OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Reset A Lot Of Permissions At Once
Jun 5, 2012
It seems my system has reset something so admin-level users have read-only permissions for a pantload of files and folders. In every "get info" box the generic "admin" user has read-only priveleges. I can't stop and change permissions every time I want to work with a file.
I need to reset the permissions on my 10.7.3 lion software. Apple support has escalated this to software engineering levels and have not been able to give me a resolution. For some unknown reason all of a sudden my permissions would not allow me to properly move files to the hard drive. Also it would not allow me to take and move files around with the hard drive, it would just perform copies and not moving files to these locations - these were unexpected actions that were happening within the system.
I have worked with Apple support and have reset the ACL's using a root user this has still not resolved the problem. apple keeps escalating this issue up to higher levels of software engineering department however it takes 2 to 3 days every time to reply to me and this is unnerving.
i accidentally set permissions in the Mac HD Info window for Everyone to "No Access". of course it locked up. i have an external drive plugged in running Time Machine. i understand i can use that to restore...?
I ran disk utility - it failed because it could not locate the clip art folder in word (?wha?) repair disk permissions ran for 24 hours and couldn't complete. anyway - I know there is an easy solution here - i just want to be sure i'm doing it correctly so i dont make it worse than it already is...would some kind soul please provide me step-by-step instructions to either use Time Machine to repair - or something.
After hardware failure (read heads on HD gave out. AppleCare replacement of HD. Third party data recovery and reinstall on my new HD.) I connected new Ext HD for Time Machine, and Time Machine has corrupted my startup volume.Â
Took to the repair shop and they said the Time Machine preferences file was corrupted, which left all my system drive data in a read-only state after backup. They trashed the pref file, and reset the permissions/read-only flags on my startup volume.Â
1) How do I reset the file permissions myself? (so I can nuke my Time Machine backup, manually back everything up, and manually recreate my entire system drive?)
2) Do you think since the data recovery place (Apple Authorized BTW) rewrote all my original data to the new HD, some "random" corruptions were copied over? Or is this a problem with Time Machine? (Which is why I want to do a manual reinstall/restore.)
If I were to run the disk utility that asks for the CDs that come with the MBP, what will that do? It is a software utility of sorts. Can I just re-install the basic system files for the OS, or perhaps even just download or copy over from another computer the "Preferences" file? This seems too simplistic, but I am an ex-Windows user. Don't want to format and re-install or anything of that nature if possible.
I am getting this when repairing permissions : "Warning: SUID file System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent" has been modified and will not be repaired."
I used a trick, long since lost I'm afraid, to tell the Finder to display the UNIX path name of the current directory at the top of the Finder window.For example, a finder window with my Documents folder selected(i.e. "in" the Documents folder) normally shows the special Documents folder icon and the name "Documents".What the trick would have it show instead is:
I've started over with a clean install of Lion (jury still out on the wisdom of this)so even if the setting would still work, I don't know how to make it. how to do this in Lion?
Looking for a bit of help with permissions on a lion server.We have a Transfer folder where files are exchanged on our network.All staff have the "general" group assaigned to their username.So on our Transfer folder, the permissions that i've set areÂ
When one user uploads a file its fine, but when another goes to overwrite the file it says they dont have permission. Looking at the file, the permissions don't revert back to the server. The file ends up with permissions like.
general - read write (persons username) read write staff - Read only Others - Read only
I'm trying to edit permissions on a folder via the Server App, and having some trouble. I can access all of the other folders on the shared volume and edit them just fine, but on one folder the OK button is always grayed out. Here's what I'm doing:Â In Server App, selecting the server under StorageChoosing the drive I want to editSelecting the folder I wantUnder the gear, choosing Edit Permissions.It shows me the list of users just fine and I can see that there's a problem, but no matter what changes I make it won't let me click OK. It also won't let me click + to add a new user.This works fine on all of the other folders on this same drive. Should I just reset all of the ACLs for that folder in the Terminal and try again?
I put an external USB drive into my Macbook Pro, to transfer some files from it to a PC. I wanted to delete a file from a folder that I've just copied, but the file would just pop right back on.I've tried to erase the whole drive, Disk Utility couldn't. Tried to use sudo chmod 755 on the volume, it said that I only have read only previliges.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Driver : USB Transcend JF V30/8G
I'd like to be able to view a folder's info and have the the lockpad remain unlocked. This is so I can change permissions much faster.I am not having the easiest time with the custom access panel, because I have to reopen it multiple times so be able to get the settings correct.For instance, I tried adding a user but it would not show up so I closed the Info window and reopened it. The user finally showed up, but then I had to `unlock` this to make further changes. This is when keeping it unlocked would make things easier for my privileges.
I'm using mac os x server as SMB file sharing server and i got some issues with permissions.Â
I try to use POSIX permissions. I put :
owner -> read & write group -> read & write other -> read onlyÂ
And after propagate these permissions it's working fine.
Until an user create a folder or a file and i see that the permissions of it are :
owner -> read & write group -> read only other -> read onlyÂ
I have set default permissions on new files and folder for this sharepoint with the great permissions for the group. But it didn't work..Someone have a solution ?
I have a shared folder on Lion Server. The permissions for the folder are set to everyone can read & write. When I add files from another computer to the shared folder the file permissions are not set to read & write for everyone. Is there a setting I am missing on the server to make all files added over the network to have the same permissions as the folder?
I tried running blackmagic design's disk speed test on our Mac pro ssd boot drive only to be told that the drive was read only. looking at the disk info I saw this:
admin: r&w system: read only wheel: ro everyone: ro
I changed system to r&w to allow me to use the disk test. I would have expected to see (me) somwehere in the access list but I'm not there and I can't add myself. Is there a way to rest the drive's permissions to the default settings? Or what is the best solution to wipe the drive and start over?
Since upgrading to 10.7 I cannot upgrade any application without the same errormessage.
I try to upgrade the application, tell the system to replace the existing application, give it the admin credentials, .. and get the error message that the task cannot be finished, some objects were omitted... Please check Permisions...All Permissions should be ok. I did the permissions check and repair without solving the problem. As Workaround I have to delete the old application and then install the new version... but this is strange and I cannot understand this.
Permissions Problem in Lion: Drives Do Not Show on Desktop I created a new Administrator account in Lion. When I log into this, neither my internal hard drive, nor the two external hard drives, show up on the desktop. I clicked on "Documents" in the dock when logged into this new account to get a window. Here, again the internal HD does not show up.Â
1) The two external FW drives did show up this way
2) When I click on the various folders in the sidebar (Desktop, Downloads, Movie, Music, Pictures) I get a "the x folder cannot be opened cuz you do not have permissions" type error message.
3) Only "Applications" folder opens in the usual way from this approach.Â
This problem occurs on both my work and my MBP computers, both of which were just upgraded to Lion.Disk Utility's "Repair Disk Permissions" command successfully completes, but the problem still persists.I'm having several weird program issues (e.g., Photoshop CS3 and FolderSynch do not run) that I think MIGHT be related to this.How did this happen with the upgrade to Lion? Most importantly, how do I fix it and get my permissions back to a normal state?
I have two users on my mac and am having some issues with sharing files. I created a shared folder and gave the other user read/write permissions. When I log in as that user, the folder can be accessed, but some of the files in that folder cannot be accessed. These are all photos, and for the most part I'm dropping them into the shared folder from iPhoto. Â
I tried it again by using the Public folder with the same result. However, there isn't consistency with the actual files that don't have permission. In other words, the shared folder I created may have a file that does not have permission, but that same file does have permission when I dropped it in the Public folder. So it is totally random as to which files in the shared folder don't have permission to be accessed. Â
I also tried to simply drag the files to the other user. Same result.
I have created a new template document in Pages but am unable to 'Save As Template'; I get an error message saying that I don't have the right permissions. Having looked in the Library/Application Support/iWork folder I find that I have no permissions for the Pages sub-folder. It says there is 'custom access', my account doesn't exist in the list and everything is greyed out. Interestingly however, I do have permissions for the equivalent Numbers sub-folder. I have run Repair Disc Permissions - but this makes no difference.
I seem to have a jpeg file which is locked and I cannot unlock it. I went to Get Info and I cannot uncheck the Locked box.Under Sharing and Permission it says "Fetching"Â
When running Repair Permissions in Disk Utility, it reports that there are errors and that it's fixed them but if I run it again, the same errors keep appearing.
I've noticed that the current permissions on the errors are lrw-rw-rw- which I assume means that they are symbolic links and not the actual files which Disk Utility is expecting. Any idea what's going on?
I've tried to use stat in Terminal to get file permissions in octal notation but the tips I've found online do not work in OS X. It seems that the Mac flavor of stat is slightly different from that used in Linux... Â
There are a bewildering number of options in stat and I have not been able to find the right mix
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm aware of how enabling sFTP support in Lion Server by enabling SSH access in the Hardware settings.
Now, if I do log in using sFTP in Transmit client Software with a normal user account who should be able to access via SSH but got only permissions for the "Public" folder on the Server, that user via SSH/sFTP can see/access the root Directory of the server anyway!
how to set specific folder permissions to users using the enabled SSH/sFTP option?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mac Mini late 2007 - 2GB RAM - 2Ghz
I have recently upgraded my computer. My external hard drive, a LaCie 320GB, is full of stuff that I want to get rid of. Can't delete it. Looked into the permissions and it turns out they belong to an unknown user. I tried clicking the little lock and trying to change permissions, but it will not let me interact with the drop down menu. Â
I believe there is a terminal command to reset permissions locally, however, I cannot figure out how to do so on an external drive.Â
why I have to check & repair disk permissions every time I have to restart my MacBook Pro. When I do the check I get various messages eg 'Library should be '0', is '80'. And other variations for Library.
I have a mini that had the latest Lion Server installed and was being configured, I know very little about servers and it would appear my friends who were helping set things up know even less. As I have now found out tomy cost. This was a refurbished MMserver direct from Apple - preinstalled with Lion Server. After it was almost configured with admin, users, filesharing, mail, ical etc and ssl authentication, a bunch of new users, groups etc suddenly appeared in the admin interface. All these were deleted to leave only the ones that had been set up.Â
Now the users we set up along with admin can log and use the machine as a user but cannot do anything that will affect the systemas they do not have permissions. Even the names with server permissions have been restricted access When logging into the server app I get the following message. Msg: This server is not supported. Server supports servers running Mac OS X 10.7.Â
If I go into Apple Software Update it wants an administrator's name and password...the one used to log into the system in the first place no longer works. Given there is no data / files of importance on this machine, I thought I would use Disk Utility to start again but hit the same issue of not having permissions. I have tried all the names and passwords I know and which were used and non have worked. If I then use cmd+r on boot up nothing happens it just continues to boot to the log in screen,Â
I looked in server admin and nothing is registered and when i add the server name..it just searches but does not do anything. How can I get this back to to the start - a virgin system....so I can start setting it up?
Internal hard drive crashed, could not repair. Lion installed on external boot drive, using Forklift to recover files. Cannot access the files of other users from internal drive. How di I change permissions on the internal old boot drive so I can recover the files? Â