Power Mac G5 :: Communication To Disc Drive, Superdrive Fried?
Nov 9, 2007
I keep getting error 0x 80020022 "communication to disc drive failed"no matter what i try burning. Firmware is up to date, and I'm using hi-quality discs. It's holding up my livelyhood
g5 dual 2.5
Mac OS X (10.4.9)
6 gig RAM, ATI 9600 card
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Jun 25, 2012
why I get this message when trying to burn photos on to high quality discs."The burn to the SuperDrive drive failed. The disc drive didn’t respond properly and can’t recover or retry." I have just managed to burn some others photos perfectly fine.
iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 30, 2009
so i freaked out when i tried to plug my magbook in and the magsafe adapter sparked! ya it was wierd. like when it touched the power port it sparked and i pulled it back immediatly.
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Dec 20, 2009
Someone switched off the power to my iMac the other day. Since I've rebooted:a] System Profiler shows no awareness of FireWire ("Unable to list FireWire devices" in red) b] Every boot takes about five minutes, 3+ of which seems to be spent waiting for a response from the FireWire socket (the logs show a 3-minute gap followed by a line that goes something like this:"/usr/lib/exec/hidd: Timeout waiting for IOKit to be quiet")
c] if it's idle long enough to go to sleep, it goes into a kernel panic (the last line in the log before the panic says"kernel[0]: IOPMSlotsMacRISC4::determineSleepSupport has canSleep true")b] looks connected to a], but I can't see any connection with c] (apart from the reference to IO).
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Aug 3, 2006
The logic board on my powerbook (aluminum)G4 is fried. I would like to get the data off the drive, but would like to do it myself. Will the drive plug into an external carrier rig like any other drive? I have a granite digital external firewire drive caddy rig. I assume that the mini drive in the powerbook will not plug into an enclosure that was made for a regular drive? Are there any adapters for this sort of thing?
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Feb 21, 2012
I got a Power Mac G4 from a friend. I realized i can store all my content on there and just access it remotely from my 2011 Macbook Pro. While my G4 was running remore desktop it froze. So i held the power button to shut it off and when i restarted it all i get is the Apple logo on the gray screen,and i t wont start in safe mode. I forgot to mention i started togo throught the G4 and take his name off and ad mine (hard drive name and user names). I took the hard drive out and attached it to my MacBook Pro. The hard drive works fine,And i can access everything. I tried running disc utility on the G4 hard drive with my MacBook Pro. and it said ALOT.
2012-02-19 22:47:56 -0800: Volume repair complete.2012-02-19 22:47:56 -0800: Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.2012-02-19 22:47:59 -0800: Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.2012-02-19 22:47:59 -0800:
2012-02-19 22:47:59 -0800: Disk Utility stopped repairing “Chad ”: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk.Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
2012-02-19 22:47:59 -0800:
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.1.x)
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Nov 15, 2007
I recently installed a Pioneer DVR-112D in my PowerMac G5 (10.3.9) after my original optical drive stopped reading DVDs. This new drive now reads previously burned CDs and DVDs just fine, but gives me the following message when trying to burn blank CDs and DVDs: The disc could not be used because the disc drive is not supported. Error code 0x80020025.
PowerMac G5
150gb internal drive, 512mb ram
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Sep 6, 2014
I purchased a used Apple USB Superdrive for use with my 2013 Retina Macbook Pro. Upon plugging in the USB drive to my USB port, it makes a faint click sound, like its trying to eject a disc. Whenever I try to insert a disc, it never grabs it, or even acts like it will take it.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Oct 22, 2010
I am having an issue where the superdrive in my BRAND NEW mac pro isn't working correctly. It doesn't read DVD's consistently, System profiler hangs when you click on disc burning and after that the drive does not respond to eject commands. When you do get the tray to open, insert a DVD that is a known good disc, it will "mount" on the desktop then when you click on it, it hangs trying to read the disc. When you right click and select eject, the icon just goes away and the disc does not eject. A restart at least allows me to eject the disc. Resetting SMC has no effect on the drives behaviour. Or suggest a good aftermarket DVD drive?
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Mar 14, 2006
I had to drop my iMac G5 in this morning to the apple store to get a stuck DVD out of the superdrive!!. My question is, how often to discs get stuck in the drive??? Is this a common problem??? Is there a risk of the disc getting stuck every time you put one in???? Why wouldn't apple put a pinhole to manually eject the disc or some other way of manually getting the disc out!???
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Aug 5, 2010
I just replaced my hard drive in my 2007 MacBook Pro. However, when I now put a disc in the superdrive, it only reads it occasionally. Most of the time, it just spits the disc out.
I've tried my tiger install disc, leopard install disc, and snow leopard install disc.
NOTE: I cloned my old hard drive to a back up and put it back on the new hard drive once installed. So, I'm up and running, but I want to reinstall leopard as a fresh install, but the superdrive doesn't want to work.
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Jan 24, 2006
I have a 17" Power Book G4 which is three months old. It is my first Mac after 20 years with a PC and it is not a happy Mac. I am not a happy Mac owner It now has a CD jammed in the superdrive. It will neither eject or be recognised. All the threads say hold down the mouse button, this will force eject the disc. All this does is give me a blue screen. No effect on the disk. While I sit here it is trying to eject the disc on its own every 30 seconds or so. It is a home made disc with a paper label which works in my 2 PCs and windows laptop. How do I get it out, preferably without the use of a hammer.
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Jun 2, 2012
A disc in my superdrive will not eject when the normal command is executed or the eject button is pressed. Is there a method for manually removing a stuck disc?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Mac Book Pro, Mac Mini
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Jun 19, 2009
i have a 15in powerbook titanium g4.
My hard drive died 2 weeks ago.
So i just install a new hard drive and i forgot my superdrive does not work.
all it does is take the restore disk and spits it back out.
how can i install the mac OS on the hard drive without my superdrive working?
i have somewhere a old usb external cdrom but i dont know if i can find or if it will run/work.
If i find and my external will work, Can i use that to install my OS restore disc and it will reconize it and run/install?
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Jan 7, 2009
i have just bought a used grey macbook and on my girlfriends macbook the superdrive sucks the disc in almost straight away whereas on my macbook i have to push the disc almost all the way in before it actually sucks it in. Is there anyway of fixing this and making it suck the disc in like it should do?
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Jun 13, 2012
I tried to burn 1.4GB of data on a 4.7GB blank DVD using Finder but got an error message saying "file is too large to fit on the disc. Remove some files an try again". I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.8.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Dec 26, 2008
I have software on a mini (3") CD. Is this size disc compatible with a Superdrive"
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Mar 25, 2009
So about 6 months ago, my powerbook g4 1.67's drive just starting spitting out any disc you put in. It would take them, whir around for a bit, then eject. It seemed like it had just died pretty much. Today, on a whim, I decided to try a disc in the drive, and it works! Apple repair had given it up for dead, so why do you think it came back?
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Jan 31, 2010
So I was watching friends and on my macbook and whenever I'd move my macbook even a little the superdrive would make noises as if the disc was being scratched inside. All the other discs that I tried didnt do any such thing. Possible reasons? Can I damage the internal laser this way?
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Jul 10, 2010
I've just noticed trying to upgrade from 10.5 to SL that my Superdrive is acting funny. Anyone that's heard a superdrive knows that when you put a disc in the machine it spins up to a first "plateau" and then spins up to full speed. In my case, it spins up to the initial plateau and then spins down again. It will do this cycle maybe 3 - 4 times and then sometimes spit the disc back out. Occasionally it will continue this spin-up-spin-down cycle until I restart and hold the click button (eject does nothing). I am screwed (I'm just out of warrantee). Its a real shame - I use the optical drive so infrequently that I would never notice there was a problem until it's too late. This is a 2009 15" MBP, 2.66 ghz with 4gb ram running 10.5.8. I have a MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-868
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Feb 9, 2012
I noticed my notebook running a little slower than usual so I took the usual steps, without much luck. I then verified and repaired disk permissions in Disk Utility. Tried to use disk repair but got a message that the disk was damaged and I needed to boot from an install disc and run Disk Utility from it. I put the disc in, chose it as my boot disc in Preferences, and ever since once I power up all I get is the chime and a blank grey dead screen. proceed or at the very least remove the disc from the SuperDrive
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2, 4GB RAM
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Oct 21, 2007
I have had my 2002 Quicksilver for 5 years now. I use it only for surfing the web & personal stuff. I do all my real video work on my quad G5, including burning DVDs. The G4's Superdrive isn't responding to anything. The eject button doesn't work (although the eject arrow appears on screen); Command-period does nothing; the "eject" command in firmware doesn't work (reads "can't EJECT"). Is there any way to run a diagnostic on the Superdrive ... to see if the problem is manageable, or irreparable? I can live with a slow drive that rejects some brands of DVDs ...but is she really dead as a doornail? Is there an apnea test for Superdrives?
PowerMac G4 2002 Quicksilver
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Oct 24, 2007
I have a Dual 2.5 GHz PowerMac G5 and out of nowhere the SuperDrive suddenly won't read anything. I put in a CD or DVD and it'll make a short whirring sound about every 4-5 seconds and then after the third time it automatically ejects the disc. Is my drive dead? The computer is still covered under my AppleCare protection plan. Do I need to just bring it in and have it replaced?
PowerBook G4 15", PowerMac G5 Dual 2.5
Mac OS X (10.4.9)
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Dec 14, 2007
having read all the posts about the superdrive failures, mine seems to have died although it is a strange one. It's a Pioneer 107D and it reads, writes, and ejects if a disk is in it (sometimes)...however it will not open (without my trusty paperclip) from keyboard, fkey, drag disk to trash, startup with mouse button held, etc. etc. Terminal mode (drutil etc.) says drive is ok as does About my Mac. I can hear the mechanical attempts to open, but only the ol' paperclip seems to do the job. Any thoughts??? If I replace it are there any thoughts as to what people find reliable? I am thinking Litescribe at the moment (I do not "need" DL or BluRay).
G5 dual 1.8 Ghz
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
1 gig ram
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Aug 23, 2009
Im using a 17" unibody macbookpro 2.66 early 09 to make a copy of my Leopard Disc to put in an offsite storage location.
Im able to rip movies and burn movies (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-DL), iMovie videos, iTunes cds, rip audio discs, etc.
The media is Dual-Layer DVD-R in disk utility
I burn it at the slowest possible speed (on both systems) at 2.4x
After it writes the data to the disc and finishes, i get this lovely image:
I tried doing a test install of it from the burned dvd and it installed fine.... = what the huh!?
its done this twice.
using the same media on a 15" 2.2ghz uMBP late 2008 gives me a completed successfully notification every-time.
burn info:
17" Superdrive info:
Revision: SA17
Serial Number: KZZ91OM5217
Native Command Queuing: No
Detachable Drive: No
Power Off: Yes
Async Notification: No
15" Superdrive info:
Revision: KA14
Serial Number: dE0E4283
Native Command Queuing: No
Detachable Drive: No
Power Off: Yes
Async Notification: No
Log Files from the 17" uMBP
Here are the Disk Utility Logs
2009-08-23 15:19:30 -0700:
2009-08-23 15:50:48 -0700: Eject of �disk2s3� succeeded
2009-08-23 15:50:51 -0700: Burning Image �Mac OS X Install DVD.dmg�
2009-08-23 15:51:02 -0700: Image name: �Mac OS X Install DVD.dmg�
2009-08-23 15:51:02 -0700: Burn disc in: �HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS21N�
2009-08-23 15:51:02 -0700: Erase disc before burning: No
2009-08-23 15:51:02 -0700: Leave disc appendable: No
2009-08-23 15:51:02 -0700: Verify burned data after burning: Yes
2009-08-23 15:51:02 -0700: Eject disc after burning
2009-08-23 15:51:02 -0700:
2009-08-23 15:51:02 -0700: expected CRC32 $0F91EA17
2009-08-23 15:51:02 -0700: Preparing data for burn
2009-08-23 15:52:25 -0700: Opening session
2009-08-23 15:52:31 -0700: Opening track
2009-08-23 15:52:31 -0700: Writing track
2009-08-23 16:11:26 -0700: Finishing burn
2009-08-23 16:12:26 -0700: Closing session
2009-08-23 16:12:28 -0700: Finishing burn
2009-08-23 16:14:05 -0700: Burn failed
2009-08-23 16:14:05 -0700: The device failed to respond properly, unable to recover or retry.
2009-08-23 16:14:16 -0700: Unable to burn �Mac OS X Install DVD.dmg�. (The device failed to respond properly, unable to recover or retry.)
2009-08-23 16:21:59 -0700: Attach Image �Mac OS X Install DVD.dmg�
2009-08-23 16:21:59 -0700: Initializing�
2009-08-23 16:22:00 -0700: Verifying�
2009-08-23 16:22:00 -0700: Verification completed�
2009-08-23 16:22:00 -0700: expected CRC32 $0F91EA17
2009-08-23 16:22:00 -0700: Attaching�
2009-08-23 16:22:00 -0700: Checking volumes�
2009-08-23 16:22:01 -0700: Operation canceled by user.
2009-08-23 16:22:02 -0700: Volume check completed�
2009-08-23 16:22:02 -0700: Mounting�
2009-08-23 16:22:02 -0700: Finishing�
2009-08-23 16:22:03 -0700: Finishing�
2009-08-23 16:22:03 -0700: Image �Mac OS X Install DVD.dmg� attached successfully.
Here is from ~/Library/Logs/DiscRecording.log
Disk Utility: Burn started, Sun Aug 23 14:57:02 2009
Disk Utility: Burning to DVD+R DL (RICOHJPN D01) media with DAO strategy in HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS21N SA17 via ATAPI.
Disk Utility: Requested burn speed was 2x, actual burn speed is 2.4x.
Disk Utility: Burn failed, Sun Aug 23 15:19:01 2009
Disk Utility: Burn sense: 4/09/02 Hardware Error, Focus servo failure
Disk Utility: Burn error: 0x80020022 The device failed to respond properly, unable to recover or retry.
Disk Utility: Burn started, Sun Aug 23 15:51:02 2009
Disk Utility: Burning to DVD+R DL (RICOHJPN D01) media with DAO strategy in HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS21N SA17 via ATAPI.
Disk Utility: Requested burn speed was 2x, actual burn speed is 2.4x.
Disk Utility: Burn failed, Sun Aug 23 16:13:34 2009
Disk Utility: Burn sense: 4/09/02 Hardware Error, Focus servo failure
Disk Utility: Burn error: 0x80020022 The device failed to respond properly, unable to recover or retry.
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Dec 3, 2007
The guys at work convinced me that I could change out my own internal superdrive and I did. Now it will read disks but it won't burn from idvd or itunes. I get the message "burning preparation error: Not enough space for encoding the remaining assets. The weird thing is since I changed out my internal superdrive my external la cie DVD burner gives me the same message when I try to burn to it.
G5 (new) Pioneer DVD -RW DVR-112D
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Dec 11, 2014
I am working on a Mac book Pro and I have been getting a message that my disc drive is full. How do I clear some space? I'm running OS X v 10.9.5
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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May 12, 2012
In trying to repair my hard drive, which disc utility said was corrupt, it stopped repairing it because it could not unmount the disc?I booted my macbook pro from my backup hard drive.
macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 15, 2012
My iMac is making the most terrible noise when burning a disc, and after two or three tracks are burnt it gives me an error message and then will not burn anymore?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 10, 2012
i can't insert any disc in my disc drive slot something is blocking insideside
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