OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Set To Single Page View Instead Of Continuous Scrolls In Preview
Jan 31, 2012
I just don't like and feel uncomfortable to view the PDF in continuous scrolls mode. however, it is set to be default in Preview of Lion. How could I change the defaut setting to make it open in single page view instead of continuous scrolls mode?
I opened an old document in word for mac and the pages are side by side. I cannot figure out how to go back to single page view. It seems like there should be a simple step.
It´s driving me bananas: Since Lion, Preview now reverts to continous roll every time I open a document. How can I set it to Single Page as default? Cannot find anything in the Preferences.
I have been using preview to investigate screen shots I've been taking. The problem is preview is opening every single file I've viewed with it when I open it. I take a lot of screenshots.
How do I get image preview to open JUST the image I told it to open? How do I make it stop opening multiple images at once when I don't ask it to?
I mostly use Preview.app (on Lion 10.7.3) to read and annotate relatively large pdf documents (articles, reports, etc.). While working on a given project I tend to have many pdf files open at the same time. I personally would like to have all of the pdfs I use open in a single window, so I have Preview set to "Open all files in one window" (Preferences > General). This setup initially worked very well since it allows me view all of my open documents in the sidebar (similar to tabs in a browser window). The problem is that when I switch from one pdf to another, the position of the pdfs (i.e., the page I was on when I switched to another pdf) is not preserved. This seemingly defeats the purpose of having this functionality in Preview,is this the intended behavior of this setting, or is this a bug? In either case, is anyone aware of a fix for this? I just want the documents I'm reading to preserve their positions when switching between them when opened in a single window.
In systems prior to "lion" when I wanted to select and print multiple different imagews per page, I could select the number I desired in "copies per page". Now when I select a number in "Copies per page", I get that number of a single image instead of 1 of each each different image.
I recently upgraded to OS X Lion. Now, the Preview application seems to be disabled. Before, I could open a folder of images with Preview; now, it doesn't seem to work. What's up?
I've got a Brother MFC-6490CW as printer and scanner. Everything was working fine for a year now and suddenly Prieview just freezes when I scan - but always after the second page.
I have removed the printer and installed it again. So, I downloaded the latest drivers.
I want to print out a single letter on one page for a banner I am making for my daughters school leavers party. However, if you make the font size too big it slips onto a second page and it will only fill half a page at its largest. For example, I want the letter 'S' to fill a whole A4 page then the letter 'T' then 'B' etc. I will then print then out and stick them on the banner.
I just upgraded to Lion and now the scroll button scrolls backwards. When I scroll away from myself, it scrolls down the page and when I scroll towards myself it scrolls up the page. Just the opposite of what it did before the upgrade. I'm using a Microsoft Mobile Mouse 4000
I have the original mouse and it scrolls in the opposite direction now that I've upgraded to Lion.I saw a previous post and they said to change to natural scrolling, but I don't have that option.
i was wondering if you can open 2 different previews to view the same pdf. i have alot of pdf books and i want to be able to have the question and the section from the book open instead of scrolling all day back and forth. i have tried using safari to open the 2nd window but using safari temps me too much to just search the web instead of do my homework.
I am working on a MacBook Pro that is 5 yrs. old & I used to be able to highlight items in a folder, then click one of them and they would all show up on one of the sides of the item I was viewing, then I could go down the column & select which item I wanted to view with the others showing as thumbnails sill in a row down the side similar to a pdf. Now when I try that just some of the open but stack on top of each other in
To stop the lagging of broswing server folders using OSX column view, I'd like to disable the 'icon preview' in OSX as the caching if the icon previews is what is grinding out fileserver browsing on our AFP server down. In Leopard 10.5 this option/checkbox is visible under the Finders View Options but on our Tiger Macs, the icon preview checkbox is missing?
Under View Options there are only the other two checkboxes visible which are the preview column and show icons. In Tiger you can turn off Icon Preview for desktop items as the icon preview option is available when you ctrl+click on the desktop but I cant seem to do it for anywhere else, in particular for when I browse server folders.
Search results in SL's Preview are not very helpful, because it shows only pages where given word/phrase occurs. I miss the view where the context of the search result was shown. Does anyone know how to get the behaviour of the pre-SL's Preview back?
How do I view the ULR of a pdf I have opened in Preview?
When I google something and find a pdf I want, I open it in Preview. However, when I go to copy the URL of the document to use as a resource in my homework
After upgrading to 10.5.6, the vast majority of my recently created, saved, or altered image files (JPEGs and PNGs, mostly) no longer feature a thumbnail preview image while in icon preview view mode. Rather, they merely display generic icons indicating what kind of file they are.
This is unbelievably frustrating. Is anyone else experiencing this?
EDIT: It effects old (read: not recently created, saved, or altered) image files as well. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to which image files are affected; one folder will display thumbnails, the next will be full of generic icons.
PS, this is not an iPhoto issue. All my iPhoto images have thumbnails, as per usual. This issue concerns image files in folders and on the desktop.
Since i updated to maverick last week i got an issue with the Mac Preview app, it opens the documents ok, but when opening several files at the time, the thumbnails are all scrambled and not showing the miniature of the selected file.
if i click on the thmbnails area and navigate with the keyboard's arrows it allows me to go through the open files, all files open ok but the thumbnails is the only part that is having this issue.
I have deleted the com.apple.Preview from ~LibraryContainers but still having the issue.
I have read on a lot of forums that it is possible to merge AND SAVE multi-page pdfs with preview. I can get all of the images I want, but when I go to save as pdf in the print menu, it only shows ONE page. I have seen tutorials online and I have followed them step-by-step (I have Leopard 10.5.6), and simply cannot make this work - it will only save one page.
I have Adobe in my parallels but I absolutely loathe opening it because it brings my computer speed down to a crawl.
Please, if someone knows of a workaround for this, let me know! I am taking tons of screen shots and trying to merge them as pdfs in a quick way so I can send back and forth with my web designer.
I have pdf files I need to save, and the "save as" window drops down directly over the top of the page. Many times the pdf is scanned documents with titles, authors, and publication dates and journal names at the top of the first page. Therefore it is difficult (even though the drop down is opaque) to transcribe the article name into the save file as window, because that information is at the top of the page. I cannot scroll down in the document to have the information visible as it is typically page 1, and I cannot move the save as window over so I can see the file name I want to enter. I have to write the title down on a piece of paper then click save as then type the words in from the paper, even though the title I want to use is under the drop down.
I see how to convert 1 page from a pdf file to a jpeg using Preview. I have several pdf files with each consisting of @90 pages. Is there a way to convert all pages at once? I would like to set up a slide show with the pdf pages converted to jpeg photos. All comments are welcome.
does anyone know of a way (plugin or otherwise) to view pdf files in the camino browser without having to save them or open preview? i know about the pdfbrowser plugin, but that's for PPC only. ideally, i'm looking for something that will mimic safari pdf functionality... that's like the only reason i still sometimes use safari!
The full screen mode of Preview always shows a small grey bubble on the botton of the screen that indicates the page number. I would like to remove this page numbering. Is that possible? Since the page numbers are not on the pdf itsself but created by Preview I could not find how to remove them. I added a screen shot to indicate which page numbering I mean.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
In Safari, I am no longer able to print web .pdf documents. The print screen pops up, however the preview document shows a blank page. I am able to print in Firefox, so this has to be a Safari problem. I have checked my Internet Plug In files and there is no Adobe plug in as suggested by others in similar questions. Turning on/off the computer has not helped either. Nor has Open PDF in Preview. I'm using an iMac with Lion and an HP Photosmart C4700 printer.
i just got a brand new 27" imac, finishing setting up the whole thing, was watching a video on youtube on safari then all of a sudden its blocking me from accessing the site. Please try the following: Contact the Web site administrator if you believe you should be able to view this directory or page. Click the Refresh button to try again with different credentials. HTTP Error 401.3 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to an ACL set on the requested resource. Internet Information Services (IIS)