MacBook Air :: Doesn't Have Optical Digital Options In A System

Oct 25, 2010

Since the new Air doesn't have optical digital out anymore I am no longer able to hook it up to my system to transport multichannel audio...Does anyone have a good solution that is buyable from Europe? I have bought 2 USB sound cards with optical audio out, but both are incapable of pass through so they are useless and going to Ebay.It seems they support HDMI Audio out, but is that not restricted to Stereo also (on the Air)? If it isn't it should be quite easy to get the two pins from the HDMI connector and get the digital signal onto a normal RCA plug, but then it still isn't optical and my whole system is based on optical toslinks

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IMac :: Optical Audio-analog Converter For The Optical Digital Audio Output Port?

Nov 11, 2009

My friend is looking into buying the new 27" iMac Core i7 to replace his PC desktop. The only thing holding him back is that he has an analog surround sound system he uses for his speakers. I am having a hard time myself finding a converter that can make his speakers work in the iMac's optical digital output port. Any products out there that will do that?

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MacBook Pro :: After Updating To OS 10.7.4 Digital Optical Out Has Stopped Working?

Jun 20, 2012

I use a Toslink connection and iTunes to listen to music files through two different audio systems.  After the latest OS update the digital optical connection has ceased to work.  I've tried it with another computer running an older OS and it works fine, no issues on either audio system. 

Has anyone else had this problem and found a way to resolve it?  I've spent 2 days with Apple Senior Tech Support and it's still not working.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Turn On/off S/PDIF Optical Digital Audio Output Manually?

Jun 11, 2012

My sound card seems to be meesing up. It switches back an forth from "Internal Speakers" or "Headpohones" to "Digital Output". For some reason the optical source keeps getting flipped on and is really annoying. I tried blowing out dust to see if that was causeing the comptuer's confusion, but that didn't work. Until I can make time to go to the apple store, is there anyway for me to turn off that certain connection through terminal commands or something?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Mini :: Digital Optical Out Not Working Anymore

Oct 21, 2010

I've read several threads where people have been having trouble with this, but nothing has been resolved so far? I've got a 2ghz core duo mac mini running OS 10.6.4. I used to be able to stream digital output from it, but I cant anymore & it's driving me around the bend. I have tried new cables, different combinations of sources of audio, cables, inputs on my AV receiver and everything is in good working order apart from the digital out on my mac.

It will play analogue stereo fine, it will play from the built-in speakers, but it will not play the optical digital stream. As I said before, it used to do this fine, until one day it just stopped working, it kind of 'faded out' and never came back. The light still shines when the toslink cable is plugged in and the output switches to digital in system prefs, but nothing is being received by the AV receiver.

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Mac Mini :: 3.5mm Jack Accommodate Digital Optical Audio Output

May 4, 2009

I just picked up a new 1.83 core 2 duo at a price I couldn't pass up. I am going to use it as a HTPC so I have my hdmi cable, etc. All hooked up and ready to go. Last bit is the audio but I am having a bit of trouble. I bought a standard miniplug cable and assumed it would plug in just like my macbook. The problem is that the miniplug doesn't fit in the jack on the mini. I understand that the jack on the mini is a combo analog/optical jack but as you see below, it seems as though a standard miniplug y cable should work.

From the Apple support website:
The headphone / line output jack accommodates digital optical audio output, analog audio output with a 24-bit, 44.1-192 kHz D/A converter, digital audio output up to 24-bit stereo and 44.1-192 kHz sampling rate and supporting encoded digital audio output (AC3 and DTS). For analog headphone / line output a standard audio cable with 3.5mm metal plug should be used.

For digital audio, a standard toslink cable with a toslink mini-plug adapter can be used.I have done my research and some reading and can go out and buy an optical cable plus a miniplug/optical adapter but would rather go the analog route (I understand the quality difference) because I already have the cables and don't have a receiver or speakers, just my tv speakers.

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Mac Pro :: Is There A Sound Card Out There That Supports 6 Channel Direct And Digital Optical

Mar 21, 2010

is there a sound card out there for a Mac Pro that supports 6 channel direct and digital optical? I know the current Mac Pros already support that but not 6 channel direct. !

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OS X :: Replacing The Optical Drive G5 Options?

Jan 25, 2010

The one in the G5 at the minute has not been working for some time, though it accepts the Install discs and Retail DVDs, but there you go.Will it install in the G5 and work? Doesn't seem to say anything about compatibility on the product page so I'm hoping someone here will know If not, any advice on what a good replacement drive would be? Not looking for anything special really just one that will accept discs!

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MacBook :: Connecting Western Digital Passport To System?

Apr 3, 2009

A few days ago the hard drive was working fine, but now it won't connect at all. I've tried using different usb cords and different usb ports. I plugged it up to my roommates MacBook and it connected. Then I tried it again a few minutes later on his MacBook and now it doesn't connect to that either. Is there anything else I can try to get it to connect?

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IMac PPC :: G4 Doesn't Recognize Optical Drive?

May 6, 2012

My little brother bought an old iMac G4 off eBay about six months ago, against the recommendations of my parents and I who told him he should save until he could afford a slightly better machine. He's been improving it here and there when his savings from lawn mowing and birthday has allowed and his latest investment was the 10.5 operating system. When we went to install on the G4, my brother was shattered to find that the machine wouldn't support it. I investigated and found the problem was due to the G4's 800mHz processor. Not a component he could easily switch out. So after a quick flick around, I found another G4 that I considered could actually be a legitimate investment, given the parts we had. The seller claimed that it was perfectly fine, only lacking a working optical drive and hence, also an operating system. Both of which we had. 

The second G4 arrived last week and I successfully switched the working optical drive from the old G4 with the "broken" one. Just to make sure I wouldn't lose the screws holding it all together, I installed the "broken" optical drive into the old G4 as well. Then I went to install Leopard. The new G4 has a 1GHz processor and it recognised the Leopard install DVD at boot. It presented the loading screen with the Apple sign and the rotating loading wheel, but wouldn't progress past this. Every time we tried to boot from the install DVD, it would present this screen for around a minute and then the Apple sign would be replaced by a prohibited sign. The booting process never got any further than this. I talked to a few people and ended up installing Leopard via target mode, assuming there was something a little sus with the harddrive which would be resolved once the OS was in place. But wherever the problem lies, it still remains. The G4 now boots successfully from the harddrive and operates fine, but refuses to recognise the optical drive. Here is my chain of reasoning: 

- The optical drive in the G4 is not at fault. We know this because it operated fine in my brother's first machine.

- The hard drive is not at fault. We know this because the OS installed and now boots and operates without problem.

- The OS is not at fault. We know this because I performed an almost identical installation (minus target mode) using the same install DVD only days before on a G5.

- My installation work is not at fault. We know this because I performed an identical installation of the "broken" optical drive in the old G4. An interesting side note: the "broken" drive is working fine in the old machine. It is not as broken as the eBay seller thought.  

I don't know a whole lot about computers. Most of what I learn is from trial and error problem solving like this. My question is: where does the problem lie?  


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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Digital Camera Doesn't Show Up In Finder?

Apr 10, 2012

why does my digial camera not show up in Finder? (camera is Nikon D7000) 

there are situtions when you don't want to download photos, sometimes I'm just doing tests, and want to see photos in the camera instead of downloading them first.. ( at any rate this should be my choice to make, not Apple's....;-) 

and: I want to see the camera in the FINDER (not iPhoto or any other program where you have to "import" the photos.. I don't like those programs and never use them..) 

it doesn't even show up in Adobe Bridge, for pete's sake.. this is ABSURD.. 

but on the pc you see it right away in Windows Explorer... no reason whatsoever why the mac shouldn't do this also...

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ITunes :: Why Doesn't Support Ultra-Violet Digital Copies From Paramount

Mar 17, 2012

I am just wondering if there was a specific reason why iTunes did not accept Ultra Violet copies from Paramount? I am talking about movies to be downloaded to iTunes.

iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Calibration Options In A System

Sep 4, 2010

I just got my first Mac yesterday, 13" MacBook Pro. I LOVE IT! I've been trying to find out some info on the battery calibration that I can't find anywhere. I have tried Apple's website, Google and MRoogle before I made a new thread about it

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OS X :: New And Used Macbook Startup Options - Cannot Start The System?

Jun 24, 2009

I bought a used macbook yesterday morning and everything seemed to be working properly at first, but by the end of the day it started having a problem when booting up. 2 gigs of RAM (updated by previous owner)160 gig Hard Drive (updated by previous owner)Everything else is the same as this listing. The problem: when booting up, the screen turns on, but just remains white, without showing the apple logo and spinning circle. I left it like that for a good 10 minutes, and it never continued to boot, it just stayed in that state. I shut it off, then started it in safe mode, which worked fine. From there I restarted it, and it worked normally. The same thing happened again later (white screen, turn off, boot in safe mode, boot normally).

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Bootcamp Options In A System

Jul 12, 2009

The "return" key goes from being extremely sticky and sluggish to very sharp and responsive by the minute, I'm guessing something is stuck underneath. Is there any way to safely remove the key and clean it?2nd: Bootcamp isn't working very well. After installing Windows XP without problems, the Leopard disk isn't working right. It's reading, and installs all the programs, but afterwards none of the apple keys work (like brightness and volume controls), there's no volume, and the GPU isn't recognized (at least I think this is the problem, if I drag a window across the screen it moves frame by frame

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Mac Mini :: Optical Drive Doesn't Show Up - Can't Eject Disc?

Nov 8, 2010

Here's what happened. I bumped my Mini fairly hard, and the audio immediately cut out. I was watching some streaming video at the time, and the video kept playing. I tried to restart. Beach ball. I turned the comp off and back on. Folder with question mark. After messing around with that for a bit, I tried putting my 10.6 DVD in and starting from that. It didn't work, but that doesn't matter since that problem fixed itself after a few restarts. The problem is that the DVD is now stuck in the drive and the Mini doesn't recognize the drive any more. The drive momentarily spins up at startup, but that's it. If I have to take it apart to get the disc out, that's fine. I have the tools and have done it before when I upgraded the RAM. I just want to avoid that if possible.

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Software :: Optical Drive Doesn't See Nor Read Disks - Not Mounting

Dec 10, 2005

i just posted this but i don't think in the right place as i have been assigned a ticket number and rec'd an email telling me my ip is logged..i hope they don't charge for advice! I'm a desperate woman with a small wallet at the moment. i have a ibook g3 running osx 10.4.2 toast titanium 6 and suddenly she is indicating there is no disc in the drive when i go to use toast and i realize it is not appearing on the desktop nor elsewhere just in ATA. it is neither reading nor writing from the disk drive. the optical drive isn't seeing it. i have tried rebooting and different disks but it doesn't respond. i am not a seasoned veteran here, I'm a layman. I do know when i look under ABOUT THIS MAC: It lists the following:

Revision: 1.3g
Detachable Drive: No
Protocol: ATAPI
Unit Number: 1
Socket Type: Internal

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Mac Mini :: (Fall 2010) Optical DVD Drive Doesn't Work?

May 26, 2012

I purchased this spring of 2011 and only used the drive to install the software. I had lots of other problems with kernel issues and was in and out of the Genius Store like a hen on an egg, but now I am trying to use the DVD drive and it doesn't work. It doesn't recognize any applications to open it, not Toast, not Disk Utility, and it has a hard time recognizing music CDs also.Not only does it not recognize it on the desktop, it simply spits the disk out. I purchased new DVD-RW and tried to write an .iso image to the DVD, and it won't work. Sad fact is that this is now past the warranty and I am stuck with this. The Mac Mini 2010 version was expensive, and the only reason I bought it was because of the drive because I didn't have one. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Late 2007 System Screen Options

May 17, 2010

I am hoping someone can offer some advice/help on a fresh issue happening with my Macbook (late 2007; OS 10.5.8; 2.2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo; 1GB memory).ll darkened/shaded areas on my display are lined in little red pixelations. It's especially bad in colored screen images/photos and the worst in videos (ie Youtube).I noticed the issue about 3 days ago (5/14), and attempted to do some different software updates. Nothing. I'm really lost. The tech guy at work (not a mac guy) said it could either be a video card problem or the display is failing. I know very little about these things, but I do know the computer is out of warranty.

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MacBook Pro :: System Keyboard Options With Water Damage

Jun 11, 2010

I recently spilled a bit of water on my macbook pro. Now the only letters that dont work are a, q, z, the delete buttons and the brightness buttons. Is this a pricey fix? Is there an easy way to fix this? Everything else works perfectly fine except those keys. When i press the delete caps lock comes on.

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OS X :: Can't Get Optical Audio Out Of System?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm trying to play videos through my macbook (with mini dvi + optical)I've checked the midi player settings and under system preferences it says optical output etc. etc.. there IS light coming out of the end of the optical cable (from monoprice)However no signal is getting to my amp, I've trippled checked all the settings on the amp (we'll say 99% sure everything is correct )

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MacBook :: Sudden Internet Options When Closed And Reopened The System?

Nov 30, 2010

My family owns two MacBooks and an iMac. All of these computers share the same internet (a wireless Bell EWire modem (which probably doesn't tell you much...)). My MacBook and my father's iMac connect easily and have connected to the internet for as long as we have had these computers (a few years). The other MacBook has connected up until a few weeks ago (it is a year younger than my MacBook). A few weeks ago, when the MacBook was closed (put to sleep but not shut down) and reopened, the airport symbol would display a working airport and connection but when I clicked Safari, it would not connect.

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MacBook :: Weird USB Headset And Skype Volume Options For System

Feb 23, 2009

I was on a SkypeIn call and everything was working perfectly. Half way through my call, another SkypeIn call came through that I rejected. The second I pressed the reject button, the headset volume decreased by half. When the call finished I played around with the volume settings (from the headset itself, from the keyboard and from within system preferences) to no avail. I removed the headset and plugged it back in. No change. I restarted - no change I shutdown - let things sit for a few minutes and then started up again - no change Here is where it starts to get a little weird. When I play iTunes or some such similar application the volume plays at a normal level but as soon as I use Skype or some other random applications (voice mainly I think) the volume is very low again.

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MacBook :: Internet Options When Connecting System To External Screen?

May 14, 2010

I have connected my Aluminium Macbook (2008) to my HDTV via a Mini Display to HD port.This works fine when I mirror the image from my macbook. When I turn off mirror image however (IE effectively having two seperate screens) my internet slows down drastically. In some cases it also disconnects. This issue is resolved by turning on the mirror screen button, or unplugging the cable from the laptop.

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Mac Pro :: Removing The Optical Drive From The System

Oct 2, 2009

The manual states to lift the latch and pull out the bay. The latch is lifted but the tray feels like it's still stuck on something. I've never worked on a Pro before and obviously don't want to break anything. How much force is needed

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Mac Pro :: Sound System - Getting Audio Through Optical Output

May 25, 2009

I recently bought a 2009 Mac Pro. Now, I'm trying to setup a small bedroom home theater. And sound is still my main problem here. I used my Mac Pro mainly for doing graphic works, listening to music, watching movie, and gaming sometimes.

Here is what I currently have.
8-Core Mac Pro
40" 1080p LCD TV for Movie
24" LCD for doing graphic work
Harman Kardon Sound sticks (trying to get rid of this and replace it with a 5.1 or 7.1 system)

And here is what I'm buying
5.1 or 7.1 Receiver

My plan is to get audio out through the optical output. But according to several articles I read online, optical output does not transmit audio when I play music on iTunes or play games (in BootCamp), is it true? So far, I couldn't find any sound card (internal or external) which work for mac pro that has 3 analog 5.1 signal output which I can use with standard 5.1 speakers. The only things I found is the Creative DDTS-100 and the FireWire which were all discontinued. What other options do I have?

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OS X Mavericks :: After Updating To 10.9.3 Right-click Menu Bar Doesn't Show Many Options

Jun 3, 2014

I downloaded and installed the OS Maverick's recent 10.9.3 update on my 15" Retina Macbook Pro. However since then I am unable to use certain features, like when I right-click on the Desktop, the menu bar shows only two possible options. I cannot "clean up" the icons on my Desktop anymore. Futhermore, I cannot right-click on some places at all - in Finder for example, nothing happens when I right-click on blank space. Only when I right-click on the icons itself does the menu bar pop up, and that only if the viewing mode is in list, columns, or cover flow (basically not in the "icons" viewing mode). 

If I understand correctly instead of showing the possible actions that you can't do in grey, it's simply not showing them at all? Either way it's really ugly, and the usefull clean up application is gone! 

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X :: Underperforming Options In A System

Jan 8, 2010

my MBP has been really underperforming. Things take longer on my Macbook, then on my 10yr old machine with 512mb of ram and openbox. Also, firefox, has been going extremely slow, and crashing. I'm not using beta, and I have opened it in safe mode, and it still crashes.I know there must be something wrong. Both my brother and some of his friends with macs have also been experiencing stuff slowing down. So the first thing, I though it might be is that there is an update, or something like that. So I updated, but no go. It's still slow. And just the other day, I got to see this for the first time.

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Hardware :: AEBS & Time Machine Options - Shared Airport Drive Doesn't Show Up?

Feb 16, 2010

I've just bought the new Airport Extreme Base Station last night. I set up everything just fine. I've set up an external HD to the USB port and got it to work fine so far in terms of file sharing and reading and writing. I also have a dedicated Time Machine external HD attached to my MBP USB drive.Does Time Machine backup shared airport drives? This is a deal breaker for me. When I go into time machine after my latest backup, the shared airport drive doesn't show up .Am I missing something? Can time machine back up anything connected to the AEBS?

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MacBook Air :: My System Preferences On It Doesn't Open

Mar 29, 2012

when i try to get it to open it just says that System Preferences quit unexpectdedly and to reopen it but when i do the same sign pops up and repeats it over and over again

Info:MacBook Air

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