MacBook :: Time Taken To Confirm AppleCare Registration?
May 31, 2009
I bought AppleCare for my macbook from ebay (in an original and sealed box). I entered my code on Thursday and my status is still "in progress". Isn't this crap automated by Apple? What is the processing computer waiting for?
I purchased a 13" MBP a couple of days ago and got the Applecare protection plan with it. I was in the process of registering it, but I realized that there was no AppleCare Registration Number that came with the box. I read some where that if I bought my MBP with the applecare that it would be automatically registered, but when I tried to check my registration status it said that I didn't have anything registered. My question is, are there any other ways to check if my MBP got registered?
I only have one day to register applecare for my Macbook Pro as it was bought on March 1, 2011. I thought it would be straightforward after buying a brand new applecare off ebay. I was in Africa when I bought it so there were no Applestores and I had to buy it off ebay before I return to the UK.Apple now requires "proof of purchase"...I thought the registration number would be enough? I've just uploaded photos of the box and the serial number to apple, but apparently it will take 48 hours for them to respond. By then it'd be after March 1 and it'd be too late to register
When "Confirming Names" in the "XXXXX may also be in the photos below" section of Faces, is it possible to change or choose a name other than the Face you are within? Is there an option to do this - I cannot find it?
For example, I have a Face named "Christine" with numerous photos of Christine already confirmed. I also have numerous photos shown in the section "Christine may also be in the photos below".
I recently got a new MacBook Pro, and I successfully transferred all of my information onto my new computer from my old MacBook. I also bought a new external hard drive. I used Time Machine to back it all up. It says that it transferred everything, but all I can see are the Applications. I want to be sure that I have it backed up in two places before I erase my old hard drive and sell my old computer.
I'm trying to confirm that the MacBook 3,1 takes up to 6mb of ram. Which means to max out, I can use a 4gb module, and a 2bg module. Its a little confusing, because I found this info into on 2 memory sites, but the apple site does not seem to indicate this usage. I always thought it needed to be in equal pairs.
I think I am getting the well publicized core shutdown with my MBA but I can't be sure. I will be doing a task and things like expose will be as smooth as can be but then all of a sudden it slows to a complete halt, everything lags, expose is jerky, cmd+tab takes ages to switch application and keystrokes such as typing take seconds to appear. For a good 5+ mins the computer becomes totally useless. Is this what a core shutdown does to the computer? Is there an application I can use to monitor how many cores are running? I looked in the activity monitor but couldn't find information about how many cores are running. I have used smc control to monitor my cpu temp and I sometimes turn the exhaust up to max rpm before I watch a video or do something that has been causing the core shutdown (if thats what it is) in an attempt to try and keep the cpu cooler.
I have read about coolbook but I don't fancy paying for an application to stop a fault that shouldn't be happening. Are Apple fixing these faults? Is this a problem with ALL MacBook Airs? I ask this because there seem to be two groups of people. People that don't experience this (or say they don't, maybe don't want to admit a fault with there new shiny toy?) and people who have had 3-4 machines all with the same problem. I would love to know if this is indeed a core shutdown fault and if Apple replace it for me as it is becoming increasingly frustrating and not acceptable for a $1200 computer. Would also like to hear from people that have had the core shutdown fault fixed or replaced from Apple and if it has fixed the problem, or if it still exists.
I am planning to lend my nearly 5 y/o MacBook to a family member who does not live nearby. This is a long-term loan. I will be doing a clean re-install of Lion before sending it to her. However, I have the computer registered to me and want to make sure she has no hassles if she needs Genius Bar help while she is using it. How do I transfer the registration to her name?
Howdy all. I just inherited my first Mac, a 500 MHz dual boot ibook. I have put a legal (from a friend who no longer has it installed) copy of OSX 10.4 on it, but when I try to send the registration it says Apple is busy/or I couldn't connect to the internet. I am connected via a LAN and can browse and the like. I try to register by connecting via a modem and it connects, talks with Apple, thinks, and then says Apples is busy/or I couldn't connect to the internet. Am I doing something wrong? The machine is working fine, but I think I can't get updates until I register?
Since a few weeks ago, I have not been able to purchase anymore apps because of a somewhat PATHETIC bug. Â
When the system wants to confirm my info it get stuck with a very stupid problem, it tells me to fix the STATE I live in by choosing a 2 word option from the list or using numbers, well, It is absolutely correct from the start, and the system keeps telling me to fix the info of the state I live in, what the heck is going on? It's 100% correct! What can i do? BTW, I have a brazilian account, the bug refers to the brazilian address..Â
Literally just got shiny new miniMac Server with the dual 70GB internakky hard drives/disks with OS X 10.7.$ LION pre-installed. What a nice machine in a super cool box Seemed to bootup and run fine!Now my issue (there will be more for this MAC newbie):How to setup AND more importantly (item B below) CONFIRM that a RAID MIRROR is working? Want nothing fancier than 2-nd drive is exact duplicate of 1-st drive at all times. That is, an 'active and full up-to -the second" backup of the main 1-st drive.I have done nothing to 1-st drive as it came from APPLE.When I try to setup RAID set using DISK Utility, I get message about system(1-st drive) can't be used in a RAID or such.
yet I can add 2-nd drive to what I tink is a RAID set and then 'Enable' it.It seems to add another entry to thr left-side of drves list panel but not sure that 1-st and 2-nd drives are BOTH in the new "RAID SET' or that the set just consists of the "single" 2-nd disk? B. I don't think that 1-st drive data is actually being duplicated to 2-nd drive.For instance, how do I know that it was 'caught up' to match 1-st drive AND then is [code]
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Pre-instaDual Internal drives/disks
apple replaced my SR mbp with a new unibody model after a series of breaks (which was awesome). Anyway, they told us to buy applecare, and since we were getting a brand new laptop we kind of had to say yes, so we bought it. Then when I got home and actually tried to apply it, it said it already had applecare. So I looked up the serial and it's covered until sep 2012, 3 years. So did I just get free applecare or did it just automatically apply because they were on the same receipt?
i add links cmd+N than i past links cmd+V and than i want to confirm/add this link to my download queue with shortcut so i dont need to take my hands away from keyboard, grab a mouse and than click it. the add button seems to be highlighted but when i press enter/return it does not add links. the only way i have found so far is to click it with mouse.
I'm buying iMac, I should get it about 4/10/10, I got it with apple care. My question is :- in three years time, can I buy it again and still be covered?
I have an old AppleCare Protection Plan for a Macbook Pro/Powerbook (MA515LL/A) that I did not use within one year of purchasing my old computer. Because of this (and my inability to find my proof of purchase), it was never registered. If I got a new Macbook Pro, would I be able to use this old AppleCare Protection Plan on it?
I want to purchase Applecare through Amazon because it is so much cheaper than the Apple Store. However, Amazon doesn't have any listings for Applecare specifically for the Air.
there the webpage that sais this : 1. Tell us about your AppleCare agreement. Select your location
Select Your Agreement
2. Review the Terms and Conditions.
3. Provide your address information.well after i select the Country, the next tab shows (which is the SELECT YOUR AGREEMENT) well that tab doesnt have anything, it just shows this >
i own a mid 2010 i5 MacbookPro was purchased with applecare. When i checked warranty status a month ago it said apple extended coverage until august 6th 2013. Logged in today and it doesn't show applecare anymore :S anyone care to explain? now showing august 3rd 2010 coverage. I didn't even buy/register machine till 6th:S
this will be my first mac - and i need some advice on applecare
my friend has kindly bought a MBA from hong kong on my behalf and i'll get it later this week (can't wait!). what i need to decide is if i should purchase some sort of 'insurance cover' for this MBA.
applecare is the obvious choice. however, �199 for the 2 additional years seem quite pricey. although i have links with my university, i believe i won't be able to get the educational price (�47) given the MBA was purchased from the HK online store.
do you think the �199 applecare will be important or are there 3rd party insurance covers out there i can consider?
I have had multiple Apple laptops in the past and never gotten (nor seen the need for) AppleCare. Both Pismo, CS1400 and MBP first gen. My experience is that any weak point will show up during the first year and I have sent in at least one to Apple and they have fixed it under original warranty during first year, no problem. Since battery seems to be the weak link I was planning on getting AppleCare for my new MBA. However if that is not the covered by AppleCare then I am looking for some pointers/reason why I should even consider AppleCare for my MBA.