PowerPC :: Hard Drive Died - Western Digital Wd800ve / Seagate Momentus 5400.3?
Aug 17, 2006
So the 4200rpm drive in my 867mhz powerbook finally decided to bite the big one, so now after frantically backing up whatever I could I'm in the market for a new drive. I want 80 gigs, 5400rpm and an 8mb cache, and have basically narrowed it down to either: Western Digital wd800ve or Seagate Momentus 5400.3 ST980815A Does anyone here have either of these drives running in their laptops?
Is there a site, preferably independant, which lists compatible hard drives for Mac laptops?
Also, if I buy an external enclosure, can I clone my current hard drive to it, with partitions and all, and have the Mac-store just stick it in without having to re-install Tiger?
I have a MacBook 13" with a 1.83capsule GHz Intel Core Duo and the internal hard drive quit on me. I can't even get disk utilities to see the disk, much less mount it. Fortunately for me, I have a Time Machine on an external HD, and another external HD that I was able to install OS X 10.6.8 (using updates) so I can use the computer. I am looking at a Seagate Momentus 5400.6 250GB 2.5 Hard Drive-SATA 3GB, 8MB  Can I do this? As the original HD was 60GB, will there be any problem using the 250GB drive? Also, I need to know how to install it (Actually, because my hands shake, I am going to ask a friend to do the actual work).Â
[URL: ...] I'm taking a Digital Media class on my study abroad trip this semester and one of the requirements for the class is that "Students will also need a portable external drive for storing files, a 120 gigabyte drive will be perfect." I'm not computer savvy whatsoever but would this be ideal for my class? We will be working on video projects and such. Also, I have a MacBook would it still work/be ideal with a MacBook?
Just found out today that my hard drive is dead. Looking into purchasing a new one and am having trouble making a choice between the Seagate and Western Digital. Are either or both compatible with tiger operating system?
i just got a 150gb western digital hard drive...i have a 17" G4 powerbook running leopard...when i plug it in it does not show up nor can i feel the hard drive turning...however i plugged it into my friends new imac as well as my other friends macbook and it showed up instantly?
I've been using a 3TB western digital hard drive flawlessly for months now. I'm posting here because the only thing that has changed within the time frame of my WD hard drive no longer working is updating my Lion install to 10.7.3. When I plug my WD hard drive into either of my macs (which are both running 10.7.3 , one is a macbook, the other an iMac) the external hard drive shows up on my desktop, and within 5 seconds will disconnect itself and I'll then get a warning telling me that I didn't eject my hard drive properly. I was starting to think it was my USB or power cable until I plugged the WD external into my old Compaq laptop that I'm running Linux on and it worked flawlessly!
I am buying a used powerbook g4 1.5ghz with 1.25gb ram. It has 60gb hd and combo drive. How can i find out the speed of the hard drive (4200 vs 5400 rpm)? PowerBook6,8 TOSHIBA MK6026GAX (this is the hd on the powerbook) Is this a good choice for basic stuff ( email,safari,itunes) and some movie stuff (isquint,ffmpegx)
After I got my MBP, I upgraded to the Seagate Momentus XT, and everything was fantastic.I know this may sound crazy, but today I upgraded my RAM to 8GB, and ever since, the XT is SO much louder and I can really feel the vibration. Do you think I may have shifted it while replacing the RAM? Is there something I can do to make it quieter again?
I finally got my 500gb seagate Momentus XT I've been drooling over only to find out it's a complete nightmare. Upon searching through forums I have yet to find conclusive or consistent problems, I read about some I had but I had many others. I installed the drive in my macbook pro with the hopes of getting it to run faster, which it did but only in certain instances. The pros were fast boot times, applications start fast but many problems persisted. Please follow up if you've had any of these problems. 1) Clean installation of Snow Leopard got stuck at the 10 minute mark 2 times. Each install attempt took much much longer then it has in the past.
my Macbook late 09 has Insomnia! I recently installed the Seagate Momentus XT drive but I don't think its related as far as I can tell from the console log.I put my MBP to sleep last night at 2:16. It was quiet for about an hour and hour and 50 minutes and then it woke, with Wake Reason = RTCI THINK this is for wake for network access. But it then slept a few moments later--this is normal behaviour I believe in SL.But then 2 seconds later, it wakes with reason 'ARPT' and then doesn't sleep again
I have a 2011 macbook pro (8,1) and in january 2012 I replaced the OEM drive with a momentus XT. I can report that the drive makes a BIG difference in performance. However, the drive failed with bad sectors within a week of installation. I got a warranty replacement, and that drive also failed within a couple weeks.
I got a second warranty replacement, and that drive failed after about a month.
I am currently awaiting my third warranty replacement drive!Â
All of the failures were the same mode - bad blocks after a fairly short period of use.
I used SMART Utility to detect the problem - typically the disk itself did not flag a SMART error (so does not show up in Disk Utility) but my utility detected the problem and the SMART self tests fail. In all cases these drives were eligible for replacement via SeaTools test. These drives also caused IO errors which showed up in the system log, and the evil pinwheel cursor of impending doom.Â
So my question to the community is: if anyone out there is using these drives, have you had these problems?
If you have one of these drives I recommend using SMART Utility or other SMART monitoring software to check your drive.Â
I know seagate is not known for reliability these days, but three drive failures in a row is a little ridiculous! ... so I'm concerned that there is some bad interaction with the mac. The only other thing I can think of is bad yields related to the thailand floods - all of these drives were dated around Oct 2011.Â
I've searched around a bit but I haven't seen anyone reporting problems.
I have a Western Digital 2 TB MyBook Studio II external drive that has been working fine. Now, it will not show on my desktop when it mounts. It does show in the sidebar and I can access the drive and files there, but I want the icon to show on the desktop. I connect it to my machine via an onboard Firewire 800 port, and the drive is the only device using that port. I have another Western Digital MyBook drive that mounts just fine (it is my Time Machine backup) via USB. I have 2 La Cie Firewire drives, and 2 OWC Firewire 400 drives, all 4 of which mount using a Firewire 400 hub that connects to a Firewire 400 port on my MacBook Pro.Â
I have repaired the disk (reports nothing is wrong), but I feel I have some setting for the drive in the wrong position. I just can't figure out what to do.Â
Info: MacBook Pro 2.5 Ghz., Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 Gb of RAM
I have a Power Mac 2.3Ghz (see spec in sig) with the standard 250GB Maxtor 6B25050 hard drive. I was wondering, how I could increase the speed of the computer? If I upgrade the hard drive to something like a Western Digital Raptor X 150GB 10kRPM SATA drive would this provide any performance increase over the standard disk? Memory-wise I never have any "page outs", so I understand that a memory upgrade will not increase the speed of my computer.
Information: Power Mac G5 2.3GHz, 1GB Ram, ATI Radeon 9650, Bluetooth KB and Mous Mac OS X (10.4.10) IBook 800MHz, 512MB ram
my momentus xt drive came in today and I just got around to installing it. Installation was straight forward and I got it up and running.Few things to mention. Had to use disk utility and format the drive before OS X could recognize it. No Biggie.It is almost dead silent. I literally can't tell the difference between this drive and the stock momentus 5400 that came with the MBP.It formats to 499GB. I thought this was fairly amazing that it only loses 1GB to the file system.
I seem to be having trouble with the new HD that seagate sent me when I returned my old HD under warranty.I got back a 60gb Momentus 5400.2 back from seagate that I use in an external HD case. I formated the HD as Mac OSX journaled but whenever I try to copy anything onto it it just freezes my whole finder. Is this HD not compatible with my mac? I have a 12 inch 1ghz pBook.
I have a 24" iMac from 2008. The hard drive finally died on me and I'm wondering what to upgrade to. The seagate momentus xt has got some good reviews, but I haven't seen a 3.5" version. Does anyone know if it is possible to fit this in a iMac? I haven't been able to find a mounting bracket for it yet
Does anyone use one of these? I thinking of replacing my Bootcamp HD with a 500gb one of these. An SSD is too pricey for me in larger sizes, so I'm thinking this would be a nice stop-gap until prices are sub �1=1gb. What's it like for noise/speed?
does anyone have any experience with this drive?i have the momentus xt which i love . but i just got as a gift , the intel x25-v and i would like to put it on my macbook pro and also throw another hard drive only for storage .is the momentus lp a good hdd ? or what do you guys think is the best ? buying a new hard drive (5400rpm ) or keep the momentus xt (7200rpm) just for storage ?
I have had a seagate hybrid for a semester of school. I recently open disk utility to realize there's a big chunk of the hard drive allocated as "free space." I never partitioned the drive yet in utility it show's the drive as 2 partitions. Is this normal?
Been on these forums browsing around snooping info for a while now. I'm in the market for a 2010 MBP and i am really looking into the SSD's. The downside is there price and the relative small storage space.But now i read some post on a tech website about the seagate momentus XTWhich is a 500Gb HDD @ 7200 RPM with a 4GB flash memory. Now i'm intrested to see what you guys think of this concept would it be a good deal to get this into a MBP or just stick with the 500Gb apple HDD till the price on SSD's drop.
The new hybrid went on sale today, I ordered a 500GB. Figured I would let you guys know how it works out.Here's some numbers with my traditional Seagate 500GB 5400RPM in my 13" Macbook ProLaunch Photoshop CS4 (following reboot): 18 Seconds Transfering a 1.4GB file from a Sandisk Cruzer (Flash Drive): 58 Seconds* I will update as soon as the XT arrives. The reviews make it seem like a great alternative to an SSD.
I have already produced one thread on how to install an SSD into a 2008 mac pro found here - http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=962856I have a 2008 mac pro 2.8 octo and feeling my drives bottleneck the system i want a new solution to give it a new lease of life.Being ready to bite the bullet and buy myself an Intel M 160gb, I started reading about the Seagate Momentus XT. A hybrid drive which contains a 500GB 7200rpm 2.5" drive coupled with 4gbs NAND solid state memory (ssd) so launches all your programs OS etc lightening fast, comparable to an SSD, but provides the storage space of a HDD. So is a good compromise between the two. It also provides an Adaptive Memory Technology which intelligently monitors frequently used applications and places them into the solid state portion of the drive so they can be quickly recalled.
As above i need to know if this hard drive the seagate momentus xt 750 gb will work with my macbook pro the mac is a 2010 model 2.66 i7,8gb ram,500 gb 7200 drive someone told me that it wont as my mac is sata 2 and the momentus drive is sata 3 just need to find out before i go a buy one of these drives.
Just ordered a Momentus XT 500 GB to install in my current model 17 inch MBP. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this drive, and if there were any special tips along the way as far as installation/data migration goes?I generally format my drives as Mac OS Extended (Journaled), is this drive OK with that as well? Do I need to do anything special in partitioning for the 4GB SSD portion?
I'm aware that there are probably a dozen of these threads around in the forums, but if you have the time to tell me to search it up, then you have the time to answer my question. I am fully aware that this may void my MBP's warranty. I've decided to go with either the 500gb 5400rpm WD or Seagate. I'm just wondering which drive is more reliable and faster. Also, when installing the hard drive, is it ok to use a magnetic screw driver. Someone told me that there's an application called Superduper. It clones the original hard drive to make the upgrade easier. Is this a good application, or are there better options?
My Mac Mini cannot recognize the Seagate 80GB Momentus that is inside it. It saw it for a little, and I went through the whole Leopard installation and then it said at the very end that it couldn't complete the installation and now when I try it can't see the drive at all. I tried reseating it - how come no one's talking about how there are four more pins on the seagate than there are ports on the mini.