OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unwanted Apps Being Loaded Onto Dock?
Feb 9, 2012
I have just updated to OS X10.7.3 and now each time I start up the following apps have been added to the Dock:Â
Mission Control
App Store
Face TimeÂ
I don't want them in the Dock and have to delete them every time I start or restart my iMac. I have checked in Prefs and they are not listed under startup so I am at a loss as how to stop them auto loading onto the Dock.Â
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Jun 25, 2012
Whenever I turn my MacBook pro on, all the other stuff is loaded (MS word/excel/powerpoint), Spotify, iCal, etc., are automatically loaded, so in order for me to go to my desired website, I have to close (x) out all applications loaded.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 21, 2012
My iwork apps won't stay loaded on my machine purchased them from IStore and tried to load them @ least 6 times each says they down loaded then try to use the app and it's says 30 day free trial or purchase app.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 25, 2012
I bought a app thinking it was photoshop the for my Macbook Pro, but turns out it was a app that teaches you how to use Photoshop. I have no use for the app and wondering if i could get a refund for this app?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 3, 2014
I have a download folder on my dock and also on my desktop. When I click it open there is nothing there. However, when I go over to the left hand sidebar of Finder and I click on the Downloads (down arrow) label it brings up all my downloads. I used to have a spring loaded icon on my dock ... now its just empty unless I press the Downloads (down arrow) label in Finder. How can I restore the original download folder that was spring loaded on my dock?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Apr 3, 2012
I've downloaded 100 Apps since getting my iPhone. Of which, only 70 I've enabled to be sync'd to my iPhone. If updates are available for the other 30, iTunes downloads them even though I am not sync'ing them to my iPhone. Is there a way to permanently delete these unwanted Apps from my iTunes so that I am not spending time getting updates to Apps I am no longer intersted in?
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Apr 4, 2012
Is there a way to have certain apps only showing up on the dock in defined spaces? i.e. Calendar is only showing on the dock when you switch to space 2. So it does NOT show in the dock of space 1.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 3, 2012
I just received my iMac from FedEx today and got it all set up, but whenever I try to rearrange the icons on my dock, about 5-10 seconds later they just rearrange themselves randomly or sometimes go back to their previous location before I moved them myself.Â
I never had these problems with Snow Leopard on my last mac I found a suggestion to go to ~Library/Preferences and delete 'com.apple.preferences.plist' but I couldn't find it in that folder or anywhere on my local HD for that matter.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 19, 2012
Do I need to keep Apple Apps in the dock if I use the Launchpad?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 5, 2012
This just recently started to happen. Safari and Mail disappear everytime I quit the applications and I have to relaunch from launchpad. I have the checked the option "keep in the Dock".Â
I am running Mac OS X version 10.7.4 on an iMac7,1 and have been for a while. Â
I can't seem to find any current information in the Apple Discussion Forums. Probable something really simple for a really annoying occurance.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 31, 2009
Today the OS X dock on my late '08 MacBook Pro 15" stop working like normal. It used to be, when an App was open, the icon would appear in the dock with a sort of highlight.
Now, the apps run fine but no longer appear in the dock. If I minimize it, it does show as a running app in the left hand side, but that isn't what I want it to do. Is there a quick way to get it to work again?
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Feb 21, 2009
I have no idea what happened. it was working fine last week, and then the other day I tried to open up iMovie and i get "The operation could not be completed / An unexpected error occurred (error code -10810)" This happens every time i try to open anything in my applications folder. the programs on my dock open up fine.
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Dec 18, 2009
I have a new 21.5" iMac and have been playing around with everything. When I started two weeks ago I had an Apps folder with the Apps logo on the dock to the right of the dotted separation. All the applications are there lined up with the first application showing but for my consternation I cannot put the Applications in there folder like it was when I started out two weeks ago. This is the Snow Leopard OS.
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Jun 17, 2012
See earlier thread, but since I loaded Lion everytime i restart my computer in the morning it has the same problem, it can not find the internet until I through the plist in the trash and restart. What a PAIN! can anyone help!!! I need to work and not work on my computer everyday.
lion on all my computers?, Mac OS X (10.7.4),
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Jun 23, 2012
is there no way to remove 'core' applications like Safari, AppsStore, PhotoBooth etc. NONE of which I want or need ... I have favoured applications which I which to continue to use and these others are just clutter which take up space in the applications folder .....Â
trying to delete them just throws up a "this is needed by the System" message ..... You can't even move them or hide them .... I find it difficult to believe that either AppsStore or Safari is needed by any system (apart from the Apple accounting system).... Whatever happened to the 'user friendly' Macs I've known for so many years. Do I really have to put up with Apple deciding what applications I want or need?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 25, 2009
Is there a way to prevent a certain app from appearing in the dock when its active ?
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Sep 25, 2009
Instead of opening the hard drive then clicking on the applications on the sidebar I would like to have that accessible right from my dock.
Is it possible to do something like that?
I'm running Snow Leopard right now.
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Dec 12, 2009
I'm a long time windows and linux user, just starting with Tiger. My most common frustration so far is that in Windows and Linux, I can have multiple windows open and non-minimized, and can easily switch between them via the task bar. I don't see a similar functionality in os-x. It appears to me that the only items that show on the dock are ones that I've minimized. If an app is open, but 'behind' another in Tiger, it appears I have to use Expose' to find it. In the other two OSes, I can just single click on the item in the status bar. Is there a way to single click to an open app that does not have the focus? This is pretty big...I always have lots of things running, and the task bar is a ONE CLICK way to switch.
Expose' seems to be a minimum of a two click way, and a pretty clunky way.
I'd love someone to explain what I'm sure is a simple way to have the same simplicity in os-x.
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Mar 23, 2012
new 'unwanted' user at login window
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 12, 2012
Since upgrading to OS Lion, my email account password is stored without my permission. I cannot delete it and keep the setting. This means my mail automatically logs in when the application is opened! (Many hours on tech support and escalated up the chain.Â
Mac Mail , Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 2, 2012
When opening a finder window there are now several unwanted icons on the toolbar, 2 are for games and one for a certain website. Don't know how they got there and customizing the toolbar does nothing to remove them or show how they got there either.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 15, 2009
Is there anyway I can remove an application icon from the dock, even when the app is open? This particular app has an icon on the menu bar and I don't need it to be on both.
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Jul 24, 2009
I can't get any of the apps off the dock. I've tried clicking and dragging them outside the dock and a little cloud of smoke appears near the mouse cursor. But then, When I release the app, it just pops back to the dock. I have tried dragging it to the trash too.
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Aug 7, 2009
When I launch an app or open a window they appear next to the Dock wasting precious screen space. I can of course move them manually under the Dock to get the space back but I'm searching a way to tell the dock to always be on top of everything instead of moving it away.
I already searched Google and used numerous Apps like "Docker" and "Secrets"- without sucess.
Especially on my mothers small 17incher with 1024x768px resolution and only a couple of things in the Dock, the Dock is stealing like 20 Percent of real estate.
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a problem with my MacBook with applications 'bouncing' in the dock and not opening. I took the macbook into the genius store and they said it wasn't a permissions issue they thought it was some 3rd party programme I have loaded.
I have loaded Snow Leopard onto both my iMac and Macbook, the same apps work fine on the iMac but on my MacBook i am having to reinstall nearly all my apps to get them to work.The problem started a few weeks ago with leopard and I was hoping that with Snow Leopard it would sort it but as I used Time Machine to import all my data after upgrading I seem to have brought the problem into Snow Leopard.
The only thing I have done around the time this started happening that I can think of is that I downloaded one of those programmes that help free up space on the mac by deleting all unnecessary languages (I just need British English) . could taking languages off interfere with so many apps?
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Apr 17, 2012
I can't remove apps from the dock nor can i add apps to it .
Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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May 2, 2012
My friend's MBP was doing this recently, and asked me if I had a solution - to which I did not, and now my MBA is doing this:Â
On the left side of my dock, I have all the applications I frequently use, Finder, Browser, Mail, etc etc. And on the right side of my dock, ive put a few folders for my documents, applications, and downloaded items, for quick access to them.Â
My other applications, when openned from the Applications folder on the right side of the dock, would usually pop a little icon down on the left side of the dock, indicating that particular application was currently running, and where you could click on it - view files currently openned, that sort of thing. And now - That no longer happens? When the app is openned, it no longer puts an icon on the left side. Theres no presence that the app is currenly running. If i have several apps running at once maximized, I can no longer Tab between them back and forth, or click between them on the dock. And when I minimize the app It no longer receides into its icon on the left (because the icon doesnt appear there anymore), but now minimizes to the right hand side of the dock.Â
I don't know what has changed, or happenned, and I doubt it's something I did - because I rarely mess around with the settings on this thing. It operates perfectly otherwise. Â
MacBook Air
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Jun 24, 2012
My imac on Lion 10.7.4 has for several nights logged off by itself. Â Nothing is set in System Preferences to make it do this, and I have checked all settings to make sure of this: Â Security and Privacy/Advanced: "Log out after x minutes of inactivity" is unticked.Energy Saver: computer/display sleep are at 10 minutes, put the computer to sleep where possible is unticked.Â
When I return to it in the morning, the login screen is not "normal". On a few occasions, there has been a photo-screensaver image, and weirdly, only when I "paint away" pixels of this image with the mouse is the log-in window slowly revealed behind. On other occasions, the log-in window has been immediately visible, but the screen has been half-black/half login-window, but not uniformly so. Â
This is annoying because, although all my apps and documents are restored, this takes several minutes (my imac has also been running slower and slower recently), e.g. some apps take a couple of minutes to re-appear. Some processes that were running may need to be restarted from scratch.Â
Nothing has been altered in the System recently, apart from maybe standard updates as recommended by Software Update (did not take much notice). The last thing I was doing before this first occurred was running TestDisk on Terminal on this imac to try to analyse (only) an External Hard Drive (not previously associated with this imac). On two occasions, the TestDisk run (which I left to run overnight) did not finish because of the log-outs. However, TestDisk was not doing or checking anything related to this imac (apart from actually running on it, in Terminal).Â
imac 1.9 GHz PowerPC G5, macbook 13" white, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Oct 22, 2010
Just a strange problem here - when I launch an Application from my Dock (not from the Applications folder) my screen shows up the desktop and then the app. For example I am running Safari now but if I were to open Address Book from the dock, the desktop shows and then the Address Book opens.
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Jun 8, 2009
I'm a switcher from PC since March, and I thought I had become fairly proficient with OSX. There is a lot I don't know and never use, but I find my Mac experience to be very positive. Yesterday I discovered that I may have been using the Dock incorrectly. Here's what I did, what happened, and the obvious need for some clarification. I did not want the dock to become too busy with many app icons, so I created a folder for my favorite photo applications; Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, Bridge, and some Canon camera and printing programs. I liked the idea that I could just click on the one folder and it would fan open with all of the related apps. So, I simply dragged apps to the folder, and for months it seemed to work very well.
Yesterday I tried a Panorama feature in Photoshop Elements, and it was grayed out. So, I went to the Adobe PSE Forums and posted a message. A few very knowledgeable people answered, and we tried to troubleshoot the problem. We looked at permissions on the apps, and other stuff. At one point, I clicked on the app from within Finder, and it opened with the feature back where it belonged. I then went to the folder and by accessing there, it was gone. I'm not sure in which order this happened, but I did get a message that the app had been moved from its original location and needed to update itself. When I reported this to the export I was admonished that you can't add an app to a folder, you need to make an alias.
I trashed the folder and tried to redo it, but I recreated the same problem. So, I instead opened the applications from Finder and kept them pinned to the dock. They now work, but they clutter up the Dock. What surprised me was that in the Dock tutorials I saw on the Apple site and the other Dock related stuff I read elsewhere, it seemed as if simply dragging apps to the dock or folders on the dock was the correct procedure. If I did not do it right, what steps would I need to go through to create a folder on the Dock with related apps?
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