I downloaded xmarks (formerly foxmarks) to unify and coordinate my bookmarks across both computers. I have since run the xmarks uninstaller on both machines and deleted the online account. However, it has not made any difference.

Attempted Solutions: I already rebooted the Airport Express and changed the channel from auto to a higher number. No effect. I will reboot the ISP modem tonight. I am also considering uninstalling and reinstalling Safari with the thought that xmarks somehow screwed it up, but I also had the problem in Firefox in which I did not install xmarks. If I pull the Safari bookmark.plst file before I uninstall Safari, I should be able to just drop it in to the fresh install and keep my bookmarks. Someone suggested that I switch to Open DNS. This is beyond my area of expertise so to speak, so I am a little afraid to mess with it.

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Mac Pro :: Loaded Snow Leopard And Windows 7 On New Machine

Sep 22, 2009

I just got my new machine the other day. Loaded up Snow Leopard on one Hard drive and windows 7 on the other. Anyone else have a similar setup. Wanted to get some feedback. For most of my work I will use SL, but when I game I will load up Windows 7.

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OS X :: Cannot Reinstall Leopard - Mbp Just Reboots Continuously With Dvd Loaded?

Oct 17, 2009

I want to reload my MBP back to factory, that means overwriting SL.

The problem is, with the leopard dvd installed it just boots over and over and over, never leaving the white screen.

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OS X :: How To Stop Spring Loaded Folders From Blinking

Feb 9, 2010

I love using macs Spring-loaded folders feature but in Snow Leopard 10.6 when you place your pointer over the folder to spring open it starts blinking. I'm sure some may like this feature but for me its annoying. Is there a way to turn the blinking off and just have the folder highlight steadily like they did in Leopard and Tiger?

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Software :: Missing Plugin Not Loaded In Safari

Apr 24, 2008

I can access my on-line bank using Internet Explorer but I can't with Safari. When I try I get the following message "The page [URL] has content of MIME type "application/x-java-vm". Because you don't have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this content can't be displayed." I have used the Help menu to list the installed plug-ins and there are only 2 x-java- plug-ins listed. Where do I get the missing plug in and how do I load it into Safari?

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Software :: Loaded OS X 10.5.1 On My G4 Powerbook - Iphoto Crashing

Aug 26, 2008

Just loaded OS X 10.5.1 on my G4 Powerbook which has all other 'original' software. Still learning to navigate (and find all files etc., which don't reappear in original format...) but MAJoR problem is cannot open iphoto which worked perfectly beforehand. Just crashes instantly. Computer suggest i relaunch, then crashes again, instantly, and then suggests reload and relaunch and, then crashed again. Would ideally hope my photo library is still intact

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Software :: Partitioning A Loaded NTFS Drive?

Dec 30, 2008

I have a 1TB drive thats NTFS formatted and containing files. How can i make another partition so i can format it HFS+ but without deleting my already stored files?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unwanted Apps Being Loaded Onto Dock?

Feb 9, 2012

I have just updated to OS X10.7.3 and now each time I start up the following apps have been added to the Dock: 

Mission Control
App Store
Face Time 

I don't want them in the Dock and have to delete them every time I start or restart my iMac. I have checked in Prefs and they are not listed under startup so I am at a loss as how to stop them auto loading onto the Dock. 

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MacBook Pro :: IWork Apps Won't Stay Loaded

Mar 21, 2012

My iwork apps won't stay loaded on my machine purchased them from IStore and tried to load them @ least 6 times each says they down loaded then try to use the app and it's says 30 day free trial or purchase app.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: Copied From Windows On Usb Loaded On To Apple Mac?

May 16, 2012

I copied itunes songs from windows computer on usb, loaded them into apple mac 10.7, they played ok, until i synced the iphone, when clicking on a song, it now says cant locate, you click locate and I can see the songs in the media, but cant copy them over.

How can I get the songs into the itunes library.  I looked at preferences and it is ticked to copy songs to itunes,

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ICloud :: Get My ITunes Library Loaded Onto My New IMac?

May 27, 2012

Get my iTunes library loaded onto my new iMac?

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MacBook Pro :: Error - Music Player Is Not Loaded Yet

Jun 16, 2012

when I want to play music through internet it comes with the following error: Sorry, music player is not loaded yet.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Can't Computer Find The Internet Since Loaded It

Jun 17, 2012

See earlier thread, but since I loaded Lion everytime i restart my computer in the morning it has the same problem, it can not find the internet until I through the plist in the trash and restart. What a PAIN! can anyone help!!! I need to work and not work on my computer everyday.

lion on all my computers?, Mac OS X (10.7.4),

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OS X :: Snow Leapord Single Copy Loaded On Two Macs?

Sep 4, 2009

Is this true, can you by the $29 single user and have it work on n iMac and a Macbook?

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MacBook :: Screen Pops Open Like It Is Spring Loaded?

Dec 23, 2009

I took my laptop in yesterday because there was dust inside the screen and they replaced the whole screen and top. However, it now pops open when I pick it up. I'm a student, so it gets carried all over the place in my backpack and I can't have it popping open all the time. It's not upside down or anything, its just when I pick it up. I am leaving to go back to school in a week and I can't drive the 1.5 hours back to the mall again. What can I do? Duct tape?

Also, if I have a campus authorized retailer, can they do repairs?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: When Loaded Computer / Setting Were All Screwed Up

Apr 19, 2012

I turned on my mini, and it loaded as normal, but the date and time we're set to receive 12, 2000. Ny Internet was not connecting, apparently I need to redo it. There are a bunch of things asking for permission to accept incoming network connections (nfsd, named, nmbd, portmap, mDNSResponder) I don't even know what these are. Should I allow permissions? I am hoping that is all that is wrong, at least that is all I have noticed. Do you think I have a virus? Or is this just a glitch with the update from yesterday?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Safari :: Ad-words Crashing When Opening After Updates Loaded?

May 29, 2012

After loading recent updates when I try to access my Adwords account the browser constantly loads then crashes with a message Apples been advised. I will assume they will respond when they get around to it. I haven't loaded another browser yet wonder should I wait for a miracle or any suggestion for browser?

MacBook Pro, IOS11.01

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