MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Bootcamp Options In A System
Jul 12, 2009
The "return" key goes from being extremely sticky and sluggish to very sharp and responsive by the minute, I'm guessing something is stuck underneath. Is there any way to safely remove the key and clean it?2nd: Bootcamp isn't working very well. After installing Windows XP without problems, the Leopard disk isn't working right. It's reading, and installs all the programs, but afterwards none of the apple keys work (like brightness and volume controls), there's no volume, and the GPU isn't recognized (at least I think this is the problem, if I drag a window across the screen it moves frame by frame
I recently spilled a bit of water on my macbook pro. Now the only letters that dont work are a, q, z, the delete buttons and the brightness buttons. Is this a pricey fix? Is there an easy way to fix this? Everything else works perfectly fine except those keys. When i press the delete caps lock comes on.
So just recently, whenever I restart my mbp and hold down the option key for the bootcamp option, it is taking atleast a minute to get the option of either mac os or windows to be displayed. Earlier, this was very feasible as the options would be displayed rather instantaneously. Could someone please help me out as the wait time is horrendous to the least.
that I'm sure it's going to break. I am right aren't I? These keyboards don't last the entire life o' the computer.Also I'm concerned about the finite read/write cycles. is there something that will do wear leveling/TRIM for me? What's the average life expectancy of these drives?
iTunes is playing and I hit the play/pause key (F8) the entire keyboard will go dark, but only if I'm pausing. it doesn't do it when I'm hitting the button to resume a song, only when I'm using it to pause one. the backlight sometimes takes minutes to come back on, at random, and sometimes it doesn't and I just have to turn it back on myself.
i am running awin7 in bootcamp. in this bootcamp i am using outlook 2010. i cannot create an "@" in emails. is there any shortcut to create an @? is there any combination to create the windows "alt gr" on the macbook air keyboard?
I just got my first Mac yesterday, 13" MacBook Pro. I LOVE IT! I've been trying to find out some info on the battery calibration that I can't find anywhere. I have tried Apple's website, Google and MRoogle before I made a new thread about it
I bought a used macbook yesterday morning and everything seemed to be working properly at first, but by the end of the day it started having a problem when booting up. 2 gigs of RAM (updated by previous owner)160 gig Hard Drive (updated by previous owner)Everything else is the same as this listing. The problem: when booting up, the screen turns on, but just remains white, without showing the apple logo and spinning circle. I left it like that for a good 10 minutes, and it never continued to boot, it just stayed in that state. I shut it off, then started it in safe mode, which worked fine. From there I restarted it, and it worked normally. The same thing happened again later (white screen, turn off, boot in safe mode, boot normally).
Since the new Air doesn't have optical digital out anymore I am no longer able to hook it up to my system to transport multichannel audio...Does anyone have a good solution that is buyable from Europe? I have bought 2 USB sound cards with optical audio out, but both are incapable of pass through so they are useless and going to Ebay.It seems they support HDMI Audio out, but is that not restricted to Stereo also (on the Air)? If it isn't it should be quite easy to get the two pins from the HDMI connector and get the digital signal onto a normal RCA plug, but then it still isn't optical and my whole system is based on optical toslinks
I am hoping someone can offer some advice/help on a fresh issue happening with my Macbook (late 2007; OS 10.5.8; 2.2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo; 1GB memory).ll darkened/shaded areas on my display are lined in little red pixelations. It's especially bad in colored screen images/photos and the worst in videos (ie Youtube).I noticed the issue about 3 days ago (5/14), and attempted to do some different software updates. Nothing. I'm really lost. The tech guy at work (not a mac guy) said it could either be a video card problem or the display is failing. I know very little about these things, but I do know the computer is out of warranty.
Installed windows 7 from bootcamp 64bit to be exact. My problem is I couldn't get sound on there, not all the keyboard keys work and more. I cant get bootcamp on there because it says that it doesn't suppost 64 bit. I can get to the files but I dont know which to install from the OSX 10.5 disk.
My family owns two MacBooks and an iMac. All of these computers share the same internet (a wireless Bell EWire modem (which probably doesn't tell you much...)). My MacBook and my father's iMac connect easily and have connected to the internet for as long as we have had these computers (a few years). The other MacBook has connected up until a few weeks ago (it is a year younger than my MacBook). A few weeks ago, when the MacBook was closed (put to sleep but not shut down) and reopened, the airport symbol would display a working airport and connection but when I clicked Safari, it would not connect.
I was on a SkypeIn call and everything was working perfectly. Half way through my call, another SkypeIn call came through that I rejected. The second I pressed the reject button, the headset volume decreased by half. When the call finished I played around with the volume settings (from the headset itself, from the keyboard and from within system preferences) to no avail. I removed the headset and plugged it back in. No change. I restarted - no change I shutdown - let things sit for a few minutes and then started up again - no change Here is where it starts to get a little weird. When I play iTunes or some such similar application the volume plays at a normal level but as soon as I use Skype or some other random applications (voice mainly I think) the volume is very low again.
I have connected my Aluminium Macbook (2008) to my HDTV via a Mini Display to HD port.This works fine when I mirror the image from my macbook. When I turn off mirror image however (IE effectively having two seperate screens) my internet slows down drastically. In some cases it also disconnects. This issue is resolved by turning on the mirror screen button, or unplugging the cable from the laptop.
I have needed to use some windows programs and felt that Bootcamp would be the way to go with this. I have Bootcamp Beta, the latest version, penultimate before Leopard. I have partitioned and installed windows and formatted correctly. However, when the time comes to enter the Product Key, the Product Key is 'invalid'.I have since installed XP Pro on a old machine, not Mac, as a primary operating system with the same CD, and the same Product Key with no problems whatsoever.
I can not get my external monitor to hook up with my new MacBook Pro. I know how to get the windows desktop over onto the external monitor, but windows just recognizes the monitor for a moment, and then nothing. This cycles until I turn off the external monitor. I have the new MacBook Pro, with MiniDisplay port, and the monitor is hooked up with a DVI, and it is a 22" Acer.
Is there a newer version of the bootcamp drivers for the 2010 mbp? The keyboard backlight still can't be completely shut off on 2008-9 mbp's without using a third party utility. Does anyone know what's going on? Can this feature be enable on the 2009 mbp's?
If I have a dialog box on screen with multiple options such as "Yes" and "No" and "No" is the default option selected (it's blue) but I want to select "Yes" without using my mouse how would I do that? Tapping the left and right arrow keys does not move the focus like it does in Windows.
You know the pop-up window with the "ok" in blue, and the cancel on the left that can be activated with the 'esc' key? Im looking for a way to cycle on the keyboard to the option I want when multiple options are available (more than OK and Cancel) Is there a way to do this?
I was wondering if there is a way to choose options using keyboard arrows. For example, when Finder asks me whether I want to open a downloaded file from the internet, and I want to say "No", I want to be able to press left and press enter and that'll be it. Instead, I have to use my mouse to click on No.
Is there a way to do this? I went to System Prefs, Keyboards, and clicked on All Controls, but that wasn't the solution.
I got my refurbed 2.4 unibody MB less than 2 weeks ago and just took it to the Apple Store because the very far right side of my spacebar stopped working, and I had a few slanted keys in various places on the keyboard too. The genius at the store told me they needed to replace the top case (metal chassis w/keyboard & trackpad built-in?) and it would take 3-5 days.Anybody else had problems with slanted keys OTHER than the function row? Anybody else had a top case replacement for this or other reasons?I'm nervous that I'm going to get my MB back and the new top case will be installed crooked or worse than the old one. Or the hard drive will be wiped and I'll have to re-install all my programs and iTunes/iPhoto libraries. I was loving the MB, with the spacebar failure being the only real problem... worried it's going to come back more messed up than it was. Am I just being paranoid?
I have an Intel iMac that came with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. There are a variety of options that can be used when you boot the Mac, such as hold down the C key to boot from a CD/DVD, hold down the option key to choose the boot drive, etc. When you have a BT keyboard, it doesn't connect until it is booted. How do you get the iMac to recognize, say, the Option key?
I was wondering if anyone can help me on this. I have a powerbook G4 15" and sometimes, the number 7, J, U, & M keyboard keys don't work. This is only sometimes, but it's becoming more frequent. Does anyone know how to fix this?
my MBP has been really underperforming. Things take longer on my Macbook, then on my 10yr old machine with 512mb of ram and openbox. Also, firefox, has been going extremely slow, and crashing. I'm not using beta, and I have opened it in safe mode, and it still crashes.I know there must be something wrong. Both my brother and some of his friends with macs have also been experiencing stuff slowing down. So the first thing, I though it might be is that there is an update, or something like that. So I updated, but no go. It's still slow. And just the other day, I got to see this for the first time.
I figured I found the perfect place to talk about my mac book pro. I have a mac Book Pro 15 inch 2 years old. I decided to use boot camp for the first time the other day and run windows vista. I noticed that though it ran perfect on here I felt that something wasn't right with the dual boot OS. I decided to erase and bring my harddrive back to normal. After I did that I feel like my Mac runs slow. I was thinking if it doesn't get better I might have to do a clean install.
I keep getting a sending error report when trying to email direct from iPhoto 11. As I understand it, iPhoto pulls all address details direct from Mail so why would it falter.
Is smcFanControl still the best to use to increase rpm's on fans for macs? Or is there anything new out?This iMac get EXTREMELY HOT on the top left corner it can burn your hand how bad it is.The atual temps are within limits with istat but that excessive heat on the back left top corner is concerning me. If i keep my hand on it for more then 5 seconds it will actually burn my hand.