My Powerbook G4 Titanium is running OSX Tiger and will not open the Date & Time preferences - instead it gives the error message 'System Preferences closed down unexpectedly' with an option to send info to Apple.
This is an issue because the date has reset to 1970 and when I start the mac the time is always 04:00. I tried leaving it connected to the wi-fi overnight to see if the time servers would do their thing, but no luck.
I am on Tiger 10.4.11 on Mac Book Pro Intel duo. All updates except for Parallels installed. Have run permissions repairs and preferential treatment. Tried to delete preferences for system ... Every time I try to uncheck the box marked or open the Date and Time preferences, it freezes and have to force quit.
Any ideas ? when i switch my ibook on it says that the date is set to 2001 or earlier and so i need to change the settings. I can't physically access the settings
My school has ~15 iBook G3's(600 MHZ, 128 MB RAM, OS X 10.2.8) that are suddenly unable to hold the date or time. They are plugged in constantly, batteries in, and are always on. I know that with the Pismos, there are PRAM batteries that you can replace, but if I read Apple's support pages right, there aren't any in the iBooks. How does this happen? How easy is the fix?
I am working on a hardware hack with an iBook G4 800MHz where I can only power the iBook with the AC Adapter--NOT using the battery. When the compy is turned off and turned back on, I am getting this huge error message on the display that my time and date are wrong.
I gather there is no battery on the MB that sustains the internal clock--the compy uses the powerbook battery to keep the clock up to date?
Is there any way to set the system software to bypass or ignore the time and date? This computer is not connected to the internet, and time and date are irrelevant to my application.
So I shut down my computer earlier today for the first time in weeks. I restarted it and then left for a few hours for dinner.
I come home and I look at the last time MobileMe Sync and Time Machine did their things. They say they did them at 7:45. I look at the clock on my cable box and on my iPhone, both say 6:45.
Weird that the MacBook's time is wrong. I go into Time Date settings. I see that when the MacBook does the "Auto locate where you are so that we can set the appropriate time zone, etc. the MacBook things I'm in Rexford, Idaho.
I haven't been to Idaho in about 25 years, and my MacBook has been sitting in Southern Kalifornia for the last one year since I bought it.I've tried to have the MacBook auto-locate again, and it keeps finding me us in Rexford, idaho.
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a G4 iBook. Somehow my Time & Date files got corrupted which prevented me from getting on to the internet. When I discovered the problem, I threw them away, thinking a restart would create them again. I was wrong.
Now my computer doesn't know what time or year it is, causing various problems. I don't have back-up 10.5 disks to extract the time & date package.Can I download a replacement anywhere?
Or can someone email the files to me? I don't know what they're called but, if you search time and date, there are only two (and please tell me what folders they're in too)
Starting yesterday, I cannot load Time & Date (either from System Prefs or from the menu bar). I get the beachball and I have to Force Quit System Prefs.
I tried Repairing Permissions and rebooting but it didn't help.I tried deleting .plist entries (as per a related thread on the Internet) and rebooting and that didn't work either.I tried logging off and logging in with another account and the problem is still there.I hope I can get some help because it's driving me nuts. I travel a lot and need to change my time zone. If you need a crash report from me, please tell me how to get it from Console bc I don't know where to look for it!
My date and time resets each time my mac sleeps or is reset or if I open date and time options. It keeps sending emails of my old reminders from 2008/2009 from ical and my to-do list emails me its reminders. This happens every time I open my comp or even just open date and time options. I also get the ical reminder notification that pops up freezes on my screen.
Okay, so I am running OSX and Vista on Bootcamp. I have noticed that when I use Windows or just even restart OSX that my date and time changes. Today it changed to March 1, 2000. I am curious as to why this happens. My time zone is fine. I think it has something to do with the Vista configuration.
We got a refurbished Alu MB for an intern and the time is not displaying properly. If I check the "Set date & time automatically", the digital and analog clock is showing different times. See picture. Also, when I go in Time Zone, I set Eastern time, it will set it, but when I go back to preference, it sets back to GMT.
I only really wanted the ability to create a shortcut to 'Love' tracks on, so i hid the dock icon, taskbar icon and desktop icon. Now I want to access the preferences panel, but i cant reach it. How can i get to it?
The icon is gone, and when i click apple>system preferences, nothing happens. I need system preferences and this is very frustrating. Could I possibly have deleted it from my hard drive while clearing up un-used files?
I cannot bring up my system preferences under the blue apple icon or through a search. I installed and ran MacJanitor v 1.3 a month or so ago and perhaps that's the cause? I have been missing my Mail prefs for a long time so switched to Thunderbird but I don't know if the two incidents are related. iMac G5,1.6 GHz, 1.5 GB, OS 10.3.9
My MacBook Pro freezes when attempting to access System Preferences. I am able to Force Quit but that's it. Screen went black for about 30 seconds earlier tonight. Never had a problem before a previous update.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), 4 GB Version 10.7.3
I'm running OX 10.4.11 on a G5. I have airport on my computer and at one point was able to share files from my desktop to a laptop. However at some point something happened and I can no longer do this.
I can't get into my network preferences as the following message comes up - "your network preferences have been changed by another application" and I have to force quite to get out of the window.
I have since purchases airport express and my husband got it to work at home. Now I just tried to install it on my desktop and it won't work. There are probably numerous problems here.
I have two identities on my MacBook Air. In the main identity, System Preferences is frozen so I can't access it to make any changes. I want to migrate my files to the other identity and delete the original one, as everything works fine in the second identity.
I am new to the "mac world" ... just got my first macbook about a week ago so this question may have a very simple answer or it may not.
The issue I have is that in System Preferences, "Universal Access" has a bigger font size than any other window under S. Preferences. Nothing is affected, everything works well, but it just bothers me, is there any way to fix this?
I am attaching a screen of Universal Access compared with a window of normal font size.
The computer is a dual G4 1Ghz with 2Gb of Ram and two hard drives. Used to run a custom built microscope in a scientific lab. Resurrecting it is imperative, as the cards and other equipment are now out of date and replacing the computer and cards would be enormously expensive (and worse, would mean switching to PC).
There are several issues: -No response to selecting "About this mac" from the apple logo in the upper left. -No response to selecting restart or shutdown -The computer freezes up (pinwheel) whenever I attempt to access System Preferences (window will appear however once mouse is over it, pinwheel appears). -does not recognize the USB key needed to run a piece of software.
-together these issues prevent us from installing the software needed to control the scope.
I've tried reinstalling (clean not archive) the OS on the original HD and a new HD. The problem doesn't go away.Have also cleared out the systempreferences.plist and the cache for both safari and preference panes.
Recently completed the Maverick operating system update. Still getting used to new additions, however I did notice I'm unable to access the Safari preferences section. Â
I know normally, you would follow the drop down menu and click into the safari preferences. Unfortunately now the words in the drop down menu are a lighter grey and unable to click into he section.