PowerPC :: Xbox 360 Cannot Access Internet
Sep 18, 2010
I'm abroad at university and the school has a pretty wicked proxy that prevents Xbox Live from getting through. I asked an IT guy about it and he said, "Man, I wish we could use it. I just don't know if it's possible." I took that as permission to try. I decided to log on to the school network with my iBook (old school, I know) and share my connection with my Xbox. I followed one of the many, many guides available online and set everything up. When I test my Xbox Live Connection, it connects to the network, accepts my DNS settings and then says, "Xbox can't access the internet." My computer is accessing the internet just fine, but my Xbox can't?
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Dec 15, 2008
I have a weird problem with my iBook G4. I cannot get access to the Internet at all. I connect using a TimeCapsule. In total I do have 3 Macs, 2 of them connect just fine just my old iBook gives me headaches. It doesn't acquire a correct IP address either.
I do connect over Wifi. The Wifi symbol in the menu bar gets all bars on the iBook and the TimeCapsule does show 4 connected clients ( I do guess my iPhone is one of them).
So - two Macbook Pros and one iPhone connects just fine to the Internet using this TimeCapsule. It does show 4 connected clients and I do get all the bars in the menu bar on the iBook.
The iBook doesn't get a correct IP address (that is my guess as it totally different from the two Macbook Pros). The iBook runs 10.5.5.
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Jul 12, 2008
Someone told me that O2 allows this but I forgot the right term for it so could someone help me with my situation please? I need to be able to access internet on my PBG4 through my iPhone as I'm going on a holiday and there is no internet cafe.
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Jan 11, 2010
an older retired couple, recently got cable modem access specifically so I could have it. They are the coolest, nicest people on earth. I'd like to get them on my wireless network as a
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Oct 2, 2009
I've got an LED unibody MBP and for a month or 2. I've been internet sharing my connection from my HSDAP broadband dongle to my Xbox 360 through an ethernet cable. It took me AGES to get going! A while ago I upgraded to Snow Leopard and it broke it. I have no idea why, and i spent hours yesterday trying to get it to work again to no avail! [URL]. That is the guide I am using and for the most part its fine. Long story short, the DNS keeps failing. "Move onto DNS. Enter the IP address of your wireless router (in my case, "") in both the primary and secondary IP address fields". Thats the part I am having problems with, as I don't use a wireless router, i dont know what to put in.
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Dec 23, 2009
My xbox and mac are both connected by router by an Ethernet cable. When I go to internet settings it say I might violate the terms of service of my isp(att yahoo dsl) Does doing the steps in the above link, will it affect anything that will violate the TOS, is their another. Safer way to connect the 360 to my mac?
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Aug 27, 2010
Basically I have a g4 mac mini running 10.5 and I am trying to share from wireless to ethernet. I have that all set up in the internet sharing setup. I've tried many different tutorials online and I just keep running into an error saying it cant resolve the dns servers or whatever.
My router IP is
My macs IP is
I have the DNS numbers from my ISP
On the xbox I enter the ip of the xbox as
Gateway: (router)
Then my DNS numbers manually set, I've also tried using my macs and routers IP's as DNS and no dice. I just keep getting the same DNS error. i have a bunch of ports for xbox live opened to my xbox IP. It worked for me at one point when i was using tiger but now it wont on leopard.
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Nov 28, 2010
Since it's possible to use a Mac as a wireless access point. I want to share my Ethernet connection through WiFi (not vice-versa), can I connect my Xbox 360 easily with that network or I have to painfully change the settings?
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Aug 7, 2009
I have my xbox 360 connected to my macbook through ethernet. On my mac i have internet connection sharing enabled from airport to ethernet. Everything works fine apart from the xbox saying I have a strict NAT.
I made sure the ports were all configured to work with my router, and UPnP is defiantly enabled on my router. I even tested to see if it was something to do with my firewalls, but even with them turned off, I still get this NAT error
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Aug 17, 2009
How to share my Mac's Internet Connection to my Xbox 360. I have enabled Internet Sharing from my AirPort to the Ethernet, and changed the IP settings on the Xbox 360, but I keep getting "cant connect to your network hardware using a static ip".
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Jan 11, 2010
Here is my setup, and I have it all configured correctly, and everything works great. I am able to stream stuff off of the iMac with Connect360, and internet works great. I am not having any trouble configuring the ethernet port to share the airport connection. What I am trying to do now is have the 360 connect to the Media Center PC located downstairs hidden out of sight.
Because the 360 is getting it's connection from my iMac, would it still be able to connect to this MCE PC? (the only PC in the house, whose sole purpose is to be a DVR and eventually, serve the 360 up with cool MCE hacks such as a web browser for the 360, and Hulu). I am not about to buy a WiFi adapter from MS for $100, as that is overpriced and the iMac connection works fine.
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Sep 7, 2010
I've been looking around the internet for a solution to this problem. I'm currently in an apartment with a single wired connection running to my Macbook Pro, i haven't got time to buy a switch or router right now and i've been trying to connect my 360 to the internet using Airport. All of the how-to's i've found so far concern connecting the 360 and Macbook via Ethernet rather than Airport, and while i've tried to follow the steps as best as i can i haven't been able to connect to xbox live.
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Mar 29, 2010
I am having trouble using my ibook g4 as a bridge between my xbox 360 and my wireless router, here is my setup.
Internet---Wireless Router---iBook G4(with airport extreme)---xbox 360 via ethernet
These are the settings I am using:
iBook g4
Internet Sharing from airport to ethernet port
The ethernet port has a static ip of and a subnet mask of
Xbox 360
Subnet mask
Default router
Primary DNS (My Router's IP)
Secondary DNS xx.x.xxx.xx ( a dns server assigned by my ISP)
When I run check the xbox live connection it comes up with
Network(good) Internet(Fail) Xbox Live (Fail)
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Apr 11, 2010
I present to you today a baffling conundrum which has been vexing me for months. Around Christmas my sister got a huge raise and bonus, which resulted in a flurry of new technology rushing into the household. All at the same time we set up a new wireless router, (for our wireless modem) an Xbox 360 and SnowLeopard for my MacBook Pro.
I noticed that late at night, after the Xbox had been turned off, my internet connection started getting strange. without the system acknowledging anything had happened (all 5 bars in the airport symbol, my AIM client still claimed i was connected) i would suddenly be unable to load anything (in any browser) or send or receive any IMs.
I would turn my airport off and immediately on again, then the problem would be solved. then, exactly five minutes later, it would happen again. I've been able to connect this "funky-internet phenomenon" as I like to call it, to the Xbox being OFF. I am a walking detector for when the machine gets powered down. this only happens when Xbox is off, and the second it is turned back on, my internet stops doing this.
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May 1, 2009
I usually have no problems hooking my Xbox up to XBL wirelessly to the interent, but I recently moved and now it wont connect to XBL. It shows the SSID but when put the passphrase in it begins to connect and then it says there is a problem. it says it is "connected" but there is no IP. All the setting as are put to Automatic.
I have tried shutting the router off and my Xbox and I even tried connecting an ethernet cable to my MBP and Xbox. I got an IP when I did this but it still didnt connect. so that's one problem. Another problem is that I dont know how to share my MBP with my Xbox...Like I said, I have the wireless adapter thing but maybe I have been going about all of this wrong.
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Mar 11, 2010
I was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to share my LAN internet to an XBOX 360 using the Apple USB ethernet cable (for the Macbook Air) on my Macbook Pro 13"? I've tried several routers, and all have them have failed me giving me massive timeouts and sudden disconnects. I think this should be a good solution.
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Sep 15, 2010
I'm trying to use my AE (Airport Extreme) Base Station to give my xbox 360 wireless. Has anyone done this? My setup is as Follows: Netgear WGR614 v7 Router connected to my Cable Modem AE Base station connected wirelessly to the Netgears Network Xbox 360 connected via ethernet to AE. It's not working though. My AE gets an IP automatically from the Netgear fine, but the xbox won't connect. I have my AE on "Join Wireless Network" mode and it's LED is solid green but it still doesn't give the xbox any internet.
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Aug 6, 2010
I just recently installed Windows 7 on my macbook pro. Everything seemed to work well, especially after I installed boot camp for windows and its drivers.
However I can't seem to connect to the internet. My router is detected but when I select to connect to it I get no internet access.
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May 29, 2012
currently I connect to the internet by doing this: Go to System Preferences / Network. Then I select my internet provider name on the left pane and finally click on the Connect button. That's all. This internet profile has a PPoE service name, an account name and a password. My internet connection uses a cable DLink router (it's not wireless).
1) Does the password I mentioned above mean that my neighbors can't access my internet, or are they able to do that and, in this case, I need to set another password somewhere else?
2) If I need another password, how and where do I set it,
Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Sep 27, 2007
I recently bought the xbox 360 live vision cam for my powerbook, but when I plug it in nothing happens and I cannot even find it on my computer. I heard the xbox cam works as soon as it is plugged in.
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May 24, 2010
Can I use an old iMac G5's 20' screen to play xbox 360 games?
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Jun 29, 2009
I think this is the place for this question,(I just joined.) I am a moderator on a betta fish website for about 2 or 3 months now, but the past 2 weeks I haven't been able to access the website.
[URL] I can get on the site at my friends house, I have tried using my dad's, and my brothers computer but I still can't get on it. I have Restarted Safari, and emptied the Cache. But still won't work.
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Apr 24, 2010
Have a iMac, intel based. Recently downloaded latest version of SpringCleaner. Used it to clean up unused disk space. Now Internet is connected. Can even check email with Mail, but no pictures in the emails. Safari just keeps loading with no results. Can't access internet with anything. Ran disk repair. Even turned off firewall. Not my router, my Macbook is working fine.
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Nov 4, 2010
I just installed Windows 7 on bootcamp partition, and then installed VM Fushion to point to that partition. So i can either boot into bootcamp or just run windows through vm. Everything is fine.
However, I find that, when i use vm to run Windows, it has access to internet but has no access to any local network devices.
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Jan 12, 2011
Recently, my MacBook (purchased summer of 2007 and running Snow Leopard) stopped connecting to the internet wirelessly. It can connect to the net via ethernet. And it can connect to networks and other computers wirelessly to exchange files, but not to connect to the internet through them. It backs up to my Time Capsule wirelessly without a hitch. This seems like a software problem, not a hardware problem, to me. Why I can't get internet access wirelessly?
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Nov 23, 2008
I can now only access the internet via Firefox and Entourage. For the last two days, Safari, itunes and Google Earth say they cant open the page because it could not connect to the server .I have run the disk utility and ONYX and have not been able to restore the internet access to these apps.The problem appeared after starting up the computer the next day after successfully using Safari and itunes the previous day.
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Aug 17, 2009
I almost upgraded my 10.5.8 after all the reports of how stable/fast 10A432 is. Now I am glad that I didn't - after installing on an external partition and booting up (and migrating my settings and apps), there is a big Wifi problem. SL sees the network and connects to it, gets an IP, however I cannot access anything on the internet, nor ping any sites from Terminal. When I boot back into 10.5.8 it works. Restarting the router/modem has no effect, and it does this at home and at the office. I see these guys are having the same issue: [URL] Any idea what's up and how to solve this? I sure hope now that this is NOT the GM.
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Jan 10, 2010
Ive got a DrayTek Vigor2700 router. The DrayTek router is located in the first floor and is hooked up to the phone line. It creates Wireless network (called "default") for the first floor. On the second floor there is an AirPort Extreme Basestation. Its hooked up to the DrayTek by ethernet and creates a network (called "AirPort Extreme". To the AirPort there is a 500 gb USB drive and a USB printer connected.
1 floor: DrayTek hooked up to the phone line creating a network
2 floor: AirPort Extreme hooked up to the DrayTek via ethernet, creating a new network. Got 500gb USB drive and a USB Printer connected to the AirPort.
AIM: I want to be able to access the USB drive and the printer over internet. I dont have a MobileMe acc, and i dont want to create one. I know it would be much easier if the AirPort would be hooked up to the phone line directly, but Its not possible...
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm having problems with my connection to the internet. Either in Snow Leopard or in Windows (Bootcamp), sometimes it says that I'm connected, but I have no internet access.
Most of the time everything works as normal, but at least 4-5 times a day the problem presents and I can't access any webpage, tho it do says I'm connected to my Airport Extreme.
Same thing happens with my iPod, at the same moment. So it must be something with the AE, but I'm completely lost as to what it is.
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Apr 8, 2010
i have a small problem, i am a student, but i spend way too much time on chat rooms, and its getting to be a real problem. we have airport in my parents home and my laptop is hooked up to it. i had to enter a password originally to join the network connection, but now i just want to block access, from my laptop, to the family connection, so that i can only use my parents computer for the internet... ie so it will ask me for a password again for my laptop to get online, and wont just automatically be connected (i dont have this password any more so i wont be able to spend hours wasting time on the net!!)
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