Does anyone know an easy way to pull apart the mighty mouse to repair the scroll ball? It won't scroll down (won't make the scratchy sound as if the sensor inside is clogged up or something). Has anyone had this problem? It still scrolls upward.
Recently my Mighty Mouse has had a tendency to only scroll up, the ball will move down but the page or website, etc I'm in won't scroll down, I've tried restarting, unplugging and plugging in, nothing. Anybody have any idea what's wrong?
The scroll ball on my mighty mouse scrolls forward sideways but not back anymore, just happened right now too. Has this happened to anyone before and how do I fix this
My 2.5 year old (wired) mighty mouse gave up the ghost recently, and I just replaced it with a new one today.
The thing is... it doesn't seem to scroll "down" as easily as it scrolls "up" and "left to right". (as it is right now, I have to apply a lot more pressure to scroll down than I do to scroll up or laterally)
Is there an adjustment I can make to get this thing to scroll "down" as easily and freely as it does "up"?Has anyone else had this sort of issue, or is it just me? Ok, Thanks.
I just received a used magic mouse that I bought, and it paired alright in terms of whether the machine (macbook late '07, running 10.5.8) recognizes it and I click just fine (both primary-button and secondary-button), but I can't seem to get it to scroll, in any direction. Am I missing something or was this just somebody offloading their faulty mouse on me?
I have been having some problems with my wireless mighty mouse. For some reason it has stopped scrolling up; it will scroll down but not up. Unfortunately, I have lost the disk that comes with it so I can't reinstall the software. Does any have any suggestions as USBoverdrive does not as yet support the mouse.
I went ahead and disassembled my wireless mighty mouse, unscrewed the scroll ball from the lid of the mouse and found a ton of lint and cr@p that has been living in here for quite some time. cleaned it all up, put it together, now all of the little rollers spin freely, great.
I go to put everything together, including the 2 ribbon cables, mouse snaps together, fire it up, mouse works fine, i can click, side buttons work, but the scroll does not work at all now. left to right use to be fine, it was just up and down. now nothing works.
any idea what could have gone wrong? did i forget something?
Occasionally, when I scroll down (using the mouse) just a little bit at a time, the screen will jump UP, before scrolling down. This happens quite frequently, but not consistently. It's incredibly annoying.
I thought it was the mouse, so I replaced it with a new one (used to have a Microsoft "Comfort Mouse," now I've got the Mighty Mouse), and it's still happening. My guess is it's some kind of software issue.
I just don't like and feel uncomfortable to view the PDF in continuous scrolls mode. however, it is set to be default in Preview of Lion. How could I change the defaut setting to make it open in single page view instead of continuous scrolls mode?
Every once in a while my cursor will flash on the screen and it will scroll to the bottom of the page I'm viewing. If I scroll up, it goes right back down. It quits after about 30 seconds.
I just upgraded to Lion and now the scroll button scrolls backwards. When I scroll away from myself, it scrolls down the page and when I scroll towards myself it scrolls up the page. Just the opposite of what it did before the upgrade. I'm using a Microsoft Mobile Mouse 4000
I have the original mouse and it scrolls in the opposite direction now that I've upgraded to Lion.I saw a previous post and they said to change to natural scrolling, but I don't have that option.
Stopped working a couple of days ago. It will scroll up and I can click in the side bar and move up or down but not when I use the little ball on top of the mouse.
I've been playing with my new iMac for 3 days now and I am still at awe. It's my first Mac. It's a completely different experience from a Vista. However, there is a minor, but quite irritating issue. I don't know if it's with the iMac or the magic mouse (which I've got comfortable with) but any web page I go to, it automatically scrolls down almost a quarter of the way. I've tried different surfaces. Happens all the time. Just as I start reading something, it scrolls down and I've to scroll back up and it would do it again.
It either interprets "diagonal" scrolling as horizontal or vertical, or left and right. There is no horizontal and vertical at the same time. I don't recall my previous MM being able to scroll diagonally, either. I'm not sure what Apple means by "360 degree scolling."
Teaching in Netherlands. When connected to wireless, signal bars are full but Macbook does not display any page just a blank page. Itunes and App store both work fine.
My windows notebook and Android phone both connect to wireless.No proxy options are ticked.Ran the Assistant Diagnostics: Selected Wireless, Network settings, ISP, Internet, Server went green/red then back to green with messafe saying Network Change detectedRestarted routerRemoved wifi network and reconnectedRan wireless diagnostics, nothing shows up Renewed DHCP LeaseChecked the Ipv4 and Router address - both begin 192.168.178.xThere are two DNS Server numbers - checked both and they are related to the ISP
Dont have ethernet cable to check wired connection
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I recently plugged my Belkin USB mouse into my Black MacBook. All works OK, except that I cannot change the number of lines jumped when I use the scroll wheel.
The "Scrolling Speed" setting in System Preferences > Mouse doesn't do anything.
Any ideas? Is there a config file I can change via Terminal?
so my mouse pad clicker stopped working about a month ago. So I switched to tapping the pad. Now, I can move The cursor around but can't click. Now, my wife needs to print Work documents but I can't click.
The mouse was working then suddenly won't scroll. Tried deleting the pref and no luck. Tried restoring back to Snow Leopard from SuperDuper and the mouse worked fine. Reinstalled Lion and it won't scroll. Don't have USB Overdrive on the machine. Suspect a software conflict but have no idea where it could be. Haven't put anything new on it recently that I can remember. Hopefully someone has an idea 'cause for the first time in 15 or more years with a Macint9osh I am stumped!
Info:iMac (24-inch), Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook 13in, ipad 2