QuickTime :: Forgot-lost Registration Name, Have Only The Key?
May 14, 2012
I bought my Quicktime 4 years ago, so no app store. Haven't used it for quite sime time, but got a text file saved with the key, but can't find email with purchase confirmation. I tried all posible name combinations (my Apple ID, name and surname and vice versa, my login). Nothing fits, I get invalid registration. Is there any kind of support that can help me? Cause I want it badly now...
I purchased QuickTime 7 Pro for my Windows XP computer (product number is D3381Z/A, I still have the order number, etc.).My XP computer died and I have upgraded to Windows 7 and QuickTime 7 Pro is not accepting my registration code. How can I activate the Pro features?
I bought a registration for QuickTime Pro 7 and installed it on my iMac. Can I also use the same code to install it on my MacBook Air for portability?
I installed Lion on my iMac and on the next day registered for iCloud. Immediately all data in iCal disappeared. Calendar was empty in iCloud also. Have tried to recover data through Time Machine, but unsuccessful.
I bought QuickTime Pro and it was delivered to me electronically. I don't remember my key, and I bought a new hard drive and did some other stuff to upgrade my PC, ultimately causing me to lose the setup and program installation files. How can I retrieve my key? I followed the article that said to go to your account and look at your order history, and I can see that my product was purchased but I do not see a key anywhere.Â
I've lost my QuickTime Pro registration key(s). What should I do? You can retrieve purchased registration keys this way: Visit the Apple Online Store.Cick "Account" in the upper-right corner.Click "Downloadable Software Purchases".Enter your Apple ID and password.
You should see your QuickTime Pro registration key(s).The enlarge and bolded portion isn't even in Account selection. If I type it in search, all that pop up are items I can purchase. Viewing Purchase History has nothing, having Apple call center call me was useless.  Please advise on how else I can retrieve my key. Since regular Apple Support is useless.
In the past if I had a QT video on my desktop and wanted to put it into iTunes, I had to use iSquint to convert it and then move it over to iTunes. Problem with that is, quality is lost in the conversion. Does anyone know if QTX can replace iSquint and convert all those QT files for me for iTunes and iPhone usage? And if so, does it retain the quality of the file, unlike iSquint?
I was wondering if there is a way besides Reinstall to change the Registration Information data you put when you first set up your mac.. I do not like sharing my information, so I was wondering if there was a way to change it
I just ran the setup assistant on a new iMac, but wasn't able to access my wireless networkto send the registtration information. It said that it could be send at a later date, but now I cant locate the file to send.
I purchased a 13" MBP a couple of days ago and got the Applecare protection plan with it. I was in the process of registering it, but I realized that there was no AppleCare Registration Number that came with the box. I read some where that if I bought my MBP with the applecare that it would be automatically registered, but when I tried to check my registration status it said that I didn't have anything registered. My question is, are there any other ways to check if my MBP got registered?
I bought AppleCare for my macbook from ebay (in an original and sealed box). I entered my code on Thursday and my status is still "in progress". Isn't this crap automated by Apple? What is the processing computer waiting for?
Since I upgraded to 9.1 this week, every time I try to sync my iPod iTunes pops up an error message telling me that it can't sync content from Audible b/c the computer isn't authorized for that account. If I click to play an audiobook, a login box appears, I type in my password, and everything is fine. I never had to do this before.
I just bought a new iMac and I am trying to set it up. I first tried to migrate my information from my macbook to my imac and it was taking too long. Estimated time was 46-hours. So, I quit that and continued on with the set up. I am at the registration information screen and I have filled all my information out but it won't let me continue. The continue button is stilled greyed out. How do I continue???
I am planning to lend my nearly 5 y/o MacBook to a family member who does not live nearby. This is a long-term loan. I will be doing a clean re-install of Lion before sending it to her. However, I have the computer registered to me and want to make sure she has no hassles if she needs Genius Bar help while she is using it. How do I transfer the registration to her name?
This seems to be an ongoing issue Apple. FaceTime was working fine until yesterday when it decided at all incoming and outgoing calls would fail and now it is stuck on server encountered an error processing registration try again later.
I bought a 2011 mac mini second hand and would like to update product registration and link lion to my apple id - is this possible? When I first switched on the mac mini I was presented with standard setup screen to choose language, then progressed through setup, including entering my apple id. I thought this would have linked my apple id to lion which is pre-installed, but when I signed into mac app store neither lion or iLife suite show up under purchases.My main concern is that I was planning to upgrade hard drive and I won't be able to install lion to it.
Howdy all. I just inherited my first Mac, a 500 MHz dual boot ibook. I have put a legal (from a friend who no longer has it installed) copy of OSX 10.4 on it, but when I try to send the registration it says Apple is busy/or I couldn't connect to the internet. I am connected via a LAN and can browse and the like. I try to register by connecting via a modem and it connects, talks with Apple, thinks, and then says Apples is busy/or I couldn't connect to the internet. Am I doing something wrong? The machine is working fine, but I think I can't get updates until I register?