I have a disc full of photo's stuck in the disc drive on my imac. When I try to eject it, I get a spinning rainbow circle and have to do a hard shut down. It sounds like it is trying to eject it, but then gets hung up.
My G-4 startup disc is full and now the computer won't start up. I am told to put a startup disc in the drive and restart from it, but I cannot get the disc drive to open. I have tried everything, including copying over to external hard drive. I read that if you hold the mouse button down, the disc drive will open, but this hasn't worked.
I have a mac book pro...one of the older models...around 5 or 6 years old..the silver one with the silver around the screen part. Running Mac OS X 10.6.8,
2.33 GHz, 2GB ram.Â
Lately my computer has been rediculously slow with everything, but aside from that my issue is with my start up disc. I would have over 1.5 GB of space left, open up a photoshop file...make some alterations and save...and all of a sudden I have NO SPACE left. These alterations created the photoshop file to be like 50mb more. Its a 200mb file. So how can I go from 1.5 gigs to saving a 200mb .psd file and all of a sudden 0 hd space?Â
Sometimes I couldnt even save the .psd because when I opened it all of a sudden I have half a gig now. And even if I had half a gig why wouldnt I be able to save? I go to save and sometimes it says "your start up disc us full" - Is this different than my harddrive?Â
Is photoshop using some sort of weird caching thing?
In trying to repair my hard drive, which disc utility said was corrupt, it stopped repairing it because it could not unmount the disc?I booted my macbook pro from my backup hard drive.
My iMac is making the most terrible noise when burning a disc, and after two or three tracks are burnt it gives me an error message and then will not burn anymore?
I have a 2007 Intel MBP, running Leopard. I purchased the family version of Snow Leopard. When I tried to install it, it just spins the disc for a minute, makes the noise like it's trying to read it and then spits it out. All other discs work fine with my MBP so I know it is not the disc drive itself. I have all software "up to date." My brother installed SL on both of his MBs, one newer than mine and one older, just fine (with the same disc). I haven't seen anything out there with this issue so I wanted to start a thread to see if anyone knows how to resolve this issue (beyond taking it back to Apple and exchanging).
For some reason my opitcal drive wont let me insert any disc. theres nothing in it cause when i tried to put a disc in it wouldnt hit anything!? i have no idea. If it helps i have a macbook, i bought in early 2009, Mac OSX 10.5.8!
Please take pity on a confused newbie. I'm running 10.4.11 (Tiger) on a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 13" Macbook with 1GB ram. My school requires me to run Bootcamp to take my exams. They told us that we need 10.5 minimum OS and must have our 'original system discs'. The installation dics that I have are for Tiger. If I buy an upgrade disc to Leopard/SL, will that contain the windows drivers I need to install after I install bootcamp? Or do I need to buy a full installation disc of Snow Leopard (since I think you can't buy the Leopard full installation anymore)? Another issue someone mentioned is that both Leopard & SL require 1BG ram minimum, which is what I have. I'm worried the os will run very slow, but I don't really have the money to buy new ram and get it install (and don't want to crack the fragile top case) now that I have to buy the new software too.
I am trying to burn a DVD of files I want to back up from my computer, and it gives me this error when I try to burn a DVD from the folder that my files are in. Finder gives no mention that there is a DVD in the DVD-drive, but it does pop-up with a message recognizing that a DVD was inserted initially. My drive has been working fine in the past, so this is something that has just recently happened to my computer. Does anyone have any ideas about this? My computer specifications are in my signature below and I'm running leopard 10.5.6.
The specific error message that I get is this "the disc could not be used because the disc drive is not supported." I did a google of this, but the results turned up stuff relating to 10.3 and 10.4, neither of which being relevant to my situation
why I get this message when trying to burn photos on to high quality discs."The burn to the SuperDrive drive failed. The disc drive didn’t respond properly and can’t recover or retry." I have just managed to burn some others photos perfectly fine.
I've got a PowerPC G5 running 10.4. After four years of dedicated service, my Superdrive gave out, so I bought a Sony drive (SONY DVD RW DRU-842A in profiler) to replace it. Here's the trouble:
Any time the machine goes to sleep with a disc in the drive, it won't eject when I wake it up. I have to restart, then eject. Other than that, the drive works beautifully. If this question has been answered elsewhere, please redirect me there, sorry for the repost.
Speaking of sleep, when I put the machine to sleep through the menu it goes fully to sleep (no fan/other noise). But when it goes to sleep on its own, I can still hear the machine churning away. Any ideas? My roomate has a newer Mac Pro that doesn't do this.
Early 2011 Mac book pro running 10.9.4. Deleting iPhoto files does not create additional space. iPhoto is about 160gb, iTunes which I use for viewing slideshows remotely is about 135gb.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I don't have an internal disc drive in my Mac, but I like to upload music and watch movies as well as play some video games... Would it be possible to buy an externa one that is compatible with my Macbook, and would it be very expensive?Â
As many of you may have experienced, my MBP disc drive has died. (Model of my laptop is MacBook Pro 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (15.4-inch)) It wont read anything, burn anything, just spins and spits discs back out. Was just wondering if anyone had any experience of putting a new drive in? I've found a load of info on upgrading hard drives but i can't find much on replacing the disk drives.
So I wanted to watch a DVD on my Macbook. I inserted the dvd and nothing happens, I then realized for some reason I no longer have a dvd drive (I just played a dvd on my macbook a couple of months ago) Now I can't eject the dvd. I've tried pretty much everything (holding the mouse pad, using terminal). It's as if I don't even have a eject button. I also don't have apple care and had to bring my computer in about 3 months ago to get fixed and that was a nice enough bill that I have to pay off.
How to take out the stuck disc in macbook pro. I already try to eject by clicking into the terminal on ejecting the disc. But it seems failed and the it keep comes out the sound from the disc. How to take it out?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
My friend is offering me his 2008 macbook pro for 650 should I do it here are the specs
Model Family: MacBook Pro Display: 15" Processor Type: 2.6GHz Core 2 Duo Model Number: A1260 Color: Aluminum Factory: China Production Year:2008 Production Week:22 (May) Production Number:774 200 gb hd 4gb of ram also apple care til jun 11
OK so I bought the computer for 650 from my friend and soon after buying found a problem. The problem was the optical drive not reading all the disc that I put in the system. So I took the macbook pro to apple they installed a new super drive. I get home today and try to install snow leopard and have a issue. The way I went about was starting up holding the option button and waiting to boot from the disc for a fresh install. First time I tried I got a symbol that look like the restricted sign you see when you cant smoke in a area ect... So I restart and try again this time I get to the install screen click does the estimation ect.. 34 minutes than goes to 28 minutes pretty much has frozen there now, and after waiting all this time about 20 minutes I get the spinning beach ball. Also forgot to say that the super drive is now super dooper annoying loud and make odd sounds too with vibration. So I guess make another apple gen bar apt? And have them possible replace the super drive again?
I have a macbook my old hard drive I guess malfunctioned because when I start up there is a folder with a question mark. So I installed a new hard drive however I do not have the original discs the only discs I have are to my 21in Imac is there anyway to install this without buying new discs or is there anyway to recover my old hard drive I think I deleted a folder I suppose to when I tried to restore so now I have 2 hard drive no OS and a macbook I can't use
So first my disc drive broke on it's own. This is a completely different story apart from the broken macbook. Note that it's the same macbook though. So it broke on it's own. Do guys think apple will fix that?
Moving onto the Broken Macbook LCD. Some guy decided it would be funny to kick my back with my macbook in it. And you can probably guess what happened there. I know my warranty does not cover it, but how much will the screen itself cost? I am going to be fixing it on my own.
i have a macbook late 2008 aluminium, just tried to burn something to a dual layer dvd with roxio toast 10, it failed and now the disc is stuck in the drive.