PowerPC :: G4 Died - How To Access HD As External On New IMac
May 13, 2010
My G4 finally died, no big deal, I have a pretty recent back up. It simply does nothing when I try to start it, browsing the forums indicates it may be a switch issue, I tried resetting the PRAM. Anyway, I was hankering for a new one anyway. Is there a guide out there to pull the HD to access as an external on the new Imac I plan on purchasing tomorrow? I probably need an external HD kit, but would it be worth it? There are probably some photos and music I added since my last backup.
Yesterday I was on facebook when my ibook g4 went black and turned off. There wasn't any beeping/flashing or anything but it won't turn on. When I press the little button on the battery 5 yellow lights light up so I guess the battery's fine but the laptop itself just died. If i can't get it fixed mum won't buy me a new one and i'll just have to deal with it.
The charger for my ibook just decided to die, It has not worked like it should lately because it's beginning to break around the area where it connects to the mac.
Anyways.. when it died i noticed a tiny bit of smoke coming from either the charger or the ibook. Will things be ok again if i just buy a new charger or is the thing inside the computer fried?
My wife's powerbook and my iBook died Friday. I believe the Powerbook's HD crashed. As for the iBook:
Its a 1.2 ghz PowerPC g4 with 768 Ram. For some reason, the computer runs all day when its stable and on my desk. Once I move it, the screen will go blank and its obvious the computer is on. But the screen is a black with everything locked up. When I power down, let it sit and start it up, it works again, only until you move it. You can imagine how frustrating this is. Its completely updated to the latest version of 10.4.
Onto the Powerbook:
I heard some clicking. It sounded like a hard drive problem. I turned it on, it went right to a black screen which looks very similar to a DOS command screen. It says "Computer's Name Powerbook" or something like that on a command line. It just stalls at this screen.
My concern is this..are both computers dead? I'm in summer session and NEED a computer. So I have to act fast. What can I do?
I have and old iBook 14" G4 that will not boot. I'm trying to transfer files and apps to a MBP. I've pulled the HD and have it connected to my MBP using an external HD adapter. I tried using Migration Assistant to move the data but the only choice I have is to move the profile and not the rest of the data. Does anyone have a suggestion for a workaround?
My Acomdata twin drive 2TB died today. It won't power up. I think the drives are okay, but not for sure because it won't power up. I have all my ripped movies on it! What can I do? I was thinking maybe I can buy another one (same model) and plug those two drives in the new one.
So the 4200rpm drive in my 867mhz powerbook finally decided to bite the big one, so now after frantically backing up whatever I could I'm in the market for a new drive. I want 80 gigs, 5400rpm and an 8mb cache, and have basically narrowed it down to either: Western Digital wd800ve or Seagate Momentus 5400.3 ST980815A Does anyone here have either of these drives running in their laptops?
I have an original 24" aluminum 2.4GHz and it has been acting very strangely lately, and would not boot yesterday. Luckily I had a clone and booted from that, and on bootup I got the message that the internal disk could not be repaired and to backup and format the disk as soon as possible. However, trying to partition the disk gave "could not unmount"; does "erase disk" do a format?. All of the data appears to be on the disk and accessible, but read only, so it makes me wonder if the hard disk is really bad or if this is some other error. I am going today to buy another external disk so that I can have a clone of my clone (now boot) disk just in case. If the internal disk is bad then it is probably easier just to use an external and forget about the internal; I looked at the teardowns on ifixit and it looks like a very time consuming (but not necessarily difficult) process to replace the disk.
I have the first gen aluminum iMac and I think my optical drive is pretty much dead. It makes this horrible scratching noise whenever I put a disc in and it'll try to read for half a minute before spitting it back out. Sometimes it even freezes the computer. Anyway, I'm just planning on getting an external USB DVD burner. Does anyone know if I can boot off the USB DVD drive?
I've been given (!) a G5 iMac which is practically brand new. It's only problem is that it suffers from the sudden shut off issue which seems to plague the G5 thanks to a faulty Power Supply and some caps on the mobo which get taken out by the PS. I've replace the power supply, but can't afford to get the mobo fixed, and since neither Apple nor any of the alternative operating system makers such as Linux will be supporting this system into the future, I figure that the hardware is essentially orphaned. I'd dearly like to use the screen though, as it's in great shape and is a beautiful display. So, my question is, can the internal screen be connected to an external source such as the video card of another computer? It would be great to use it for my music production machine. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. In the meantime I'm going to have a look around inside this beast and see what I can do.
I have a G5 Imac and a G4 ibook. i want to use time machine, and have one external hard drive connect to both. I could get an external with more than one input (ie, usb and firewire)--does that work? Could i use a usb hub to connect the 2 computers to the HD, and set up different partitions?
And what of NAS? i do not want to set up a whole network (we already have one at my office, and i want this to be independent).
So prior to my snow leopard update everything was working fine. Than I installed SL and ever since than I cant down load anything at all from the store.
The message I get says the following:
"there was a problem downloading (insert name of movie or whatver here). You do not have enough access privleges for this operation
I'm abroad at university and the school has a pretty wicked proxy that prevents Xbox Live from getting through. I asked an IT guy about it and he said, "Man, I wish we could use it. I just don't know if it's possible." I took that as permission to try. I decided to log on to the school network with my iBook (old school, I know) and share my connection with my Xbox. I followed one of the many, many guides available online and set everything up. When I test my Xbox Live Connection, it connects to the network, accepts my DNS settings and then says, "Xbox can't access the internet." My computer is accessing the internet just fine, but my Xbox can't?
My son has an iBookG4. Sophus has detected 7 viruses. I'd name them but we're unable to access further info because (presumably) the viruses have blocked his access to the web.
I have a weird problem with my iBook G4. I cannot get access to the Internet at all. I connect using a TimeCapsule. In total I do have 3 Macs, 2 of them connect just fine just my old iBook gives me headaches. It doesn't acquire a correct IP address either.
I do connect over Wifi. The Wifi symbol in the menu bar gets all bars on the iBook and the TimeCapsule does show 4 connected clients ( I do guess my iPhone is one of them).
So - two Macbook Pros and one iPhone connects just fine to the Internet using this TimeCapsule. It does show 4 connected clients and I do get all the bars in the menu bar on the iBook.
The iBook doesn't get a correct IP address (that is my guess as it totally different from the two Macbook Pros). The iBook runs 10.5.5.
My Powerbook G4 Titanium is running OSX Tiger and will not open the Date & Time preferences - instead it gives the error message 'System Preferences closed down unexpectedly' with an option to send info to Apple.
This is an issue because the date has reset to 1970 and when I start the mac the time is always 04:00. I tried leaving it connected to the wi-fi overnight to see if the time servers would do their thing, but no luck.
Someone told me that O2 allows this but I forgot the right term for it so could someone help me with my situation please? I need to be able to access internet on my PBG4 through my iPhone as I'm going on a holiday and there is no internet cafe.
an older retired couple, recently got cable modem access specifically so I could have it. They are the coolest, nicest people on earth. I'd like to get them on my wireless network as a
I have recently purchased a Toshiba 2 TG external hard drive to hold media files for my Western Digital TV Live Plus media player. I formatted the hard drive in OS Extended Journaled and my macbook pro has no trouble seeing the hard drive and transferring data to it from my mac's internal hard drive. My issue is that some transferred files will not show up right away on the Toshiba hard drive. I have to search them out by name and then most of the time they will appear, but other times, I have to wait quite awhile for them to show up. I was transferring via an eSATA cable and originally blamed it on this, but it is also happening when using a USB cable.
OSX has a rather annoying feature, on many commands it will spin up my external harddrive out of its sleep mode. I have to wait for the harddrive to get up to speed and during that wait i get the spinning beach ball. Its really annoying because it will do that on things totally unrelated to the external like bookmarking a webpage, going into a new tab in safari, switching between programs.
What i would like to to make it so that the external harddrive is only spun up when its actually being used! I dont want to have it going all the time because i value the quietness of my mac, at the moment its pretty much silent apart from when the external harddrive is going or the fans are going flatout. OSX 10.5.6, late 2008 macbook 2.0ghz. Western digital 1TB external hard drive on USB
Is it possible to access an external USB HDD's data, that is used for Apple Mac OS X 10.5.8's Time Machine backups, on non-Apple Mac machines (Windows and Linux)? Or can it be only be accessed with a Mac? I use multiple computers and OSes.
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.4 Ghz; A1260 model; 15" size.
I have an external HD, from an old 15" PB, connected via USB to my G5 (2.3). How can I access it thru the terminal? When I issue an ls command for items on the desktop, the HD doesn't appear, although it does appear as an icon on the desktop. I'd like to retrieve some files on there that are .Trash.
I have Lion Server 10.7 running on a quad core mac server. Everything is working internally and I can access all the services etc. I have purchased a ssl certificate for the server. With all the correct port forwards in place (using a pfsense router) I can not get any external access to work no matter what I do. I have other servers behind this router and they all work. It seems to be just a OSX thing.
Recently my dad inherited an iBook G4. The Airport works, but it seems to accept the signal broadcast from only one of the two wireless access points in the house. The two routers are being used to extend the coverage, i.e. iStumbler and Airport Radar show two entries, both with the same ID.
My Macbook is fine; I can move from one end of the house to the other and signal remains high. The iBook's signal gets weaker as it moves from the router on that side of the house. Is this a hardware issue (specifcally, the iBook's Airport), or is there a way to specify which access point to use?
I have an iBook G4 1.33 14". The computer all the sudden wont boot anymore and the file/smiley blinks. I tried the Apple Hardware Test CD and got the Invalid Memory Access Error:%SRRO: 00032ed8 %SRR1: 0003030
I tried to boot from the startup CD and once the CD kicked in the screen froze, and other times it says the computer needs to be restated.I removed the ram under the keyboard and still got the same error. I also Zapped the PRAM, Reset the PMU and still no luck.Any suggestions? I love this Mac and currently can't go out and buy a new one.