OS X V10.7 Lion :: All Files In A Shared Folder Don't Have Permissions
Jun 9, 2012
I have two users on my mac and am having some issues with sharing files. I created a shared folder and gave the other user read/write permissions. When I log in as that user, the folder can be accessed, but some of the files in that folder cannot be accessed. These are all photos, and for the most part I'm dropping them into the shared folder from iPhoto.
I tried it again by using the Public folder with the same result. However, there isn't consistency with the actual files that don't have permission. In other words, the shared folder I created may have a file that does not have permission, but that same file does have permission when I dropped it in the Public folder. So it is totally random as to which files in the shared folder don't have permission to be accessed.
I also tried to simply drag the files to the other user. Same result.
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Mar 27, 2012
I'm using mac os x server as SMB file sharing server and i got some issues with permissions.
I try to use POSIX permissions. I put :
owner -> read & write
group -> read & write
other -> read only
And after propagate these permissions it's working fine.
Until an user create a folder or a file and i see that the permissions of it are :
owner -> read & write
group -> read only
other -> read only
I have set default permissions on new files and folder for this sharepoint with the great permissions for the group. But it didn't work..Someone have a solution ?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Mar 20, 2009
via ethernet?
Is that all it takes to transfer files from a PC to a mac?
NOTE: Having sharing options enabled on both machines.
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Jun 8, 2009
Is there a way to use automater or applescript or something to make a single folder on my system RW for everyone so i can drag files to it and they will be converted to RW automatically?? I want to do this with new files so i dont want to jsut change the permissions on the folder because I dont want to have to do that everytime i add a new file. I am a beginner to applescript and automater so as
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Apr 14, 2012
I try to buy music in iTunes. I learned that I have not set correctly the rights on the shared folder in the Finder. I tried to correct the rights to read and write for all three user groups, it´s still not working.I figured that one of the three users is not correct:
1. system (me)
2. wheel
3. everyone
In my case, it´s not showing system, but it´s stating "loading" with a ?.I think I can´t buy music cause of the missing name in the shared folder, right?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7)
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Apr 30, 2012
I just noticed that on the left side of each folder, there is a section titled "Shared" and it is showing what looks like the computer names of two PC laptops from someone I know. I have never actually done file sharing with these computers, so I'm not sure why they are displaying here? Why do these display here? I come in contact with lots of people all day long and I do not see their computers in this list.
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Feb 25, 2012
I put an external USB drive into my Macbook Pro, to transfer some files from it to a PC. I wanted to delete a file from a folder that I've just copied, but the file would just pop right back on.I've tried to erase the whole drive, Disk Utility couldn't. Tried to use sudo chmod 755 on the volume, it said that I only have read only previliges.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Driver : USB Transcend JF V30/8G
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Jun 14, 2009
How do I make sure that all users (with seperate accounts) on my MacBook OS X have full rights to all folders and files (new and old) for the folder Users/Shared?
We are two persons sharing our MacBook - and we want to share iTunes library, iPhoto-library + a common folder where we store documents like budget planning etc.
We have no problems creating files in the shared folder - but once I have created a file in the shared folder, the other user can only open this in "read-only"-mode. This also happens when I have used the iTunes library or iPhoto-library. After this the other user only has read-only access to the library. It happens with all types of files, e.g. also files created by [URL] pictures created with PaintBrush etc.
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Mar 20, 2009
I have my music shared on my home network and i would like it if they could not change my files around. Every time i change the settings to Read Only for all of the users/groups it reverts back to Read & Write. How do i go about making my folders read only?
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Dec 11, 2008
I am using a mac, and the rest of the company uses Windows, so I am on my own in terms of figuring out the differences in interface. I know you can right click the folder icon and view the users who have permission to read/write each folder.
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May 24, 2012
These are the two systems involved:
Mac Mini 2006 1,1
OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard)
1.66GHz Core Duo; 2 GB 667MHz DDR2
Ethernet connected
Mac Mini 2007 (1,2)
OS X 10.7.4 (Lion)
1.83GHz Core 2 Duo; 2.5 GB 667 DDR2
Connected via WiFi
Here's what I've tried: SMB and FTP sharing is disabled on the host. After updating the operating systems on both computers as far as they can be updated, permissions were repaired, new sharing usernames were created, firewalls are disabled on host and client.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 8, 2012
This is a recent occurrence i ust to be able to move hundreds at once?why this changed and what di I do about it?
I Mac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Apr 2, 2012
I am no longer able to open Mail. I get the message: "Mail can't open because you don't have the necessary permissions to change the folder where it saves information" It then goes on to tell me where mail stores information and to go to that folder and use the Get Info window to change the privileges to Read and Write (which they already were). I authenticate, change them to Read and then back to Read and Write, click the lock and try again. Same result. I tried to take a screen shot of that window and got this message: "Your screen shot can't be saved. You don't have permission to save files in the location wherescreen shots are stored." Last night I tried to take a screen shot and got the same message. I repaired permissions in Disk Utility and there were thousands of permissions repaired.
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Jun 14, 2009
I set up my Macbook to share to my lowly PC, that was fine, but now I get a bar that says Shared Folder when I access the hard drive in my macbook from my macbook. Its incredibly irritating. I tried to 'fix' it but all I did was disallow permissions to my HD and was unable to access anything, had to re-install OSX to get it to work.
I did a search of the forums, but all I got was how to set up to share a folder, I got that part working fine.This is a picture of my Macbooks hd in Finder this is frustrating me, If i was on a PC something this simple would be easy, but Im still learning the ins and outs of OSX
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Dec 4, 2010
So basically, I was given a decent windows machine for free, and I'm trying to convert it into a place where all our family's files can be accessed.
However, I'm having a real tough time trying to connect to the windows 7 computer. I've tried Go>Connect to Server and put in "smb://" then the IP address ( in this case), and I get the error message saying I should check my IP address and contact my system's administrator.
Now, the part that baffles me the most is that in the finder left hand sidebar, I can see the homeserver and the other computer on the network. When I try to connect to either one of them, it takes a good 15 minutes then the computer gives up, even when I connect with the administrator username and password.
Is it a problem with my computer? I've got them all on the same workgroup (MSHOME) and are connected to the same router.
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Aug 22, 2010
For some reason I keep being asked a password when trying to access my PC through finder (under shared) I have tried all my passwords but none of them work!What's the best course of action, I have file sharing enabled, although there was no option to enable 'Windows Sharing' could this be the problem?It was working perfectly before I reformatted my PC (running XP)
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Mar 19, 2012
My MacBook pro (snow leopard) has had a major issue and the screen boots up with big colour blocks on it. Rendering it useless.
I've plugged another MacBook in via FireWire and it can see my shared folders. So it looks like its booting up and hard drive may be okay.
However I have vital files in my desktop and desktop is not shared, so i don't have permission.
Us there anyway to get to these files sobi can back them up before I hand the laptop over to Apple to be fixed. Basically I have some really important documents I badly need. It's my fault for not backing up
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 10, 2010
Last night when I went into Itunes there was a basicly a hd in my shared folder with a couple hundred tunes and movies on it that I had never seen before. I actually clicked on a couple and they worked, I watch a bit of a movie. so I know I wasn't seeing things !
My scenerio is I live and work in a hotel. The HD in the shared folder had a name "colb's mp4". Since I could, I checked the hotel registry and saw the registered name in the room across from me was Colby......
How did he do this and how can I prevent this from happening again? My room has a hard wired connection and as far as I can tell he has a wirless connection??
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May 21, 2009
I'm connected via Airport to my company's wireless network. Last week I was able to connect to this network via my Macbook. Went home this weekend, come back and now I can connect and browse the internet, but I can't view the "Shared" folder with other people's public folders and shared files. Any idea what may be wrong?
I don't believe anything has changed, as over the weekend all I did was connect to two wireless networks at my house.
I have no idea what's causing this, and it's making it difficult to retrieve files I need for certain projects.
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Mar 13, 2012
I am teaching in a school and would like to know how to create a shared folder on the network that students can access from any computer on the network.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 22, 2009
] Trying to use ChronoSync to sync Mail between my MacPro (source) and my MacBook (target). For some reason most (not all) of the Folders end up with a red - in them on the MacBook. How do I just set all Folder permissions to Everybody (will this work?) on my MacPro so I can sync and not have a problem (or at least move on to the next one )? There are far too many Folders to go through one at a time. Already spent 30 minutes and finely ended up deleting one by mistake. Is setting to Everyone the way yo do it? Who is Staff and why does my name on the MacPro get changed to Nobody on the MacBook even though it is the same on both?
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Dec 26, 2009
It is very tiring and time consuming to set permissions to a folder and then doing the same all the way down to the last subfolder.
Does anyone know of a way to do it all at once?
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Jan 1, 2009
I have several folders shared over to my windows XP. I am trying to add another one but it won't let me select it. I can see where the check mark is supposed to go but it won't let me put a check mark in it.
Windows XP Pro SP2
Fusion 2.0
Mac OS X 10.5.6
I added a picture so you can see what I am referring to.
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May 18, 2009
I'm connected via Airport to my company's wireless network. Last week I was able to connect to this network via my Macbook. Went home this weekend, come back and now I can connect and browse the internet, but I can't view the "Shared" folder with other people's public folders and shared files.
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May 16, 2012
I'm running OS X Server 10.6.8 and I created a new group in Workgroup Manager and I'd like to share a group folder for that group. I created the share and when I go to set the path for the group folder, Workgroup Manager keeps sticking the actual name of the group onto the end of the folder name I'm using. I have an example below since I know it is probably hard to understand what I'm trying to describe. On the group shared tab in Workgroup Manager, it asks for a Path name. My group name is Test and the folder I want to appear on the dock for this group is called Help. For the Path name I enter Help, since that is the name of the folder I want to appear. When I save the changes and go back to look at the information I put in, the Path now says Help/Test and when I log in, I have a question mark on my dock instead of the Help folder. This used to work in 10.4 without any problems. Now 10.5 & 10.6 want to call the group shared folder whatever the name of the actual group is.
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Jun 25, 2014
I was just copying some pics from my SD Card when I saw in Finder a shared golfer called Apprentice-PC.
Where this one came from and I want to delete
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Mar 21, 2012
Does Lion have a limit on how many files it can handle ok inside a folder?
In ye olde days, it was a rule of thumb that having more than, say, 25,000 files in a folder was asking for trouble. The Finder would bog down, Open/Save As... dialogs would take ages, etc. When Leopard came out, those problems went away. However, in my shiny new Lion-equipped MBP, I am running into something that looks like this old problem again. If I have a folder with over 12,000 files or so in either the internal HDD or any external HDD and I should happen to drop into it when an Open or a Save As... dialog window opens, the dialog freezes, the beachball comes out and I have to wait for 10-20 seconds before any button or keyboard shortcut responds.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Oct'11
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Apr 11, 2009
disable permissions on folder and all enclosed items? is this possible?
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Jun 26, 2014
My Macbook runs with Mavericks and I can't access to a folder which is shared on a external HD plugged to a PC with windows XP. That was possible with my old Macbook with 10.5.
For the shared folders which are in the internal HD of the PC, no problem.
I precise that I would like accessing with the "Shared" menu in Finder sidebar. If I use "Connect to Server", I'm able to see in the folder, but not to open the "children folders", excepted if I reuse "Connect to Server", by complementing the path, etc
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Mar 2, 2012
I was trying to share this folder, which resides in my secondary hdd. Since i find it too **** hard to share some folders with a windows pc, i guess i messed up some stuff somehow. I tried creating user names, changing share settings but NOTHING worked! The share window is just ridiculous! But anyway That's not my main problem now.Every single file that in that folder i tried to share is gone now. The subfolders are there, but the files are gone. And not deleted; gone. Because i can see and open them with the Pathfinder application. Also can see them under bootcamped Windows. And yes, hidden files are shown at the moment.
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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