Software :: Partitioning A Loaded NTFS Drive?

Dec 30, 2008

I have a 1TB drive thats NTFS formatted and containing files. How can i make another partition so i can format it HFS+ but without deleting my already stored files?

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Windows On Mac :: Partitioning External Drive For Backup (NTFS File System)

Aug 20, 2010

Awhile back I bought a 500 GB Seagate FreeAgent Go external hard drive to backup my 218 GB PC. I used the automatic backup software that came with it and it works fine. After all this I purchased a MacBook Pro and now, instead of buying another drive and also considering there's plenty of space on the one I already have, I was wondering if I could possibly partition half the drive to be used as a backup with Time Machine without touching the other half. I plugged in the drive to my Mac and opened Disk Utility. It says it is a NTFS file system (I suppose that's normal).

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OS X :: Partitioning For HFS On An NTFS File System?

Jan 4, 2009

I am running windows XP with a 160 GB hardrive. i have 90 GB free and i would like to partition some of that free space to an HFS+ format so that i can install Mac OSX. However i would like to keep all of the files and stuff i have on my windows XP. does anybody know what i can do to do this?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Partitioning An External 500 GB USB HDD (NTFS) In Two Partitions?

Jun 16, 2012

I realized Mac OS X 10.7.4 will only read NTFS partitions (can't write to it). I could install a third party driver or use FAT32. I decided to split the external Seagate HDD into two partitions (NTFS and Mac OS Extended FS).  

I went to Mac OS X's Disk Utility, but there was no way to partition the current single 500 GB NTFS partition with my existing data. It seems like I have to erase it with my data, and then partition into two. Is that how it supposed to work? This was on a new Mac Mini with all updates.

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Mac Mini :: 2009 (late) Loaded With 8gb And 40gb Ssd Boot Drive

Sep 29, 2010

Just got done loading 8gb of ram and my OCZ vertex 2 ssd 40gb. Load Time of apps is amazing. My one question is boot time went from 48 seconds to 33. Should I be getting better. I used carbon copy to clone drve and I'm only using 14 gb of the 40 that's there. I domhave to say these setup screams at certain jobs.

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OS X :: Partitioning An External Drive Without Erasing

Nov 3, 2007

In the effort to use Time Machine, I want to partition my external drive. I have 500 gig external, and would like to have one partition of 480 and one around 20. This way, Time Machine will only back up onto the smaller partition, not endlessly backing up until all 500 gigs are used. The reason I need to partition without erasing is my 170 gig iTunes library. Its too large to transfer to my internal HD, and I have no other drive to store it on.

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OS X :: Partitioning Hard Drive And BootCamp

Aug 17, 2009

I tried to use Bootcamp to install Windows XP Professional. When trying to partition through bootcamp I got this error:

"The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved. Backup the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Volume. Restore your info to the disk and try using bootcamp assistant again."

I tried to create a journaled partition after using the disk utility to fix any problems which it found none. The problem was that the partitioning never stopped it went on for hours till I finally canceled it. I also have a problem with VMware Fusion which you can find here: [URL]

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OS X :: Partitioning 320gb Drive In Macbook?

Dec 11, 2009

I recently put a 320gb drive into my macbook and partitioned it into 3 drives one for the OS, one for apps and one for data, eg photos, music etc. Is this necessary? It's what i do on windows based pc's but not sure whether i need to do this on the MAc in quite thae same way. Does anybody have any recomendations for partitionig this drive, i don't intend runnig bootcamp or similar, just snow leopard.

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OS X :: Partitioning Drive For Windows 7: Failed?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm on a 15" macbook; 128 SSD with a single MAC OS Extended (Journaled) partition of size 120.99GB with 44.52GB of free space.I would like to install Windows 7 on my computer, and so I went to make a small partition for it. Using Bootcamp in an attempt to create a 30GB partition, I got an error message saying that some files could not be moved, and so the partition failed. I have no idea what those unmovable things might be.Using Disk Utility, trying to partition the drive results in a failure. In response to some threads I was able to find, I tried partitioning the new drive as free space, as well as trying for 30GB, 25GB, and 20GB... all met with failure.I have a time capsule, but my attempt to back up my computer seems to stall at the point of checking for changes (no change after 30 minutes, get pinwheel, tried repeatedly)How can I go about making a little partition for a Windows install? I've never felt so failed by OS X

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Hardware :: Partitioning Hard Drive To Put On Tiger

Apr 27, 2009

Does anyone know if I can partition a hard drive to put Tiger on the new MBP along with leopard. I want to maintain funcitonality of my old Minolta Film Scanner that only works with Tiger.

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OS X :: Time Machine Drive Partitioning Without Reinstall?

Jun 14, 2009

So I've got a unibody MBP and connected to this I have a 320gb external drive I use to back up, but I only back up music, movies and documents so it's got 50 free gigabytes. I was hoping to partition off say 30gigs, install tinyxp and play games off this partition. But when I try and partition off 30, 25 or even 20 gigs Disk Utility tells me there's no free space on the hard drive.

So my questions are, how can I solve this issues, and would this idea work for playing games through windows anyway? I initially tried to get a bootcamp partition on my main Macintosh HD, but apparently there are files that cannot be moved in the way, and the only way to solve said issue is a complete reinstall of leopard, which I can't be bothered with seeing as snow leopards only a couple of months away.

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OS X :: Multi Partitioning Hard Drive For Windows?

Jun 19, 2009

What I have set up at the moment on my macbook is a single partition. One for my mac and a 20GB one for windows XP. What I want to do is create a new partition (by taking space out of the mac side) to create a new drive that my current windows partition can see (as I understand you cant make an existing partition bigger so that would be my solution) This is just for the existing windows drive to store files on. Is that possible and would the current windows disk see the new drive? I just need it to because I have run out of room on the windows side. I am running more programs than I thought I would need to!

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OS X :: Finding Dual Partitioning A Hard Drive

Aug 11, 2009

I'm looking to use a single external hard drive to use as a backup for my files between my two laptops. One MBP, one Dell. I need some help with how to partition the drives correctly.

I will be moving files over 4GB, so FAT32 is not an option, plus the drive will be at least 500GB, and I know FAT32 sometimes has issues when partitioned that large. So FAT32 is out. What I'm looking to do is have half of the drive formatted to NTFS, and half formatted to HSF+.

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OS X :: Partitioning Drive For Carbon Copy Clone

Feb 9, 2010

I'm about to partition my WD passport into two section . It's 120 gigs and I'm going to use 100 gigs to back up all by media on my mac (pictures music video) and then I'd like to have a 20 gig section for extra flexible storage/transporting files from computer to computer, including PCs. So carbon copy cloner says the drive has to be formatted to HFS+ but in disc utility I don't see HFS+ under partition/format. also for the smaller partition what would be the best format for what I described above?

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OS X :: Macbook Hard Drive Not Recognized After Crash During Partitioning

Jul 27, 2008

I have been searching the internet for 3 days and finally gave up, besides buying another hard drive. Ill try to keep this short. i got Macbook C2D / OSX 10.4 / 80GB HDD What happened: I wanted to free up space on my macbook, so I removed my bootcamp partition buy using the bootcamp installer to merge the osx and winxp partition back together. The installer froze for 30min and i decided to manually restart (holding power button). What a mistake i made, on reboot i only get the folder with the "?" icon. Symptoms: OSX installer does not see a drive. None of the bootable linux recovery disk Ive tried can see the drive. WinXP, Win98 recover disks do not see the drive. Terminal "diskutil list" shows=

0: untiled *467.0 kb disk1
0: untiled *219.0 kb disk2
0: untitled *95.0 kb disk3..........

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OS X :: Problem With Partitioning Drive To Install Two Operating Systems?

Mar 15, 2009

I've already partitioned my hard drive into two sections, one that I would like to run tiger on and the other leopard...I'm using a .dmg file to install leopard so I used a method utilizing disk utility that has me mount the image then restore it to the partition I want to install it on, but every time I try to restore it I get a message... "An error (16) occured while copying. (Resource Busy)" A few other times I tried it gave me different error messages but I can't remember what they are...and now my other partition I tried to restore it to appears as "Mac OS X Install DVD", the file name of the.

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Applications :: Bootcamp Partitioning Hard Drive - Reinstall OS X?

May 28, 2009

I have been having awesome experience using OS X and Xp at the same time! But lately when I try to run the games on VMware... its starting to lack in graphics and memory. So, I was thinking of installing bootcamp. My first question is will I have stuff that I have installed in VMware Xp in Xp installed on Bootcamp? Secondly, if bootcamp is partitioning the HD then is that mean when I want to reinstall the OS X and wipe the HD will I only have the part that had OS X? Sorry I am pretty new to Mac and I never was brave enough to install xp on Bootcamp xD.

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OS X :: Installing Tiger Without Formatting Or Partitioning Hard Drive?

Jan 26, 2010

I have an intel iMac (non-aluminum) without an operating system. But there are lots of important files on the iMac's hard drive. Can I install OS X Tiger on it without erasing any files, and still have them be accessible on the computer? If so, how?

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IMac :: Hard Drive Noise Caused By Partitioning?

Aug 14, 2010

My drives for all 3 imacs i have gone through so far were dead silent until I Partitioned them, then they made the classic stomach growl noises. I was just wondering if others with the noise problem had a partition or not, ause it seems making a partition should not effect the noise. Say I am crazy cause to me it sounds crazy but I swear the first two imacs were fine till I partitioned them. I am now afraid to partition this new one I have cause its quiet and I do not want to go back to the store again! Anyway others who have had this issue did you have a partition?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Formatting And Partitioning An External Disk Drive?

Apr 1, 2012

how to properly format and partition an ext drive using Disk Utility. I will be making a clone using CCC.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Getting Pinwheel With Default 5400 Rpm Hard Drive After Partitioning

Nov 9, 2010

I bought a 27" iMac i7 with 8gb of ram. fully loaded and after partitioning my drive started getting pinwheel problems with the default 5400 rpm harddrive. I did a fresh install and didnt have the problems anymore. Again I put bootcamp on and there are still pinwheel issues. I went to apple and they replaced the harddrive a saying that partitions take a pie like slice out of your drive and it shouldnt effect speed. They replaced with with a 7200 rpm harddrive. All was well until I partitioned the drive again. The weirdest part is that windows runs at 10000 mph where 10.6 pinwheels no matter what I do. I am fairly tech savvy and feel like this is maybe a defragmenting issue. I believe osx defragments files under 20mb. could this be it? It is driving me bonkers. I use both windows and osx and need to boot completely into the OSs as I am using primarily post programs like after effects.

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Hardware :: Will Disk Utility Partitioning Erase Hard Drive?

Dec 19, 2010

I have a hard drive with about 250 gb of film and music on fbut it's formatted as HFS+ which windows cant read! I need to partition the drive to make windows be able to read at least a portion of it. But If I run disk utility and create a partition will it erase the info I already have on there? I don't have this data else where so I hope it wont!

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OS X :: Canceled Partitioning Process - Hard Drive Space Missing

Apr 19, 2010

I was using Boot Camp Assistant to partition my MacBook to install XP. While partitioning my MacBook completely froze and wouldn't unfreeze, I waited about 30 minutes to see if it fix itself, so I held down the power to force a restart, upon rebooting I opened Boot Camp Assistant to try again and I noticed I lost 50 gigabytes of space. Is there a way to fix this and regain my lost hard drive space?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Partitioning Failed (just Cloned Drive And Defragged)?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm trying to install XP on my Macbook pro with bootcamp. I just replaced my 160gb hard drive by cloning it to a new 640gb hard drive (I zeroed all data and formatted to mac os extended (journaled) beforehand).I wanted to make a 50gb partition for windows and I currently have 515gb free. I don't see how there's any fragmentation that could be stopping it since the cloning process should of defragged... Just to be safe though, I used idefrag and partitioning still fails.

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Software :: Partitioning An External Hard Drive Already Being Used By Time Machine?

Nov 22, 2010

I've got a 500 GB HD in my Intel iMac. I've got a a 500 GB external HD that Time Machine keeps maxed out. I want to partition the external HD to make room for my iTunes music file. I know that partitioning will erase everything. Questions: 1.

When I start up Time Machine after partitioning, will it do a full back up? 2. How do I move my iTunes music file to the external HD? 3. After I move it, will it still behave the same? Any other tips about what I'm wanting to accomplish will be appreciated.

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MacBook Pro :: Recovering Data From NTFS / Program To Read NTFS Formatted HDD?

Oct 12, 2009

I need to recover some deleted pictures from my friends PC. Is there any program that will be able to read the NTFS formatted HDD?

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OS X :: Mac Snow Leopard Freezing / Slowdown (Mac Fuse / NTFS 3G & NTFS)

Jun 11, 2010

This is a thread for anyone who is experiencing a large slowdown and/or intermittent 10-60 second freezes on Mac OSX Snow Leopard, where the freezes are completely unrelated to anything you're doing, any app you're using, or whether the system is under heavy or little use. I found the issue stems from the use of Mac Fuse (with NTFS-3G installed) and/or Paragon NTFS for Mac OSX, the combination of these 2 apps essentially doing the same job (NTFS write support), conflicts and causes the hard drive to be under constant (although very little) use, which can randomly cause 30-60 second freezes. If anyone is experiencing these same freezes, uninstall either one app or the other, or both, and that might help remedy the situation. EDIT: updated because I didn't specifically mention which macFUSE plugin I had installed....

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Disc Drive Making Crunching Sound After Partitioning?

Mar 2, 2009

So I just partitioned my drive to install Windows and noticed that my hard drive is now making that "crunching" sound that some hard drives make. It started during my Windows installation, and it happens regularly in Windows.

I also briefly hear it while OSX is starting up, but it doesn't seem to happen much in OSX. I've launched a bunch of applications and it is still pretty much silent.

Any ideas what could cause this? Could it be NTFS? I have several hard drives in my PC that don't make that sound. I am using a 17" MacBook Pro unibody with the regular 320gb 5400rpm drive that it comes with.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: No Support For AFP Features Error After Partitioning Network Backup Drive

May 26, 2012

I recently added a G-Speed Q RAID array to my MAC PRO to use exclusively for back-up with Time Machine.It worked great.I then decided to also share the external device over hardwire lan with my wife's iMAC so whe could back-up with Time MAchine as well.I then started reading posts that suggested the two Time Machine instances would compete for space on the back-up array and eventually it would fill up a I'd have problems. The solution, everyone said, was to partition the external drive and assign one to each Time Machine back-up.I did this and everything seemed to be working great until the remote client tried to run back-up. 

It fails with the "Disk does not support AFP features" error message.Current status, local machine back-up works fine.  Remote machine cand find the drive and connect once I provide correct user name and password, but fails once back-up begins.Both machines are running Lion 10.7.4.

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: NTFS And NTFS 3G Volume - Doesn't Wake Up After Goes To Sleep

Aug 8, 2009

I have 2 external HDDs that I am sharing with other PCs/Macs over the network. Interestingly, when I look up the info for each volume, only one shows as NTFS-3G whereas the other one shows as just NTFS. And this NTFS volume is causing so much trouble. It doesn't wake up after it goes to sleep, and when I power-cycle it, the data I have put in previously is gone! It doesn't seem to save the data properly. Perhaps because it's just NTFS, not NTFS-3G, I cannot run "Disk Repair" from the Disk Utility app. The button is disabled whereas for other volumes, the button is enabled.

At one time, I had to connect it to a PC to run the disk repair and was able to recover some of the lost data. What the heck is going on? Howcome it is showing as NTFS opposed to NTFS-3G? Both HDDs were formatted from PCs as NTFS. Only difference is that the NTFS is 750GB one, and NTFS-3G one is just 300GB. Does NTFS-3G has size limit?

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