Safari :: Remove Website Data - Still Broken?

Apr 2, 2012

just eagerly downloaded the update which supposedly fixed the problem with the "remove website data" from the Safari privacy pane, the one that doesn't work, right, well, it's just the same as it ever was, cookies popping up all over the place, even after deletion. Again, I do not wish to trawl my computer looking for plists or prefs to delete, I just want the "remove all website data" button to work. Any others still experiencing this or is it just me? Has anyone found an answer to this yet? 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: How To Remove Website Address From Safari

Jan 1, 2011

I actually just purchased a mac this X'mas.. when I open Safari, there is this address I just can't get rid of [URL]

I have tried to change home page, remove cookies, and run anti virus. NO luck.

And it gets worse.

If I go to facebook, Safari just shut down so fast.

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MacBook Pro :: Lost Data From Broken Hard Drive / How To Retrieve Data

Dec 10, 2014

I have lost all my data from my harts drive. The laptop is under warranty. I have been told that they have replaced my hard drive but could not get any data off the old one. I have now lost all my data, photos, files, music etc. NO backups, only simply because i did not know how to do them. Is there any way of getting the files back? All my work spreadsheets and accounts were also lost.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)

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OS X :: Want To Save Some Data From My Broken IMac?

Nov 23, 2009

I'm planning to get a MacBook Pro and i want to know how could i get some data out of my broken iMac which had a graphics card failure which just made the whole reparation process really expansive so i decided to better get a new mac.

Is there a way to read the data from a PC?Would i have to get a hard drive enclosure?Or some sort of Fire Wire/USB -> SATA Cable?

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Software :: OS X Leopard Sidebar - Any Way To Remove Broken Links

Jul 9, 2008

In sidebar, it displays devices, places, & search for. There are a few internet shortcuts under places. The links are broken and I am not able to remove the links from places.

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MacBook :: How To Remove Malware TLVmedia Pop Up Website

Sep 8, 2014

Every time I open new page and click on something on the page the below link pop up on a new page. 

Is this virus in my MAC...

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), iOS 7.1.2

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OS X :: Broken External Hard Drive/how To Recover Data?

Mar 5, 2009

Our old Toshiba External Hard drive has failed ( approximately 3 years old ). It powers on and the blue light comes on, but the fans don't spin and you can't see it in the finder or on my computer ( we tried on both PC and Mac ).

Any ideas as to how I can retrieve the data... without going to a specialist and pay ���, or would that be the only option

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MacBook Pro :: Retrieve Data From Broken Hard Drive?

Sep 3, 2014

My macbook suddenly crashed and I had to do a forced shutdown. When I tried to turn it back in, a folder with a question mark kept flashing and by computer did not start. I looked up what might have been the cause of this, and I found out it was my hard drive or the cable that connects the drive to the mac. But I brought it to my school since they have tech support and they said that my hard drive is pretty much dead, but it can still be possible to retrieve the data from. I need to hand in my Extended essay in about one week and I already had done quite a lot for my essay. how to get all my data back, or past it to a new hard drive.

MacBook Pro, Hard drive might be broken

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MacBook Pro :: Clear Website Password Data?

Dec 26, 2010

I cant sem to clear my password and username data from firefox 3.6.13!

For example on this website, gmail etc it already has my username and password already filled in. i tried to delete all content, browsing history, cookies etc through the Preferences>Privacy menu but with no success - the content is still there.

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Intel Mac :: Permanently Remove Cookies - Remove Them And Then They Reappear The Next Time When Open Safari?

Mar 31, 2012

I just removed over 1000 cookies. They were bogging the system down to the point of having some pages freeze. I then closed Safari. I launched Safari again a few minutes later and all the cookies were back, even though the only site I went to was the Apple open page.

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OS X :: Remove Partition And Keep Data?

Feb 21, 2009

I tried searching the boards already but I didn't get a clear answer I was looking for.

So I have an external harddrive with data already on (it takes up only 40% of the harddrive). Now, I want to partition the harddrive and use the new partition for a Time Machine backup of my Mac.

Now, here's the question; would I be able to delete the Time Machine partition in the future and still leave the external harddrive's data (the original 40% of data I had in the first partition?

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Mac Pro :: Safari Sound Is Broken?

Jun 3, 2014

Safari sound broken?

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 6 GB RAM

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PowerPC :: How Do I Remove Data From My IBook HD

Nov 15, 2008

An older iBook of mine had several problems and ended up being toasted. I have the hard drive from it, and now have a new Mac. Is there anyway I can the data off of that HD? ISn't there something you plug it into to turn it into an external HD?

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Applications :: Imail Data Remove?

Jan 10, 2010

just simply can anyone tell me how to remove this data from imail when viewing my emails

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IMac PPC :: Remove Data From It Before Re-selling It?

Jun 18, 2012

I want to resell my iMac, so how do I remove the personal information off, as well as things I've installed


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OS X Mavericks :: Safari Broken In One Account

Jun 19, 2014

After installing the Safari update 7.0.4, Safari stopped working in my regular user account. It still works in my Admin account and in another regular user account. I reinstalled OSX Mavericks but that seems to have had no impact. 

Instead of opening, the icon in the dock bounces for a long time, then it just stops. The menu bar never changes. 

Another app -- Citrix Receiver -- also stopped working in this account, it opens but it cannot connect to the network; this app too does work in the other regular user account.

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MacBook :: How To Remove Private Data And Passwords

Jul 2, 2014

I am selling my 2011 Mac Book and want to remove all identifying data and passwords

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Applications :: Flash Broken In Safari After 10.6.5 Update

Nov 16, 2010

A mate has a late 2006 polycarbonate white plastic case Core2Duo 24" iMac. Did the 10.6.5 Combo update, now Flash doesn't work in Safari but it does work in Chrome and Firefox. He's uninstalled and reinstalled Flash, then Safari, been through the Adobe troubleshooting, repaired permissions etc. Still Flash videos won't work in Safari.

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OS X :: Safari + Snow Leopard - Broken Tabs?

Oct 17, 2009

I use Firefox as my main browser, but I'll occasionally use Safari. I'm running Snow Leopard and this tab UI bug just started happening in Sarafi. Here is a screenshot: I've deleted Safari using AppCleaner and reinstalled from the Snow Leopard install disk, but it did not fix the problem. Its not a huge deal since I rarely use Safari, just wondering if anyone else has experience this? It happens if I click a link on a page and "open in new tab"

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OS X :: Safari Not Caching My Website

Mar 8, 2009

I don't know what it is [URL]. For some reason, Safari won't cache any of the images. It works fine in Firefox. Most other sites seem to cache fine. What the heck is going on?

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OS X :: Safari 4.0.4 (531.21.10) Will Not Open Website?

Dec 30, 2009

I have a Windows Desktop PC, Windows Laptop and an iMac plus Macbook Pro, on the desktop pc Safari will not open [URL], yet on my Windows Laptop it will! Both are the same version of Safari, I have uninstalled and re installed Safari with no joy.

Does anyone know how to do a clean uninstall of Safari on Windows, because I think that may solve it.

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Back Up Data From Memory Storage

Aug 28, 2014

how do you remove back up data from the memory storage? my storage data states that i have over 80gb of data used for back ups and i dont know why as i use a external hard drive as a time machine .now my 250gb flash storage is nearly full..

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Software :: Safari Customize Toolbar Command Broken

Oct 28, 2009

The other day I noticed that the Forward & back arrows in my Safari 4 toolbar were missing, so I went to View: Customize Toolbar, and it kinda blinked but the toolbar dialogue box didn't appear. So I thought, "well. I'll just pull off the address field and then try again, maybe it will jolt it into working (you never know). But alas, then I had neither forward and back nor address field. So I dumped the, and re-loaded Safari 4. Still the same.
So logged out and signed in as guest, and it's all working fine in that user.

Logged back to mine and it's still broken. I've researched all I can, but nada. I turned off Mac Pilot and Tinkertool and everything else I could fine that i thought might interfere. I ran Repair permissions 3 time. I ran DiskWarrior, and it showed no funkiness with Safari. I only have the back & forward, add bookmark, url field, google field in the toolbar. Nothing I do seems to make it work. I don't want to do a clean install.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Remove Bank Card Data From Apple Store?

Mar 27, 2012

How do i remove my credit card data from Apple Store? It is very important that I do NOT use it, due to bank security mesures. 

MacBook Air

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OS X :: Safari Won't Access Website But Firefox Will?

Nov 10, 2009

Using Safari 4.0.3 (6531.9)

iMac 20" 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo Mac OS X (10.6.1)

A site that I visit regularly has recently started giving me an error whenever I try to access it. I can get there just fine using the latest Firefox. I've tried emptying the cache and resetting Safari to no avail.

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OS X :: Safari Freeze When Visiting Website

Apr 28, 2009

Today, i've been searching about the history of computer viruses and i found a website that made Safari 3.2.1 freeze with an infinite beach ball so i had to force quit it. My Safari has AdBlock enabled and for security reasons i deleted all my cookies.

Here's the website image: [URL]

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OS X :: Malware Message From Safari On My Website?

Jul 13, 2009

This is my first post, thanks in advance for any help. Hope I can explain correctly. I don't think my site [URL]actually ever had malware. I (not knowing better) placed a small *.exe file on my site via ftp just to transfer it from home to work. Anyway I think it caused me to get listed with google as having malware etc. (even though it was no type of dangerous file). I registered with googles webmaster tools, deleted it off my site and requested they re-scan it. Well that seams to have worked and all is fine except with Safari. I am still getting the malware notice with Safari only. I have cleared history, emptied the cache, deleted cookies and reset safari. Still getting the message. Sometimes I can open the site fine then click home and it pops up again. I really think my site is completely fine but I cant figure out why its still doing this with Safari. Needless to say this is terrible for business.

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Software :: Safari Can't Access A Website

Jul 4, 2010

For 2 days, I've been unable to access [URL]

I have 2 Macbook Pro's and an iPhone. It won't work on any of them. Also tried Firefox, it won't work on that either.

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Safari :: It Cannot Access This Website But Firefox Can

Feb 8, 2012

I can access the website if I disable Javascript on Safari However, I can access by using firefox!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Safari :: Getting Any Web Content About 5.1.4 On Apple Website?

Mar 13, 2012

Is there any web content about safari 5.1.4 on Apple website?

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