IMac (Intel) :: How To Convert 1 Page From PDF File To JPEG Using Preview
Dec 4, 2014
I see how to convert 1 page from a pdf file to a jpeg using Preview. I have several pdf files with each consisting of @90 pages. Is there a way to convert all pages at once? I would like to set up a slide show with the pdf pages converted to jpeg photos. All comments are welcome.
how do I convert a WHOLE PDF file into jpeg on LION? I know how to open it in Preview but there is no longer an option through Print and if I export it only allows one page at a time and I need 223 pages...
I am having problems with Preview and Snow Leopard. I can use Quick View to view jpeg files, but when I open them with preview. It does not display the correct image. It just displays a gray block. The only way to resolves this is to delete the preview prefernce files, and then it works. But after a couple of restarts it goes back to not displaying the correct image.
I'm trying to convert tiff's into jpeg's and have tried two methods that DON'T WORK. I tried dragging them into iPhoto but a window comes up saying it doesn't recognize the file and 2) tried opening in Preview to "Save as" but the pic won't even open up in Preview.
Is there a downloadable convertor for Mac or something else I can do?
I Mroogled. All old results. Google only comes up with programs that either suck or apparently do not work on Snow Leopard.
The problem is that it is a multipage pdf. I opened it with Preview, and saved as a jpg. Only saved the first page. Control-A'd to select all of the pages in the sidebar, same thing.
I need one single (very very tall) jpg from this pdf.
I have a document in pdf format that I would like to convert to jpeg (or another similar picture format). Preview allows me to do this but only one page at a time. I would ideally like to convert all the pages at once.
I have a lot of multipage pdf's that I need to reduce in file size. They are scanned pdf's so no actual editable content.
If i select a page and 'save as' I can save to jpeg where I can reset the dpi of the page (currently 300dpi). This is Fine, but I need to do it to all the pages of the pdf. If I select all pages 'save as' will only save out one page and not all.
If I print and choose 'pdf to jpeg', It will save out all pages but I don't get the ability to reduce to dpi and the output jpgs are still huge. Is there a way to save to pages out in one go to jpeg where I can adjust the dpi setting?
I have tried using the reduce file size option, but the resulting pdf has lost too much quality and is unreadable. Once I have the reduced jpegs it's easy enough to reimport into preview and save as a pdf.
When I edit a photograph in photoshop (cs3/cs4 etc, it doesn't matter which version) the preview of that image goes blurry after its saved. The image is the full res still and hasn't lost any quality but when I have the icons that are of a large size they appear really blurry and 'low-res'. I know its a small gripe but it makes things difficult as a photographer when I am trying to organize images that perhaps look similar or I want to see as a whole set.
I have a newly refurbished emac running the latest OSX 10.9.3. I used to be able to move images from iPhoto to the desktop and using Preview change the file size. I need to do this to upload images of a specific size to a website. Now Preview will not save the adjusted image size. I adjust the size from a 5 meg image to a 1.5 meg image but when I go to upload the image it is still 5 meg. I try saving it before closing it but it doesn't do anything (by the way I hate the new options or lack thereof when it comes to saving in Preview)
How do i take a couple of PDF files and convert them to one PDF file in Mac computer? have a couple of files that are separated, all in PDF format assignments i need to submit them all as one big PDF file how do i combine them
I use an Olympus OMD-E10 but I cannot see the .ORF RAW on my 2011 iMac with Preview. I get: "Preview currently does not support this raw file format." My Macbook Air reads the files OK. Both run 10.9.4. Is there a way to check that Camera RAW Compatibility Update 5.06 is actually installed?
When I right click to save a picture online, it doesn't give me the opportunity to save something as a JPEG. I instead have to save it as a preview and then export it to JPEG. This seems like something relatively new.
I've got a Brother MFC-6490CW as printer and scanner. Everything was working fine for a year now and suddenly Prieview just freezes when I scan - but always after the second page.
I have removed the printer and installed it again. So, I downloaded the latest drivers.
I opened an old document in word for mac and the pages are side by side. I cannot figure out how to go back to single page view. It seems like there should be a simple step.
I have read on a lot of forums that it is possible to merge AND SAVE multi-page pdfs with preview. I can get all of the images I want, but when I go to save as pdf in the print menu, it only shows ONE page. I have seen tutorials online and I have followed them step-by-step (I have Leopard 10.5.6), and simply cannot make this work - it will only save one page.
I have Adobe in my parallels but I absolutely loathe opening it because it brings my computer speed down to a crawl.
Please, if someone knows of a workaround for this, let me know! I am taking tons of screen shots and trying to merge them as pdfs in a quick way so I can send back and forth with my web designer.
I have pdf files I need to save, and the "save as" window drops down directly over the top of the page. Many times the pdf is scanned documents with titles, authors, and publication dates and journal names at the top of the first page. Therefore it is difficult (even though the drop down is opaque) to transcribe the article name into the save file as window, because that information is at the top of the page. I cannot scroll down in the document to have the information visible as it is typically page 1, and I cannot move the save as window over so I can see the file name I want to enter. I have to write the title down on a piece of paper then click save as then type the words in from the paper, even though the title I want to use is under the drop down.