OS X :: Underperforming Options In A System

Jan 8, 2010

my MBP has been really underperforming. Things take longer on my Macbook, then on my 10yr old machine with 512mb of ram and openbox. Also, firefox, has been going extremely slow, and crashing. I'm not using beta, and I have opened it in safe mode, and it still crashes.I know there must be something wrong. Both my brother and some of his friends with macs have also been experiencing stuff slowing down. So the first thing, I though it might be is that there is an update, or something like that. So I updated, but no go. It's still slow. And just the other day, I got to see this for the first time.

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OS X :: IPhoto 11 And Email Options In A Same System

Oct 30, 2010

I keep getting a sending error report when trying to email direct from iPhoto 11.
As I understand it, iPhoto pulls all address details direct from Mail so why would it falter.

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IMac :: Smc Fan Control Options In A System

Jan 7, 2011

Is smcFanControl still the best to use to increase rpm's on fans for macs? Or is there anything new out?This iMac get EXTREMELY HOT on the top left corner it can burn your hand how bad it is.The atual temps are within limits with istat but that excessive heat on the back left top corner is concerning me. If i keep my hand on it for more then 5 seconds it will actually burn my hand.

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OS X :: DNS And Microsoft Entourage Options In A System

Apr 28, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro and have been using Microsoft Entourage to automatically connect to and download my e-mail from my college's mail server. All of a sudden my internet got really slow. I began looking around and found that it was probably a DNS issue so I added and to my DNS server list and my internet began to work nice and speedy like it use to. The only problem is that whenever I added these I can no longer access my school's mail server. At this point I am completely clueless and really don't want to have to pick between e-mail access and fast internet.

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OS X :: Startup Options Does Not Work In My System?

Jul 11, 2009

When I try to start up my mac, It doesnt work. A folder icon appears in the center with a question mark, which then changes to the finder logo. (thats as far as it gets)I'll do anything to fix the problem, even if it means clearing all my files. I have no startup disk though, if that's a problem.

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OS X :: SL Beach Ball Options For My System

Oct 29, 2009

I recently reformatted my mbp because the filesystem crashed and I couldn't repair it. Everything works fine except it beach balls a lot now and it's driving me crazy. It will beach ball quite frequently for like a minute or 2 randomly. This never used to happen until I reformatted it. I ran the disk utility repair and it still beach balls. I think its just a bad install. I have the Early08 MPB and Snow Leopard.

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OS X :: Compatability Options For Building A New System?

May 7, 2010

i'm wanting to build a desktop hacintosh. But i also want the get pretty much the top of the line hardware. I'll also be installing windows 7 for games. I'm wondering if os x will run on core i7s, and also what specific hardware is compatable with os x? CPUs, Video Cards, Ram ETC. I have a 13 inch MacBook Pro but i am planning to sell it. I need a significant upgrade for everything i plan to be doing with computing in the next year.

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Software :: Compress PDF Options In A System

Apr 27, 2008

This feature was available in Tiger and dropped in Leopard. Actually there is a compress PDF feature (either via an applescript that can be downloaded) or using Quartz filter "reduce filesize". However, when dealing with bitmap figures embedded in the PDF, both solutions in Leopard yield very dissappointing results. Whilst in Tiger, the results were outstanding for both file size reduction and maintaining the bitmap clarity.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Calibration Options In A System

Sep 4, 2010

I just got my first Mac yesterday, 13" MacBook Pro. I LOVE IT! I've been trying to find out some info on the battery calibration that I can't find anywhere. I have tried Apple's website, Google and MRoogle before I made a new thread about it

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IMac :: Sharing & Permission Options For A System?

Sep 5, 2010

I first had was the computer names for the iMac was set to MacBook and the actual macbook names switched to MacBook (2). I figured out how to change that, simple enough. On going problem is that now on the iMac I am set to admin but cant view other users folders they have the minus sign in the bottom corner of the folder and some folders and files have the Name "Staff" for permissions. The only users should be myself "TJ" and my wife "Laura". The MacBook is fine with just her and I as users but the iMac is goofy with "staff".

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OS X :: Tiger To Snow Leopard Options In A System?

Oct 31, 2010

In the process of doing clean install from tiger to leopard and I'm running into some issue. 1st attempt - was stuck on initial "Install" screen (After I erased my HD and selected drive to install but before the Install screen changes to show the status of the install remaining) for 35 minutes. I stopped the install and restated.2nd attempt - Finally got to the progress bar, 28 minutes remaining. However, it didn't move from there. I checked the Installer Log and it kept trying to install printer drivers and foreign fonts, but unsuccessful. Finally got an error message stating install was not complete. Restart.3rd. attempt - This time I unchecked printer drivers and fonts. Progress bar stated 18 minutes, now it's down to 17 (after like 10 minutes) and according to the Installer Log I keep getting errors in stuff (Error writing caches to /Volume/...., Input/output error, Failed to enumerate /Volumes/...., Cannot prune("com.apple.user*pictureCache*"). However, according to the progress bar, it keeps moving through the processes, still show 18 minutes now.

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OS X :: Volume Repair Options At Start Up With A System

Dec 11, 2010

I have a MacBook that is running leopard. After running a volume repair that failed I tried to restart my laptop, but when it gets to the blue loading screen, it takes forever and then shuts off. I can still run the Mac os x installer. When I go to disk utility, the Macintosh hd tab is visible, whereas it wasn't available before. Okay scratch that it isn't available anymore. Though, I just clicked on startup disk and it is visible there.

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OS X :: Print Double Sided Options In A System

Aug 28, 2006

I can't figure out how to print double sided using my MB. It works fine in windows, but I can't even find the option to do so in OS X. I'm using various different HP printers and can't do it with any.)

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OS X :: Time Machine And Parallel Options In A System

Mar 4, 2008

I do not know if this has been posted before or not...But I found [as have others] that it is a GOOD idea to exclude all of the Parallels .HDD files from a Time Machine Backup. Parallels stores the entire Windows "hard drive" as a single file under OSX, and while this is transparent to the end-user, any time any "windows" file is updated [ie. everytime you do something under Windows], that ENTIRE file is marked as updated.

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Mac Pro :: System Restarting When Jostled - Options To Replace

May 3, 2008

I'm one of the folks who got an early 2008 MacPro, ordered the day after they were announced. Besides the 8800 GT card, I also have 4 GB extra OWC RAM and 2x500 GB WD hard drives installed.My problem (and I tried searching, didn't find anything) is that it I accidentally bump the tower, like with my knee since it sits under my desk, it will restart. I've tried padding the side that's up against a leg of my desk, but it still restarts. It has nothing to do with what's currently running just if I bump it, it restarts.

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OS X :: System Preference Pane With Password Options?

Nov 7, 2008

In System Preferences | Security | General, I have un-ticked the box for 'Require password to unlock each System Preference pane'.The lock still appears on the bottom left and it still prompts me for a password when I try to unlock it in any pref pane.In the pic you can see the box is un-ticked.I'm running 10.5.5

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OS X :: New And Used Macbook Startup Options - Cannot Start The System?

Jun 24, 2009

I bought a used macbook yesterday morning and everything seemed to be working properly at first, but by the end of the day it started having a problem when booting up. 2 gigs of RAM (updated by previous owner)160 gig Hard Drive (updated by previous owner)Everything else is the same as this listing. The problem: when booting up, the screen turns on, but just remains white, without showing the apple logo and spinning circle. I left it like that for a good 10 minutes, and it never continued to boot, it just stayed in that state. I shut it off, then started it in safe mode, which worked fine. From there I restarted it, and it worked normally. The same thing happened again later (white screen, turn off, boot in safe mode, boot normally).

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Bootcamp Options In A System

Jul 12, 2009

The "return" key goes from being extremely sticky and sluggish to very sharp and responsive by the minute, I'm guessing something is stuck underneath. Is there any way to safely remove the key and clean it?2nd: Bootcamp isn't working very well. After installing Windows XP without problems, the Leopard disk isn't working right. It's reading, and installs all the programs, but afterwards none of the apple keys work (like brightness and volume controls), there's no volume, and the GPU isn't recognized (at least I think this is the problem, if I drag a window across the screen it moves frame by frame

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Mac :: Fusion And Window Options On External System?

Jul 16, 2009

I currently have Windows running through Fusion on my macbook. Is it possible for me to move that to an external hard drive and run it from there?

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OS X :: Changing Peerguardian Icon Options In A System?

Aug 24, 2009

let me paste another icon instead of its own.... i have tried candybar and doing this manually and neither works and its making my dock look

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Applications :: Where Do I Find Some Options For System Words

Nov 26, 2009

I haven't gotten a lot of help here, but realize it's more for Mac issues than Microsoft software.I've tried the Microsoft Office forum but there seems to be very little help there.I bought this big, expensive book on Office for Macintosh and have found it worthless- while it is huge- almost too much information to find anything- I have not found one answer to a specific issue I've looked for in it.

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IMac :: Audio Discovery Options With System And HMI

Jan 13, 2010

this will sound more complicated a setup than it really is..I have the following all connected together:iMac 21.5" (Late-2009 spec Denon AVR-3806 Amp Panasonic TH42PZ80 full-HD Plasma TVNow, for audio I have a simple optical to coaxial convertor which feeds directly into the input on my amp. With this I get full 5.1 surround

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PowerPC :: G4 Hard Drive Options In A System?

Mar 22, 2010

my aunt recently bought a Macbook because her 9 year old iMac g4's hard drive finally wore out. She is now giving it to me, which i plan to fix. The only problem is that she threw out the restore discs thinking she was just going to recycle the computer. I searched ebay and couldn't find any restore discs for iMac g4 for sale. There are powermac g4 discs, but I doubt that will work the same. So here is my problem. Do I wait for a set of restore discs to surface on ebay, or are there other means of restoring it.

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Mac Pro :: 4890 Open GL Concern Options With A System

Jul 22, 2010

recently installed and flashed a sapphire 4890 into my mac pro 1,1.Installed Quartz update for 10.6.4, running dual displays no problems BUTTTTT.......something seems fishy about my open gl scores.Most of the people I've seen on here are scoring over a 1000 when benchmark is check in open gl viewer

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Software :: Startup Operating System Options?

May 5, 2010

Last night i was using my MacBook, it froze and switched off. I tried powering it up again, and i came to this blue screen after the 1st gray screen with the apple and loading guide. I use OSX 10.5.(cant remember last number).I read a few threads, and tried reseting PRAm, entering single user mode...etc ..but its not solving my problem...i do however, know that i can simply re-format my mac osx and it could solve this problem...buttt i have some very important stuff in my hard drive... (yes a i kow, i missed the one important fact in computing, "backup files to prevent this from happening", i forgot hehe).

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MacBook Air :: Doesn't Have Optical Digital Options In A System

Oct 25, 2010

Since the new Air doesn't have optical digital out anymore I am no longer able to hook it up to my system to transport multichannel audio...Does anyone have a good solution that is buyable from Europe? I have bought 2 USB sound cards with optical audio out, but both are incapable of pass through so they are useless and going to Ebay.It seems they support HDMI Audio out, but is that not restricted to Stereo also (on the Air)? If it isn't it should be quite easy to get the two pins from the HDMI connector and get the digital signal onto a normal RCA plug, but then it still isn't optical and my whole system is based on optical toslinks

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Hardware :: LaCie Little Big Disk 200GB Options In My System

Jan 3, 2008

I purchased a LaCie Little Big Disk 200GB. It's an external HDD with two 2,5" 7200RPM hdd's paired as a raid 0 system.Great on paper, horribly risky in practice.So, *stupid me* started using this disk as a backup device for some important data. Of course the disk has started to malfunction. When I plug it in, there's this terrible clicking noise and it no longer mounts.I have already voided the warranty as I opened it up thinking/hoping it was a faulty connection.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Pictures And Review Options With A System

Jun 26, 2008

A clean installation took about 13 minutes from start to finish, which is a world of difference from the hour or so that a clean 10.5 Leopard install takes. Other then the time involved, there are very few differences between the 10.5 and 10.6 installation processes at this time.Once you're up and running, it feels very similar to Leopard. I don't know how much this will change through Snow Leopard's development, but don't expect a terribly different interface. The subtle changes to the current Aqua definitely look good though.

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Applications :: Photo Booth & Video Options In My System ?

Jul 5, 2008

When recording video in PhotoBooth mst of it is not captured. For example, say I record a video for 3 minutes, the clock will say 3 minutes, and once I hit stop the resulting video file will be around a minute long. This is happening with all recordings, however I do not have such problems when using video capture in iMovie.

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Mac Pro :: Turn Off The Internet - System Prefs And Can't Seem To Find Options

Mar 4, 2009

I tend to just leave my new Mac Pro on all the time so I don't have to re-open apps and get all my windows back into their proper Spaces, but I wonder if there's an easy way to disable the internet while I'm not using it, short of disconnecting the ethernet cable. I've looked through System Prefs and can't seem to find that option.

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