Mac OS X Lion Server :: Set SSH User-permissions Only To Specific Folders?
Mar 17, 2012
I'm aware of how enabling sFTP support in Lion Server by enabling SSH access in the Hardware settings.
Now, if I do log in using sFTP in Transmit client Software with a normal user account who should be able to access via SSH but got only permissions for the "Public" folder on the Server, that user via SSH/sFTP can see/access the root Directory of the server anyway!
how to set specific folder permissions to users using the enabled SSH/sFTP option?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mac Mini late 2007 - 2GB RAM - 2Ghz
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Mar 21, 2012
I was configuring mail server on lion server,how to change the quote mail for a specific user?. In snow leopard server I was able to change it using workgroup manager, but in lion server this option has been removed.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 31, 2010
I want to separate the application folders of both myself and my girlfriend using the same Mac. She doesn't need to see my system tweaking tools and DVD conversion software, and likewise, I don't need to see her BlackBerry Desktop software and Facebook album tools. Currently, all apps reside in HD/Applications, as is default. My question is: is it safe to simply copy all applications into HD/User/USERNAME/Applications, or is this going to cause problems will existing file structures?
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Apr 3, 2012
I want to transfer Files and Folders from work Macbook Pro laptop to the Mac Mini Server, but I do not want any of the USER info as the user info is tied to my work environment (Network User). I used the Migration Assistant first but this brough the USER / USER Info over with it, and it did not take long to see that the user had info tied to work environment that did not play well in the Home Server Environment. I want to copy files ( Pictures, Music, other files) to my new user on Lion Server from either Time Machine backup or directly from the laptop using something like Target mode; Time Machine would probably be faster...
MacBook Pro17" (2011) Snow Leopard, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 20, 2012
Is there a way to direct downloads to a specific file instead of the "downloads" folder?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 27, 2012
We are using Mac OS X 10.6.8 in a classroom. Hard drive has two partitions, one for OS and apps, the other for student's files. Computers are bind to the Active Directory. Unfortunately, local home folders are on the boot parition. Over a time when apps FCP and Avid are frequently used, the boot partition gets filled with files and finally it's full. With zero kb available, users cannot even login anymore. Manually deleting files by admin is cumbersome and time-consuming task.Â
I'm looking for a way to keep /Users folder clean. Putting user's home folders to server is not an option, because of latency issues etc. Unfortunately the local home folder is the default saving place when user issues the Save As command. I've tried to tinker with the User Template to lock the Documents folder but apps like Microsoft Word and Final Cut Pro go crazy when they cannot save there. Forwarding /Users to other partition does not solve the problem, it just moves the problem to another place. Logout Hook to automatically purging the files could be an solution, but there's always one hapless soul who saves his or hers files to wrong place and loses them. Or maybe a script which looks at the modfication date and deletes old files.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.2), ARD 3.5.1
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Feb 3, 2012
Running a Lion Server I have decided to move /Users and /Groups to another partition but now when I create a user or group no user or group share is created. Groups aren't that much of a problem since I can create those manually, but user homes.Â
I have in pointed the new location out as sharepoint both users and groups point to the right place, but there's probaaby a terminal command to run somewhere here....
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Lion Server
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Jun 4, 2012
I know this issue is kind of old, but there are so many flavors of it, that it is hard to find exact match. I've been having problems with single account, and it happens that this account has admin rights. Emails get pulled/deleted from user's mailbox within 10 secs after arrival. There are no other devices that may be pulling those emails, however, I've noticed something strange in the logs:
Jun 4 13:47:43 osxserver dovecot[173]: imap-login: Login: user=<xxxx>, method=CRAM-MD5, rip=, lip=, mpid=406, securedÂ
I don't know if this event is normal to run on server itself, but seems it runs only for this one account that I'm having problems with. There is no imap client setup on that server, and based on my time stamps observations I'm pretty much convinced that's what's deleting my emails.
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May 8, 2012
Reguarding Lion Server upgrade strategies: I have a macmini running 10.6.8 client serving Filemaker files, acting as File Server, and running a development web server. It runs as a normal non-admin user (nomad) utilizing a seprate admin account with admin privilages (guardua),for security.  I run multiple shell scripts, apple scripts and Filemaker scripts. Many of which which use hardcoded file locations. Some bash scripts run under the non priv user other under the admin account.  I also have a thrid user account which acts as rsync destination. Considering most files and programs are under the non-privileged user, I'm wondering how this user / admin account set- up will work when transitioning to Lion Server. (?) Will ther server app and scripts work with this set up?  Do I need to upgrade the non-admin user (nomad) to admin privilages? I'm user sure how users and admin users work under Lion Server.Should I upgrade to Lion then to Lion Server? --Or-- perhaps do a clean install of Lion/server then reload from timemachine? Start from scratch?
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Apr 26, 2012
I accidentally changed the disk permissions on my Macintosh HD to "none" for everyone, except system and admin, who both still have read/write/exec privileges. Now, my Mac won't boot up. What can I do to fix this from single user mode or verbose mode?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Jul 6, 2012
Looking for a bit of help with permissions on a lion server.We have a Transfer folder where files are exchanged on our network.All staff have the "general" group assaigned to their username.So on our Transfer folder, the permissions that i've set areÂ
General - Read Write
root - Read Write
staff - Read Write
Others - None
When one user uploads a file its fine, but when another goes to overwrite the file it says they dont have permission. Looking at the file, the permissions don't revert back to the server. The file ends up with permissions like.
general - read write
(persons username) read write
staff - Read only
Others - Read only
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Feb 1, 2012
I'm trying to edit permissions on a folder via the Server App, and having some trouble. I can access all of the other folders on the shared volume and edit them just fine, but on one folder the OK button is always grayed out. Here's what I'm doing:Â In Server App, selecting the server under StorageChoosing the drive I want to editSelecting the folder I wantUnder the gear, choosing Edit Permissions.It shows me the list of users just fine and I can see that there's a problem, but no matter what changes I make it won't let me click OK. It also won't let me click + to add a new user.This works fine on all of the other folders on this same drive. Should I just reset all of the ACLs for that folder in the Terminal and try again?
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Mar 27, 2012
I'm using mac os x server as SMB file sharing server and i got some issues with permissions.Â
I try to use POSIX permissions. I put :
owner -> read & write
group -> read & write
other -> read onlyÂ
And after propagate these permissions it's working fine.
Until an user create a folder or a file and i see that the permissions of it are :
owner -> read & write
group -> read only
other -> read onlyÂ
I have set default permissions on new files and folder for this sharepoint with the great permissions for the group. But it didn't work..Someone have a solution ?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Apr 8, 2012
I have a mini that had the latest Lion Server installed and was being configured, I know very little about servers and it would appear my friends who were helping set things up know even less. As I have now found out tomy cost. This was a refurbished MMserver direct from Apple - preinstalled with Lion Server. After it was almost configured with admin, users, filesharing, mail, ical etc and ssl authentication, a bunch of new users, groups etc suddenly appeared in the admin interface. All these were deleted to leave only the ones that had been set up.Â
Now the users we set up along with admin can log and use the machine as a user but cannot do anything that will affect the systemas they do not have permissions. Even the names with server permissions have been restricted access When logging into the server app I get the following message. Msg: This server is not supported. Server supports servers running Mac OS X 10.7.Â
If I go into Apple Software Update it wants an administrator's name and password...the one used to log into the system in the first place no longer works. Given there is no data / files of importance on this machine, I thought I would use Disk Utility to start again but hit the same issue of not having permissions. I have tried all the names and passwords I know and which were used and non have worked. If I then use cmd+r on boot up nothing happens it just continues to boot to the log in screen,Â
I looked in server admin and nothing is registered and when i add the server just searches but does not do anything. How can I get this back to to the start - a virgin I can start setting it up?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 22, 2012
I have Macmini 2.1 2007 year
After install 4 GB RAM (work only 3 GB) i install MAC OS X 10.7.3
Now i joined Macmini to Domain Active Directory 2008 R2. Joined via standard tools.
Macmini have a local user.
How i can migrate all settings, all data local user to Domain user?Â
When i used MAC OS X 10.6.8 i can joined to Domain via Likewise Open, and after i can use Likewise tools for migrate.
But now, in MAC OS X 10.7.3 i can't joined to domain via Likewise... and use migrate tools.Â
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Apr 3, 2012
I have set up Lion Server and so far it is doing everything that I want it to do. I have sucessfully connected to the Lion server from my iPad using webDAV. I can see the sharepoints that I have created just fine. What I want to do is hide home folders when connecting to Lion from the iPad. I know I can skip seeing the home folders by typing in the sharepoint name directly but I want users to access several different sharepoints when they hit the server.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), Server
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Jun 25, 2012
I have added a user named 'kat' to the users tab. She does not however show up in the sharepoint permissions list. Instead, I get what looks to be a serial number showing up.Â
See here:Â [URL]
If I use the + and add her as a user in the sharepoint and click done it looks as if it went through:Â [URL]
If I nagivate to another panel in 'server' and then come back to the sharepoints, she is no longer listed and the same serial number type is listed down at the bottom:Â [URL]Â
note I blurred out names of our staff for privay purposes.Â
This user is not able to modify any files on the server. Her permissions are read only.Â
The machine she is connecting with is OS X Snow Leopard.Â
OS X Lion Server, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 28, 2012
I've just added the macbook pros that were recently purchased, (NOT retina Displays) boo i know.. THey are in AD able to place them and moved them around into different groups. I'm able to sign in when i'm on the network. WHEN I'M OFF THE NETWORK IT DOES NOT ALLOW ME TO SIGN IN. In windows it builds a profile for you so i checked that it does create a profile folder under users but still not able to sign in (locally)? not really locally?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Able to Bind, NO offline signin.
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Apr 6, 2012
Is it possible to create more than one email address for the same user? I want to be able to distinguish between emails originating from my website, or an email client as well as to identify different tasks for the same user - one for office administration, general information, etc...Â
I'd prefer to avoid creating non-existant "users" to represent tasks, if possible.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 29, 2012
I am setting up a default user profile to be used across many macbooks. I have found instructions on how to setup a default profile for 10.6 but are there any differences for 10.7. These machines will also be joined to Active Directory.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 2, 2010
When I open pdf's, I want to save the pdf's I open to a specific folder for those specific pdf's. How do I do this?
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Mar 9, 2012
I have a dozen of macs connected to a mac mini server. This one is programmed to automatically switch on at 8:00 am and switch off at 8:00 pm. However, if a user is still connected at time of switchng off (8:00 pm) it cannot switch off automatically and a window appears saying another user is still connected, do you still wish to disconnect. If administrator is no more there to click yes, server does not switch off and still runs all night long. On former versions (10.4 or 10.5 ?) it worked the other way, ie other users were informed that server would be disconnected in the next one minute and that they had to save their work.Â
Is there a solution to come back to a similar way of proceeding?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 3, 2012
I've got a lion 10.7.3 server and several Lion client boxes all attached via ethernet to an airport extreme.Â
I've got a bona fide certificate that seems to have installed correctly, and the client is talking to the open directory serverÂ
Without fail, I get a message "unable to log in the user at this time" on each of the clients...Â
UNLESS I open up all ports on my airport extreme to the server. Â
I've tried opening individual ports for AFP, profile manager (1640, 2195), open ldap (389, 636) and even kerberos (88). Even with all of these open, it still doesn't work. I have to open up everything to get the error to go away - then the users can log in just fine.Â
Note, I'm logging in from the local network to a server on the local network, so this just seems bizarre. Â
I don't have the logs on this computer, but I recall that the error was occurring when it tried to mount the home directory, after authentication. It was an error 64 from homedirmounter (if memory serves).Â
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May 22, 2012
email server did not recognized your username/password combination
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 14, 2012
Has anyone noticed a strange 10 user file sharing limit after upgrading to 10.7.4 server? Using DeployStudio to mass deploy 10.7.4 Lion images in a school. Since upgrading to 10.7.4 server, I am now limited to 10 logins on the repository. Thought this might be a DeployStudio issue, but it seems more like the server is imposing the restriction. If I do a manual login to the shared folder where the image files are kept on the server, I can only do it from 10 computers and computer 11 will refuse to login.
Lion Server, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 1, 2009
iPhoto has duplicated all my photo folders, so that searching for "holiday 2009" comes out with two difference results. One in the original location I put the folder, and another inside the iPhoto package.
Is there any way of hiding a particular folder or telling it to ignore anything inside iPhoto's package? So that I only end up with one result.
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Jun 21, 2012
Adding 10 IMACS with OS 10.7 to my active directory domain. I would like for all users to have the same basic user settings at log in. how I can configure the MAC clients.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 17, 2009
Finder constantly expands the same couple of folders on my external drive. The folders have hundreds of photos and scrolling is a pain. I 'unexpand' them and disconnect the drive, then reconnect, open it and the exact same folders are open again. Very, very aggravating.
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May 12, 2010
I was using KeyXing on my "old" G5. This was the best keyboard shortcuts generator I ever used. It was simply perfect to open some specific folders and put the window on the foreground using the keyboard only.
Sadly, KeyXing is no longer supported and doesn't work on Snow Leopard.
What is the best way to open specific folders using keyboard shortcuts ?
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Mar 31, 2010
ok, say i download a jpeg or mp3 or whatever. is there a way so that when i download the file, it goes straight to a specific folder that i determine beforehand? i've seen chrome do this
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